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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1974Bukry, David: Stratigraphic Value of Silicoflagellates in Nontropical Regions
1977Krasheninnikov, V.; Pflaumann, U.: Cretaceous agglutinated foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa (Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project)download
86%1972Pessagno, Emile A., Jr.: Cretaceous Radiolaria, part 1; The Phaseliformidae, new family, and other Spongodiscacea from the upper Cretaceous portion of the Great Valley Sequence, part II; Pseudoaulophacidae Riedel from the Cretaceous of California and the Blake-Bahama Basin (JOIDES leg 1)
71%1985Poag, C. Wylie: Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary facies of New Jersey continental slope and rise
71%1131987Huber, Brian T.; Webb, Peter-Noel et al.: Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Weddell Basin, Antarctica (ODP Leg 113)
71%741982Fuetterer, Dieter K.: Paleobathymetry of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic deep-sea trace fossil assemblages of the SE Atlantic
71%1983Weiss, W.: Heterohelicidae (seriale planktonische Foraminiferen) der tethyalen Oberkreide (Santon bis Maastricht) Heterohelicidae, a serial planktonic foraminiferal family, and biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Upper Cretaceous; Santonian-Maastrichtian
71%1976Manheim, F. T.; Hall, R. E.: Deep evaporitic strata off New York and New Jersey; evidence from interstitial water chemistry of drill cores
71%3022006Boucsein, B.; Stein, R.: Organic petrology of Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary deposits from the central Arctic Ocean (IODP Hole 302); paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic links
1985Steel, J. E.: Upper Cretaceous magnetic polarity zones from DSDP Site 612
1986Malmgren, Bjoern A.: Dissolution-susceptibility ranking of Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera
1989Froehlich, Francois; Wicquart, Emmanuelle: Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments from the northern Kerguelen Plateau
71%61973Swain, Frederick M.: Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the northwestern Pacific Ocean
1976Chester, R.; Aston, S. R. et al.: The trace-element partition geochemistry in an ancient deep-sea sediment core from the Bermuda Rise
71%741980Chave, Alan D.: Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene magnetic stratigraphy, DSDP Leg 74
1982Swain, Frederick M.: Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the northwestern Pacific Ocean
1988Widmark, Joen G. V.; Malmgren, Bjoern A.: Differential dissolution of Upper Cretaceous deep-sea benthonic foraminifers from the Angola Basin, South Atlantic Ocean
71%3022007Stein, Ruediger: Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary black shales near the North Pole; organic carbon origin and source rock potential
1992Resiwati, Purtyasti: Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 121
71%1996Watkins, David K.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean
71%2005Gabdullin, R. R.: Upper Cretaceous cyclostratigraphic scale for the Russian Plate and its southern framework; Paper 1, Prerequisites and principles of scale construction
71%2003Hart, M.; Swiecicki, T.: Stratigraphy of Maastrichtian Foraminiferida from the United Kingdom; the Maastrichtian of Norfolk
2010Georgescu, M. Dan: Evolutionary classification of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-lower Campanian) planktic Foraminifera with incipient meridional ornamentation
1974Krasheninnikov, V. A.: Upper Cretaceous benthonic agglutinated foraminifera, Leg 27 of the Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
1995Corbin, J. C.; Galbrun, B. et al.: La limite Campanien-Maastrichtien sur la marge Nord-Ouest australienne (Leg ODP 122); apports de la geochimie et de la magnetostratigraphie The Campanian-Maestrichtian boundary on the Australian northwestern margin, ODP Leg 122; contribution of geochemistry and magnetostratigraphy
2007Georgescu, Marius Dan: A new planktonic heterohelicid foraminiferal genus from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian)
61%951983Deep Sea Drilling Project; testing the Vail depositional model
61%1983Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: On the nature of the materials accreted at the end of the Cretaceous
61%1986Kyte, Frank T.; Smit, Jan: Regional variations in spinel compositions; an important key to the Cretaceous/Tertiary event
61%1982Doyle, P. S.: Distribution of ichthyolith taxa across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
61%1982Wright, Audrey; Heath, Ross et al.: Glomar Challenger at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
61%2000Biswas, S. K.; Ramesh, P. et al.: Phanerozoic stratigraphy
61%1994MacLeod, K. G.; Huber, B. T. et al.: The biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Maastrichtian inoceramids
