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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 36 | 1978 | Busen, Karen E.: Silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
100% | | 1980 | White, Richard J.: Southern Ocean silicoflagellate and ebridian biostratigraphy, the opening of the Drake Passage, and the Miocene of the Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
83% | 36 36-330 | 1981 | Scheibnerova, V.: Palaeographical implications of Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the western South Atlantic | |
83% | 39 39-354 | 1981 | Fodor, R. V.; Hekinian, R.: Petrology of basaltic rocks from the Ceara and the Sierra Leone aseismic rises in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 3 39 | 1981 | Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39) | |
83% | | 1988 | Hinz, K.: Neue geophysikalische Ergebnisse ueber den geologischen Aufbau und die Entwicklung des Argentinischen Kontinentalrandes New geophysical results on the geological structure and evolution of the Argentinian continental margin | |
83% | 39 39-354 | 1982 | Biolzi, M.: The Oligocene/Miocene boundary in the equatorial Atlantic DSDP Site 354, results of studies on planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils | |
83% | 39 39-357 | 1990 | Clark, Fred E.: Notes on the benthic foraminiferal genus Heteromorphina R. W. Jones, and Heteromorphina amptivestibulata sp.nov. | |
83% | 36 36-330 | 1984 | Dauphin, Y.: Etude de la variabilite microstructurale des rostres de belemnites a partir des specimens provenant d'un sondage DSDP (Leg 36 site 330) de l'Atlantique Sud The ultrastructural variability of rostrums of belemnites from specimens from a DSDP borehole (Leg 36, Site 330) in the South Atlantic | |
83% | 71 71-514 | 1987 | Folami, S. L.: Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of Quaternary and Pliocene sediments from the Argentine Basin, IPOD Leg 71, Site 514 | |
83% | | 1992 | Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 114 114-699 | 1991 | Westall, F.; van der Gaast, S. et al.: First TEM studies in diatom ooze containing fossilized microbes | |
83% | 3 39 40 | 1980 | Robert, C.: Climats et courants cenozoiques dans l'Atlantique Sud d'apres l'etude des mineraux argileux (legs 3, 39 et 40 DSDP) Cenozoic climate and currents from clay mineralogy studies; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 3, 39 and 40 | |
67% | 72 72-515 | 1981 | Gamboa, Luiz A. P.; Buffler, R. B. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Vema Channel and southern portion of the Brazil Basin and oceanographic implications | |
67% | 72 72-516 72-517 | 1981 | Williams, Douglas F.; Healy-Williams, Nancy et al.: Stable carbon and oxygen isotope records from DSDP Leg 72, South Atlantic | |
67% | 71 71-514 | 1986 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Grinstead, Gary P.: Pliocene variations in the position of the Antarctic convergence in the Southwest Atlantic | download |
67% | 3 3-21 39 39-357 | 1985 | Palmer, M. R.; Elderfield, H.: Sr isotope composition of sea water over the past 75 Myr | |
67% | 72 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1985 | Hodell, David A.; Williams, Douglas F. et al.: Late Pliocene reorganization of deep vertical water-mass structure in the western South Atlantic; faunal and isotopic evidence | |
67% | 72 72-516 | 1993 | Park, Jeffrey; D'Hondt, Steven L. et al.: Late Cretaceous precessional cycles in double time; a warm-Earth Milankovitch response | |
67% | 3 3-21 10 10-95 39 39-356 39-357 | 1991 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Late Cretaceous biostratigraphy and development of Heterohelicidae; planktic foraminiferas | |
67% | 72 72-515 | 1981 | Shor, A.; Jones, G. et al.: Carbonate spikes and displaced components at DSDP Site 515 (Brazil Basin); evidence for Pleistocene fluctuations in AABW flow through Vema Channel? | |
67% | 73 73-522 73-523 | 1987 | Backman, J.: Quantitative calcareous nannofossil biochronology of middle Eocene through early Oligocene sediment from DSDP sites 522 and 523 | |
67% | 121 121-758 | 1994 | Mueller, R. Dietmar; Royer, Jean-Yves et al.: Revised plate motions relative to the hotspots from combined Atlantic and Indian Ocean hotspot tracks; reply | |
67% | 72 72-516 | 1994 | Norris, R. D.; Corfield, R. M. et al.: Evolutionary ecology of Globorotalia (Globoconella) (planktic foraminifera) | |
67% | 138 138-851 | 1994 | Valet, Jean-Pierre; Meynadier, Laure et al.: Relative paleointensity across the last geomagnetic reversal from sediments of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans | download |
58% | 72 72-515 | 1984 | Flood, Roger D.; Shor, Alexander N.: Synthetic seismogram generation from sediment composition data; an initial study in the Southwest Brazil Basin | |
50% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1981 | Barker, Peter F.; Carlson, Richard L. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72; Southwest Atlantic paleocirculation and Rio Grande Rise tectonics | |
42% | 21 21-208 26 26-257 26-258 28 28-264 36 36-327 71 71-511 113 113-689 113-690 114 114-698 114-700 119 119-738 120 120-747 120-748 120-750 | 1992 | Huber, Brian T.: Upper Cretaceous planktic foraminiferal biozonation for the Austral Realm | |
