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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1975 | Savin, S. M.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Tertiary marine paleotemperatures | |
100% | 23 25 26 27 | 1976 | Boltovskoy, E.: Neogene deep sea benthonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean | |
99% | | 1980 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Benthonic foraminifera of the bathyal zone from Oligocene through Quaternary | |
94% | 41 41-367 41-369 159 159-959 | 1999 | Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Upper Cretaceous palaeoenvironments and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages of potential source rocks from the western African margin, Central Atlantic | |
85% | | 1974 | Ekdale, Allan Anton: Geologic history of the abyssal benthos; evidence from trace fossils in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
85% | | 1975 | Edwards, A. R.: Biostratigraphy and regional unconformities | |
85% | | 1981 | Corliss, B. H.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal faunal turnover near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
85% | | 1981 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Foraminiferos bentonicos patiales del Cenozoico superior Benthonic foraminifers of the bathyal zone of the upper Cenozoic | |
85% | | 1977 | Boltovskoy, E.: Neogene deep water benthonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean | |
85% | | 1977 | Scheibnerova, V.: Synthesis of the Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Indian Ocean | |
80% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1976 | Hooper, K.; Jones, P.: Benthonic foraminifers and problems in late Neogene paleobathymetry of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
80% | 12 12-116 12-117 | 1976 | Berggren, W. A.; Aubert, J.: Late Paleogene (late Eocene and Oligocene) benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleobathymetry of Rockall Bank and Hatton-Rockall Basin | |
80% | 29 29-277 | 1976 | Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the development of the psychrosphere 38 Myr ago | |
80% | 80 80-548 | 2002 | Hari, M. B.; Aplin, K. C.: Correlation of the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary in N.W. Europe; can the Foraminifera from the Goban Spur provide some answers? | |
76% | 13 13-132 | 1973 | von Donk, J.; Saito, T. et al.: Stable isotope investigations of the Miocene evaporites and Pliocene and Pleistocene sedimentary rocks and oozes; oxygen isotopic composition of benthonic and planktonic foraminifera of earliest Pliocene age at Site 132, Tyrrhenian Basin | download |
71% | | 1985 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Wanatabe, Silvia: Foraminiferos bentonicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno Superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacifico Noroccidental) Benthonic foraminifers from the Cenozoic; upper Paleocene and Quaternary of DSDP Site 305, Northwest Pacific | |
71% | 17 17-167 | 1987 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminifero bentonicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Sitia 167, Zona batial, Pacifico Central Benthonic Cenozoic foraminifera at DSDP Site 167, baythal zone, Central Pacific | |
71% | | 1982 | Malmgren, B. A.; Corliss, B. H.: Microevolutionary analysis of Eocene-Oligocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera | |
71% | | 1974 | Schlanger, Seymour O.; Douglas, Robert G.: The pelagic ooze-chalk-limestone transition and its implications for marine stratigraphy | |
71% | | 1975 | Benson, Richard H.: The origin of the psychrosphere as recorded in changes of deep-sea ostracode assemblages | |
71% | 21 | 1976 | Heiman, M. E.: Distribution patterns of Neogene deep-water benthonic foraminifera from the western Pacific (DSDP Leg 21) | |
71% | | 1992 | Belyaeva, Natalia; Burmistrova, Irina: Datum levels and evolution of planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages in Pleistocene of the east equatorial Indian Ocean | |
71% | 14 14-144 | 1974 | Swain, F. M.: Lower Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Demerara Rise, Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 47 | 1980 | Vasilenko, L. V.: Bentosnyye foraminifery senomana v skvazhinye 398D (reys 47, Proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya) Benthonic foraminifera of the Senonian in Site 398D; Leg 47, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 42 42-376 | 1977 | Wright, Ramil C.; Wright, Cynthia R.: Benthonic foraminiferal repopulation of the eastern Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis | |
71% | 28 29 | 1977 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