61%1971Cita, M. B.; Gartner, S., Jr.: Deep Sea Upper Cretaceous from the western North Atlantic
61%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
61%1984Benson, R. H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: Identification of global paleoceanographic events using the Ostracoda
61%1980Savostin, L. A.; Volokitina, L. P. et al.: Paleobathymetry of the world ocean in the Late Cretaceous
61%1974Vallier, T. L.; Schlich, Roland: Volcanic Activity in the Western Indian Ocean Region and its Relationship to Sea Floor Spreading
61%1975Veevers, J. J.: Wharton Basin; review
61%1986Bralower, Timothy James: Part A; An integrated Mesozoic biochronology and magnetochronology; Part B, Studies of Cretaceous black shales
61%1986Oberhaensli, Hedi: Latest Cretaceous-early Neogene oxygen and carbon isotopic record at DSDP sites in the Indian Ocean
1982Haggerty, Janet Ann: The geologic history of the southern Line islands
61%1989Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kaminski, M. A. et al.: Late Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from the North Atlantic and its marginal seas
61%1984Olsson, R. K.: Paleoslope models of foraminifera
61%2002Lees, Jackie A.: Nannofloral biogeographic patterns illustrate long-term climate change; warming/cooling trends in the Late Cretaceous Indian and Pacific oceans
61%1993Burnett, Jackie A.: Palaeoceanographical significance of Late Cretaceous nannofloras from the Indian Ocean
61%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: 75 million years of photosymbiosis in planktic foraminifera
61%1993Firth, John V.: Dinoflagellate assemblages and sea-level fluctuations in the Maastrichtian of Southwest Georgia
61%1985Storetvedt, K. M.: The pre-drift central Atlantic; a model based on tectonomagmatic and sedimentological evidence
61%1995Jacobs, David K.; Lindberg, David L.: Episodic anoxic events in the Mesozoic, on shore-offshore patterns, and deep-sea refugia
61%1996MacLeod, Norman: Stratigraphical completeness and planktonic foraminiferal survivorship across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary
61%671979Anonymous: The Caribbean connection
61%1972Anderson, Thomas F.; Schneidermann, Nahum: Isotope Relationships in Pelagic Limestones from the Central Caribbean, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project
61%1984Nyong, Eyo E.: Campanian to lower Maastrichtian paleobiogeography of the Western North Atlantic region
61%1989Gorbunova, Z. N.: Authigenic-diagenetic minerals in the sediments of the oceans (according to the deep-sea drilling data)
61%1970Sclater, John G.; Cox, Allan: Palaeolatitudes from JOIDES deep sea sediment cores
61%1978Melguen, M.; Le Pichon, X. et al.: Paleoenvironnement de l'Atlantique sud Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic
61%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
61%1999Smit, J.: The global stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact ejecta
61%2008Locklair, Robert; Hinnov, Linda et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time scale; Part 2, Late Cretaceous
61%1999Petronotis, Katerina E.; Gordon, Richard G.: A Maastrichtian palaeomagnetic pole for the Pacific Plate from a skewness analysis of marine magnetic anomaly 32
61%1141987Leg 114 finds complete sedimentary record
61%2000Moran, Kate: Climate history research in the Ocean Drilling Program
61%1997Abreu, Vitor S.; Droxler, A. W. et al.: Towards a pre-Pleistocene sea-level calibration; sequence stratigraphy and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Pelotas Basin, offshore Southeast Brazil
61%2001Basov, I. A.: Novyy etap bureniya v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana; 181-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" A new stage of drilling in Southwest Pacific; 181st cruise of "JOIDES Resolution"
61%1973Quilty, Patrick G.: Cenomanian-Turonian and Neogene sediments from northeast of Kerguelen Ridge, Indian Ocean
61%1999Vaas, Ruediger: Fragment einer kosmischen Bombe Fragment of a cosmic bomb
61%2001Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Late Cretaceous sequences in the New Jersey coastal plain
61%2001Skinner, Ethan Smith: The upper Campanian Marshalltown Sequence of the New Jersey Coastal Plain, Bass River and Ancora Boreholes
61%2002Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Brady, Esther C. et al.: Late Cretaceous ocean; coupled simulations with the National Center for Atmospheric Research climate system
61%1141988Hailwood, E. A.; Clement, B. M.: Sub-Antarctic magnetostratigraphy; results from ODP Leg 114
61%1993MacLeod, Norman: The Maastrichtian-Danian radiation of triserial and biserial planktic foraminifera; testing phylogenetic and adaptational hypotheses in the (micro)fossil record
61%3022009Stickley, C.; Koc, N.: The ACEX siliceous microfossils; middle Eocene biogenic silica production and preservation in the central Arctic
