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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 31 | 1983 | Bahk, K. S.; Chough, S. K.: Provenance of turbidites in the Ulleung (Tsushima) back-arc basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan) | |
88% | | 1986 | Klein, George deVries: Sedimentation patterns in relation to rifting, arc volcanism and tectonic uplift in back-arc basin of the western Pacific Ocean | |
88% | | 1996 | Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, western Pacific: ODP proposal 479 | |
88% | 135 | 1991 | Parson, L. M.; Hawkins, J. W. et al.: ODP drilling results from the Lau back-arc basin, Tonga Ridge | |
88% | | 1996 | Parson, L. M.; Wright, I. C.: The Lau-Havre-Taupo back-arc basin; a southward-propagating, multi-stage evolution from rifting to spreading | |
88% | | 1989 | Parson, L. M.: Geophysical and geological investigations of the Lau back-arc basin, SW Pacific | |
88% | | 2010 | Craddock, Paul R.; Bach, Wolfgang: Insights to magmatic-hydrothermal processes in the Manus back-arc basin as recorded by anhydrite | |
88% | 107 | 1989 | Tisseau, C.; Rehault, J. P. et al.: Thermal modelling of subsidence and heat flow and implications for the variation in crustal structure across the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin, western Mediterranean | |
88% | 60 | 1980 | Fryer, Patricia: Composition and petrogenesis of basalt in the Mariana Trough, an active back-arc basin | |
88% | 193 | 2004 | Barriga, Fernando J. A. S.; Binns, Ray B. et al.: Leg 193; the third dimension of a felsic-hosted, massive sulphide hydrothermal system in a back-arc basin (Pacmanus, Papua New Guinea) | |
75% | | 2010 | Straub, Susanne M.; Goldstein, Steven L. et al.: Slab and mantle controls on the Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope evolution of the post 42 Ma Izu-Bonin volcanic arc | |
75% | | 2003 | Arai, Shoji; Abe, Natsue: Petrological model of sub-oceanic mantle and its bearing on the scientific strategy for IODP | |
71% | 107 | 1988 | Mascle, Jean; Kastens, Kim et al.: A land-locked back-arc basin; preliminary results from ODP Leg 107 in the Tyrrhenian Sea | |
71% | 107 107-651 | 1986 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Kastens, K. A. et al.: Basal dolostone formation in the Vavilov Basin (Tyrrhenian Sea), a young back-arc basin; preliminary results from ODP Leg 107 | |
71% | | 1980 | Lee, C. S.; Shor, G. G., Jr. et al.: Okinawa Trough; origin of a back-arc basin | |
71% | | 1996 | Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus back-arc basin, Western Pacific; ODP Proposal 479 | |
71% | 124 124-768 124-769 124-771 | 1991 | Smith, Randall B.: Diagenesis of lower Miocene arc-derived pyroclastic deposits in the Sulu Sea back-arc basin, ODP Sites 768, 769, and 771 | |
71% | 128 | 1991 | Pouclet, A.; Charvet, J. et al.: Le Plancher volcanique du Bassin de Yamato, Mer du Japon; donnees du Leg ODP 128 a propos de l'ouverture du bassin d'arriere-arc Volcanic floor of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea; data from ODP Leg 128 regarding the opening of the back-arc basin | |
71% | 42 42-373 107 | 1989 | Bertrand, H.; Boivin, P. et al.: Evolution geochimique d'un bassin arriere-arc; la mer Tyrrhenienne au Pliocene Geochemical evolution of a back-arc basin; the Pliocene Tyrrhenian Sea | |
71% | 59 59-447 59-448 59-450 | 1978 | Keating, B.: Paleomagnetic studies of IPOD samples from the Marianas back arc basin | |
71% | 107 124 126 127 128 135 | 1992 | Tamaki, Kensaku: Ocean Drilling Program and back-arc basin tectonics; Tyrrhenian Sea, Sulu/Celebes seas, Sumisu Rift, Japan Sea and Lau Basin | |
71% | 193 | 1999 | Lee, Sang-Mook; Binns, Ray et al.: Tectonic deformation of the New Britain trench near the Planet Deep and its implications formation of hydrothermal vent-fields at the Manus back-arc basin, Papua New Guinea | |
71% | | 1987 | Sinton, John M.; Fryer, Patricia: Mariana Trough lavas from 18 degrees N; implications for the origin of back arc basin basalts | download |
71% | 193 | 2007 | Barriga, F. D.; Binns, R. A. et al.: Trekhmernaya vulkanogennaya gidrotermal'naya medno-kolchedannaya sistema v zadugovom basseyne Manus (Papua-Novaya Gvineya) Three-dimensional hydrothermal copper-sulfide volcanic system in the Manus back-arc basin (Papua-New Guinea) | |
71% | 58 58-443 58-444 | 1984 | Kobayashi, Kazuo: Subsidence of the Shikoku back-arc basin | |
71% | 31 | 2002 | Deschamps, Anne; Lallemand, Serge: The West Philippine Basin; an Eocene to early Oligocene back arc basin opened between two opposed subduction zones | download |
