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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 15 38 | 1981 | Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Golikova, G. S. et al.: Materialy k izucheniyu diatomey v pozdnepleystotsenovykh i golotsenovykh osadkakh Norvezhskogo morya The study of diatoms in upper Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Norwegian Sea | |
85% | 112 | 1990 | Masako, Ibaraki: Late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages of the coastal upwelling area off Peru (ODP Leg 112) | |
85% | | 1986 | Berger, W. H.; Vincent, E.: Deep-sea carbonates; reading the carbon-isotope signal | |
85% | | 2000 | Droxler, Andre W. (ed.); Farrell, John W. (ed.): Marine isotope stage 11 (MIS 11); new insights for a warm future | |
85% | | 1987 | Gard, G.: Observation of a dimorphic coccosphere | |
85% | | 2007 | Kershaw, P.; van der Kaars, S.: Pollen records, late Pleistocene; Australia and New Zealand | |
80% | 150 150-903 | 2000 | Sheridan, R. E.; Ashley, G. M. et al.: Offshore-onshore correlation of upper Pleistocene strata, New Jersey Coastal Plain to continental shelf and slope | |
80% | 138 138-852 | 1995 | Desmet, M.; Schaaf, A. et al.: Analogies et differences des spectres chimiques dans un cycle sedimentaire d'origine climatique; l'exemple du Pleistocene superieur du site ODP-852C Chemical spectra similarities and differences in a climatic sedimentary cycle; example of the upper Pleistocene of ODP Site 852C | |
80% | 150 150-903 | 1998 | Sheridan, Robert E.; Ashley, Gail M. et al.: Onshore-offshore correlation of upper Pleistocene strata, New Jersey coastal plain to continental shelf and slope | |
80% | 14 14-135 | 1990 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Variacion en las asociaciones de foraminiferos bentonicos abisales en el D.S.D.P. Site 135 durante el Pleistoceno superior Variation in the assemblages of abyssal benthonic foraminifera at D.S.D.P. Site 135 during the upper Pleistocene | |
80% | 178 178-1098 | 2001 | Taylor, Fiona; Sjunneskog, Charlotte: Late Pleistocene-Holocene marine diatom record from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178, Site 1098) | |
80% | 208 208-1264 208-1266 | 2006 | Steinloechner, J.; Henrich, Ruediger: IODP; pelagic carbonate records during the upper Pleistocene on Walvis Ridge (ODP Leg 208 Sites 1264-1266); evaluation and enhancement of proxies | |
80% | 94 94-609 | 1996 | Kominz, Michelle A.: Whither cyclostratigraphy? Testing the gamma method on upper Pleistocene deep-sea sediments, North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 609 | download |
80% | 95 95-612 150 | 1993 | Christensen, B. A.; Thunell, R. et al.: Upper Pleistocene stratigraphy of Site 612, NJ margin; correlation to ODP Leg 150 boreholes | |
71% | | 1981 | Thunell, Robert C.; Belyea, Paul R.: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean; a synthesis of DSDP legs 1-53 | |
71% | | 1981 | Kobayashi, Kazuo: Preliminary report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise KH 80-3, July 14-September 6, 1980 Japan Trench, Shatsky Rise, Guam, Ponape and Ogasawara areas (IPOD, WESTPAC) | |
71% | 86 86-580 | 1983 | Sancetta, Constance: Late Pleistocene (Brunhes) stepwise expansion of the North Pacific subarctic gyre | |
71% | 96 | 1985 | Kohl, Barry: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rates of the Mississippi Fan | |
71% | | 1990 | Giraudeau, J.; Pujos, A.: Fonction de transfert basee sur les nannofossiles calcaires du Pleistocene des Caraibes Calcareous nannofossil-based transfer function in Caribbean Pleistocene sediments | |
71% | 96 | 1984 | Constans, Richard E.; Parker, Mary E.: A summary of the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of DSDP Leg 96 drill sites | |
71% | 155 | 1994 | Cisowski, S. M.; Hall, F. R.: Ultra-high resolution records of the Lake Mungo Excursion and the Blake Event from ODP Leg 155 cores drilled in the Amazon Fan | |
71% | | 1982 | Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Golikova, G. S. et al.: K biostratigrafii pleystotsenovykh osadkov Severnoy Atlantiki (po diatomeyam) Biostratigraphy of Pleistocene sediments in the North Atlantic, according to diatoms | |
71% | 72 72-515 | 1982 | Johnson, D. A.; Rasmussen, K. A. et al.: Late Pleistocene deposition of bioclastic turbidites and contourites in the Brazil Basin | |
