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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1985 | DePaolo, Donald J.: Correlation of strontium and carbon isotope variations in Neogene marine carbonate rocks | |
100% | 165 | 1998 | Shogenova, Alla; Lind, Ida: Physical properties of claybearing carbonate rocks from the Paleozoic deposits of Estonia and the Cenozoic and Mesozoic deposits of the Caribbean Sea | |
100% | 194 | 2005 | Baechle, Gregor T.; Weger, R. et al.: Pore structure effects on elastic moduli-porosity relationships in carbonate rocks | |
99% | | 1986 | Lilje, Anneliese: Quantitative estimates of compaction in the calcareous ooze, chalk, limestone sequence | |
99% | | 1986 | Feazel, Charles T.: If chalk could talk; a sea story over 100 million years old | |
85% | | 1975 | McKelvey, B. C.: Naturaliste Plateau | |
85% | | 1985 | Akiyama, Masahiko: Increasing rate of sedimentation with the geologic history | |
85% | | 1994 | Gmur, D.: Wykorzystanie kalpionelli w biostratygrafii pelagicznych facji weglanowich prowincji tetydzkiej Using calpionellids in biostratigraphy of pelagic carbonate facies of the Tethyan Province | |
85% | | 1975 | Scholle, P. A.: Applications of North Sea chalk diagenetic studies of petroleum exploration problems | |
85% | | 1991 | Apitz, Sabine Elisabeth: The lithification of ridge flank basal carbonates; characterization and implications for Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in marine chalks and limestones | |
85% | | 1989 | Rothe, P.: Mineral composition of sedimentary formations in the North Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | | 1989 | Hobert, Linda A.; Wetzel, A.: On the relationship between silica and carbonate diagenesis in deep sea sediments | |
85% | | 1979 | Cool, T. E.: Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, sedimentation history, and paleoceanography of western North Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | | 1987 | Cotillon, Pierre: Bed-scale cyclicity of pelagic Cretaceous successions as a result of world-wide control | |
85% | | 1986 | Berger, W. H.; Vincent, E.: Deep-sea carbonates; reading the carbon-isotope signal | |
85% | | 1972 | Anderson, Thomas F.; Schneidermann, Nahum: Isotope Relationships in Pelagic Limestones from the Central Caribbean, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
85% | | 1990 | Bone, Y.; James, N. P.: Cenozoic cool-water limestones - the Eucla Basin: a major portion of the southern Australian margin | |
85% | | 1975 | Schrank, Joseph A.: Formation of Red Sea lithified layers as studied by cathodoluminescence; Deep-Sea Drilling Project Leg 23B | |
85% | | 1977 | Barash, M. S.; Lavrov, V. M.: Outcrops of Eocene rocks in the equatorial part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and their tectonic significance | |
85% | 198 | 2005 | Fontilea, Kristin: A petrological and geochemical study of Cretaceous siliceous rocks from the Shatsky Rise | |
85% | 90 | 1983 | The South Pacific Cenozoic | |
85% | | 2000 | Belopolsky, Andrei Victorovich: Tectonic and eustatic controls on the evolution of the Maldive carbonate platform | |
85% | | 2001 | Winterer, Edward L.: The oldest biogenous pelagic sediments above Mesozoic oceanic basement; a review | |
85% | | 1980 | Worsley, T. R.; Davies, T. A.: Deep sea carbonate accumulation, land/sea ratios, and paleoclimate | |
85% | | 1977 | Thiede, J.; Van Andel, T. H.: The paleoenvironment of anaerobic sediments in the late Mesozoic South Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | 130 | 1995 | Audet, D. Marc: Modelling of porosity evolution and mechanical compaction of calcareous sediments | |
85% | | 2004 | Saxena, Sabine; Gottwald, Eckehard: Gefriertrocknung und Haertung unverfestigter pleistozaener Karbnatsande zur Duennschliffherstellung Freeze-drying and hardening of unconsolidated Pleistocene carbonate sands for thin section production | |
80% | 40 40-364 | 1984 | Hussler, G.; Connan, J. et al.: Novel families of tetra- and hexacyclic aromatic hopanoids predominant in carbonate rocks and crude oils | |
73% | 317 | 2013 | Vandeginste, Veerle; John, Cedric M.: Diagenetic implications of stylolitization in pelagic carbonates, Canterbury Basin, offshore New Zealand | |
71% | | 1998 | D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions | |
71% | 85 | 1983 | Stout, Paul M.: Diagenesis of biogenic sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 85 | |
71% | | 1981 | Schlanger, Seymour O.: Shallow-water limestones in oceanic basins as tectonic and paleoceanographic indicators | |
71% | | 1981 | Ramanathan, S.: Some aspects of Deccan volcanism of western Indian shelf and Cambay Basin | |
71% | | 1983 | Delaney, M. L.; Boyle, E. A.: Inorganic calcite trace element distribution coefficients and modelling of carbonate diagenesis | |
71% | 80 | 1983 | Gillot, Eric: La Marge celtique au Cretace d'apres la campagne 80 du DSDP-IPOD 1 (Atlantique NE) The Celtic margin during Cretaceous time from the DSPD-IPOD 1 Leg 80, NE Atlantic | |
