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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrate; a major reservoir of carbon in the shallow geosphere?
86%1990Hyndman, R. D.; Davis, E. E.: Hydrate bottom simulating reflectors, distributed fluid expulsion from accretionary prisms, and ODP geochemistry
86%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Natural gas hydrate; introduction and history of discovery
86%1983Claypool, George E.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane and other hydrocarbon gases in marine sediments
86%1974Hammond, Douglas E.: Dissolved gases on Cariaco Trench sediments; anaerobic diagenesis
86%1976Hunt, J. M.: Light hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments
86%2000Kastner, Miriam: Gas hydrates in convergent margins; formation, occurrence, geochemistry, and global significance
86%1978Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Volumetric concentrations of hydrocarbon gases in bottom waters, sediments, and Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the ocean
86%1974McIver, Richard D.: Hydrocarbon gas (methane) in canned Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples
86%761981Anonymous: Deep sea drilling recovers oldest oceanic sediments
86%1980Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models
86%2004Groecke, D. R.; Tipple, Brett J. et al.: A Cenozoic terrestrial isotope record and the evolution of C (sub 4) photosynthesis
86%1999Kerr, Richard A.: A smoking gun for an ancient methane discharge
86%1975Hunt, John M.: Origin of gasoline range alkanes in the deep sea
86%1996Yuan, Tianson: Seismic studies of the northern Cascadia accretionary prism; sediment consolidation and gas hydrates
71%1981Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Organic geochemistry in the Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1981Barnes, Ross O.; Will, Brian R.: Physical and diagenetic controls on the concentrations of dissolved Ar, N (sub 2) and CH (sub 4) in pore fluids from DSDP legs 47 to 57
1981Kvenvolden, K. A.; Barnard, L. A. et al.: Recovery by pressure-core barrel of natural gas hydrates from the Blake Outer Ridge
71%1462000Hyndman, R. D.; Dallimore, S. R.: Natural gas hydrate studies in Canada; offshore west coast and arctic Mackenzie Delta
71%841985Galimov, E. M.; Shabayeva, I. Yu.: Carbon isotope composition of CH (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) in sediments of the Guatemala Trench (DSDP Leg 84)
71%431985Lee, Nancy C.; Bada, Jeffrey L.: Extraterrestrial amino acids at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
71%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrates and global climatedownload
71%1992Vella, Alfred J.; Holzer, Gunther: Distribution of isoprenoid hydrocarbons and alkylbenzenes in immature sediments; evidence for direct inheritance from bacterial/algal sources
71%1601996de Lange, G. J.; Brumsack, Hans-Juergen: Gas hydrates in the eastern Mediterranean; evidence from interstitial waters recovered during ODP Leg 160 on Milano and Napoli dome mud volcanos
1982Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Lonsdale, Peter F.: Hydrothermal petroleum in mineralized mounds at the seabed of Guaymas Basin
71%1982Meyers, Philip A.; Kawka, Orest E. et al.: Organic geochemical comparison of Cretaceous green claystones and black shales from the South Atlantic seabed
71%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Claypool, George E.: Gas hydrates in oceanic sediment
71%1121988Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Kastner, Miriam: Gas hydrates in sediment of the Peruvian continental margin
1976Whelan, J. K.: Gases from IPOD Hole 397/397A; implications of early hydrocarbon migration
71%961986Marzi, R.; Rullkoetter, J.: Organic matter accumulation and migrated hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments of the Mississippi Fan and adjacent intraslope basins, northern Gulf of Mexico
71%1986Joyce, Rosanne M.; Van Vleet, Edward S.: Origin of organic matter in North American Basin Cretaceous black shales
71%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Drilling for gas hydrates; ODP Leg 164
71%1702000Ruppel, C.; Kinoshita, M.: Fluid, methane, and energy flux in an active margin gas hydrate province, offshore Costa Rica
71%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Gas hydrates; lessons from ODP Leg 164
71%2000Paull, Charles K.; Ussler, William, III: History and significance of gas sampling during DSDP and ODP drilling associated with gas hydrates
1985Mathews, Mark: Logging characteristics of methane hydrate
71%1992Hyndman, Roy D.; Davis, Earl E.: A mechanism for the formation of methane hydrate and seafloor bottom-simulating reflectors by vertical fluid expulsiondownload
