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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 26 26-253 | 1978 | McDuff, Russell E.: Conservative behavior of calcium and magnesium in the interstitial waters of marine sediments; identification and interpretation | |
100% | | 1980 | Bonnot-Courtois, Chantal: Le comportement des terres rares au cours de l'alteration sous-marine et ses consequences The behavior of rare earths during submarine alteration | |
100% | | 1989 | Bayer, U.; Wetzel, A.: Compactional behavior of fine-grained sediments; examples from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
100% | | 1995 | Housen, Bernard A.; Moskowitz, Bruce M.: Low temperature behavior of pyrrhotite in marine sediments | |
94% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2003 | Vedanti, Nimisha; Dimri, V. P.: Fractal behavior of electrical properties in oceanic and continental crust | |
87% | 190 196 | 2006 | Ujiie, Kohtaro; Yamaguchi, Asuka et al.: Fluid behavior during evolution of plate boundary fault from trench to seismogenic depths | |
87% | 175 175-1082 | 2001 | Yamazaki, Toshitsugu; Oda, Hirokuni: A Brunhes-Matuyama polarity transition record from anoxic sediments in the South Atlantic (Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1082C) | |
87% | 308 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2012 | Dugan, Brandon: Petrophysical and consolidation behavior of mass transport deposits from the northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308 | |
83% | 10 10-92 | 1984 | Berndt, Michael E.; Seyfried, William E., Jr.: Behavior of B and Li during low temperature alteration of oceanic crust | |
83% | 134 134-833 | 1999 | Martin, Jonathan B.: Nonconservative behavior of Br (super -) /Cl (super -) ratios during alteration of volcaniclastic sediments | |
83% | 153 | 1995 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
83% | | 1991 | Murray, Richard William: Geologic significance of the rare earth, major, and trace element systematics in chert and fine-grained marine sediments; I, Specifying chert depositional environments with REE relative fractionations; II, Chemical behavior during diagenesis of chert and siliceous marine sediment | |
83% | 37 42 | 1977 | Harrison, C. G. A.; Watkins, N. D.: Shallow inclinations of remanent magnetism in Deep-Sea Drilling Project igneous cores; geomagnetic field behavior or postemplacement effects? | download |
83% | | 2010 | Scheiderich, K.; Zerkle, A. L. et al.: Molybdenum isotope, multiple sulfur isotope, and redox-sensitive element behavior in early Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels | |
83% | 205 205-1253 | 2008 | Kastner, M.: The behavior of Li in subduction zones with implications for fluid cycling | |
83% | 127 | 1991 | Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R. et al.: Rare earth elements in Japan Sea sediments and diagenetic behavior of Ce/Ce*; results from ODP Leg 127 | |
83% | 64 64-480 | 2010 | Harris, Ann Marie; Karlin, Robert E.: Changing periodic behavior of the Holocene North American monsoon from varved sediments in the Gulf of California | |
82% | 178 | 2004 | Nielsen, Simon H. H.; Koc, Nalan et al.: Holocene climate in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; controlled by insolation or oceanic circulation? | |
82% | 167 167-1017 | 2010 | Hendy, I. L.: Diagenetic behavior of barite in a coastal upwelling setting | |
82% | 160 160-968 | 2010 | Ziegler, M.; Tuenter, E. et al.: The precession phase of the boreal summer monsoon as viewed from the eastern Mediterranean (ODP Site 968) | |
72% | 190 190-1173 196 196-1173 | 2008 | Ask, Maria V. S.; Morgan, Julia K.: Projection of mechanical properties from shallow to greater depths | |
72% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 2012 | Nakamura, Kentaro: Geochemistry of water-rock interactions in seafloor hydrothermal systems | |
72% | 125 | 1992 | Phipps, Stephen Paul; Ballotti, Dean L.: Rheology of serpentinite muds in the Mariana-Izu-Bonin forearc | download |
71% | 112 | 1990 | Hill, Philip R.; Marsters, Janice C.: Controls on physical properties of Peru continental margin sediments and their relationship to deformation styles | download |
71% | 141 | 1995 | Feeser, V.; Brueckmann, W.: Data report; Oedometer and triaxial tests of sediment from the Chile triple junction | download |
71% | 154 154-926 154-929 199 199-1218 | 2004 | Palike, Heiko; Laskar, Jacques et al.: Geologic constraints on the chaotic diffusion of the solar system | |
71% | | 2005 | Pechersky, D. M.; Garbuzenko, A. V.: The Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary; paleomagnetic characteristic | |
71% | | 2005 | Saffer, Demian M.; Underwood, Michael B. et al.: Smectite transformation in the Nankai Trough; effects on subduction zone mechanics and hydrogeology | |
