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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1221992Dumont, Thierry; Roehl, Ursula: Tectonics and sea-level changes recorded in Late Triassic sequences at rifted margins of eastern and western Tethys (Northwest Australia, Leg 122; Western Europe)
99%1985Beardsley, Tim: Deep-sea drilling; Britain squeezed onto margins
85%1994Kidd, Robert B.: Twenty-three years of British participation in scientific ocean drilling
85%1985Bukovics, Christian; Ziegler, Peter A.: Tectonic development of the mid-Norway continental margin
85%1980Medd, Alan: Nannofossil zonation of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
85%1973Bellaiche, Gilbert; Recq, Maurice: Off-shore seismological experiments south of Provence in relation to "Glomar Challenger" deep sea drillings (JOIDES-DSDP, Leg 13) [letter]
85%1990Evans, C. D. R.: The geology of the western English Channel and its western approaches
85%1995Thiede, J.: Onset and early variability of Northern Hemisphere Cenozoic glaciations
85%1972Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Application of low-field magnetic susceptibility anisotropy to the problem of distinguishing between extrusive and intrusive abyssal igneous drill cores
85%1995Rousseau, Denis-Didier; Parra, Igor et al.: Continental climatic changes in Normandy (France) between 3.3 and 2.3 Myr B.P.
85%1997Kleman, Johan; Stroeven, Arjen P.: Preglacial surface remnants and Quaternary glacial regimes in northwestern Sweden
2003Genty, D.; Blamart, D. et al.: Precise dating of Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in Western Europe from stalagmite data
71%391981Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages
71%371981Prevot, M.: Some aspects of magnetic viscosity in subaerial and submarine volcanic rocks
71%2000Shreyder, A. A.; Shreyder, Al. A.: Morskiye geologo-geofizicheskiye issledovaniya i ikh ekologicheskiye posledstviya Marine geologic-geophysical investigations and their ecological consequences
71%1985Chamley, H.; Deconinck, J. F.: Expression de l'evolution geodynamique des domaines nord-atlantique et subalpin au Mesozoique superieur, d'apres les successions sedimentaires argileuses Late Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of North Atlantic and subalpine ranges expressed by sedimentary clay successions
71%371975Keen, M. J.; Ade-Hall, J. M. et al.: Is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge like Iceland?
71%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Evidence for a late Maastrichtian, but not terminal Cretaceous, extinction of Inoceramus (Bivalvia)
71%1041994Schreckenberger, B.; Roeser, H. A.: Seaward dipping reflector sequences as sources for high amplitude marine magnetic anomalies
1986Powell, A.: A new species of Bolboforma (Incertae Sedis) from the Miocene of the Voring Plateau, Northern Norway
71%1987Worthington, M. H.: Geophysics in the United Kingdom
1982Varentsov, I. M.: Metalliferous sediments of the North Atlantic and Galapagos rift zone; geochemistry, features of formation
71%1980Tarney, J.; Wood, D. A. et al.: Nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from deep sea drilling
71%1976Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Comparison of observed intrusive to extrusive ratios in Iceland and the Troodos Massif with results of experimental emplacement mode analysis of DSDP igneous rocksdownload
71%371976Harrison, C. G. A.; Watkins, N. D.: Criteria for obtaining correct magnetic polarities from DSDP basalts, based on Icelandic lava results
71%1976Watkins, N. D.; Harrison, C. G. A.: More pessimism about prospects for deriving obviously useful paleomagnetic information from IPOD basalt cores
71%1982Deregnaucourt, D.; Boillot, G.: Structure geologique du golfe de Gascogne Geologic structure of Bay of Biscay
71%1999Cotillon, P.; Huchon, A.: Les Cycles sedimentaires a haute frequence et leur message dans les sediments pelagiques; exemples dans quelques series du Cretace inferieur a l'actuel High-frequency pelagic sedimentary cycles; examples from the Lower Cretaceous to modern times
71%2000Mienert, J.; Andreassen, K. et al.: Drilling and mapping continental margin slope stability; potential slip planes and gas hydrates off mid-Norway
2000Eidvin, Tor: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf
1985Manivit, H.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous nannofossils and magnetostratigraphic correlations in the Mesogean regions
71%1992Berggren, William A.: A revised Neogene magnetobiochronology; framework for improved global marine-terrestrial correlations
1979Wood, D. A.; Joron, J. L. et al.: Elemental and Sr isotope variations in basic lavas from Iceland and the surrounding ocean floor; the nature of mantle source inhomogeneities
