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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1979 | Matveyenkov, V. V.; Baranov, B. V.: Magmaticheskiye porody khrebta Makkuori (yugo-zapadnaya chast' Tikhogo okeana) Magmatic rocks from the Macquarie Ridge, Southwest Pacific | |
100% | 29 | 1980 | Jenkins, Graham D.: Planktonic foraminifera and the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Southwest Pacific | |
100% | | 1975 | Packham, G.: Review of the Southwest Pacific | |
100% | | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Novyy etap bureniya v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana; 181-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" A new stage of drilling in Southwest Pacific; 181st cruise of "JOIDES Resolution" | |
83% | | 1990 | Flower, B. P.; Kennett, James P.: High-resolution stable isotopic records from the middle Miocene of Site 588A, Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 29 29-284 | 1981 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.; Kennett, James P.: Phyletic gradualism in a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal lineage; DSDP Site 284, Southwest Pacific | |
83% | | 1981 | Jenkins, D. G.: Planktonic foraminifera and the Palaeogene/Neogene boundary in the Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 21 | 1974 | McDougall, Ian; Van der Lingen, Gerrit J.: Age of the rhyolites of the Lord Howe Rise and the evolution of the southwest Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 21 | 1978 | Irvine, I.: Late Pliocene-Quaternary biostratigraphy and climatic change in DSDP 208, Lord Howe Rise | |
83% | 90 90-594 | 1994 | Dudley, Walter C.; Nelson, Campbell S.: The influence of non-equilibrium isotope fractionation on the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil stable isotope signal in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, DSDP Site 594 | |
83% | | 1988 | Dowsett, Harry J.: Diachrony of late Neogene microfossils in the Southwest Pacific Ocean; application of the graphic correlation method | download |
83% | | 1998 | Anonymous: Massive ocean current may provide clues to global warming | |
83% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1984 | Winfrey, E. C.; Doyle, P. S.: Preliminary ichthyolith biostratigraphy, Southwest Pacific, DSDP sites 595 and 596 | |
83% | 90 90-593 | 1984 | Dudley, Walter C.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: Quaternary oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils from the temperate Southwest Pacific; DSDP Site 593 | |
83% | 134 | 1993 | Johnson, D. P.; Maillet, P. C. et al.: Regional setting of a complex backarc; New Hebrides Arc, northern Vanatu-eastern Solomon Islands | |
83% | 90 90-591 | 1989 | Locker, S.; Martini, E.: Phytoliths at DSDP Site 591 in the Southwest Pacific and the aridification of Australia | |
83% | 29 29-284 | 1980 | Malmgren, B.; Kennett, J. P.: Phyletic gradualism in a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal bioseries; DSDP, Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 90 90-592 | 1996 | Robinson, Marci M.; Dowsett, Harry J.: Pliocene planktic foraminifer census data from DSDP Site 592, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 21 30 | 1975 | Taylor, L. W. H.: Depositional and tectonic patterns in the western Coral Sea | |
83% | 181 | 2004 | McCave, I. N. (ed.); Carter, L. (ed.) et al.: Cenozoic oceanographic evolution of the SW Pacific gateway; papers resulting from work on the cores drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 181 to the Southwest Pacific east of New Zealand in August-October 1998 | |
83% | 90 90-594 | 1984 | Barton, C. E.; Bloemendal, J.: Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic stratigraphy of sediments cored during Leg 90 (Southwest Pacific) of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
83% | 90 | 1986 | Kennett, James P.: Southwest Pacific Cenozoic paleoceanography and sedimentation; DSDP Leg 90 | |
83% | 30 | 1975 | Klein, G. deV.: Sedimentary tectonics in Southwest Pacific marginal basins based on Leg 30 Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from the South Fiji, Hebrides, and Coral Sea basins | |
83% | 30 | 1973 | Andrews, James E.: Deep sea drilling project, leg 30; the southwest Pacific revisited | |
83% | 90 | 1993 | Flower, B. P.; Kennett, J. P.: Southern component water evolution during the middle Miocene ocean/climate transition; oxygen and carbon isotopic evidence from the Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 134 | 1993 | Meschede, Martin; Pelletier, Bernard: Subrezente Deformation im Bereich einer aktiven Ruecken-Inselbogen-Kollision, Vanuatu-Inselbogen, Suedwestpazifik Subrecent deformation during an active ridge-arc collision, Vanuatu island arc, Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 181 | 2004 | Carter, Bob; McCave, Nick et al.: Some key climatic and oceanographic results from ODP Leg 181, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 21 | 2006 | Exon, N. F.; Hill, P. J. et al.: Kenn Plateau off northeast Australia; a continental fragment in the southwest Pacific jigsaw | |