71% | 135 135-839 | 2006 | Fretzdorff, S.; Schwarz-Schampera, U. et al.: Hydrothermal activity and magma genesis along a propagating back-arc basin; Valu Fa Ridge (southern Lau Basin) | download |
71% | 195 195-1201 | 2002 | Schrader, S.; Diekmann, B.: Sedimentation und Diagenese in einem eozaen-oligozaenen "back-arc"-Becken des Philippinischen Meeres Sedimentation and diagenesis in an Eocene-Oligocene back-arc basin of the Philippine Sea | |
71% | 193 | 2005 | Yang, Kaihui; Scott, Steven D.: Vigorous exsolution of volatiles in the magma chamber beneath a hydrothermal system on the modern sea floor of the eastern Manus back-arc basin, western Pacific; evidence from melt inclusions | |
65% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.: Underway geophysics; Leg 60 and related surveys | download |
64% | | 1980 | Dick, Henry J. B.: Vesicularity of Shikoku Basin basalt; a possible correlation with the anomalous depth of back-arc basins | download |
63% | 195 195-1201 | 2006 | D'Antonio, Massimo; Savov, Ivan et al.: Petrogenesis of Eocene oceanic basalts from the West Philippine Basin and Oligocene arc volcanics from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge drilled at 20 degrees N, 135 degrees E (Western Pacific Ocean) | |
59% | 60 | 1982 | Fryer, Patricia; Hussong, Donald M.: Seafloor spreading in the Mariana Trough; results of Let 60 drill site selection surveys | download |
53% | 125 125-779 | 2000 | Ishii, Teruaki; Sato, Hiroshi et al.: Petrological characteristics of peridotites from serpentinite seamounts in the Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana forearc | |
53% | 135 135-834 135-835 | 2003 | Martinez, Fernando; Taylor, Brian: Controls on back-arc crustal accretion; insights from the Lau, Manus and Mariana Basins | |
53% | 195 195-1201 | 2006 | Savov, Ivan P.; Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of West Philippine Basin basalts and early Palau-Kyushu Arc volcanic clasts from ODP Leg 195, Site 1201D; implications for the early history of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc | |
53% | 193 | 2006 | Paulick, Holger; Bach, W.: Phyllosilicate alteration mineral assemblages in the active subsea-floor PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193 | |
53% | 135 135-834 135-838 135-841 | 2007 | Hergt, Janet M.; Woodhead, Jon D.: A critical evaluation of recent models for Lau/Tonga arc/back-arc basin magmatic evolution | download |
53% | | 1998 | Cita, Maria Bianca; Racchetti, Sonia et al.: Evoluzione dei bacini profondi del Mediterraneo documentata delle variazioni nelle velocita di sedimentazione nel Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean deep basins evolution documented by changes in sedimentation rates recorded in the Plio-Pleistocene | |
53% | 31 31-297 58 58-442 58-443 59 59-450 | 2004 | Xu Shumei; Zhang Xiaodong et al.: The origin and evolution of the sedimentary environment of the Shikoku Basin | |
53% | 195 195-1202 | 2005 | Huang, Chi-Yue; Chiu, Ya-Ling et al.: Core description and a preliminarily sedimentology study of Site 1202D, Leg 195, in the southern Okinawa Trough | |
53% | 60 60-458 60-459 125 126 | 1998 | Stern, Robert J.; Smoot, N. Christian: A bathymetric overview of the Mariana Forearc | |
53% | 126 126-793 | 2012 | Haraguchi, Satoru; Ishii, Teruaki et al.: The early Miocene ( approximately 25 Ma) volcanism in the northern Kyushu-Palau Ridge, enriched mantle source injection during rifting prior to the Shikoku back-arc basin opening | |
46% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-652 107-653 107-654 107-655 | 1987 | Kastens, Kim A.; Mascle, Jean et al.: Introduction | download |
46% | 59 | 1980 | Scott, Robert B.; Kroenke, Loren et al.: Evolution of the South Philippine Sea; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 results | download |
44% | 60 60-458 60-459 125 125-782 125-786 | 1998 | Cosca, Michael A.; Arculus, Richard J. et al.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar and K-Ar geochronological age constraints for the inception and early evolution of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc system | |
39% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.; Uyeda, Seiya: Tectonic processes and the history of the Mariana Arc; a synthesis of the results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
38% | 31 58 59 60 | 1982 | Natland, James H.; Tarney, John: Petrologic evolution of the Mariana arc and back-arc basin system; a synthesis of drilling results in the South Philippine Sea | download |
38% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Christensen, N. I.; Wilkens, R. H. et al.: Seismic properties of volcanic rocks from Hess Rise | download |
38% | 60 60-453 60-454 60-455 60-456 | 1982 | Fryer, Patricia; Sinton, John M. et al.: Basalt glasses from the Mariana Trough | download |
38% | 135 | 1992 | Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Morphotectonics of the Lau Basin seafloor; implications for the opening history of backarc basins | download |
33% | 124 124-768 124-769 | 1991 | Smith, Terence E.; Huang, C. H. et al.: Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks from holes 768 and 769, Sulu Sea | download |
31% | 134 134-828 | 1994 | Coltorti, Massimo; Hasenaka, Toshiaki et al.: Petrology and magmatic affinity of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge, central New Hebrides Trench, Site 828 | download |
31% | 124 | 1990 | Rangin, Claude; Silver, Eli A. et al.: General introduction | download |
31% | 58 | 1980 | Klein, George de Vries; Kobayashi, Kazuo: Geological summary of the North Philippine Sea, based on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 results | download |
31% | 124 | 1991 | Pubellier, Manuel; Spadea, Piera et al.: Correlations of tephras in Celebes and Sulu Sea basins; constraints on geodynamics | download |
31% | 60 | 1982 | Christensen, N. I.; Blair, S. C. et al.: Seismic velocities at elevated pressures of igneous rocks from the Mariana Trough and fore-arc region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
31% | 42 42-373 | 1978 | Barberi, F.; Bizouard, H. et al.: Age and nature of basalts from the Tyrrhenian abyssal plain | download |
27% | | 1987 | Rehault, Jean-Pierre; Mascle, Jean et al.: The Tyrrhenian Sea before Leg 107 | download |
27% | 132 132-809 132-810 | 1991 | Storms, Michael A.; Natland, James H.: Introduction; Seafloor engineering in the central and western Pacific | download |
27% | 331 | 2012 | Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: IODP Expedition 331; strong and expansive subseafloor hydrothermal activities in the Okinawa Trough | download |
27% | 60 | 1982 | Uyeda, Seiya; Hussong, Donald M.: Mariana Trough; background and objectives | download |
27% | 124 | 1991 | Silver, Eli A.; Rangin, Claude: Development of the Celebes Basin in the context of western Pacific marginal basin history | download |
27% | 135 | 1994 | Hawkins, James W.; Parson, Lindsay M. et al.: Introduction to the scientific results of Leg 135; Lau Basin-Tonga Ridge drilling transect | download |
27% | 42 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Montadert, L. et al.: Summary of "Project DSDP 42A" | download |
25% | 124 | 1991 | Silver, Eli A.; Rangin, Claude: Leg 124 tectonic synthesis | download |
25% | 107 107-651 107-651A 107-655 107-655B | 1990 | Feraud, Gilbert: (super 39) Ar- (super 40) Ar analysis on basaltic lava series of Vavilov Basin, Tyrrhenian Sea (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 107, holes 655B and 651A) | download |
25% | 124 124-769 124-771 | 1991 | Hsu, Vindell; Shibuya, Hidetoshi et al.: Paleomagnetic study of deep-sea sediments from the Cagayan Ridge in the Sulu Sea; results of Leg 124 | download |
25% | 59 59-450 | 1980 | Rodolfo, Kelvin S.; Warner, Russell J.: Tectonic, volcanic, and sedimentologic significance of volcanic glasses from Site 450 in the eastern Parece Vela Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
25% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1980 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Marsh, Nicholas G. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 abyssal basalts from the Shikoku Basin; their petrology and major-element geochemistry | download |
25% | 125 | 1992 | Newman, Sally; van der Laan, Sieger R.: Volatile contents of Izu-Bonin forearc volcanic glasses | download |
25% | 124 124-768 124-769 124-771 | 1991 | Smith, Randall B.: Diagenesis and cementation of lower Miocene pyroclastic sequences in the Sulu Sea, sites 768, 769, and 771 | download |
25% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-655 | 1990 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Isern, A. et al.: Basal dolomitic sediments, Tyrrhenian Sea, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 107 | download |
25% | 107 107-651 107-651A 107-655 107-655B | 1990 | Bertrand, H.; Boivin, P. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts from the Vavilov Basin (Tyrrhenian Sea), Ocean Drilling Program Leg 107, holes 651A and 655B | download |
24% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1980 | Marsh, Nicholas G.; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Shikoku and Daito basins, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 | download |
23% | 58 | 1980 | Wood, D. A.; Joron, J. L. et al.: Major- and trace-element variations in basalts from the North Philippine Sea drilled during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58; a comparative study of back-arc-basin basalts with lava series from Japan and mid-ocean ridges | download |
23% | 60 60-454 | 1982 | Site 454; near the center of the Mariana Trough | download |
23% | 134 | 1994 | Parson, L. M.; Hawkins, J. W.: Two-stage ridge propagation and the geological history of the Lau backarc basin | download |
23% | 59 59-447 59-448 59-449 59-450 59-451 | 1980 | Introduction; scientific objectives and explanatory notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
22% | 135 | 1994 | Rothwell, Robin G.; Bednarz, Ulrich et al.: Sedimentation and sedimentary processes in the Lau backarc basin; results from Leg 135 | download |
22% | 60 60-453 60-454 60-456 60-458 60-459 | 1982 | Sharaskin, Anatoly Ya.: Petrography and geochemistry of basement rocks from five Leg 60 sites | download |
22% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1980 | Klein, George de Vries; Kobayashi, Kazuo et al.: Leg 58 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Yokohama, Japan to Okinawa, Japan; December, 1977-January, 1978 | download |
22% | 136 136-843 | 1993 | Johnson, H. Paul; Pariso, Janet E.: Magnetic study of the basalts from Hole 843B, Hawaiian Arch | download |
22% | 135 | 1994 | Hodkinson, R. A.; Cronan, D. S.: Variability in the hydrothermal component of the sedimentary sequence in the Lau backarc basin (sites 834-839) | download |
22% | 135 | 1994 | Blanc, Gerard; Stille, Peter et al.: Hydrogeochemistry in the Lau backarc basin | download |
22% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1980 | Klein, George de Vries; Kobayashi, Kazuo et al.: Introduction and explanatory notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 | download |
22% | | 1990 | Bouysse, Philippe; Westercamp, Denis et al.: The Lesser Antilles island arc | download |
22% | 135 | 1994 | Cawood, Peter A.; Fryer, Brian J.: Noble metal abundances in backarc basin basalts (Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific) | download |
22% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1980 | Chamley, Herve: Clay sedimentation and paleoenvironment in the Shikoku Basin since the middle Miocene (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58, North Philippine Sea) | download |
22% | 135 | 1994 | Parson, Lindsay M.: Data Report; Underway geophysics; regional characteristics of seismic-reflection data for Leg 135 | download |
22% | 60 | 1982 | Bleil, Ulrich: Paleomagnetism of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 sediments and igneous rocks from the Mariana region | download |
22% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-654 107-655 | 1990 | Beccaluva, L.; Bonatti, Enrico et al.: Geochemistry and mineralogy of volcanic rocks from ODP sites 650, 651, 655, and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea | download |
20% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-485 | 1983 | Saunders, Andrew D.: Geochemistry of basalts recovered from the Gulf of California during Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
20% | 193 193-1188 193-1189 193-1190 193-1191 | 2001 | Binns, Raymond A.; Barriga, Fernando J. A. S. et al.: Leg 193 summary | download |
20% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.; Uyeda, Seiya et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60; cruise objectives, principal results, and exploration notes | download |
20% | 60 | 1982 | Lee, Marianna (ed.); Powell, Robert (ed.) et al.: Leg 60 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Apra, Guam to Apra, Guam; March-May 1978 | download |
20% | 124 124-767 124-770 | 1991 | Serri, G.; Spadea, Piera et al.: Petrology of igneous rocks from the Celebes Sea basement | download |
20% | 132 132-809 | 1991 | Storms, Michael A.; Blanchard, Fulton et al.: Site 809 | download |
19% | 135 | 1994 | Parson, L. M.; Rothwell, Robin G. et al.: Tectonics and sedimentation in the Lau Basin (Southwest Pacific) | download |
19% | 195 195-1202 | 2006 | Wei, Kuo-Yen: Leg 195 synthesis; Site 1202; late Quaternary sedimentation and paleoceanography in the southern Okinawa Trough | download |
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