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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 166 | 1998 | Arai, Kohsaku; Sato, Tokiyuki: Carbonate sediments of the Bahama Platform | |
83% | | 1986 | DePaolo, D. J.; Richter, F. M.: Numerical models of Sr isotopic redistribution in deep-sea carbonate sediments during diagenesis | |
83% | | 1981 | Garrison, Robert E.: Diagenesis of oceanic carbonate sediments; a review of the DSDP perspective | |
83% | 90 | 1984 | Baker, Paul A.; Burns, Donna J.: Diagenesis of deep-sea carbonate sediments; isotopic and trace elemental studies | |
83% | | 1990 | McNeill, Donald F.: Biogenic magnetite from surface Holocene carbonate sediments, Great Bahama Bank | download |
83% | | 1986 | Gieskes, J. M.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Strontium and its isotopic composition in interstitial waters of marine carbonate sediments | |
83% | 130 | 1994 | Urmos, Jozef: Diagenetic and physical properties of pelagic carbonate sediments; ODP Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau | |
83% | 90 | 1988 | Baker, Paul A.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: The origin of celestite in deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
83% | 130 | 1997 | Berger, W. H.; Lind, I. L.: Abundance of color bands in Neogene carbonate sediments on Ontong Java Plateau; a proxy for sedimentation rate? | |
82% | | 1986 | Lilje, Anneliese: Quantitative estimates of compaction in the calcareous ooze, chalk, limestone sequence | |
71% | | 1983 | Dunn, Dean A.: Carbonate dissolution events in the Miocene Pacific Ocean | |
71% | | 1981 | Davies, Thomas A.; Worsley, Thomas R.: Paleoenvironment implications of oceanic carbonate sedimentation rates | |
71% | | 1975 | Van Andel, T. H.: Mesozoic/Cenozoic calcite compensation depth and the global distribution of calcareous sediments | |
71% | 19 | 1979 | Hein, J. R.; O'Neil, J. R. et al.: Origin of authigenic carbonates in sediment from the deep Bering Sea | |
71% | | 1979 | Levitan, M. A.: Certain aspects of postdepositional alterations in oceanic sediments (based on deep-water drilling results) | |
71% | | 1974 | Berger, W. H.; Winterer, E. L.: Plate stratigraphy and the fluctuating carbonate line | |
71% | | 1978 | Stoffers, P.; Mueller, G.: Shallow water Black Sea carbonates, DSDP Leg 42 B | |
71% | 130 | 1990 | Ocean Drilling Program; reading the ocean's diary | |
71% | | 1977 | Glover, E. D.: Cathodoluminescence, iron and manganese content, and the early diagenesis of carbonates | |
71% | 24 | 1973 | Thiede, J.: Homogeneous hemipelagic and pelagic sediments of the Gulf of Aden and northwestern Indian Ocean; preservation and deposition of some main components | |
71% | | 1989 | Delaney, M. L.: Temporal changes in interstitial water chemistry and calcite recrystallization in marine sediments | |
71% | | 1999 | Bruns, P. (ed.); Hass, H. C. (ed.): On the determination of sediment accumulation rates | |
71% | | 1990 | Bone, Y.; James, N. P.: Cenozoic cool-water limestones - the Eucla Basin: a major portion of the southern Australian margin | |
71% | | 1975 | Sayles, F. L.; Manheim, Frank: Interstitial solutions and diagenesis in deeply buried marine sediments; results from the deep sea drilling project | |
71% | | 1973 | Quilty, Patrick G.: Cenomanian-Turonian and Neogene sediments from northeast of Kerguelen Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
71% | | 1980 | Thiede, J.; Agdestein, T. et al.: Depth distribution of calcareous sediments in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic North Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 1991 | Vincent, E.; Herbert, T. D. et al.: Extending Pleistocene-like stratigraphic resolution into the Neogene | |
71% | | 2004 | James, Noel: The oceanography of cool-water carbonates; southern Australia | |
71% | | 1980 | Worsley, T. R.; Davies, T. A.: Deep sea carbonate accumulation, land/sea ratios, and paleoclimate | |