71% | 64 64-480 | 1982 | Karlin, R.; Levi, Shaul: Paleomagnetic record from hydraulic piston core (HPC) sediments; prospects, problems, and results from the Gulf of California, DSDP Site 480 | |
71% | 41 41-366 | 1982 | Sarnthein, M.; Schneider, R. et al.: Cyclic eolian and carbonate sedimentation at the Sierra Leone Rise, equatorial Atlantic | |
71% | | 2000 | Murray, R. W.; Knowlton, C. et al.: Export production and terrigenous matter in the central Equatorial Pacific Ocean during interglacial oxygen isotope stage 11 | |
71% | 178 | 2000 | Domack, E.; Leventer, A. et al.: Holocene climate variability in the Antarctic Peninsula | |
71% | 169 | 1998 | Karlin, Robert E.; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: High-resolution correlation and paleoclimate analysis of varved Holocene sediments from ODP Leg 169S, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada | |
71% | 155 | 1996 | Maslin, M.: Last glacial equatorial western Atlantic circulation; the Amazon Fan and Heinrich events | |
71% | 119 119-742 | 1996 | Mahood, Albert D.; Barron, John A.: Late Pliocene diatoms in a diatomite from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica | |
71% | | 1996 | Andersen, Espen S.; Dokken, Trond M. et al.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and glacial history of the western Svalbard continental margin | |
71% | 38 | 1979 | Bjorklund, K. R.; Goll, R. M.: Ice age climates of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 195 195-1202 | 2005 | Wei, Kuo-Yen (ed.); Mii, Horng-Sheng (ed.) et al.: Okinawa Trough; sedimentary processes and paleoenvironment | |
71% | | 2002 | Jahn, Britta: Mid to late Pleistocene variations of marine productivity in and terrigenous input to the Southeast Atlantic | |
71% | 114 114-704 | 1993 | Hodell, David A.: Late Pleistocene paleoceanography of the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program Hole 704A | download |
71% | 133 133-822 | 1993 | Ayress, Michael A.; Correge, Thierry: On Nipponocythere cuneata Ayress & Correge sp. nov. | |
71% | | 1991 | Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean | |
71% | 117 117-723 | 1994 | Naidu, Divakar P.; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Influence of upwelling on abundance, diversity and morphology of planktonic Foraminifera in the western Arabian Sea during the last 19,000 years | |
71% | | 1994 | Hooghiemstra, Henry; Ran, Eva T. H.: Late and middle Pleistocene climatic change and forest development in Colombia; pollen record Funza II (2-158 m core interval) | |
71% | 124 | 1993 | Schneider, David A.: An estimate of late Pleistocene geomagnetic intensity variation from Sulu Sea sediments | |
71% | 145 145-883 | 1993 | Morley, J. J.; Keigwin, L. D.: Comparison of late Pleistocene/Holocene isotopic and faunal abundance records from North Pacific Site 883 | |
71% | 146 146-893 | 1993 | Butch, Jennifer; Lumsden, David N.: Dolomite in late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of the Santa Barbara Channel; ODP Leg 146, Site 893 | |
71% | 49 | 1993 | Martini, Erlend: Emiliania coronata, a new calcareous nannoplankton species from the North Atlantic Pleistocene | |
71% | 108 108-658 | 1989 | Dupont, L. M.; Hooghiemstra, Henry: The Saharan-Sahelian boundary during the Brunhes Chron | |
71% | 1 | 1972 | Ellis, C. Howard; Lohman, William H. et al.: Upper Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Gulf of Mexico (Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 1, site 3) | |
71% | 108 108-658 | 1995 | Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Evidence for climate variability during the Eemian/Marine Isotope Stage 5E | |
71% | 169 | 1998 | Huntley, David H.; Borrowsky, Peter T. et al.: Late Wisconsinan deglaciation of Saanich Inlet, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia | |
71% | 111 111-677 | 1991 | Park, Jeffrey; Maasch, Kirk A.: Plio-Pleistocene time evolution of the 100-ky ice age cycle in marine paleoclimate records | |
71% | | 1992 | Kagami, Hideo; Mitusio, Taikou: Supply of trench-fill sediment through forearc basins along Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan | |
71% | 128 128-798 | 1993 | Kheradyar, T.; Ingle, J. C. et al.: Paleotemperature and paleocirculation fluctuations in the Japan Sea during the late Pleistocene; evidence from the sediment profiles of planktonic foraminifers and alkenones at ODP Site 798 | |