33% | 2 2-10 3 3-20 6 6-47 12 12-111 17 17-171 21 21-208 22 22-216 22-217 32 32-305 39 39-356 40 40-363 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 93 93-605 113 113-689 114 114-698 114-700 119 119-738 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Biogeographic and paleoecological patterns among benthic foraminifera in the Late Cretaceous deep-sea; paleoceanographic implications | |
29% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Milliman, John D.: Coniacian/Santonian depositional environment on the Rio Grande Rise as evidenced from carbonate sediments at Hole 516F | download |
25% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Gebhard, S. N.; Carlson, Richard L.: Compressional-wave velocities on basalts from the Rio Grande Rise | download |
25% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Sirocky, Frank X. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 72 | download |
25% | 71 71-512 | 1983 | Ledbetter, Michael T.: Magnetostratigraphy of middle-upper Miocene and upper middle Eocene sections in Hole 512 | download |
21% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Levitan, M. A.; Stizhov, V. P. et al.: Cherts from the Rio Grande Rise sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, Hole 516F | download |
21% | 71 71-511 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Bayer, Ulf; Ott, Rolf: Correlation of acoustic stratigraphy with cored lithology by means of physical property data for Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 511, 513, and 514, Leg 71 | download |
21% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Maillot, Henri; Bonte, Antoine: Cone-in-cone texture from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic Ocean | download |
21% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Hamilton, Norman: Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary studies at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 516, Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic; a synthesis | download |
21% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Mussett, Alan E.; Barker, Peter F.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar age spectra of basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 516 | download |
21% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Bryan, W. B.; Duncan, R. A.: Age and provenance of clastic horizons from Hole 516F | download |
21% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Ludwig, William J.: A heat flow measurement on the Falkland Plateau | download |
21% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 72 72-516 102 102-418 | 1983 | Hart, Stanley R.; Staudigel, Hubert: Age of hydrothermal circulation on the Rio Grande Rise; Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 516 | download |
21% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Bode, Gerald W.: Appendix II; Carbon and carbonate analyses | download |
21% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | de Quadros, Luiz Padilha; Soldan, Ana Lucia et al.: Geochemical analyses of samples from Hole 515B, Vema Channel, and Hole 516F, Rio Grande Rise | download |
17% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Copelin, E. C.; Larter, S. R.: Chemical characterization of aromatic hydrocarbons, kerogen, and humic acids in Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 cores | download |
17% | 39 39-355 39-357 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Zimmerman, Herman B.: Clay mineral stratigraphy of the Rio Grande Rise and southern Brazil Basin, western South Atlantic Ocean | download |
17% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Hamilton, Norman; Suzyumov, Alexey E.: Late Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of Site 516, Rio Grande Rise, southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 72 | download |
17% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 | 1983 | Meyers, Philip A.; Dunham, Keith W.: Organic geochemistry of Quaternary sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, South Atlantic Ocean | download |
17% | 71 71-514 | 1983 | Bloemendal, Jan: Paleoenvironmental implications of the magnetic characteristics of sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 514, Southeast Argentine Basin | download |
17% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Bornhold, Brian D.: Appendix I; Detailed textural analyses of Miocene to Quaternary sediments, Leg 71 | download |
17% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Mukhopadhyay, P. K.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Facies and diagenesis of organic matter in sediments from the Brazil Basin and the Rio Grande Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
17% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Petrova, G. N.; Nechaeva, T. B. et al.: Ferromagnetic fraction of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments of the Rio Grande Rise and Brazil Basin | download |
17% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Weaver, B. L.; Marsh, N. G. et al.: Trace element geochemistry of basaltic rocks recovered at Site 516, Rio Grande Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
17% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Weiss, Wolfgang: Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy from the Rio Grande Rise; Site 516 of Leg 72, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Renard, Maurice; Ambroise, Daniel: Study of geochemical data (Eocene-Santonian samples) from Hole 516F (Leg 72) by the method of correspondence analysis | download |
15% | 72 72-515 | 1983 | Shor, Alexander N.; Jones, Glenn A. et al.: Carbonate spikes and displaced components at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 515; Pliocene/Pleistocene depositional processes in the southern Brazil Basin | download |
15% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Carlson, Richard L.; Schaftenaar, C. H. et al.: Causes of compressional-wave anisotropy in calcareous sediments from the Rio Grande Rise | download |
15% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Clay components of post-Middle Jurassic sediments of the Southwest Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 71; depositional history and authigenic transformations | download |
15% | 72 72-515 | 1983 | Faas, Richard W.; Crocket, David S.: Clay fabric development in a deep-sea core; Site 515, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
15% | 71 71-511 71-512 | 1983 | Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.; Mostajo, Elena L.: Correlation of Eocene-Oligocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages from piston cores taken in the vicinity of Deep Sea Drilling sites 511 and 512, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
15% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Williams, Douglas F.; Healy-Williams, Nancy et al.: Detailed stable isotope and carbonate records from the upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene section of Hole 516F (Leg 72) including the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | download |
15% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Barker, Peter F.; Johnson, David A. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 72 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Santos, Brazil to Santos, Brazil, February-April, 1980 | download |
15% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Berggren, William A.; Hamilton, Norman et al.: Magnetobiostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, sites 515-518, Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) | download |
15% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 | 1983 | Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils recovered by Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 in the Falkland Plateau region, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
15% | 72 | 1983 | Walton, William H.; Sangrey, Dwight A. et al.: Geotechnical engineering characterization of hydraulically piston-cored deep ocean sediments | download |
15% | 72 72-517 | 1983 | Barker, Peter F.; Johnson, David A. et al.: Site 517; West Flank, Rio Grande Rise | download |
15% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Thompson, Geoffrey; Humphris, Susan E. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basaltic rocks from Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, Hole 516F | download |
15% | 72 | 1983 | Barker, Peter F.; Carlson, Richard L.: Regional tectonic setting of the southwestern Atlantic | download |
15% | 71 | 1983 | Ludwig, William J.: Geological framework of the Falkland Plateau | download |
15% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Bornhold, Brian D.: Ice-rafted debris in sediments from Leg 71, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
15% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Michel, H. V.; Asaro, R. F. et al.: Abundance profiles of iridium and other elements near the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Hole 516F of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
15% | 71 | 1983 | Muza, Jay P.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: An authigenic gypsum, pyrite, and glauconite association in a Miocene deep sea biogenic ooze from the Falkland Plateau, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
15% | 72 72-515 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Suzyumov, Alexey E.; Hamilton, Norman: Whole-core spinning and detection of reversal boundaries in hydraulic piston cores from the southwestern Atlantic; Leg 72 | download |
15% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Survey of diatoms in the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene in holes 515B and 516F | download |
13% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Basov, Ivan A.; Ciesielski, Paul F. et al.: Biostratigraphic and paleontological synthesis; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71, Falkland Plateau and Argentine Basin | download |
13% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Johnson, David A.: Cenozoic radiolarians from the Brazil Basin and Rio Grande Rise | download |
13% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Schaefer, R. G.; von der Dick, Hans et al.: C (sub 2) -C (sub 8) hydrocarbons in sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic | download |
13% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Parker, Mary E.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Carbonate and organic carbon cycles in Aptian-Albian black shales at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511, Falkland Plateau | download |
13% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Cretaceous calcispherulids of the Falkland Plateau, Leg 71, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 72 | 1983 | Coulbourn, William T.: Explanatory notes; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, Brazil Basin-Rio Grande Rise | download |
13% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Ludwig, William J.; Krasheninnikov, Valery A. et al.: Introduction and explanatory notes | download |
13% | 71 71-511 71-513 | 1983 | Timofeev, P. P.; Renngarten, N. V. et al.: Lithologic facies and clay mineral assemblages in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments and Cenozoic sediments recovered by Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 in the South Atlantic | download |
13% | 71 71-512 | 1983 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Middle Eocene diatoms from the South Atlantic | download |
13% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments from Site 511, Leg 71, western South Atlantic | download |
13% | 72 72-517 | 1983 | Vergnaud Grazzini, C.; Grably, M. et al.: Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and paleoclimatology of southwestern Atlantic Quaternary sediments (Rio Grande Rise) at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 517 | download |
13% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Salloway, John C.: Paleomagnetism of sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
13% | 72 72-516 72-517 | 1983 | Leonard, Kathleen A.; Williams, Douglas F. et al.: Pliocene paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of the South Atlantic Ocean; stable isotopic records from Leg 72 Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 516A and 517 | download |
13% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 | 1983 | Goodman, David K.; Ford, Leonard N., Jr.: Preliminary dinoflagellate biostratigraphy for the middle Eocene to Lower Oligocene from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
13% | 72 72-515 | 1983 | Gamboa, Luiz A.; Buffler, Richard T. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of the Rio Grande Gap and southern Brazil Basin | download |
13% | 3 3-21 3-22 39 39-357 72 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Benson, Richard H.; Peypouquet, Jean-Pierre: The upper and mid-bathyal Cenozoic ostracode faunas of the Rio Grande Rise found on Leg 72 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Schaftenaar, C. H.; Moore, R. P. et al.: Summary of shipboard physical properties of mudstones, carbonates, and clastic sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
10% | 72 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Hodell, David A.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Climatically induced changes in vertical water mass structure of the Vema Channel during the Pliocene; evidence from Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 516A, 517, and 518 | download |
10% | 71 | 1983 | von der Dick, Hans; Rullkoetter, Jurgen et al.: Content, type, and thermal evolution of organic matter in sediments from the eastern Falkland Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 71 | download |
10% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Tjalsma, Leonard R. C.: Eocene to Miocene benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 516, Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic | download |
10% | 71 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geochemical history of post-middle Jurassic sedimentation in the southwestern Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71; Ba, Sr, and major components | download |
10% | 71 | 1983 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Weaver, Fred M.: Neogene and Quaternary paleoenvironmental history of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 sediments, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | download |
10% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 | 1983 | Ivanik, Mikhail M.: Paleogene and Neogene sponge spicules from sites 511, 512, and 513 in the South Atlantic | download |
10% | 71 71-511 71-512 | 1983 | Muza, Jay P.; Williams, Douglas F. et al.: Paleogene oxygen record for Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 511 and 512, subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean; paleotemperatures, paleoceanographic changes, and the Eocene/Oligocene boundary event | download |
10% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Kotova, Ida Z.: Palynological study of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 (Falkland Plateau) | download |
10% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Pujol, Claude; Duprat, J.: Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of the southwestern Atlantic (Rio Grande Rise); Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72 | download |
10% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Barker, Peter F.; Buffler, Richard T. et al.: A seismic reflection study of the Rio Grande Rise | download |
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