71% | 2 | 1973 | Smali, Marina: Foraminiferi campaniano-maastrichtiani della Dorsale Medio-Atlantica Campanian-Maestrichtian foraminifera of Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | 21 21-209 | 1983 | Phillips, Paul R.: A taxonomic study of the middle Miocene benthonic foraminifera in a core sample from the Coral Sea (DSDP Site 209) | |
71% | 74 74-527 | 1988 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Malmgren, Bjoern A.: Differential dissolution of Upper Cretaceous deep-sea benthonic foraminifers from the Angola Basin, South Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 1992 | Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 29 29-277 | 1980 | Corliss, Bruce H.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal response to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
71% | | 1980 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminiferos bentonicos de la zona batial midia como fosiles guias en depositos oligoceno-cuartarios de los oceanos Pacifico, Atlantico e Indico Benthonic foraminifera in the middle bathyal zone as guide fossils in Oligocene-Quaternary deposits from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans | |
71% | 111 111-677 | 2000 | Betancur, J.; Martinez, J. I. et al.: Late Pleistocene benthonic Foraminifera from the Panama Basin, eastern Pacific Ocean | |
71% | | 1990 | Heinze, P. M.: Kohlenstoffisotopen-Verhaeltnisse benthischer Foraminiferen aus der Sauerstoffminimum-Zone vor Peru (ODP Leg 112) Carbon isotope relationships of the benthonic foraminifers from the oxygen minimum zone of Peru, ODP Leg 112 | |
71% | 29 29-277 | 1979 | Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to development of psychrosphere near Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
71% | 29 29-277 | 1979 | Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
70% | | 2000 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Hardenbol, Jan et al.: Oxygen isotope synthesis; a Cretaceous ice-house? | |
65% | 41 41-369 | 1977 | Lutze, G. F.: Neogene benthonic foraminifera from Site 369, Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
62% | 24 24-236 24-237 | 1974 | Vincent, Edith; Gibson, J. M. et al.: Paleocene and early Eocene microfacies, benthonic foraminifera, and paleobathymetry of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 236 and 237, western Indian Ocean | download |
61% | 90 90-593 | 1994 | Head, Philip S.; Nelson, Campbell S.: A high-resolution oxygen isotope record for the past 6.4 million years at DSDP Site 593, Challenger Plateau, southern Tasman Sea | |
61% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera from the central North Pacific | download |
60% | 15 15-148 | 2011 | Wilson, Brent; Costelloe, Ashleigh: Abundance biozone boundary types and characteristics determined using beta diversity; an example using Pleistocene benthonic Foraminifera in DSDP Hole 148, eastern Caribbean Sea | |
60% | 74 74-525 74-527 86 86-577 113 113-689 113-690 | 1992 | Corfield, Richard M.; Cartlidge, Julie E.: Oceanographic and climatic implications of the Palaeocene carbon isotope maximum | |
60% | 41 41-366 | 1977 | Boersma, A.; Shackleton, N. J.: Oxygen and carbon isotope record through the Oligocene, DSDP Site 366, equatorial Atlantic | download |
60% | | 1997 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Droxler, A. W. et al.: Towards a pre-Pleistocene sea-level calibration; sequence stratigraphy and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Pelotas Basin, offshore Southeast Brazil | |
60% | 15 15-148 | 2011 | Wilson, Brent; Costelloe, Ashleigh: Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology of the Pleistocene in DSDP Hole 148, Aves Ridge, eastern Caribbean Sea | |
59% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the central North Pacific Ocean | download |
57% | 22 22-214 22-216 22-217 26 26-253 26-254 | 1978 | Boltovskoy, E.: Late Cenozoic benthonic foraminifera of the Ninetyeast Ridge (Indian Ocean) | |
57% | 94 94-606 | 1992 | Frances, G.; Civis, J. et al.: Efectos de la glaciacion pliocena sobre las asociaciones de foraminiferos bentonicos del sondeo DSDP 606 (Atlantico Norte); interpretacion paleoceanografica Effects of Pliocene glaciation on benthonic foraminifera assemblages from DSDP Site 606 (North Atlantic); paleo-oceanographic interpretation | |
57% | 198 198-1209 198-1212 | 2004 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose; Kaiho, Kunio et al.: Planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) interval at Shatsky Rise, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 198 (NW Pacific) | |
57% | 29 29-277 29-279 | 1974 | Shackleton, N. J.; Kennett, J. P.: Palaeotemperature history of the Cenozoic from oxygen isotope studies in D.S.D.P. Leg 29 | |
57% | 23 23-228 23-229 23-230 | 1974 | Fleisher, R. L.: Preliminary report on late Neogene Red Sea foraminifera, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23B | |