71%1641996Holbrook, W. Steven; Hoskins, Hartley et al.: Methane hydrate and free gas on the Blake Ridge from vertical seismic profiling, ODP Leg 164
71%1641996Thiery, R.; Dubessy, J. et al.: Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in a passive margin (the Blake Outer Ridge, Leg 164); preliminary results
71%1641996Naehr, T.; Wehner, H.: Leg 164 (gas hydrates); targets and preliminary results
2002Tomer, Brad: Methane hydrate research effort accelerates
71%1995Ohta, Suguru; Shimizu, Kenji et al.: Bottom observations searching hydrothermal vent communities by the Deep Sea Multi-Monitoring System (DESMOS)
71%1995Kvenvolden, Keith A.: A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate
71%1351991Blanc, G.: Hydrochemistry of the Lau backarc basin and the Tonga forearc basin, ODP Leg 135
71%1993Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates, geological perspective and global changedownload
71%169S1998Elvert, M.; Suess, E. et al.: Molecular and isotopic characterization of biomarkers in marine sediments associated with methanotrophic processes
71%671980Hesse, Reinhard; Harrison, William E.: Abnormally low pore-water salinities in deep marine sections of the continental margins related to gas-hydrate (clathrate) occurrence
1977Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G. et al.: Bitumoids in the organic matter of Black Sea sediments (based on Deep-Sea Drilling data)
71%1641997MacDonald, Ian R.: Bottom line for hydrocarbons
1997Hammond, D. E.; Stott, L.: Box model simulation of carbon isotope signals near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary; effects of methane oxidation, ocean mixing, and productivity
1997Dickens, G. R.: Catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrate and deep sea methane oxidation at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
1993Trehu, Anne M.; Maxwell, Edward et al.: Seismic characterization of the BSR as it outcrops on the seafloor on the Oregon continental margin
1993Spence, G. D.; Minshull, T. A.: Seismic studies of methane gas hydrate, offshore Vancouver Island
1998Borowski, Walter Steven: Pore-water sulfate concentration gradients, isotopic compositions, and diagenetic processes overlying continental margin, methane-rich sediments associated with gas hydrates
1989Conkright, Margarita Elena: Stable carbon isotope compositions during the thermal alteration of organic matter
2003Yuan, Jian: Electromagnetic assessment of offshore methane hydrate deposits on the northern Cascadia margin
71%1977Manheim, F. T.; Bothner, M. H. et al.: Geochemical aspects of pore fluids from U.S.G.S. drill holes on the Atlantic continental shelf
71%1311992Gamo, Toshitaka; Sakai, Hitoshi et al.: Methane, ethane and total inorganic carbon in fluid samples taken during the 1989 Kaiko-Nankai Project
71%641982Galimov, E. M.: Variation in CH (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) carbon-isotope composition in the sedimentary section in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
71%751986Comet, P. A.; McEvoy, J. et al.: Hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis of DSDP Leg 75 kerogens; a comparative study using a biological marker approach
71%2042003McBarnet, Andrew: The promise and the pain of gas hydrate research
71%2003Hashimoto, Yoshita: Fluid origin and its over-pressure ratio estimated from mineral veins in an ancient accretionary complex; constraints from fluid inclusion analysis
71%2004White, James W. C.: Do I hear a million?
71%2003Muehlenbachs, Karlis; Furnes, Harald et al.: Controls on sub-seafloor bioalteration of mid-ocean ridge basalt glass
1975Hunt, J. M.: Hydrocarbon studies
71%1988Whelan, Jean K.; Simoneit, Bernd R. T. et al.: C (sub 1) -C (sub 8) hydrocarbons in sediments from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California; comparison to Peru Margin, Japan Trench and California borderlands
1999Hovland, Martin; Francis, T. J. G. et al.: Strategy for scientific drilling of marine gas hydrates
71%1642008Johnson, Art: Gas hydrate; an emerging energy resource
71%2008Roussel, Erwan G.; Bonavita, Marie-Anne Cambon et al.: Extending the sub-sea-floor biospheredownload
2000Spence, George; Hyndman, Roy et al.: Marine gas hydrates; accomplishments and challenges for future ODP drilling
71%2042005Lu, Z.; Fehn, U. et al.: Long distance migration of fluids in the Cascadia margin; evidence from iodine isotopic composition
2005Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: Abnormal fluid pressures at ODP Site 1251; implications for fluid flow and hydrate concentration
71%1641998Hesse, Reinhard; Frape, Shaun et al.: Gas-hydrate drilling at Blake Ridge (ODP Leg 164); how much methane is there?