83% | 181 181-1119 | 2002 | Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. R. et al.: Climatic yo-yo-ing of the subtropical front, 0-0.38 Ma; ODP Site 1119, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 189 | 2007 | McGonigal Roessig, Kristeen Lynn: Miocene climate transitions in the Southwest Pacific, Tasmania; interpretations based on calcareous nannofossils | |
82% | | 1988 | Tabachnick, Rachel: Evolving entities in fossil populations; a morphometric analysis of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia) | |
82% | | 1981 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Future deep sea drilling around Australasia | |
82% | 89 89-586 90 90-587 90-588 90-590 | 2003 | Srinivasan, M. S.; Sinha, Devesh K.: Planktic foraminiferal biogeography and ocean circulation in Southwest Pacific during last 3.3. My | |
82% | 30 30-286 | 1982 | Maillet, Patrick; Monzier, Michel et al.: La zone d'Entrecasteaux (Sud-Ouest Pacifique); nouvelle approche petrologique et geochronologique Entrecasteaux Zone (Southwest Pacific); new petrologic and geochronologic approach | |
82% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Late Miocene to Pleistocene Globorotalia (Foraminiferida) from DSDP Leg 29, Site 284, Southwest Pacific | |
82% | | 1984 | Whatley, R. C.; Downing, S. E. et al.: New species of ostracod genus Bradleya from the Tertiary and Quaternary of D.S.D.P. sites in the Southwest Pacific | |
79% | 181 | 1998 | Carter, Robert M.; McCave, I. N. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 181 scientific prospectus; Southwest Pacific gateways | |
71% | 90 90-594 | 1991 | Dersch, Michaela; Stein, Ruediger: Palaeoklima und palaeoozeanische Verhaeltnisse im SW-Pazifik waehrend der letzten 6 Millionen Jahre (DSDP Site 594, Chatham Ruecken, oestlich Neuseeland) Paleoclimatology and paleo-oceanography relationships in the Southwest Pacific during the last 6 million years; DSDP Site 594, Chatham Rise, eastern New Zealand | |
71% | 130 130-806 | 2003 | Pelejero, Carles; Calvo, Eva et al.: Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Southwest Pacific; similarities with Antarctic and ENSO inferences | download |
71% | 181 181-1123 | 2004 | Weedon, Graham P.; Hall, Ian R.: Neogene palaeoceanography of Chatham Rise (Southwest Pacific) based on sediment geochemistry | download |
71% | 181 181-1120 | 2005 | Khim, B. K.; Lee, Y. J.: Abrupt increase of calcium carbonate contents in the Campbell Plateau (SW Pacific Ocean) during the deglaciation | |
71% | 189 189-1172 | 2012 | Carpenter, Raymond J.; Jordan, Gregory J. et al.: Near-tropical early Eocene terrestrial temperatures at the Australo-Antarctic margin, western Tasmania | |
71% | 30 | 1973 | Andrews, James E.: Southwest Pacific structures | |
71% | | 1974 | Churkin, Michael, Jr.: Deep-Sea Drilling for Landlubber Geologists; The Southwest Pacific, and Accordion Plate Tectonics Analog for the Cordilleran Geosyncline | |
71% | 90 90-594 | 1985 | Cuthbertson, A. M.: Stable isotope studies of deep sea cores | |
71% | 21 | 1973 | Edwards, Anthony R.: Preliminary Results on Calcareous Nannofossils: Deep-sea Drilling Project Leg 21, South-west Pacific | |
71% | 189 189-1170 189-1171 | 2004 | Shevenell, A. E.; Kennett, J. P.: Paleoceanographic change during the middle Miocene climate revolution; an Antarctic stable isotope perspective | |
71% | 6 | 1982 | McCaslin, John C.: Southwest Pacific search moves to Palau | |
71% | | 1991 | Srinivasan, M. S.; Sinha, D. K.: Improved correlation of the late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal datums in the equatorial to cool subtropical DSDP sites, Southwest Pacific; application of the graphic correlation method | |
71% | 30 | 1974 | Klein, G. deV.: Sedimentary tectonics in Southwest Pacific marginal basins based on Leg 30 DSDP sediment cores | |
71% | 30 | 1974 | Andrews, J. E.: Leg 30; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Southwest Pacific structures | |
71% | 89 89-586 90 90-589 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 90-594 | 1993 | Nelson, Campbell S.; Hendy, Chris H. et al.: Compendium of stable oxygen and carbon isotope data for the late Quaternary interval of deep-sea cores from the New Zealand sector of the Tasman Sea and Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 133 | 1991 | ODP Leg 133 Northeast Australian margin; a chronicle of carbonate platform development | |
