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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 113 | 1988 | Gee, Carole T.; Mohr, Barbara A.: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ODP Leg 113) | |
86% | 113 113-692 | 2000 | Crame, J. A.; Arntz, W. E. et al.: A Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous belemnite dredged from the floor of the eastern Weddell Sea | |
83% | 113 | 1988 | Pudsey, C. J.; Hamilton, N. et al.: Grain-size and silica content of Weddell Sea hemipelagic sediments, ODP Leg 113; a record of Plio-Pleistocene climate | |
83% | 113 | 1990 | Pereira, Christopher P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Late Tertiary sedimentology, palaeoenvironments and climate of the Weddell Sea region; synthesis based on sediment, clay mineralogy and organic isotope geochemistry data | |
83% | 113 | 1989 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.: Palynological results from ODP Leg 113, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
83% | 113 | 1991 | Macko, Stephen A.; Pereira, Christopher P. G.: Late Tertiary climatic development of the Weddell Sea region, Antarctica based on stable isotope organic geochemistry and clay mineralogy | |
83% | 113 | 1991 | Moons, A.; Miller, H. et al.: Sequence stratigraphy of the Crary Fan, southeastern Weddell Sea | |
83% | 113 | 1987 | Pereira, C. P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Preliminary organic isotopic geochemistry and sedimentological results from ODP Leg 113 cores from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
83% | 113 | 1988 | Stott, L. D.; Delaney, M. L.: Cd/Ca in benthic foraminifera and stable isotopes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Site 690C (Leg 113), Weddell Sea, Antarctic | |
82% | | 1987 | Anonymous: DFG-Schwerpunktkolloquium Ocean Drilling Program Deep Sea Drilling Project; Kurzfassung der Vortraege Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft research symposium; Ocean Drilling Program-Deep Sea Drilling Project; abstracts of the lectures | |
82% | | 1987 | Kerr, Richard A.: Ocean drilling details steps to an icy world | |
82% | 113 | 1987 | In the Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Leg 113 explores climatic changes | |
77% | 113 113-695 | 2003 | Srivastav, Aradhna: Upper Miocene to Pliocene diatom taxonomy and biostratigraphic synthesis of ODP Hole 695A, Jane Basin, Weddell Sea, Antarctic | |
76% | 113 113-693 113-694 113-696 | 2011 | Schwarz, Stephen; O'Connell, Suzanne et al.: Antarctic glacial and geologic history determined from ODP Weddell Sea cores | |
75% | 113 113-692 113-693 113-694 | 2004 | Rogenhagen, Johannes; Jokat, Wilfried et al.: Improved seismic stratigraphy of Mesozoic Weddell Sea | |
68% | 113 | 1988 | Macko, S. A.; Pereira, C. P. G.: Organic isotopic geochemistry and sedimentology of the east-central Weddell Sea region; a paleoenvironmental and climatic interpretation | |
68% | 113 113-690 | 1992 | Ehrendorfer, Thomas W.: Diversity changes in the calcareous nannoplankton during the Maestrichtian in southern high latitudes (ODP Hole 690C, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea) | |
68% | 178 | 2000 | Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Moerz, T. et al.: Pacific continental rise sites; sedimentological results (ODP Leg 178, Western Antarctic Peninsular) | |
68% | | 1988 | Anonymous: Geologic history of the polar oceans; Arctic versus Antarctic | |
68% | 113 115 119 | 1996 | Zahn, Rainer; Oberhaensli, H. et al.: Milankovitch modulation of climatic change during the early Oligocene (Oi-1, appr. 33.7. Ma ago); evidence for fine structure in an abrupt climate shift | |
68% | 113 | 1988 | McCartney, Kevin; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Silicoflagellates from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113; new fossil evidence of their variability | |
68% | 114 | 1987 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Kristoffersen, Yngve: A summary of shipboard scientific results of ODP Leg 114 to the subantarctic South Atlantic | |
68% | 114 | 1985 | Kennett, J. P.; Biggs, D. C.: Upcoming scientific drilling in the Southern Ocean; South Atlantic sector, austral summer 1986-1987 | |
68% | 113 113-689 | 1995 | Diester-Haass, L.; Thomas, E. et al.: Evolution of paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry in the Southern Ocean; Eocene-Oligocene record of benthic fauna and stable isotopes at ODP Site 689 | |
68% | 111 113 | 1992 | Pisias, N.: Understanding global climate change and its response to changes in the distribution of solar insolation; the role of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