71%1979Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge
71%1451992Barthes, V.; Pozzi, J. P. et al.: Development and field tests of new logging magnetic tools
71%381979Bjorklund, K. R.; Goll, R. M.: Ice age climates of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
71%801988Macurda, D. B., Jr.: Seismic stratigraphic features of the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland
71%1041993Poole, David A. R.; Vorren, Tore O.: Miocene to Quaternary paleoenvironments and uplift history on the mid Norwegian shelf
71%1983Winterer, E. L.: Progress and prospect in scientific ocean drilling
71%1991Busson, G.; Noel, D.: Les Nannoconides, indicateurs environnementaux des oceans et mers epicontinentales du Jurassique terminal et du Cretace inferieur Nannoconids as environmental indicators of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous oceans and epicontinental seas
71%131974Cita, M. B.: I pozzi profondi perforati nel 1970 nel quadro paleogeografico e geodinamico del Mediterraneo occidentale The relevance of the deep-sea wells drilled in 1970 on the paleogeographic and geodynamic description of the western Mediterranean region
71%1985Bralower, Timothy J.; Monechi, Simonetta: Nannofossil stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphic correlation at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
1993Bergen, James A.; Salomon, Ralph A.: Cretaceous nannofossil zonations; a new look at fossil datums for biostratigraphic applications
1973Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and emplacement modes of submarine igneous rocks
71%481981Pastouret, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Shamrock Canyon area, Armorican continental margin
1984Moss, Kevin; Loubere, Paul: Response of the North Atlantic to climatic variations in the late Pliocene
71%1979Palmason, G.; Arnorsson, S. et al.: The Iceland crust; evidence from drillhole data on structure and processes
71%1991Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Sequence stratigraphy; eustasy or tectonic imprint?download
71%961986Doyle, Larry J.: Similarities and contrasts in carbonate deposystems between active and passive continental margins; Gulf of Mexico and the French Pyrenees
1990Zhao, Meixun; Bada, Jeffrey L.: Amino acids in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments
71%1984Kastner, M.; Asaro, Frank et al.: Did the clay minerals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary form from glass? Evidence from Denmark and DSDP Hole 465A
71%1996Miller, J.; Thordarson, T. et al.: Sulfur degassing and nature of eruptive activity during the 935AD Eldgja eruption, S-Iceland
1980Kyte, Frank T.; Zhou Zhiming et al.: Siderophile-enriched sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
71%1121993Lamboy, Michel: Phosphatization of calcium carbonate in phosphorites; microstructure and importance
71%1987Cotillon, P.: Recherche d'un enregistrement de l'eustatisme dans les pelagites carbonatees du Cretace inferieur Ouest-Tethysien The eustatic record of Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates in the western Tethys
71%1991Jacquin, T.; de Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; anoxia and hiatus within a sequence stratigraphic framework
1989Mutterlose, Joerg: Temperature-controlled migration of calcareous nannofloras in the North-west European Aptian
1977Harrison, C. G. A.; Watkins, N. D.: Shallow inclinations of remanent magnetism in Deep-Sea Drilling Project igneous cores; geomagnetic field behavior or postemplacement effects?download
71%1521999Revillon, S.; Arndt, N. T. et al.: Petrogenesis of picrites from the Caribbean Plateau and the North Atlantic magmatic province
1978Nilsen, T. H.: Lower Tertiary laterite on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge and the Thulean land bridge
1983Kyte, Frank Thomas: Analyses of extraterrestrial materials in terrestrial sediments
71%1983Abdel-Gawad, M.; Bulau, J. R. et al.: Attenuation and velocity of basalt from the Deep Drilling Project, Iceland
1983Roberts, D. G.: Frontier exploration in Western and Northwest Europe
71%2004Fridleifsson, Gudmundur Omar; Elders, Wilfred A.: A drillhole for supercritical geothermal fluids at Reykjanes, Iceland
2003Engstrom, Anna Victoria; Skelton, Alasdair: Hydrothermal minerals, fluid flow and brittle/semi-brittle deformation; a comparison between the Skyttorp-Vattholma fault zone (SVFZ), south-central Sweden and the Iberian Abyssal Plain (ODP Leg 173, Hole 1067)
1988Leary, P. N.; Hart, M. B.: Comparisons of the late Cenomanian Foraminiferida from Goban Spur, Site 551, DSDP Leg 80 (western approaches) and Dover (SE England)
71%2005Coffin, Millard F.: Expeditions to drill Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific sites