1998Schlueter, Michael; Linke, Peter et al.: Geochemistry of a sealed deep-sea borehole on the Cascadia margin
71%1641998Thiery, R.; Bakker, R. et al.: Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in the sediments of a passive continental margin; preliminary results of the ODP Leg 164 on the Blake Outer Ridge
71%1121999Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina: BSRs in Lima Basin; an indication for methane production below the gas hydrate stability zone?
1994Fink, Cameron R.; Spence, George D.: Methane hydrate distribution off Vancouver Island from detailed single channel seismic analysis
71%1181994Kelley, D. S.; Hoering, T. C. et al.: Methane-rich fluids in gabbroic rocks
71%1181994Kelley, D. S.; Hoering, T. et al.: Methane-rich fluids in gabbroic rocks from the Southwest Indian Ridge; results from mass spectrometric analyses
2010Malinverno, Alberto: Marine gas hydrates in thin sand layers that soak up microbial methane
1987Welhan, J. A.; Lupton, J. E.: Light hydrocarbon gases in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal fluids; thermogenic versus abiogenic origin
1999Egeberg, Per K.; Dickens, Gerald R.: Thermodynamic and pore water halogen constraints on gas hydrate distribution at ODP Site 997 (Blake Ridge)
71%1121999von Huene, Roland; Pecher, Ingo A.: Vertical tectonics and the origins of BSRs along the Peru margin
71%1462000Greinert, Jens; Nadler, Thomas: Cold vents and carbonate chemoherms in the Yaquina Basin, Peruvian continental margin; visual, mineralogical and isotopic investigations
71%2042003Riedel, M.: ODP Leg 204; drilling gas hydrates on Hydrate Ridge
1994Wefer, G.; Heinze, P. M. et al.: Clues to ancient methane release
71%2012002Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Sturt, Helen F. et al.: Organic signatures of life in the marine subsurface
2002Hmelo, Laura R.; Sylva, Sean P. et al.: Past variations of methanotrophy and ecosystem response recorded by molecular biomarkers
71%1101991Blanc, G.; Boulegue, J. et al.: Chemical evidence for advection of interstitial fluid in the sedimentary series of the Barbados accretionary complex (Leg 110)
1998Kastner, Miriam; Kvenvolden, Keith A. et al.: Chemistry, isotopic composition, and origin of a methane-hydrogen sulfide hydrate at the Cascadia subduction zone
71%1641999Xu, Wenyue; Ruppel, Carolyn: Predicting the occurrence, distribution, and evolution of methane gas hydrate in porous marine sedimentsdownload
71%1281998Gardner, J. M.; Shor, A. N. et al.: Acoustic imagery evidence for methane hydrates in the Ulleung Basin
71%2003Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: A rock-magnetic study of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing sediments
71%3072005Henriet, J. P.; Ferdelman, T. et al.: Atlantic carbonate mound drilling; challenges ahead
71%1992Kotarba, M.; Piela, J. et al.: Geneza gazu zimnego akumulowanego w Permsko-Karbonskich puapkach litologicznych zloza "Paproc" w swietle badan izotopowych Origin of natural gas in Permo-Carboniferous lithological traps of the Paproc Field, western Poland, in light of isotope studies
71%1999Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments; sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates
71%501980Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic sediments (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger")
2002Dickens, G. R.: The effects and implications of anaerobic methane oxidation on the geochemical cycling of barium in marine sediment
71%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
71%1641995Paull, C. K.; Ussler, W., III et al.: Methane sources, migration paths, and seafloor seepage associated with marine gas hydrates

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