68% | 113 | 1987 | Burckle, L. H.; Abrams, N.: Pliocene paleoenvironments in the Circum-Antarctic region | |
68% | 113 | 1987 | Kennett, James P.; Barker, P.: Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of Antarctica; overview from ODP Leg 113 | |
68% | 120 | 1989 | Berggren, W. A.; Aubry, M. P.: Cenozoic foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton magnetobiostratigraphy of the southern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 120) | |
68% | 113 | 1988 | Schandl, Eva S.; Wicks, F. J.: Ice-rafted dropstones from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
68% | 113 | 1988 | Kennett, James P.; Stott, Lowell D.: Antarctic Paleogene oxygen isotopic and climatic history, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea | |
68% | 104 113 | 1988 | Spiess, V.; Bleil, U.: Cenozoic magnetostratigraphies in the Norwegian and Weddell Seas; results of ODP legs 104 and 113 | |
68% | | 1992 | Barker, Peter F.: The sedimentary record of Antarctic climate change | |
68% | 113 189 | 2004 | Grube, Rene; Mohr, Barbara: Vegetation and climate during the Eocene/Oligocene boundary interval in southern high latitudes; first results | |
68% | | 1986 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Garrison, L. F. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program after 1 year of drilling operations | |
68% | | 1989 | Raymond, Carol Anne: Satellite elevation magnetic anomalies and their use in tectonic studies | |
68% | | 1997 | Mackensen, Andreas: Zur Palaeoozeanographie hoher Breiten; Stellvertreterdaten aus Foraminiferen The use of Foraminifera substitutes in the paleo-oceanography of the higher latitudes | |
68% | 113 | 1998 | Pudsey, Carol J.; Howe, John A.: Quaternary history of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; evidence from the Scotia Sea | |
68% | | 2000 | Bains, Santo; Corfield, Richard et al.: Structure of the late Palaeocene carbon isotope excursion | |
68% | 114 | 1988 | LaBrecque, J. L.; Kristoffersen, Yngve et al.: The Malvinas Plate; microplate or megaplate? | |
68% | 121 121-758 | 1992 | Resiwati, Purtyasti: Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 121 | |
68% | | 1990 | Bohrmann, G.: Junge Porzellanite aus antarktischen Tiefseesedimenten und ihre Beziehung zur Chertgenese Young porcellanite from Antarctic deep sea sediments and their relationship to chert genesis | |
68% | 113 113-693 | 1997 | Caschetto, S. (ed.): Belgian Research Programme on the Antarctic; scientific results of Phase III (1992-1996); Volume II | |
67% | 74 74-528 113 113-690 119 119-738 | 1995 | MacLeod, Norman: Graphic correlation of high-latitude Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary sequences from Denmark, the Weddell Sea and Kerguelen Plateau; comparison with the El Kef (Tunisia) boundary stratotype | |
67% | | 1999 | Bart, Philip J.; De Batist, Marc et al.: Interglacial collapse of Crary Trough-mouth fan, Weddell Sea, Antarctica; implications for Antarctic glacial history | |
67% | 113 113-696 | 1994 | Kavoun, M.; Vinnikovskaya, O.: Seismic stratigraphy and tectonics of the northwestern Weddell Sea (Antarctica) inferred from marine geophysical surveys | |
67% | 113 113-692 113-693 | 1988 | Miller, H.; Henriet, J. P.: A fine-scale seismic stratigraphy of the easterm margin of the Weddell Sea | |
67% | 113 113-697 | 1991 | Bryant, William R.; Bennett, Richard H. et al.: Microfabric and physical properties characteristics of a consolidated clay section; ODP Site 697, Weddell Sea | |
67% | 113 113-693 | 1987 | Macko, S. A.; Bidigare, R. R. et al.: Sediment trap results from ODP Leg 113, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
67% | 113 113-689 113-690 113-696 | 1987 | O'Connell, S.; Barker, P. et al.: Sequential climatic cooling of Weddell Sea, Antarctica, ODP Leg 113 | |
67% | 113 | 1988 | Barker, P. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: Resultats preliminaires de la campagne 113 du Joides-Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) en mer de Weddell; histoire de la glaciation antarctique Preliminary results of ODP Leg 113 of the JOIDES Resolution in the Weddell Sea; history of the Antarctic glaciation | |
67% | 113 113-693 113-695 113-696 113-697 | 1988 | Smith, C.; O'Connell, S. et al.: Sand provenance and glacial history; Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
67% | 113 113-693 | 2003 | Rogenhagen, Johannes; Jokat, Wilfried et al.: New seismic stratigraphy for the Weddell Sea | |
67% | | 2004 | Maldonado, Andres; Bohoyo, F. et al.: Contourite deposits of the central Scotia Sea and northern Weddell Sea, Miocene to Recent; Antarctica | |