71% | 96 | 1984 | Kohl, Barry: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Mississippi Fan/drill sites (Leg 96) | |
71% | | 1995 | Scott, Robert W.; Combes, Janet M. et al.: High-precision late Pleistocene chronostratigraphy of a Gulf Coast shelf-edge delta | |
71% | 94 94-609 | 1995 | Bond, Gerard C.; Rusty, Lotti: Iceberg discharges into the North Atlantic on millennial time scales during the last glaciation | |
71% | 117 | 1995 | Gunatilaka, Ana: Paleoclimatic framework of alluvial fans in northern Oman | |
71% | 68 68-502 | 1989 | Giraudeau, J.: Coccoliths as stratigraphical and paleoenvironmental tools in the Caribbean Sea, for the late Pleistocene (DSDP Leg 68, Hole 502B) | |
71% | 112 112-686 | 1990 | Malmgren, Kathryn A.; Funnell, Brian M.: Benthic foraminifera from middle to late Pleistocene, coastal upwelling sediments of ODP Hole 686B, Pacific Ocean, off Peru | |
71% | 22 22-216 | 1995 | Belyaeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Changes in foraminifera fauna and the late Pleistocene paleohydrology in the Indian Ocean (Site 216, Deep Sea Drilling Project) | |
71% | | 2004 | Adkins, J. F.; Schrag, D. P.: Deep ocean temperature and salinity at the last glacial maximum | |
71% | 111 111-677 | 1993 | Imbrie, J.; Berger, A. et al.: Role of orbital forcing; a two-million-year perspective | |
71% | 108 108-668 | 2008 | Benthien, A.; Balestra, B. et al.: Reconstruction of late Pleistocene surface water pCO2 in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic based on alkenone and boron isotopes | |
71% | | 2004 | Mueller, Ulrich C.; Kukla, George J.: North Atlantic Current and European environments during the declining stage of the last interglacial | |
71% | | 2008 | Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Atlantic overturning responses to late Pleistocene climate forcings | |
71% | 94 94-609 | 2004 | Hemming, Sidney R.: Heinrich events; massive late Pleistocene detritus layers of the North Atlantic and their global climate imprint | |
71% | 86 86-580 | 1986 | Carney, Thomas R.; Krissek, Lawrence A.: The late Pliocene and Pleistocene record of ice-rafting at DSDP Site 580, Northwest Pacific; a comparison of coarse-sand abundance and mass accumulation rate of ice-rafted detritus | |
71% | | 1998 | Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Variability in surface and deep water conditions in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period | |
71% | 172 | 1999 | Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Changes in deep water circulation and current intensities of the DWBC in the NW-Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (250-350 ka) | |
71% | 175 175-1084 | 2005 | Farmer, Emma Christina: Reconstructing tropical Atlantic climate from Mg/Ca and oxygen isotopes of planktonic Foraminifera | |
71% | 146 146-893 | 1994 | Kennett, J. P.; Ingram, B. L.: Paleoclimatic evolution of Santa Barbara Basin during the last 30 kys; marine evidence from Hole 893A | |
71% | 94 94-609 | 2006 | Obrochta, S. P.; Crowley, T. J.: Was there a 1.5-k.y. cycle in hematite stained grains during the penultimate glaciation (MIS 6)? | |
71% | 96 | 1984 | Bouma, A. H.; Coleman, James M.: Lithologic, stratigraphic, and well log characteristics of the Mississippi Fan; a modern example for certain ancient turbidite sequences | |
71% | 169S | 1998 | Huntley, David H.; Mosher, David C. et al.: Deglaciation and sea-level history of the Saanich Inlet area, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia | |
71% | 162 162-984 | 1998 | McManus, J. F.; Lohmann, G. P.: Evidence for episodic calcium-carbonate dissolution in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last glaciation | |
71% | | 2000 | Bauch, Henning A.; Erlenkeuser, Helmut et al.: A paleoclimatic evaluation of marine oxygen isotope stage 11 in the high-northern Atlantic (Nordic seas) | |
71% | 165 165-999 | 2009 | Montoya, Joseph P.: Old new nitrogen | download |
71% | 151 151-910 151-911 | 1994 | Rack, F.: Core and logging data from ODP sites on Yermak Plateau; implications for an Arctic ice sheet | |
71% | 160 160-963 | 2002 | Di Stefano, Enrico; Incarbona, Alessandro: Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic observations on the last deglaciation in the Sicily Channel, based on calcareous nannofossils | |
71% | 162 | 1998 | Oppo, D. W.; McManus, J. F. et al.: Abrupt climate events 500,000 to 340,000 years ago; evidence from subpolar North Atlantic sediments | |
