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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1999Sun, Xinhua: Inversion of acoustic waveforms for velocity and attenuation
86%1983Smoot, N. Christian: Guyot definition altered by multi-beam sonar; an updating of paleo-bathymetry
86%1990Haymon, Rachel; Fornari, Dan: ARGO system reveals EPR (9 degrees -10 degrees N) to be hot stuff
86%1983Talwani, Manik: New geophysical techniques for offshore exploration
86%1999Anonymous: A wealth of geophysical data is available from government sources
86%1984Nelson, C. Hans: Marine techniques
71%1391990Johnson, H. Paul; Franklin, James M.: Hydrothermal pattern exposed by SeaMARC 1A survey
71%1988Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry datadownload
1986Kidd, Robert B.; Hill, Philip R.: Sedimentation on mid-ocean sediment drifts
71%1681996Zuehlsdorff, L.; Spiess, V. et al.: Fluid migration through sediments on the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank; evidence from high resolution seismic surveys?
71%951984Goldberg, D. S.: Analysis of acoustic logs in the Baltimore Canyon Trough; DSDP Leg 95
71%1987Worthington, M. H.: Geophysics in the United Kingdom
71%1988Busch, William H.: Estimating in situ porosity from core and borehole log data; results from Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay
1985Goldberg, David S.: Sonic attenuation in consolidated and unconsolidated sediments
71%2000Mienert, J.; Andreassen, K. et al.: Drilling and mapping continental margin slope stability; potential slip planes and gas hydrates off mid-Norway
1992Goldberg, David; Badri, Mohammed et al.: Acoustic attenuation in oceanic gabbro
71%1996Wright, Dawn J.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench; results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey
71%1691996Ross, Stephanie L.; Klitgord, Kim D. et al.: New sidescan imagery of NESCA Site at Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge
1989Kodagali, V. N.: Morphology of uncharted seamount from Central Indian Basin
71%351976Tucholke, B. E.: Sedimentation processes and acoustic stratigraphy off West Antarctica
71%1985Chough, S. K.; Mosher, D. C. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site survey (Hudson 84-030) in the Labrador Sea; 3.5 kHz profiles
71%1301993Bassinot, Franck C.: Analyse paleoceanographique a haute resolution des carbonates pelagiques des oceans Indien et Pacifique en region tropicale High-resolution paleo-oceanographic analysis of pelagic carbonates of the Indian and Pacific oceans in tropical areas
1981Challenger drills at sites off East Coast
71%1988Takeuchi, Tomoyoshi: Sound propagation experiments in the sea for mean current velocity measurement
1979Stoffa, P. L.; Mauffret, A. et al.: Subcrustal layering in the Aruba Gap
71%1992Wen, Renjun; Sinding-Larsen, Richard: Quantitative analysis of GLORIA side-scan sonar imaging; a comparison of theoretical and ground truth calibration in a study of the Mississippi deep sea fan
71%1671998Janik, A.; Hood, J. A. et al.: Learning about paleoclimate from geophysical data; results from ODP Leg 167, California Margin
71%1341993Johnson, D. P.; Maillet, P. C. et al.: Regional setting of a complex backarc; New Hebrides Arc, northern Vanatu-eastern Solomon Islands
71%1311990Taira, A.: Tectonics and hydrogeology of the Nankai accretionary margin; an overview
71%1987Choi, D. R.: Continental crust under the NW Pacific Ocean
71%1341989Parson, L. M.: Gloria long-range side-scan sonar results from the Lau Basin, SW Pacific; their use in understanding the ridge geometry and tectonic evolution of active back-arc basins
1980Matthews, J. E.: Heuristic physical property model for marine sediments
1980Wrolstad, Keith: Interval velocity and attenuation measurements in sediments from marine seismic reflection data
71%1980Renard, V.; Aubouin, Jean et al.: Premiers resultats d'une etude de la fosse d'Amerique centrale au sondeur multifaisceaux (Seabeam) First results of a study of the Middle America Trench by a multibeam sounder; Seabeam
71%1041990Thiede, Joern; Pfirman, Stephanie et al.: Bathymetry of Molloy Deep; Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland
71%381978Faas, R. W.: Mass physical and engineering properties of "glacial" sediments of Voering Plateau, Norwegian Sea
71%1983Jacobi, R. D.; Hayes, D. E. et al.: General geology/geophysics of three 1 degrees x 1 degrees subseabed candidate disposal sites for nuclear waste
71%1986Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Empirical reflection travel time versus depth and velocity versus depth functions for the deep-sea sediment columndownload