67% | 113 113-690 | 2003 | Stoll, Heather M.; Bains, Santo: Coccolith Sr/Ca records of productivity during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum from the Weddell Sea | download |
67% | 113 | 1988 | Macko, S. A.; Bidigare, R. R. et al.: Upper ocean particulate fluxes in the Weddell Sea from ODP Leg 113, Antarctica | |
67% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 2001 | Florindo, Fabio; Roberts, Andrew P.: A new high-resolution magnetostratigraphy from Eocene-Oligocene sediments, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
67% | 113 113-690 | 2002 | Bralower, Timothy J.: Evidence of surface water oligotrophy during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum; nannofossil assemblage data from Ocean Drilling Program Site 690, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea | download |
67% | 113 113-690 | 2002 | Kelly, D. Clay: Response of Antarctic (ODP Site 690) planktonic Foraminifera to the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum; faunal evidence for ocean/climate change | |
58% | 113 113-690 | 2004 | Stoll, Heather M.: Coccolith Sr/Ca records of productivity during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum from the Weddell Sea; reply | download |
58% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1989 | Pospichal, James J.: Maestrichtian to middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils; ODP Leg 113, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
58% | | 1989 | Thomas, Ellen: Development of Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas in Antarctic waters | |
58% | 177 177-1089 | 2012 | Krueger, S.; Leuschner, D. C. et al.: North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water variability during the last 200 ka recorded in an abyssal sediment core off South Africa | |
54% | | 1983 | Wright, Robyn; Anderson, John B. et al.: Distribution and association of sediment gravity flow deposits and glacial/glacial-marine sediments around the continental margin of Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-692 | 1988 | O'Connell, S.: Lower Cretaceous organic-rich sediments drilled on Antarctic continental margin during ODP Leg 113 | |
54% | 90 90-588 113 113-689 | 1988 | Asaro, F.; Alvarez, W. et al.: Possible world-wide middle Miocene iridium anomaly and its relationship to periodicity of impacts and extinctions | |
54% | 113 113-690 | 1988 | Wise, S. W.; Hamilton, N. et al.: Evidence of volcanic ash at a K/T boundary section; Ocean Drilling Program Hole 690C, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea off East Antarctica | |
54% | 43 43-384 113 113-690 | 1996 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Parrow, Matthew: Morphometrics of the Paleocene coccolith genera Cruciplacolithus, Chiasmolithus and Sullivania; a complex evolutionary history | |
54% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1989 | Thomas, Ellen: Long-term records of lower bathyal benthic foraminifera at high southern latitudes (Weddell Sea, Antarctica) | |
54% | 113 113-695 113-696 113-697 | 1989 | O'Brien, Paul Desmond: Magnetostratigraphy of marine sediments from Jane Basin, southeast of the South Orkney Microcontinent, Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-690 119 119-738 121 121-752 | 1996 | Pospichal, James J.: High latitude calcareous nannofossil changes at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the southern Indian Ocean | |
54% | 25 36 71 113 | 1992 | Claparols, Catherine: Comportement des elements en traces et variations des compositions isotopiques du Nd et du Sr au cours de l'alteration de depots volcaniques; etudes de cas et application aux series mesozoiques de black shales de l'Ocean Austral Behaviour of trace elements and variations in Nd and Sr isotope compositions during the weathering of volcanic rocks; case studies regarding Mesozoic black shales from the Austral Ocean | |
54% | 113 113-689 | 1993 | Diester-Haass, L.; Robert, C. et al.: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic evolution in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) during the middle Eocene-late Oligocene, from a coarse sediment fraction and clay mineral data (ODP Site 689) | |
54% | 113 113-693 | 1989 | Wise, S. W., Jr.; Harwood, D. M. et al.: Silicoflagellate variability; a historical perspective | |
54% | 104 105 113 119 120 | 1990 | Domack, Eugene W.; Domack, Cynthia R.: Cenozoic glaciation; the marine record established by ocean drilling | |
54% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1992 | Thomas, Ellen: Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic Foraminifera (Weddell Sea); faunal changes and implications for ocean circulation | |