71%1986Barbier, F.; Duverge, J. et al.: Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Gascogne; implications sur le mecanisme de rifting et de formation de la marge continentale Deep structure of the northern Gascony margin; implications for rifting mechanism and genesis of the margin
71%1041986The petrology and geochemistry of the lavas constituting a section through the dipping reflectors of the Voring Plateau of the North Atlantic
71%3072005Williams, T.; Kano, A. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 307, Porcupine Basin carbonate mounds
71%1994Dromart, G.; Gaillard, C. et al.: Deep-marine microbial structures in the Upper Jurassic of western Tethys
1994Gading, Marita: Deepwater exploration on tap in Voring Basin I area of Norway
1987Leckie, R. Mark: Paleoecology of Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera; a comparison of open ocean and epicontinental sea assemblages
71%1984Cotillon, P.: Tentative world-wide correlation of Early Cretaceous strata by limestone-marl cyclicities in pelagic deposits
71%1998Thiry, Medard; Sinha, Ashish et al.: Chemostratigraphy
71%1999Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Quantitative biogeography of Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the North Atlantic and circum-Mediterranean
71%1999Planke, Sverre; Alvestad, Eivind et al.: Seismic characteristics of basaltic extrusive and intrusive rocks
71%2002Miller, Kenneth G.: The role of ODP in understanding the causes and effects of global sea level change
71%3072005Henriet, J. P.; Foubert, A. et al.: Atlantic carbonate mound drilling; challenges ahead, from Porcupine to the Morocco margin
71%1994Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale
71%1973Leclaire, L.; Alcayde, G. et al.: La silicification des craies; role des spherules de cristobalite-tridymite observees dans les craies des bassins oceaniques et dans celles du Bassin de Paris The silicification of chalk; the role of cristobalite-tridymite spherules observed in the chalks of ocean basins and Paris Basin
1994Reale, Viviana; Monechi, Simonetta: Cyclagelosphaera wiedmannii, new species, a marker for the Callovian
1991Dromart, G.: Slope microbial biostromes as evidence of marine flooding maxima in Jurassic carbonate sequences stratigraphy
71%1991Bralower, Timothy J.; Sliter, William V.: Dysoxic/anoxic events in the Aptian-Albian (Middle Cretaceous)
71%1991Cotillon, Pierre: Varves, beds, and bundles in pelagic sequences and their correlation (Mesozoic of SE France and Atlantic)
71%171B1999Erbacher, Jochen; Hemleben, Christoph et al.: Correlating environmental changes during early Albian oceanic anoxic event 1B using benthic foraminiferal paleoecology
71%2000Eidvin, Tor; Jansen, Eystein et al.: The upper Cainozoic of the Norwegian continental shelf correlated with the deep sea record of the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic
71%2001Minshull, T. A.; Bullock, A. D.: Crustal structure of the ocean-continent transition at Goban Spur, UK western approaches
71%2001Boulton, Geoffrey S.: The Earth system and the challenge of global change
2004Kvassnes, Astri Jaeger Sweetman: The evolution of oceanic gabbros; in-situ and ancient examples
71%481981Roberts, D. G.; Masson, D. G. et al.: Continental margin from the Porcupine Seabight to the Armorican marginal basin
1984Leckie, Robert Mark: Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera off Northwest Africa
71%801982Masson, Douglas G.: Regional aspects of IPOD Leg 80 drilling
71%1982Yemel'yanov, Ye. M.; Kharin, G. S.: Rol' vulkanizma v formirovanii mineral'nogo sostava sovremennykh i pozdnechetvertichnykh osadkov Severnoy Atlantiki The role of volcanism in the formation of the mineral composition of modern and late Quaternary sediments in the North Atlantic
1995Throseth, Ingunn Hindenes: Alteration of basaltic glass; texture, geochemistry and microbial interaction
71%3072009Henriet, Jean Pierre: The giant cold-water coral mound as a nested microbial/metazoan system; physical, chemical, biological and geological picture (ESF EuroDiversity MiCROSYSTEMS)
71%2009Rabineau, M.: The GOLD IODP Project; global climate changes, extreme events, margins formation and the limits of life in the Gulf of Lion
71%2010Stegmann, S.; Henry, P. et al.: Drilling and monitoring of natural and man-made landslide trigger mechanisms at the Ligurian Slope (W Mediterranean Sea); the Nice Airport landslide, NAIL
1983Cunningham, Robert; Kroopnick, Peter M.: Distribution of organic facies in mid-Cretaceous North Atlantic black shales; DSDP Sites 549-551, northern North Atlantic
1983Talwani, Manik; Mutter, John et al.: Ocean continent boundary under the Norwegian continental margin

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