71% | 318 318-U1358 | 2012 | Orejola, Nadine; Passchier, Sandra: Study of the Antarctic Wilkes Land margin diamicts from Site U1358 to determine Pliocene ice sheet dynamics | |
71% | 314 314-C0004 316 316-C0004 316-C0007 | 2012 | Tanikawa, Wataru; Mukoyoshi, Hideki et al.: Velocity dependence of shear-induced permeability associated with frictional behavior in fault zones of the Nankai subduction zone | |
70% | 125 | 1992 | Stokking, L. B.; Merrill, D. L. et al.: Rock magnetic studies of serpentinite seamounts in the Mariana and Izu-Bonin regions | download |
69% | | 2012 | Wallace, Laura M.; Silver, Eli A. et al.: IODP workshop on using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip events | download |
69% | 52 52-418 52-418A 53 53-418 53-418A 102 102-418 102-418A | 1988 | Wilkens, Roy H.; Schultz, David et al.: Relationship of resistivity, velocity, and porosity for basalts from downhole well-logging measurements in Hole 418A | download |
68% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1996 | Miller, D. Jay; Iturrino, Gerardo J. et al.: Geochemical and petrological constraints on velocity behavior of lower crustal and upper mantle rocks from the fast-spreading ridge at Hess Deep | download |
67% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1996 | Bruns, Peter: Geochemische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen ueber das Sedimentationsverhalten im Bereich biostratigraphischer Diskontinuitaetn im Neogen des Nordatlantik, ODP leg 104, sites 642B und 643A Geochemical and sedimentological investigations on the behavior of sediments in biostratigraphic discontinuities in the Neogene of the North Atlantic, ODP Leg 104, sites 642B and 643A | |
67% | 73 73-522 | 1993 | Hartl, Paul; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Early Oligocene geomagnetic field behavior from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 522 | download |
67% | 86 | 1985 | Houston, Sandra L.; Houston, William N. et al.: Thermo-mechanical behavior of seafloor sediments | |
67% | 172 172-1060 172-1061 172-1063 175 175-1083 | 2004 | Clement, B. M.; Acton, G. et al.: Age offsets of the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity transition in records from the Atlantic; lock-in depth variations for site dependent field behavior? | |
67% | 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 2004 | Ask, Maria V. S.; Kopf, Achim: Constraints on the state of in situ effective stress and the mechanical behavior of ODP Leg 186 claystones in the Japan Trench forearc | |
67% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 | 2008 | Tominaga, Masako; Sager, William W. et al.: Deep-tow magnetic anomaly study of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone and implications for the geomagnetic polarity reversal timescale and geomagnetic field behavior | download |
67% | 197 | 2009 | Tarduno, John A.: Geodynamo history preserved in single silicate crystals; origins and long-term mantle control | |
67% | 167 167-1014 167-1016 | 2002 | Yamamoto, Masanobu; Shimamune, Junko et al.: Periodic regime shifts of ENSO behavior appeared in alkenone SST changes in mid-latitude North Pacific during the last 150,000 years | |
67% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1992 | Masuda, H.; Tanaka, H. et al.: Formation of authigenic smectite and zeolite and associated major element behavior during early diagensis of volcanic ash in the Nankai Trough, Japan, ODP Leg 131 | |
67% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 | 2005 | Tivey, Maurice; Larson, Roger et al.: Downhole magnetic measurements of ODP Hole 801C; implications for Pacific oceanic crust and magnetic field behavior in the middle Jurassic | download |
67% | 169 169-1033 169S 169S-1033 | 2001 | Russell, A. D.; Morford, J. L.: The behavior of redox-sensitive metals across a laminated-massive-laminated transition in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia | |
67% | 202 202-1237 202-1239 | 2009 | Lamy, Frank; Rincon-Martinez, D. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene changes in SE trade wind strength and South American rainfall; implications for ITCZ movements and long-term El Nino behavior | |
67% | 143 143-869 | 1998 | Iskhakov, A. Ya.: Behavior of petrogenic elements during secondary alteration of the ocean floor volcaniclastic rocks | |
67% | 169 169-1033 169-1034 169S 169S-1033 | 1998 | Russell, Ann D.; Morford, Jennifer L. et al.: Behavior of redox-sensitive metals across a massive-laminated transition, Saanich Inlet, BC | |
67% | 308 308-U1322 308-U1324 | 2008 | Schneider, J.; Flemings, P. B. et al.: Porosity vs. permeability behavior of shallow mudstones in the Ursa Basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico | |
65% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Zhang, Jiaxiang; Davis, Daniel M. et al.: Failure modes of tuff samples from Leg 131 in the Nankai accretionary wedge | download |