57% | 184 184-1143 | 2003 | Wang Rujian; Li Jian: Quaternary high-resolution opal record and its paleoproductivity implication at ODP Site 1143, southern South China Sea | |
57% | 14 14-135 | 1989 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Foraminiferos bentonicos profundos del Mioceno superior y Plioceno inferior en el DSDP Site 135, Atlantico nororiental Upper Miocene and lower Pliocene deep benthonic foraminifers from DSDP Site 135, northeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
57% | 48 48-401 119 119-738 | 1995 | MacLeod, Norman; Ortiz, Nieves: Patterns of morphological and environmental change in planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal populations across the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Paleocene-Eocene event horizons | |
57% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1988 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary; benthonic foraminiferal changes in the deep sea | |
57% | | 1981 | Guerin, S.: Utilisation des foraminiferes planctiques et benthiques dans l'etude des paleo environnements oceaniques au Cretace moyen; application au materiel des forages D.S.D.P. de l'Atlantique Nord et Sud; comparaison avec la Tethys Using planktonic and benthonic foraminifers in the study of Middle Cretaceous marine paleoenvironments; application to DSDP boreholes in the North and South Atlantic, comparison with the Tethys | |
57% | 7 21 21-207 21-208 21-209 | 1977 | Heiman, Mary E.: Neogene deep-water benthonic foraminifera from the southwestern Pacific (DSDP legs 21 and 7) | |
57% | 14 14-135 | 1990 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Variacion en las asociaciones de foraminiferos bentonicos abisales en el D.S.D.P. Site 135 durante el Pleistoceno superior Variation in the assemblages of abyssal benthonic foraminifera at D.S.D.P. Site 135 during the upper Pleistocene | |
57% | 29 29-277 | 1979 | Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
57% | 36 | 1978 | Boltovskoy, E.: Estudio bioestratigrafico y paleontologico (foraminiferos bentonicos) del Cenozoico superior al este de las Islas Malvinas (DSDP, crucero 36, sitios 327 y 329) Biostratigraphic and paleontologic study of upper Cenozoic benthonic foraminifera east of Falkland Islands, DSDP Leg 36, sites 327 and 329 | |
57% | 38 38-348 | 1982 | Saidova, Kh. M.: Raspredeleniye bentosnykh foraminifer v verkhnetretichnykh i chetvertichnykh otlozheniyakh Islandskoy kotloviny i nekotoryye paleogeograficheskiye vyvody Distribution of benthonic foraminifera in the upper Tertiary and Quaternary strata of the Iceland Basin and some paleogeographic conclusions | |
57% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1989 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal changes across the K/T boundary at DSDP sites 465A, 525A, and 527 | |
56% | 26 | 1974 | Pessagno, E. A., Jr.; Michael, F. Y.: Results of shore laboratory studies on Mesozoic planktonic foraminifera from Leg 26, Sites 255, 256, 257, and 258 | download |
56% | 6 | 1971 | Douglas, Robert G.: Cretaceous foraminifera from the northeastern Pacific Ocean; Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
56% | 41 41-370 | 1978 | Gradstein, F.: Foraminifera from DSDP site 370, Leg 41, eastern North Atlantic Ocean | download |
53% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.: Benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the central North Pacific, Leg 17, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
53% | 27 27-261 | 1974 | Kuznetsova, K. I.: Distribution of benthonic foraminifera in upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous deposits at Site 261, DSDP Leg 27, in the eastern Indian Ocean | download |
51% | 31 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Summary of late Paleogene-Neogene insular stratigraphy, paleobathymetry, and correlations, Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan region | download |
51% | 35 | 1976 | Roegl, F.: Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene foraminifera from the Southeast Pacific Basin, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
50% | 107 107-652 | 1990 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Sprovieri, Rodolfo: Paleoceanographic conditions following the earliest Pliocene flooding of the Tyrrhenian Sea | download |
49% | 9 9-77 13 13-128 23 23-219 26 26-253 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Corliss, Bruce H.; Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Eocene-Oligocene benthonic foraminifera; implications for deep-water circulation history | |
49% | 29 29-284 | 1987 | Edwards, Anthony R.: An integrated biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotope stratigraphy for the late Neogene of New Zealand | |