71% | | 2004 | Saxena, Sabine; Gottwald, Eckehard: Gefriertrocknung und Haertung unverfestigter pleistozaener Karbnatsande zur Duennschliffherstellung Freeze-drying and hardening of unconsolidated Pleistocene carbonate sands for thin section production | |
71% | | 2010 | Breuker, A.; Schippers, A.: Improvement of methods for the quantification of microorganisms in oligotrophic carbonate rich marine sediments of North Pond | |
71% | 166 | 2010 | Herrmann, Achim D.; Wasylenki, Laura E. et al.: Uranium isotopic compositions of carbonate sediments as a potential redox proxy | |
67% | 30 30-288 30-289 33 33-316 | 1983 | Kim, D. C.; Manghnani, M. H. et al.: Effect of diagenesis on the physical properties of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
67% | 22 22-216 22-217 | 1985 | Sankaran, A. V.; Nambi, K. S. V. et al.: Implications of diagenesis for the TL dating of the oceanic carbonate sediments in the northern Indian Ocean | |
67% | 30 30-289 89 89-586 | 1989 | Fulthorpe, Craig Stephen; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: In situ acoustic properties of pelagic carbonate sediments on the Ontong Java Plateau | download |
67% | 30 30-288 30-289 33 33-316 | 1985 | Kim, Dae-Choul; Manghnani, Murli H. et al.: The role of diagenesis in the development of physical properties of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
67% | 115 115-716 | 1991 | Baker, P. A.; Malone, M. J.: Geochemistry of periplatform carbonate sediments | |
67% | 115 115-716 | 1989 | Malone, M. J.; Baker, P. A. et al.: Diagenesis of periplatform carbonate sediments, ODP Site 716; Maldives Archipelago, Indian Ocean | |
67% | 30 30-288 30-289 | 1982 | Elderfield, Henry; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: (super 87) Sr/ (super 88) Sr and (super 18) O/ (super 16) O ratios, interstitial water chemistry and diagenesis in deep-sea carbonate sediments of the Ontong Java Plateau | |
67% | 130 130-807 | 2007 | Fantle, M. S.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Constraining reaction rates in marine carbonate sediments using reactive transport modeling; investigating the effects of diagenesis on Sr, Ca, and Mg | |
67% | 30 30-289 | 1980 | Manghnani, Murli H.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Elastic properties related to depth of burial, strontium content and age, and diagenetic stage in pelagic carbonate sediments | |
67% | 21 21-210 30 30-288 30-289 | 1980 | Mulholland, Phillip; Manghnani, Murli H. et al.: Geoacoustic modeling of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
67% | 30 30-288 | 1983 | Kim, Dae-Choul; Katahara, Keith W. et al.: Velocity and attenuation anisotropy in deep-sea carbonate sediments | download |
67% | 117 117-722 121 121-758 | 1993 | Bassinot, Franck C.: Sonostratigraphy of tropical Indian Ocean giant piston cores; toward a rapid and high-resolution tool for tracking dissolution cycles in Pleistocene carbonate sediments | |
67% | 166 166-1003 | 2003 | Eberli, Gregor P.; Baechle, Gregor T. et al.: Factors controlling elastic properties in carbonate sediments and rocks | |
67% | 138 138-846 | 2008 | Kim, G. Y.; Wilkens, R. H. et al.: In situ correction of porosity and velocity of pelagic carbonate sediments in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (Sites 846 and 850, ODP Leg 138) | |
66% | 74 74-525 115 115-716 133 133-817 166 166-1006 182 182-1126 | 2008 | Swart, Peter K.: Global synchronous changes in the carbon isotopic composition of carbonate sediments unrelated to changes in the global carbon cycle | |
61% | 130 130-807 208 208-1265 | 2012 | Higgins, John A; Schrag, Daniel P: Cenozoic seawater chemistry; insights from Mg isotopes in pelagic carbonate sediments and pore-fluids | download |
61% | 130 130-807 | 2012 | Higgins, J. A.; Schrag, D. P.: Records of Neogene seawater chemistry and diagenesis in deep-sea carbonate sediments and pore fluids | |
59% | 96 | 1985 | Kohl, Barry: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rates of the Mississippi Fan | |
59% | | 1985 | Leggett, J. K.: Deep-sea pelagic sediments and palaeo-oceanography; a review of recent progress | |