62% | 130 | 1993 | Marsters, Janice C.; Manghnani, Murli H.: Consolidation test results and porosity rebound of Ontong Java Plateau sediments | download |
60% | 126 | 1992 | Cisowski, Stanley M.; Koyama, Masato: Detailed record of the Brunhes/Matuyama polarity reversal in high sedimentation rate marine sediments from the Isu-Bonin Arc | download |
58% | | 1982 | Valent, P. J.; Altschaeffl, A. G. et al.: Geotechnical properties of two calcareous oozes | |
58% | 178 178-1098 | 2003 | Domack, Eugene W.; Burnett, Adam et al.: Environmental setting of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
58% | | 2008 | Hinnov, Linda; Locklair, Robert et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time Scale; Part 1, Early Cretaceous | |
58% | 28 | 2008 | Jovane, Luigi; Acton, Gary et al.: Geomagnetic field behavior at high latitudes from a paleomagnetic record from Eltanin core 27-21 in the Ross Sea sector, Antarctica | download |
58% | | 1990 | Besancon, O.; Guesnon, J.: The numerical pallograph experiments; precise measurement of the heave, pitch, and roll of JOIDES Resolution | download |
58% | 196 | 2004 | Bangs, Nathan L.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Evolution of the Nankai Trough decollement from the trench into the seismogenic zone; inferences from three-dimensional seismic reflection imaging | |
58% | | 2005 | Wang, Daming; Van der Voo, Rob et al.: Why is the remanent magnetic intensity of Cretaceous MORB so much higher than that of mid to late Cenozoic MORB? | |
58% | 308 308-U1322 | 2008 | Mazzei, David P. C.: Normalized mechanical properties of resedimented Gulf of Mexico clay from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition Leg 308 | |
58% | 183 183-1140 186 186-1150 | 2009 | Oda, Motoyoshi; Domitsu, Hanako: Paleoceanographic significance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Neogloboquadrina incompta | |
58% | 151 151-908 | 2010 | Timmermann, A.; Knies, J. et al.: Promotion of glacial ice sheet buildup 60-115 kyr B.P. by precessionally paced Northern Hemispheric meltwater pulses | |
58% | 195 195-1202 | 2006 | Venuti, Alessandra; Richter, Carl et al.: Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic properties of sediments from Site 1202 (Kuroshio Current) | download |
58% | 143 143-865 | 1995 | Polgreen, Evelyn L.; Sager, William W.: Data report; Paleomagnetic measurements of Paleocene-Eocene sediments, Leg 143, holes 865B and 865C | download |
56% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Hall, Stuart A.; Sager, William W.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic properties of sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116, central Indian Ocean | download |
55% | 94 94-606 94-607 94-609 94-610 | 1987 | Clement, Bradford M.; Kent, Dennis V.: Geomagnetic polarity transition records from five hydraulic piston core sites in the North Atlantic | download |
54% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1985 | Smith, G. M.; Banerjee, S. K.: Magnetic properties of basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 83; the origin of remanence and its relation to tectonic and chemical evolution | download |
53% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Feeser, V.; Moran, K. et al.: Stress-regime-controlled yield and strength behavior of sediment from the frontal part of the Nankai accretionary prism | download |
52% | 87 87-582 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Karig, Daniel E.: Reconsolidation tests and sonic velocity measurements of clay-rich sediments from the Nankai Trough | download |
50% | 127 128 | 1992 | von Breymann, Marta T.; Brumsack, Hans-Juergen et al.: Depositional and diagenetic behavior of barium in the Japan Sea | |
50% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 | 2006 | Tivey, Maurice A.; Sager, William W. et al.: Origin of the Pacific Jurassic quiet zone | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Zier, R.; Erzinger, J. et al.: The behavior of chalcophile elements, U and Pb during sub seafloor water-rock interaction; new results from ODP Site 504 | |
50% | 20 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-199 20-202 | 1973 | Smith, Michael B.; Forristall, George Z.: Triaxial compression tests, Leg 20, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
50% | 188 188-1165 | 2003 | Warnke, Detlef A.; Richter, Carl et al.: The Plio-Pleistocene section of ODP Site 188-1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctic continental margin; a High-Resolution Integrated-Stratigraphy Committee (HiRISC) report | |
50% | 188 188-1165 | 2008 | Valppu, Henna; Strand, Kari et al.: Sediment physical properties and clay minerals of the Prydz Bay rise in response to the East Antarctic ice sheet behaviour since middle Miocene | |
50% | 147 147-894 | 2000 | Manning, Craig E.; MacLeod, Christopher J. et al.: Lower-crustal cracking front at fast-spreading ridges; evidence from the East Pacific Rise and the Oman Ophiolite | |