71% | | 1989 | Tabachnick, R. Elena: Evolving entities in populations of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia) | |
71% | 21 | 1975 | Edwards, A. R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 21; a bibliography and list of current investigations | |
71% | 21 | 1975 | van der Lingen, G. J.: Deep-sea sediments in the Southwest Pacific | |
71% | | 1988 | Kurihara, Kenji; Kennett, James P.: Bathymetric migration of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in the Southwest Pacific during the Neogene | |
71% | | 1992 | Davies, P. J.; Pigram, C. et al.: The effects of sea level change on the growth of the proto Barrier Reef and the Great Barrier Reef | |
71% | 181 181-1119 | 2004 | Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. R. et al.: Glacial-interglacial (MIS 1-10) migrations of the subtropical front across ODP Site 1119, Canterbury Bight, Southwest Pacific Ocean | download |
71% | | 1975 | Frakes, L. A.: Review of the Southern Ocean | |
71% | | 1999 | Horsfall, K.: Seismic survey on the Marion Plateau, northeast Australia, provides site survey data for ODP drilling | |
71% | | 1978 | McGowran, B.: Stratigraphic record of early Tertiary oceanic and continental events in the Indian Ocean region | |
71% | 134 | 1992 | Staerker, T. Scott: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of ODP Leg 134; evidence for thrust faulting and sediment mixing in the accretionary complex of the central new Hebrides island arc | |
67% | 90 90-590 | 1988 | Capo, R. C.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Plio-Pleistocene strontium isotope record from Southwest Pacific Ocean DSDP Site 590B | |
67% | 135 135-841 | 1994 | Vitali, Frederic; Blanc, Gerard et al.: Signatures chimiques et isotopiques ( (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr) inhabituelles des eaux interstitielles du site 841 ODP, Pacifique Sud-Ouest Unusual chemical and isotopic ( (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr) signatures of interstitial waters at ODP Site 841, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 29 29-284 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: Late Neogene biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of DSDP Site 310 central North Pacific and correlation with the Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 90 90-594 | 1988 | Black, Kerry P.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: A spectral analysis procedure for dating Quaternary deep-sea cores and its application to a high-resolution Brunhes record from the Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 30 30-285 30-286 30-287 | 1975 | Klein, G. deV.: Tectonic depositional facies in Southwest Pacific marginal basins in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores (Leg 30) | |
67% | 181 181-1122 181-1123 181-1124 | 1999 | McCave, I. N.; Carter, R. M. et al.: Neogene deep current-controlled sedimentation on the New Zealand margin; preliminary results of ODP Leg 181 | |
67% | 181 181-1123 | 2004 | Lueer, V.; Hollis, C. J.: Paleoceanographic significance of Quaternary radiolarian assemblages from ODP Site 1123, offshore eastern New Zealand, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 181 181-1123 181-1125 | 2004 | Sabaa, Ashwaq T.; Sikes, Elisabeth L. et al.: Pliocene sea surface temperature changes in ODP Site 1125, Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand | |
67% | 90 90-593 | 2002 | Cooke, P. J.; Nelson, C. S. et al.: Neogene palaeoceanography based on stable isotope stratigraphies from the southern Tasman Sea (Site 593), Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 21 21-206 90 90-590 90-591 | 1993 | Flower, Benjamin P.; Kennett, James P.: Middle Miocene deepwater evolution in the Southwest Pacific; relations with Antarctic ice sheet development | |
67% | 90 90-588 | 1993 | Flower, B. P.; Kennett, J. P.: Middle Miocene ocean-climate transition; high-resolution oxygen and carbon isotopic records from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 588A, Southwest Pacific | download |
67% | 90 90-594 | 1993 | Nelson, Campbell S.; Cooke, Penelope J. et al.: Oceanographic and climatic changes over the past 160,000 years at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 594 off southeastern New Zealand, Southwest Pacific Ocean | download |
67% | | 1979 | Glasby, G. P.; Hunt, J. L. et al.: Major element analyses of marine sediments from the Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 28 29 | 1993 | Pyle, Douglas G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemical signature of Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor; DSDP legs 28 and 29 basement revisited | |