71% | | 1985 | Mead, Gregory A.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Carbonate cycles in the Oligocene detected by magnetic susceptibility measurements | |
71% | | 1994 | Droxler, Andre W.: Shallow carbonates drilled by DSDP and ODP; oceanic benchmarks and dipsticks for continental margins and volcanic aseismic ridges | |
71% | 62 | 1979 | Dean, W. E.; Thiede, J. et al.: Origin of organic-rich limestones of Mid-Cretaceous age, Mid-Pacific Mountains and southern Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 73 73-522 | 1985 | Mead, Gregory A.; Tauxe, Lisa: Sedimentation rates in DSDP Site 522, carbonate content, and implications for the geomagnetic reversal time scale | |
71% | 42 42-380 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Kelts, K.: Late Neogene chemical sedimentation in the Black Sea | |
71% | 77 | 1982 | Katz, Barry J.: Evidence for migration along fractures within a fine-grained carbonate rock | |
71% | 44 | 1989 | Fourcade, Eric; Granier, Bruno: Age des carbonates de plate-forme du Site 392A DSDP (Leg 44), arge atlantique du continent nord-americain Age of the platform carbonates from DSDP Site 392A (Leg 44), Atlantic margin of North America | |
71% | 103 103-639 | 1987 | Daniel, M. M.; Haggerty, Janet A.: Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform and dolomite at ODP site 639 | |
71% | | 1982 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism in the southern Line Islands and implications for hotspot theory | |
71% | | 1982 | Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A. et al.: North Pacific late Miocene correlations using microfossils, stable isotopes, percent CaCO (sub 3) and magnetostratigraphy | |
71% | 92 | 1988 | Apitz, S. E.; Kastner, M. et al.: Early lithification of ridge flank basal calcareous sediments; possible mechanisms | |
71% | 92 92-600 | 1986 | Kastner, Miriam; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: Carbonate recrystallization in basal sediments; evidence for convective fluid flow on a ridge flank | |
71% | | 1980 | Enos, Paul: Lower Cretaceous reefs and sea-level changes in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts | |
71% | | 1974 | Schlanger, Seymour O.; Douglas, Robert G.: The pelagic ooze-chalk-limestone transition and its implications for marine stratigraphy | |
71% | | 1986 | Dix, G. R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Oceanographic controls on shallow-burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas | |
71% | | 1986 | Renard, Maurice: Pelagic carbonate chemostratigraphy (Sr, Mg, (super 18) O, (super 13) C) | |
71% | | 1986 | Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other data | download |
71% | | 1986 | Herbin, J. P.; Magniez-Jannin, F. et al.: Mesozoic organic rich sediments in the South Atlantic; distribution in time and space | |
71% | 23 23-223 | 1982 | Papavassiliou, C. T.; Cosgrove, M. E.: The geochemistry of DSDP sediments from Site 223, Indian Ocean | |
71% | | 1999 | Cotillon, P.; Huchon, A.: Les Cycles sedimentaires a haute frequence et leur message dans les sediments pelagiques; exemples dans quelques series du Cretace inferieur a l'actuel High-frequency pelagic sedimentary cycles; examples from the Lower Cretaceous to modern times | |
71% | 166 | 1999 | Rendle, R. H.; Reijmer, J. J. G. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pleistocene to Recent on the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (ODP-Leg 166) | |
71% | 121 | 1990 | Gee, J.; Klootwijk, Chris T. et al.: Compaction related inclination shallowing in sediments from Broken Ridge, eastern Indian Ocean | |
71% | 130 130-807 | 1990 | Mahoney, John J.; Tarduno, John A.: Cretaceous volcanism and the formation of Ontong Java Plateau; new insights from ODP Leg 130 | |
71% | 122 | 1990 | Huang, Z.; Gradstein, F. M.: Depth-porosity relationship from deep sea sediments | |
71% | 130 | 1990 | Berger, W. H.; Kroenke, L. W. et al.: Drilling on Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130; the Neogene carbonate paradox | |
71% | | 1985 | Huessner, H.: Jurassische Karbonate des westlichen Hohen Atlas (Marokko); Mikrofaziesanalyse und plattentektonischer Rahmen Jurassic carbonates of the western High Atlas (Morocco); microfacies analysis and plate tectonic framework | |
71% | | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 1973 | Bernoulli, Daniel: Sedimentation pelagique dans l'ouest de l'Atlantique central; modele actualiste de la Tethys Pelagic sedimentation in the west-central Atlantic; an actualistic model for the Tethys | |
71% | | 1989 | Friedman, Gerald M.: Messinian (Miocene) evaporites of the Mediterranean Basin; a new approach to an old bandwagon | |
71% | | 2011 | Lewis, K. W.; Keeler, T. L. et al.: New software for plotting and analyzing stratigraphic data | |
71% | 159 | 1997 | Hoffmeister, A. P.; Oboh-Ikuenobe, F. E.: Cyclic patterns in Tertiary dinocysts from ODP Leg 159, Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin; preliminary results | |