71% | 94 94-606 | 1992 | Self-Trail, Jean M.; Martin, Ronald E.: Late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of DSDP Site 606, Mid-Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 138 138-847 | 1992 | Farrell, John W.: Late Pleistocene stable isotope records from surface-ocean and thermocline-dwelling planktic foraminifera; ODP Site 847, eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1992 | Buccheri, G.; Bertoldo, M.: Le associazioni a pteropodi del Pleistocene mediterraneo; II, Analisi paleoclimatica delle carotte NN.1, 2 e 3 del pozzo DSDP 132 (Leg 13) Pteropod assemblages in the Mediterranean Pleistocene; II, Paleoclimatic analysis of cores 1, 2 and 3 from DSDP Site 132, Leg 13 | |
71% | 167 167-1020 | 1998 | Hovan, S. A.; Kish, S. W. et al.: The late Pleistocene record of terrigenous mineral deposition along the northern California Margin, ODP Leg 167 | |
71% | 117 117-723 | 2002 | Sato, Tokiyuki; Watanabe, Mikiko et al.: Latest Quaternary palaeoceanography of the Arabian Sea, based on the analysis of calcareous nannofossils, with special reference to change of monsoon strength | |
71% | 111 111-677 | 2000 | Betancur, J.; Martinez, J. I. et al.: Late Pleistocene benthonic Foraminifera from the Panama Basin, eastern Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 124 124-769 | 1997 | Sautter, Leslie Reynolds: Evidence for vertical mixing in the Sulu Sea during the Younger Dryas | |
71% | 146 146-893 | 2007 | Anderson, Rebecca: Stable isotope and pollen evidence for late Quaternary climate change in southern coastal California | |
71% | 42 42-374 | 2000 | Hieke, W.: Transparent layers in seismic reflection records from the central Ionian Sea (Mediterranean); evidence for repeated catastrophic turbidite sedimentation during the Quaternary | |
71% | 172 | 2001 | Bianchi, G. G.; Vautravers, M. et al.: Deep flow variability under apparently stable North Atlantic deep water production during the last interglacial of the subtropical NW Atlantic | download |
71% | 133 133-820 | 2006 | Marshall, A. G.; Lynch, A. H.: Time-slice analysis of the Australian summer monsoon during the late Quaternary using the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model | |
71% | 104 104-643 | 1995 | Nuernberg, Dirk: Magnesium in tests of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from high northern and southern latitudes | |
71% | 165 165-1002 | 2005 | Mertens, Kenneth: Coccolithophores as indicators of dissolution in the Cariaco Basin, ODP Site 1002 | |
71% | 151 151-911 | 2008 | Junttila, Juho; Lahtinen, Taija et al.: Provenance and sea-ice transportation of mid-Pliocene and Quaternary sediments, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP Site 911) | |
71% | 302 302-M0004 | 2007 | Yamamoto, M.; Polyak, L.: Late Pleistocene biomarker records from the central Arctic Ocean (ACEX Hole M0004C and HOTRAX HLY0503-08JPC) | |
71% | 138 138-846 | 1994 | Le, Jianning; Mix, A. C. et al.: East-West temperature gradient in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the late Pleistocene | |
71% | 115 115-714 | 2001 | Mielke, Koreen Michelle: Reconstructing surface carbonate chemistry and temperature in paleoceans; geochemical results from laboratory experiments and the fossil record | |
71% | | 2001 | Blais-Stevens, A.; Clague, John J. et al.: Record of large, late Pleistocene outburst floods preserved in Saanich Inlet sediments | |
71% | 133 | 2000 | Dunbar, G. B.; Dickens, G. R. et al.: Sediment flux across the Great Barrier Reef shelf to the Queensland Trough over the last 300 ky | |
71% | 104 104-643 | 1994 | Bauch, Henning A.: Beella megastoma (Earland) in late Pleistocene Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments; stratigraphy and meltwater implication | |
71% | 172 | 2002 | Yokokawa, Miwa; Franz, Sven-Oliver: Changes in grain size and magnetic fabric at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during the late Pleistocene (marine isotope stages 8-10) | |
71% | 181 181-1119 | 2002 | Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. R. et al.: Climatic yo-yo-ing of the subtropical front, 0-0.38 Ma; ODP Site 1119, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 108 108-658 | 1996 | Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: Subtropical eastern Atlantic climate during the Eemian | |
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