71%1986Mascle, A.; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Growth of accretionary prisms tectonic processes from Caribbean examples
71%2004Fujimoto, H.; Sweeney, A. et al.: An experiment on GPS/A seafloor positioning in the central part of Kumano-nada, central Japan
71%2042004Guerin, G.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Analysis of sonic velocity in an active gas hydrate system, Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon
71%2004Johnson, Joel E.: Deformation, fluid venting, and slope failure at an active margin gas hydrate province, Hydrate Ridge Cascadia accretionary wedge
71%1978Berger, W. H.; Mayer, L. A.: Deep-sea carbonates; acoustic reflectors and lysocline fluctuations
71%1992Filatjev, Vilor P.: The analysis of the acoustic basements and sedimentary cover in the Japan Sea
71%1101992Lallemant, Siegfried; Henry, Pierre et al.: Shallow detachment of the toe of accretionary wedges and associated surface deformation (Barbados & Nankai accretionary prisms)
71%1986O'Connell, S.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Two styles of slope and canyon erosion on the Ebro Margin, Northwest Mediterranean Sea
71%1983Kazakov, O. V.; Mitulov, S. N. et al.: The structure of the sediment cover in the Alboran Sea according to seismoacoustic profiling data
71%1752000Duncan, Laurie; Goff, John et al.: CHIRP sonar reveals Hudson River channels on the New Jersey inner shelf
71%1101991Blanc, G.; Boulegue, J. et al.: Chemical evidence for advection of interstitial fluid in the sedimentary series of the Barbados accretionary complex (Leg 110)
71%1641996Wood, Warren T.; Holbrook, W. Steven et al.: Attenuation of seismic waveforms through methane hydrate and gas stability zones on the Blake Ridge
71%1996Breitzke, M.; Kuhn, G. et al.: Attenuation-based sediment classification; ultrasonic full waveform images of sediment cores versus parasound echosounder recordings
71%1997Sager, W. W.; Kim, J. et al.: Tectonic implications of Shatsky Rise bathymetry, NW Pacific Ocean
71%1281998Gardner, J. M.; Shor, A. N. et al.: Acoustic imagery evidence for methane hydrates in the Ulleung Basin
71%1391992Franklin, J. M.: Hot rocks, hot water and cold sulfides; preliminary results, ODP Leg 139 drilling the Juan de Fuca Ridge
71%1131998Pudsey, Carol J.; Howe, John A.: Quaternary history of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; evidence from the Scotia Sea
71%1999Keigwin, Lloyd; Gutierrez, Ben et al.: High-resolution acoustic surveys of two proposed drill sites using a CHIRP sonar
71%1980Jacobi, R. D.; Damuth, J. E. et al.: Evaluation of the North Pacific subseabed for disposal of high-level nuclear waste; II, Analysis of geologic data in the PAC 1 area, Northwest Pacific to locate potential candidate disposal sites
71%2002Krastel, Sebastian; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: The channel between Gran Canaria and Tenerife; constructive processes and destructive events during the evolution of volcanic islands
71%1461991Carson, Bobb; Holmes, Mark L.: Fluid expulsion sites imaged on Cascadia margin
71%2010Masaki, Y.; Kawada, Y. et al.: Hydrothermal circulation regime of the Iheya-North hydrothermal field in the mid-Okinawa Trough inferred from heat flow measurements
71%1892001Hill, Peter J.; Exon, Neville F.: Geology of the continental margin east and south of Tasmania; recent results from ODP drilling, swath-mapping, seismic surveys and geological sampling
71%1984Anderson, R. N.; O'Malley, H. et al.: A new technique for the quantitative determination of degree of fracturing and alteration in fast formations
71%1996Gao, Dengliang; Hurst, Steve D. et al.: Quantitative analysis of sidescan sonar imagery; eastern Kane Ridge-transform intersection in the MARK area
71%1988Popenoe, Peter; Dillon, William P. et al.: The Blake Plateau; a history of Tertiary Gulf Stream erosion and non deposition
71%1651997Lind, Ida: A modified Wyllie equation for the relationship between porosity and sonic velocity of mixed sediments and carbonates from the Caribbean Sea
71%3102007Inwood, J.; Braaksma, H. et al.: Improving the accuracy of core location and recovery estimates through the integration of core data, wireline logs and drilling parameters; an example from IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level
71%1681997Zuehlsdorff, Lars; Spiess, Volkhard et al.: Possible seismic evidences for fluid migration at the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank
71%1999Goff, John A.; Olson, Hilary C. et al.: Does grain size determine acoustic backscatter on the New Jersey continental shelf? Sometimes!