54% | 113 | 1988 | Pereira, C. P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Cenozoic paleoenvironments of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica; ship and shore-based results from ODP Leg 113 | |
54% | 104 105 113 114 | 1988 | Clement, B. M.: Contributions of the Ocean Drilling Program to sediment paleomagnetism | |
54% | | 2004 | Viana, Adriano; Rebesco, Michele: Sedimentary record of bottom currents from the southern Atlantic to Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-693 | 2003 | Kuvaas, Berit; Kristoffersen, Yngve et al.: Regional interpretation of glaciomarine sediments along the East Antarctic continental margin | |
54% | 113 114 119 120 | 1994 | Ehrmann, Werner U.: Die kaenozoische vereisungsgeschichte der Antarktis The Cenozoic glacial history of Antarctica | |
54% | 104 105 113 119 | 1990 | Domack, C. R.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Thematic supplement to undergraduate curriculum in the Earth sciences based upon results of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
54% | 80 80-549 80-550 113 113-690 | 1997 | Sinha, Ashish: The systematics of isotopic exchange among the marine, atmospheric, and the terrestrial reservoirs of carbon; criteria for marine-terrestrial chrono-stratigraphic correlations | |
54% | 113 113-690 113-691 113-692 113-693 | 1988 | Barker, Peter F.; Kennett, James P.: Weddell Sea palaeoceanography; preliminary results of ODP Leg 113 | |
54% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1987 | Thomas, E.; Barker, P. et al.: Late Cretaceous through Neogene deep-sea benthic foraminifera from the Weddell Sea | |
54% | 113 113-690 143 143-865 | 2000 | Thomas, Ellen; Zachos, James C.: Was the late Paleocene thermal maximum a unique event? | |
54% | 188 188-1165 188-1166 | 2006 | Strand, Kari; Junttila, J. et al.: Implications of sediment composition changes for onset of glaciation and glacial dynamics in Prydz Bay continental margin, Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-689 113-690 119 119-744 | 2002 | Persico, Davide; Villa, Giuliana: High-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and palaeoecology from Eocene-Oligocene sediments, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea and Kerguelen Plateau, Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-689 | 2001 | Wilson, Gary S.; Roberts, Andrew P. et al.: Eocene-Oligocene Antarctic and Southern Ocean climatic deterioration; phase relationships between climatic and oceanic cooling | |
54% | 113 113-690 | 1992 | Bohrmann, Gerhard; Spiess, Volkhard et al.: Reflector "Pc" a prominent feature in the Maud Rise sediment sequence (eastern Weddell Sea); occurrence, regional distribution and implications to silica diagenesis | |
54% | 113 113-693 | 2000 | Kristoffersen, Y.; Winterhalter, B. et al.: Shelf progradation on a glaciated continental margin, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica | |
54% | 113 113-693 | 1997 | de Batist, Marc; Bart, P. J. et al.: Part B; Marine geophysics; Belantostrat; Belgian contribution to the "Antarctic Offshore Acoustic Stratigraphy Project (ANTOSTRAT)" | |
50% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 2005 | Florindo, Fabio; Roberts, Andrew P.: Eocene-Oligocene magnetobiochronology of ODP Sites 689 and 690, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
50% | 113 113-689 | 2002 | Majoran, Stefan; Dingle, Richard V.: Cenozoic deep-sea ostracods from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ODP Site 689); a palaeoceanographical perspective | |
50% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 2012 | Kelly, D. Clay; Nielsen, Tina M. J. et al.: Carbonate saturation dynamics during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; bathyal constraints from ODP Sites 689 and 690 in the Weddell Sea (South Atlantic) | |
50% | 199 199-1218 208 208-1263 | 2012 | Langton, Samantha; Cramer, Benjamin S. et al.: Evidence for SCW circulation in the eastern South Atlantic as a consequence of southern gateway openings during the middle to late Eocene | |
48% | 113 | 1988 | Hamilton, N.: Late Mesozoic magnetostratigraphy of Maud Rise, ODP Leg 113 | |
48% | | 1988 | Wrenn, John H.; Hart, George F.: Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, Antarctica | |
48% | 113 113-690 | 1989 | Stott, Lowell D.; Kennett, James P.: New constraints on early Tertiary palaeoproductivity from carbon isotopes in foraminifera | |
48% | | 1993 | Jenkins, D. Graham: Cenozoic southern mid and high latitude biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera | |
48% | 36 71 113 120 | 1989 | Watkins, D. K.; Pospichal, J. J.: Turonian-Maastrichtian nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean | |
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