1973Krasheninnikov, Valeri A.: Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera, Leg 20, Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
2000Nikolaev, Vladimir A.; Harwood, David M.: Morphology and taxonomic position of the Late Cretaceous diatom genus Pomphodiscus Barker & Meakin
1985Poag, C. Wylie: Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary facies and depositional systems of the New Jersey slope and rise
1982Maillot, H.; Chamley, H. et al.: Evolution du paleoenvironnement de la ride de Walvis (Atlantique sud-est) au Cretace superieur et au Cenozoique, d'apres la geochimie et la mineralogie des sediments (LEGS40, 74, 75DSDP) Evolution of the paleoenvironment of Walvis Ridge (Southeast Atlantic) in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic, using geochemical and mineralogic data of sediments, Legs 40, 74, 75, DSDP
57%1968Ewing, Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar: Geophysical oceanographic studies at Lamont Geological Observatory
57%1431995Kenter, Jeroen A. M.; Reinders, Marc et al.: Effects of differential dissolution on the acoustic properties of carbonates (Upper Cretaceous skeletal grainstones, southeastern Netherlands)
1976Cockerham, R.: Upper Cretaceous Pacific DSDP basalt magnetic paleolatitudes and their implications for Pacific Plate motion and secular variation
1987Malmgren, Bjoern A.: Differential dissolution of Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from a temperate region of the South Atlantic Ocean
1999Herbert, Timothy D.; Gee, Jeff et al.: Precessional cycles in Upper Cretaceous pelagic sediments of the South Atlantic; long-term patterns from high-frequency climate variations
57%1591996Lohmann, Kyger C.; Marcano, Maria: Petrographic & geochemical evolution of Upper Cretaceous reefal, peri-platform limestones, Ivorian-Ghana Basin ODP Leg 159; implications for uplift and burial history of the marginal ridge
1995Widmark, Joen G. V.; Henriksson, Anders S.: The "orphaned" agglutinated Foraminifera; Gaudryina cribrosphaerellifera n.sp. from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Central Pacific Ocean
2002Friedrich, Oliver; Herrle, J. O. et al.: Palaeozeanographische und palaeoklimatische Veraenderungen waehrend der Abkuehlungsphase in Campan/Maastricht-Grenzbereich (Oberkreide) Paleo-oceanographic and paleoclimatic variations during the cooling phase at the Campanian-Maestrichtian boundary, Upper Cretaceous
2002Ladner, Bryan C.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Upper Cretaceous nannofossil record from ODP Leg 183 sites at 53-59 degrees S latitude on the Kerguelen Plateau; a progress report
1991Watkins, David K.; Crux, Jason A. et al.: Upper Cretaceous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Southern Ocean and its palaeobiogeographic implications
57%2072006Beckmann, B.; Schouten, Stefan et al.: IODP; black shale sedimentation in the tropical Atlantic during the Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 (OAE 3); land-ocean interaction and oceanic response at the Suriname Margin (ODP Leg 207)
1978Auffret, G. A.; Pastouret, L.: Evolution sedimentaire comparee des marges armoricaines et de Blake-Bahama depuis le Cretace superieur, d'apres les resultats des Legs 48 et 44 du "Glomar Challenger" Comparative sedimentary evolution between the Armorican and Blake-Bahama Plateau continental margins of the Upper Cretaceous, after the results of legs 48 and 44 of Glomar Challenger
2009Beckmann, B.; Birgel, D. et al.: Terrestrial input into the Upper Cretaceous western tropical Atlantic as traced by biomarker and maceral analyses
2004Pinckaers, Jorrit; Schellenberg, Stephen A. et al.: The Oligocene-Miocene transition in the Tasmanian Gateway; a palynological examination of ODP Site 1168download
1975Hajos, M.; Stradner, H.: Late Cretaceous Archaeomonadaceae, Diatomaceae, and Silicoflagellatae from the South Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29, Site 275download
51%1998D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions
1981Rea, D. K.; Janecek, T. R.: Late Cretaceous history of eolian deposition in the Mid-Pacific Mountains, central North Pacific Ocean
51%731981Petersen, N.; Lowrie, W.: Magnetostratigraphie von Tiefsee-Sedimenten aus dem Suedatlantik Magnetostratigraphy of deep sediments of the South Atlantic
51%391981Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages
1981Scheibnerova, V.: Palaeographical implications of Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the western South Atlantic
1981Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39)
51%611983Steiner, Maureen B.: Geomagnetic excursion in the Late Cretaceous
51%211974McDougall, Ian; Van der Lingen, Gerrit J.: Age of the rhyolites of the Lord Howe Rise and the evolution of the southwest Pacific Ocean

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