49% | 122 122-761 122-762 | 2003 | Howe, R. W.; Campbell, R. J. et al.: Integrated uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphic zonation of the northwestern margin of Australia | |
49% | | 2003 | Hart, M.; Swiecicki, T.: Stratigraphy of Maastrichtian Foraminiferida from the United Kingdom; the Maastrichtian of Norfolk | |
49% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1977 | Sliter, W. V.: Cretaceous foraminifers from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
49% | 28 28-266 28-274 | 1975 | Kaneps, A. G.: Fecal pellets in Pliocene Antarctic deep-sea sediments, Leg 28, DSDP | download |
47% | 32 32-305 32-308 32-313 | 1975 | Luterbacher, Hanspeter: Paleocene and early Eocene planktonic Foraminifera; Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
47% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 27-262 27-263 | 1974 | Bolli, H. M.: Synthesis of the Leg 27 biostratigraphy and paleontology | download |
44% | 18 18-172 18-173 18-174 18-175 18-176 18-177 18-178 18-179 18-180 18-181 18-182 | 1973 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Neogene foraminifera from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, Leg 18, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
44% | 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 | 1975 | Shackleton, N. J.; Kennett, J. P.: Paleotemperature history of the Cenozoic and the initiation of Antarctic glaciation; oxygen and carbon isotope analyses in DSDP sites 277, 279, and 281 | download |
44% | 6 6-47 6-50 32 32-305 32-306 | 1975 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous microfossils from Shatsky Rise and other sites in the North Pacific Ocean | download |
43% | 13 13-129 | 1973 | Ryan, William B. F.; Hsue, Kenneth J. et al.: Strabo Trench and mountains; Site 129 | download |
43% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 | 1973 | Krasheninnikov, Valeri A.: Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera, Leg 20, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
42% | 13 13-132 | 1973 | Lawrence, James R.: Stable isotope investigations of the Miocene evaporites and Pliocene and Pleistocene sedimentary rocks and oozes; stable oxygen and carbon isotope variations in bulk carbonates from late Miocene to present, in Tyrrhenian Basin, Site 132 | download |
42% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-263 | 1974 | Scheibnerova, Viera: Aptian-Albian benthonic foraminifera from DSDP Leg 27, Sites 259, 260, and 263, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
42% | 157 157-953 | 1996 | Brunner, Charlotte A.; Kuttner, Sherry et al.: Neogene turbidite deposition in an island hot-spot setting in the Canary Islands; paleoenvironmental clues from benthonic foraminifers | |
42% | 89 89-586 90 90-589 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 90-594 | 1993 | Nelson, Campbell S.; Hendy, Chris H. et al.: Compendium of stable oxygen and carbon isotope data for the late Quaternary interval of deep-sea cores from the New Zealand sector of the Tasman Sea and Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
42% | 125 125-782 | 2000 | Zeng Xuelu: Cenozoic Foraminifera from the ODP Site 782A in the West Pacific | |
42% | 18 18-173 | 1973 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Biostratigraphy | download |
42% | 113 113-689 | 2002 | Majoran, Stefan; Dingle, Richard V.: Cenozoic deep-sea ostracods from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ODP Site 689); a palaeoceanographical perspective | |
41% | 36 36-326 36-327 36-328 36-329 | 1977 | Tjalsma, R. C.: Cenozoic foraminifera from the South Atlantic, DSDP Leg 36 | download |
41% | 31 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Pleistocene and Pliocene foraminifera from the Sea of Japan, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
41% | 1 1-3 | 1969 | Ewing, W. Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar et al.: Site 3 | download |
40% | 60 | 1982 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: Foraminiferal stratigraphy of Cenozoic sediments of the Mariana Trough and fore-arc region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
40% | 37 | 1977 | Hooper, K.; Jones, P.: Preliminary report on benthonic foraminifera from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Leg 37, DSDP | download |
40% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Schlanger, S. O.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Fossil preservation and diagenesis of pelagic carbonates from the Magellan Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | download |
39% | 18 18-176 | 1973 | Kulm, La Verne D.; von Huene, Roland et al.: Site 176 | download |
38% | 14 | 1972 | Beckmann, J. P.: The foraminifera and some associated microfossils of Sites 135 to 144 | download |
37% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 308; Koko Guyot | download |
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