71% | | 2006 | Jenkyns, H. C.: Oceanic anoxic events; 30 years on | |
71% | | 1988 | MacDougall, J. D.; Martin, E.: Seawater strontium isotopes at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
71% | 11 101 | 1988 | Dix, George Roger: Shallow-burial diagenesis of deep-water Neogene and Quaternary periplatform carbonates, northern Bahamas | |
71% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1993 | Cooper, P.: Milankovitch cycles in geophysical logs from ODP Leg 143, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
71% | 143 143-866 | 1993 | Flood, Peter G.: Origin of massive dolomite, ODP Leg 143, Site 866A, Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
71% | | 1995 | Gruetzner, Jens: Zur physikalischen Entwicklung von diagenetischen Horizonten in den Sedimentbecken des Atlantiks Physical evolution of diagenetic horizons within the sedimentary basin of the Atlantic | |
71% | 80 80-550 | 1995 | Wei, Wuchang: A short note on the Paleocene-Eocene transition in DSDP Hole 550 | |
71% | | 1983 | Thierstein, Hans R.: Oxygen and carbon isotopic fluctuations in cyclic Mid-Cretaceous deep-sea sediments; dominance of diagenetic effects | |
71% | 90 | 1983 | Morin, Roger: Physical properties at the ooze-chalk transition of sediments from the Lord Howe Rise; DSDP Leg 90 | |
71% | 80 80-550 | 1983 | Jennings, Robert; Mazzullo, James M.: Shallow burial diagenesis of chalks and related sediments from Site 550 on the Goban Spur | |
71% | | 1991 | Busson, G.; Noel, D.: Les Nannoconides, indicateurs environnementaux des oceans et mers epicontinentales du Jurassique terminal et du Cretace inferieur Nannoconids as environmental indicators of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous oceans and epicontinental seas | |
71% | | 1974 | Hsu, Kenneth J. (ed.); Jenkyns, Hugh C. (ed.): Pelagic sediments; on land and under the sea | |
71% | | 1985 | Baker, Paul A.; Burns, Stephen J.: Occurrence and formation of dolomite in organic-rich continental margin sediments | |
71% | 101 101-627 | 1985 | Schlager, W.; Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101; Bahama carbonate platforms and basins | |
71% | 130 | 1993 | Audet, Denis Marc: Compaction of oozes and chalks in the Ontong Java Plateau | |
71% | 133 133-823 | 1993 | Dix, George R.: Formation of deep-burial, Sr-rich calcite in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate continental slope; ODP Site 823, NE Australia | |
71% | 76 76-533 76-534 | 1981 | Challenger drills at sites off East Coast | |
71% | | 1986 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my | |
71% | | 1981 | Garrison, Robert E.: Diagenesis of oceanic carbonate sediments; a review of the DSDP perspective | |
71% | 48 | 1981 | Pastouret, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Shamrock Canyon area, Armorican continental margin | |
71% | 130 | 1996 | Borre, M.; Lind, I. et al.: Specific surface as a measure of burial diagenesis of chalk | |
71% | | 1972 | Lloyd, R. M.; Hsu, K. J.: Stable-isotope investigations of sediments from the DSDP III cruise to South Atlantic | |
71% | | 1979 | Sheridan, R. E.; Enos, P.: Stratigraphic evolution of the Blake Plateau after a decade of scientific drilling | |
71% | 95 | 1985 | Wilkens, Roy H.; Schreiber, B. Charlotte et al.: Well logging results from the ooze to chalk transition | |
71% | 96 | 1986 | Doyle, Larry J.: Similarities and contrasts in carbonate deposystems between active and passive continental margins; Gulf of Mexico and the French Pyrenees | |
71% | 101 | 1989 | Dix, George R.: Shallow-burial diagenesis of Neogene deep-water periplatform carbonates, Bahamas; providing a new prospective for petroleum-prospective ancient carbonate slopes | |
71% | 133 | 1990 | Davies, P. J.; Symonds, P. A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 133, northeast Australia: program and site objectives | |
71% | | 1996 | Schlueter, H. U.; Hinz, K. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic terranes and detachment faulting of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea | |
71% | | 1990 | Pigram, C. J.; Davies, P. J. et al.: Absolute amplitude of Neogene sea-level fluctuations from carbonate platforms of the Marion Plateau, northeast Australia | |
71% | 71 71-511 | 1984 | Parker, Mary E.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Carbonate cycles in Aptian-Albian "black shales" of the Falkland Plateau | |
71% | 85 90 | 1984 | Baker, P. A.; Stout, P. M.: Diagenesis of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
71% | 48 48-400 48-400A 48-401 48-401 | 1977 | Crockett, J. A.: Carbonate diagenesis in holes 400A and 401, Deep Sea Drilling Project, The bay of Biscay | |
71% | 30 30-289 | 1977 | Johnson, T. C.; Hamilton, E. L.: Compressional wave velocities in calcareous ooze and chalk | |
71% | | 1992 | Ward, Peter D.; MacLeod, Kenneth G.: Maastrichtian-aged lithostratigraphic patterns in the European Tethys; implications for sea level change and end-Cretaceous extinction patterns | |
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