71%3022005Darby, D. A.; Jakobsson, M. et al.: Trans-Arctic coring expedition results
71%1252002Fryer, Patricia: Detailed structures of Mariana Forearc serpentine mud volcanoes from side-scan sonar mapping; implications for formation of serpentinite melange deposits
71%1995Kim, J.; Sager, W. W. et al.: New bathymetry chart of Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean
71%1842006Xu Huaning; Li Liqing et al.: The seismic reflecting characteristics of gas hydrate bearing strata and its possible distribution in the South China Sea
71%2010Schmidt-Schierhorn, F.; Beckert, U. et al.: Geophysical results from an IODP site survey for planned investigation of the deep biosphere at North Pond (Mid-Atlantic-Ridge)
1998Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jorn Bo et al.: Late Quaternary palaeo-oceanography of the Denmark Strait overflow pathway, South-East Greenland margin
57%1983Phillips, J. D.; Green, J. T. et al.: Crustal structure of the Puerto Rico Trench-Antilles Outer Ridge; North Atlantic transect
1985Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates at two sites of an active continental margin
57%1988Furuta, Toshio; Fujimoto, Hiromi: LBL acoustic transponder navigation
57%1988Fujioka, Kantaro; Ashi, Juichiro et al.: Morphology of Sumisu Rift
1982Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: DSDP Leg 85; acoustic stratigraphy and physical property results in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
57%1988Igarashi, Chiaki; Suk, Bong Chool et al.: 3.5 kHz subbottom profiling survey
1986O'Connell, Suzanne Bridget: Anatomy of modern submarine depositional and distributary systems
1985Anderson, Roger N.; Narisimhan, T. N.: The detection of overpressured sediments in the accretionary prism of the Middle America Trench using geophysical logs
1986Broglia, C.; Moos, Daniel: Physical properties of 110 Ma oceanic crust; geophysical logging results from DSDP Hole 418A
1986Moos, Daniel; Becker, K.: Physical properties of young oceanic crust from geophysical logs in DSDP Hole 395A
2000Bianchi, G. G.; McCave, I. N.: Hydrography and sedimentation under the deep western boundary current on Bjorn and Gardar Drifts, Iceland Basin
57%201973Jones, E. J. W.; Heezen, B. C. et al.: Sediments of the western Pacific; results from Leg 20 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
1979Zimmerman, H. B.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Acoustic horizons in the Argentine Basin, southwestern Atlantic Ocean; new evidence from deep-sea drilling
1978Carlson, R. L.; Christensen, N. I.: Acoustic properties of vitric tuffs from DSDP Site 451, West Mariana Ridge
57%1995Schuur, C. L.; Coffin, M. et al.: The southern Solander Fan, SW Pacific Ocean; implications for regional tectonics and paleoceanography
57%1431995Kenter, Jeroen A. M.; Reinders, Marc et al.: Effects of differential dissolution on the acoustic properties of carbonates (Upper Cretaceous skeletal grainstones, southeastern Netherlands)
1989Kong, Laura S. L.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: The morphology and tectonics of the MARK area from Sea Beam and MARC I observations (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23 degrees N)
57%1581996Kinoshita, M.; Matsubayashi, O. et al.: Sub-bottom temperature anomalies detected by long-term temperature monitoring at the TAG hydrothermal mounddownload
1989Spiess, Fred N.: Wireline reentry is a resounding success
1990Brueckmann, W.; Moran, K. et al.: Anisotropic properties of sediments in the Nankai accretionary complex
1984Schaftenaar, Carl H.; Carlson, R. L.: Calcite fabric and acoustic anisotropy in deep-sea carbonatesdownload
57%1984Lin, Thomas Tung-Hung; Ledbetter, Michael T.: Distribution of volcanic ash reflectors in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
1976Mascle, J.; Renard, V.: The marginal Sao Paulo Plateau, comparison with the southern Angolan margin
57%1311992Chamot-Rooke, Nicolas; Lallemant, S. J. et al.: Tectonic context of fluid venting at the toe of the eastern Nankai accretionary prism; evidence for a shallow detachment fault
1989Beiersdorf, Helmut; Erzinger, Jorg: Observations on the bathymetry and geology of the northeastern Manihiki Plateau, southwestern Pacific Ocean
1995Pickering, K. T.; Underwood, M. B. et al.: IZANAGI sidescan sonar and high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection line interpretation of Nankai accretionary prism and trench, offshore Japan

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