50% | 204 204-1249 | 2005 | Winters, William J.; Waite, William F. et al.: Physical properties of repressurized sediment from Hydrate Ridge | download |
50% | 87 87-582 | 2003 | Shimoda, Gen; Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki et al.: Behavior of subducting sediments beneath an arc under a high geothermal gradient; constraints from the Miocene SW Japan arc | |
50% | 162 162-982 | 1999 | Stanton Frazee, C.; Warnke, D. A. et al.: Ice rafting in the 41k world; the record from ODP Site 162-982, Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic | |
50% | 164 164-993 164-995 | 2000 | Winters, William J.: Stress history and geotechnical properties of sediment from the Cape Fear Diapir, Blake Ridge Diapir, and Blake Ridge | |
50% | 166 166-1003 166-1005 166-1007 | 2002 | Kenter, Jeroen A. M.; Anselmetti, F. S. et al.: Acoustic properties of "young" carbonate rocks, ODP Leg 166 and boreholes Clino and Unda, western Great Bahama Bank | |
50% | 165 | 2001 | Murray, Richard W.; Thunell, Robert C. et al.: Climatically controlled variations in redox chemistry of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela; comparing results from the Ocean Drilling Program and sediment traps | |
50% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 2005 | Florindo, Fabio; Roberts, Andrew P.: Eocene-Oligocene magnetobiochronology of ODP Sites 689 and 690, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
50% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 170-1043 | 2001 | Tobin, Harold; Vannucchi, Paola et al.: Structure, inferred mechanical properties, and implications for fluid transport in the decollement zone, Costa Rica convergent margin | |
50% | 201 201-1227 | 2002 | Prokopenko, Maria; Hammond, Douglas E.: Fractionation of N isotopes observed between pore water ammonium and solid phase nitrogen in sediment from Site 1227, ODP Leg 201 | |
50% | 162 162-980 162-983 | 2005 | Hyun, Sangmin; Ahagon, Naokaze et al.: Milankovitch cycles and paleoceanographic evolution within sediments from ODP Sites 980 and 983 of the north Atlantic Ocean | |
50% | | 2001 | Tobin, Harold J.: Fault structure, mechanics, and hydrogeology of accretionary prism decollement zones revisited | |
50% | 61 161 161-976 | 2002 | Lopez-Sanchez-Vizcaino, Vicente; Soto, Juan Ignacio: Reaction zones developed between corundum metapelite and marble, Alboran Sea basement, western Mediterranean; origin and phase relations | |
50% | 209 209-1274 | 2008 | Achenbach, Kay L.: Melt and deformation in the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges; a textural and lattice-preferred orientation study of abyssal peridotites | |
50% | 314 315 316 | 2008 | Tobin, Harold: NanTroSEIZE Stage 1; first results of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone IODP drilling project | |
50% | | 2006 | Hilgen, Frederik J.; Krijgsman, Wout et al.: Astronomical calibration of geological time and intercalibration with (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar and U/Pb dating | |
50% | 169 169-1033 169S 169S-1033 | 2006 | Kanamaru, Kinuyo; Francus, Pierre et al.: The behavior of major and minor metals using a high resolution XRF scanner on laminated Holocene sediment in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia; Mn and Ca spikes | |
50% | 167 167-1014 167-1016 | 2009 | Yamamoto, Masanobu; Igarashi, Yaeko et al.: Glacial-interglacial variation in the North Pacific subtropical gyre circulation; linkage to tropical ocean-atmosphere interactions and the East Asian summer monsoon | |
50% | 308 | 2010 | Sawyer, Derek Edward: Failure mechanics, transport behavior, and morphology of submarine landslides | |
50% | 119 119-744 188 188-1165 | 2010 | Farmer, Ryan K.; Harwood, David et al.: The application of diatom biostratigraphy and paleoecology to resolve early Miocene paleoclimatic events | |
50% | 162 162-983 306 306-U1314 | 2010 | Gruetzner, J.; Higgins, S. M.: Threshold behavior of millennial scale variability in deep water hydrography inferred from a 1.1 Ma long record of sediment provenance at the southern Gardar Drift | |
50% | 172 172-1063 | 2011 | Gutjahr, Marcus; Lippold, Joerg: Early arrival of southern source water in the deep North Atlantic prior to Heinrich event 2 | |
50% | 138 138-846 | 2011 | Scroxton, N.; Bonham, S. G. et al.: Persistent El Nino-Southern Oscillation variation during the Pliocene Epoch | |
50% | 314 314-C0002 315 315-C0002 319 319-C0010 326 326-C0002 332 332-C0002 332-C0010 338 338-C0002 | 2012 | Toczko, Sean T.; Kopf, Achim J. et al.: The IODP Expedition 332; eyes on the prism, the NanTroSEIZE observatories | |
49% | 121 | 1991 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Lower Jaramillo polarity transition records from the equatorial Atlantic and Indian oceans | download |
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