67% | | 1985 | Glasby, G. P.; Hunt, J. L. et al.: Trace element analyses of marine sediments from the Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 181 181-1123 | 2003 | Lueer, V.; Hollis, C. J. et al.: Quaternary radiolarians from ODP Site 1123 (Leg 181), offshore eastern New Zealand, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 21 21-206 21-208 40 | 1989 | Rigolot, Patrick: Evolution morphologique et structurale de la marge occidentale de la ride de Nouvelle-Caledonie (SW Pacifique) Structural and morphologic evolution of the western margin of the New Caledonia Ridge, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 90 90-593 | 1995 | Scott, G. H.; Nelson, C. S. et al.: Planktic foraminiferal events in early Miocene zones N.6 and N.7 at Southwest Pacific DSDP Site 593; relation with climatic changes in oxygen isotope zone Mi1b | |
67% | 29 29-281 | 1979 | Loutit, T. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Late Miocene paleoclimatology; subantarctic water mass, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 28 29 | 1995 | Pyle, D. G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemistry and geochronology of ancient Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor | download |
67% | 21 21-206 90 90-588 90-590 90-591 | 1992 | Kurihara, Kenji; Kennett, James P.: Paleoceanographic significance of Neogene benthic foraminiferal changes in a Southwest Pacific bathyal depth transect | |
67% | 181 181-1119 | 2004 | Carter, Robert M.: How best to know Antarctic temperature history? A view since 3.5 Ma from ODP Site 1119, southwest Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 181 | 2004 | McCave, I. N.; Carter, L. et al.: Cenozoic oceanographic evolution of the SW Pacific gateway: introduction | |
67% | 181 181-1119 | 2010 | Land, Marissa; Wust, Raphael A. J. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate in the Southwest Pacific as reflected in clay mineralogy and particle size at ODP Site 1119, SE New Zealand | |
67% | 90 90-594 | 2010 | Holt, Katherine A.; Wallace, R. Clel et al.: Quaternary tephra marker beds and their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction on Chatham Island, east of New Zealand, Southwest Pacific Ocean | download |
67% | 29 29-277 90 90-592 90-593 | 1984 | Murphy, Margaret G.; Kennett, James P.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the development of latitudinal thermal gradients in the Oligocene of the Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 90 90-594 | 2001 | Marret, Fabienne; de Vernal, Anne et al.: Late Quaternary sea-surface conditions at DSDP Hole 594 in the Southwest Pacific Ocean based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages | |
67% | 90 90-590 | 2011 | Karas, Cyrus; Nuernberg, Dirk et al.: Pliocene climate change of the Southwest Pacific and the impact of ocean gateways | download |
67% | 181 181-1119 | 2002 | Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. et al.: Yo-yo-ing of the subtropical convergence in sympathy with the Vostok climatic record, 0-0.38 Ma; ODP Site 1119, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 21 21-206 21-208 29 29-284 30 30-289 | 1980 | Srinivasan, M. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Equatorial to temperate Neogene planktonic foraminiferal correlation and evolution; Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 135 135-834 135-835 | 1997 | Cronan, D. S.; Hodkinson, R. A.: Geochemistry of hydrothermal sediments from ODP sites 834 and 835 in the Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 90 90-593 181 181-1123 | 2002 | Crundwell, M. P.; Nelson, C. S. et al.: A biochronology for late Miocene bolboforms and planktonic foraminifers in the New Zealand region of the temperate Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 29 29-277 | 1993 | Jenkins, D. Graham; Strong, P. et al.: Southwest Pacific Paleocene planktonic foraminifera | |
67% | 181 181-1121 | 2006 | Hoff, U.: IODP; Marine Diatomeen im Palaeozaen des SW-Pazifik; Dokumentation des Produktivitaetsmaximums IODP; marine diatoms in the Paleocene of Southwest Pacific; documentation of maximum productivity | |
67% | 181 181-1123 181-1124 | 2006 | Lueer, V.; Holis, C. J. et al.: Late Quaternary radiolarian assemblages as indicators for paleoceanographic changes north of the subtropical front, offshore eastern New Zealand, Southwest Pacific | |
67% | 181 | 2002 | Hayward, Bruce W.; Neil, Helen et al.: Factors influencing the distribution patterns of Recent deep-sea benthic Foraminifera, east of New Zealand, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 181 181-1124 | 2002 | Joseph, L. H.; Rea, D. K. et al.: History of the Deep Western Boundary Current at Rekohu sediment drift, Southwest Pacific (ODP Site 1124) | |
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