59% | | 1979 | Thierstein, H. R.: Paleoceanographic implications of organic carbon and carbonate distribution in Mesozoic deepsea sediments | |
59% | 138 154 | 1996 | Rutherford, Scott; King, Terri: Evolutive cross-spectral analysis of Equatorial Atlantic and Pacific carbonate sedimentation from 0-6 Ma | |
59% | 74 | 1985 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: History of the Walvis Ridge; a precis of the results of DSDP Leg 74 | |
59% | 101 | 1987 | Guzikowski, Michael Vincent: Evolution of pore fluid chemistry during the recrystallization of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas | |
59% | 101 101-630 | 1987 | Lavoie, Dawn: Geotechnical properties of sediments in a carbonate slope environment; Ocean Drilling Site 630, northern Little Bahama Bank | |
59% | | 2000 | Fuller, Mike D.; Ali, Jason R. et al.: ODP sediment records of the geomagnetic field; how important is overprinting and can it be recognized | |
59% | 130 130-806 | 1994 | Tarduno, John A.: Temporal trends of magnetic dissolution in the pelagic realm; gauging paleoproductivity? | |
59% | 154 | 1994 | Hagelberg, Teresa King; deMenocal, Peter et al.: Variations in terrigenous sedimentation on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic as inferred from core and log data integration | |
59% | 68 68-502 | 1982 | Start, G. G.: Isotopic and carbonate evidence for two Quaternary regimes | |
59% | 16 16-158 | 1982 | Dunn, Dean Alan: Miocene sediments of the equatorial Pacific Ocean; carbonate stratigraphy and dissolution history | |
59% | 101 | 1986 | Dix, George R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, ODP Leg 101, Bahamas | |
59% | 92 92-600 | 1986 | Kastner, Miriam; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: Carbonate recrystallization in basal sediments; evidence for convective fluid flow on a ridge flank | |
59% | 41 41-366 | 1982 | Sarnthein, M.; Schneider, R. et al.: Cyclic eolian and carbonate sedimentation at the Sierra Leone Rise, equatorial Atlantic | |
59% | 18 18-174 | 1975 | Carson, B.: Carbonate dissolution in "offscraped" deep-sea sediments; an integral part of the subduction process? | |
59% | | 1976 | Van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Cenozoic history of the central equatorial Pacific; a synthesis based on Deep Sea Drilling Project data | |
59% | 7 7-65 | 1986 | Moody, Judith B.; Chaboudy, Louis R. et al.: Phosphorus flux, glaciation, and shelf-deep sea partitioning of nutrients for the last 10 MA | |
59% | | 1986 | Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other data | download |
59% | 101 | 1986 | Droxler, Andre W.; Watkins, David K.: Plio-Pleistocene evolution of climatically-induced aragonite cycles in the Bahamas Periplatform carbonate ooze | |
59% | 130 | 1990 | Kroenke, L. W.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Drilling on the Ontong Java Plateau; ODP Leg 130 preliminary results | |
59% | | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
59% | 146 146-893 167 | 1996 | Lyle, Mitchell W.: Neogene evolution of the California Current system; initial results from ODP Leg 167 | |
59% | 154 | 1996 | Bickert, T.; Franz, S. O. et al.: Late Neogene carbonate deposition in the western Equatorial Atlantic; relation to productivity, dissolution, and dilution | |
59% | 130 | 1993 | Urmos, Jozsef; Wilkens, Roy A.: In situ velocities in pelagic carbonates; new insights from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau | download |
59% | 131 | 1993 | Pickering, K. T.: Is the decollement in Nankai accretionary prism localized at a lithological change? New evidence from rare earth elements, and other geochemical data | |
59% | 80 80-550 | 1983 | Jennings, Robert; Mazzullo, James M.: Shallow burial diagenesis of chalks and related sediments from Site 550 on the Goban Spur | |
59% | 133 | 1991 | Davies, P. J.; McKenzie, J. A.: Horizontal and vertical interactions - key to the evolution of the Cainozoic carbonate platforms of northeast Australia - Leg 133 results | |
59% | 130 130-806 | 1994 | Tarduno, John A.: Glacial-interglacial changes in magnetic dissolution linked to paleoproductivity; testing the hypothesis | |
59% | 130 | 1993 | Bassinot, Franck C.: Analyse paleoceanographique a haute resolution des carbonates pelagiques des oceans Indien et Pacifique en region tropicale High-resolution paleo-oceanographic analysis of pelagic carbonates of the Indian and Pacific oceans in tropical areas | |
59% | 145 145-882 | 1993 | Haug, G. H.; Tiedemann, R. et al.: Atlantic-type carbonate preservation in the Northwest Pacific (ODP-Site 882, Leg 145) | |
59% | 17 | 1973 | Bode, G. W.: Appendix II; Carbon and carbonate analyses, Leg 17 | |
59% | 68 68-502 | 1980 | Prell, W. L.; Gardner, J. V.: A continuous record of late Neogene carbonate cyclicity; HPC Site 502, western Caribbean | |
59% | 13 | 1972 | Lloyd, R. Michael; Hsu, Jinghwa K.: Preliminary Isotopic Investigations of Samples from Deep-Sea Drilling Cruise to the Mediterranean | |
59% | 121 121-758 | 1990 | Farrell, J. W.; Janecek, T. R.: An overview of late Neogene paleoceanography, paleoclimatology and tephrochronology in the NE Indian Ocean (ODP Site 758) | |
59% | 85 90 | 1984 | Baker, P. A.; Stout, P. M.: Diagenesis of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
59% | 48 48-400 48-400A 48-401 48-401 | 1977 | Crockett, J. A.: Carbonate diagenesis in holes 400A and 401, Deep Sea Drilling Project, The bay of Biscay | |
59% | | 1973 | Gartner, Stefan; Johnson, David et al.: Episodic carbonate sedimentation below the carbonate compensation depth in the eastern Indian Ocean | |
59% | 16 16-158 | 1981 | Dunn, D. A.; Moore, T. C., Jr. et al.: Atlantic-type carbonate stratigraphy in the late Miocene Pacific | |
59% | 85 85-574 | 1987 | Laguros, George Andrew: Seismic-stratigraphic analysis of sedimentation processes in pelagic carbonate sequences of the Equatorial Pacific; Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 574 | |
59% | 138 | 1997 | Spivack, Arthur J.; You, Chen-Feng: Boron isotopic geochemistry of carbonates and pore waters, Ocean Drilling Program Site 851 | |
59% | | 1989 | Einsele, G.: In-situ water contents, liquid limits, and submarine mass flows due to a high liquefaction potential of slope sediment (results from DSDP and subaerial counterparts) | |
59% | 68 68-503 | 1980 | Gardner, J. V.: Hydraulic piston coring in equatorial Pacific; preliminary results from DSDP Site 503 (Leg 68) indicate continuous section of undisturbed late Neogene and Quaternary sediment | |
59% | 29 | 1977 | Kroopnick, P. M.; Margolis, S. V. et al.: delta >13) C variations in marine carbonate sediments as indicators of the CO<2) balance between the atmosphere and oceans | |
59% | 48 48-405 48-406 | 1977 | Moore, Gary Lance: Diagenesis of deep marine carbonates; Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites | |
59% | | 1996 | Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Evidence for glacial control of rapid sea level changes in the Early Cretaceous | |
59% | | 1996 | Opdyke, Bradley C.; Bird, Michael: Possible ODP target; Scott Plateau, far eastern Indian Ocean | |
59% | 101 115 | 1990 | Droxler, A. W.: Results of ODP Legs 101 and 115: Cenozoic evolution of two carbonate systems in the Bahamas and in the Maldives: effects of subsidence and sea level variations | |
59% | | 1990 | Droxler, A. W.; Haddad, G. A. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene aragonite (0.5 Ma) supercycles in periplatform sequences from the Maldives and the Bahamas: a comparison with the CaCO (sub 3) deep oceanic preservation records | |
59% | 130 | 1990 | Musgrave, Robert; Tarduno, John A. et al.: Post-depositional reduction of magnetite in Plio-Pleistocene carbonate oozes from the Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 130) and its paleomagnetic implications | |
59% | 101 | 1986 | Guzikowski, M.; Swart, P. K.: Interstitial porewater geochemistry of Leg 101 of the ODP | |
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