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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1977Nesterova, M. P.; Shcherbakov, F. A. et al.: Glinistyye mineraly kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Islandskoy kotloviny (severnaya Atlantika) Clay minerals of Cenozoic sediments in the Iceland Basin, North Atlantic
83%1131990Pereira, Christopher P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Late Tertiary sedimentology, palaeoenvironments and climate of the Weddell Sea region; synthesis based on sediment, clay mineralogy and organic isotope geochemistry data
83%3082005Adatte, Thierry; John, C. M. et al.: Overview of the evolution of clay mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico; implications for regional climate and drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers
83%1131991Macko, Stephen A.; Pereira, Christopher P. G.: Late Tertiary climatic development of the Weddell Sea region, Antarctica based on stable isotope organic geochemistry and clay mineralogy
1996Winkler, A.; Cremer, M. et al.: Preliminary results of clay mineralogy and grain-size analyses of ODP Leg 151 Site 908 (NAAG)
1995Grover, R.; O'Connell, S. et al.: Clay mineralogy of Miocene sediments from Fram Strait, Arctic-Atlantic; ODP Site 909
83%1988Bouquillon, Anne; Debrabant, P. et al.: Clay mineralogy in Neogene to Quaternary sediments of the NW Indian Ocean
83%2000Aoki, Saburo; Kohyama, Norihiko: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the DSDP and ODP cores from the Arabian Sea, the Bengal Fan, and the Gulf of Mexico
83%1991Hathon, Eric G.; Underwood, Michael B.: Clay mineralogy and chemistry as indicators of hemipelagic sediment dispersal south of the Aleutian Arc
1980Robert, C.: Climats et courants cenozoiques dans l'Atlantique Sud d'apres l'etude des mineraux argileux (legs 3, 39 et 40 DSDP) Cenozoic climate and currents from clay mineralogy studies; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 3, 39 and 40
2003Liu Zhifei; Trentesaux, Alain et al.: Quaternary clay mineralogy in the northern South China Sea (ODP Site 1146); implications for oceanic current transport and East Asian monsoon evolution
71%1981Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology
71%1981Savin, Samuel M.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Stable isotopes in ocean sediments
71%1980Chamley, Herve; Robert, Christian: Paleoenvironmental significance of clay deposits in Atlantic black shales
71%1975Perry, E. A., Jr.: Submarine smectite genesis as an oceanic magnesium sink
71%1979Levitan, M. A.: Certain aspects of postdepositional alterations in oceanic sediments (based on deep-water drilling results)
71%1976Perry, E. A., Jr.: Submarine alteration of volcanogenic sediments and basalts; results from the DSDP
71%1986Yamamoto, Satoshi: Correlation between iron and magnesium and its significance on the distribution of heavy metals in deep-sea cherts
71%1984Callen, Roger A.: Clays of the palygorskite-sepiolite group; depositional environment, age and distribution
71%1976Gorbunova, Z. N.: The history of accumulation of clay minerals in the Pacific Ocean during the Cenozoic according to deep-sea drilling data
71%1981Alt, J. C.; Honnorez, J. J.: A model for the aging of upper oceanic layer 2 at low temperature
71%1987Dilli, K.: Clay mineral studies in the Somali Basin; prospects for hydrocarbons
71%1995Johnston, Joel Edward: Physical properties of rocks; shale anisotropy and basalt seismic velocities
71%1983Book, Patricia O'Donnell: A study of vein minerals in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 462A
71%1996Velde, B.: Compaction trends of clay-rich deep sea sediments
71%1973Lawrence, J. R.: Depleted O (super 18) /O (super 16) in DSDP pore waters
71%1980Gorbunova, Z. N.: Clay minerals from the northwestern Pacific Ocean (based on data collected during the 6th cruise of the D/V Glomar Challenger)
1983Dominik, J.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Clay mineralogy and occurrence of palygorskite in deep-sea sediments from the eastern Indian Ocean; collected during D.S.D.P. legs 22, 26 and 27
67%1983Lever, Andrew; McCave, I. Nicholas: Eolian components in Cretaceous and Tertiary North Atlantic sediments
1974Li, Pun-yuk Daniel: Clay mineralogy at sites 33, 34, 40, and 42, Leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project
1989Thiebault, F.; Cremer, M.: Paleocourants et changements climatiques dans la baie de Baffin du Neogene a l'actuel a partir de l'analyse des facies sedimentaires et de la mineralogie argileuse des sediments du site 645 (Leg ODP-105) Neogene to present paleocurrents and climatic changes in the Baffin Bay from the analysis of sedimentary facies and clay mineralogy of sediments of Site 645; ODP Leg 105
1986Schoonmaker, Jane: Clay mineralogy and diagenesis of sediments from deformation zones in the Barbados accretionary wedge (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A)
1984Hiscott, Richard N.: Clay mineralogy and clay-mineral provenance of Cretaceous and Paleogene strata, Labrador and Baffin shelves
1977Piper, D. J. W.; Pe, G. G.: Cenozoic clay mineralogy from D.S.D.P. holes on the continental margin of the Australia-New Zealand sector of Antarctica
1987Blaise, B.; Bornhold, B. D. et al.: Clay mineralogy of Plio-Pleistocene sediments, North-East Pacific, DSDP Leg 18, Site 177-177A
1998O'Connell, Suzanne; Venherm, Claudia et al.: Glacial/interglacial sedimentological changes during the mid-Pleistocene at Bjorn Drift, ODP Site 984, Leg 162
2005Shackford, Julia Keegan: Continuous late Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the southwest African margin; a multi-proxy approach
67%171B1998Pletsch, T.; Garcia del Cura, M. A. et al.: Extreme greenhouse periods, rapid coolings, and their effects on clay mineralogy; first results from ODP Leg 171B (Blake Nose, western central Atlantic)
1996Deng, Xinhua; Underwood, Michael B.: Influence of clay mineralogy on location of the decollement zone, Barbados accretionary complex
2001Deng, Xinhua; Underwood, Michael B.: Abundance of smectite and the location of a plate-boundary fault, Barbados accretionary prism
1981Rea, D. K.; Janecek, T. R.: Late Cretaceous history of eolian deposition in the Mid-Pacific Mountains, central North Pacific Ocean
1981Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39)
59%191978Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W.: Diagenesis and distribution of late Cenozoic volcanic sediment in the southern Bering Sea
59%631983Grechin, V. I.; Zolotarev, B. P.: Geokhimiya okeanicheskikh bazal'tov i ikh vtorichnyye izmeneniya Geochemistry of oceanic basalts and their secondary alterations
59%801983Gillot, Eric: La Marge celtique au Cretace d'apres la campagne 80 du DSDP-IPOD 1 (Atlantique NE) The Celtic margin during Cretaceous time from the DSPD-IPOD 1 Leg 80, NE Atlantic
59%541983Anonymous: Litologiya i mineralogiya pliotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya (rejs 54 j) Lithology and mineralogy of Plio-Pleistocene formations of western East Pacific Rise, Leg 54
59%611983Timofeyev, P. P.; Koporulin, V. I. et al.: Litologiya, mineralogiya i geokhimiya melovykh gialoklastitov (rejs 61-j) Lithology, mineralogy and geochemistry of Cretaceous hyaloclastites, Leg 61
59%631983Anonymous: Litologiya, mineralogiya i geokhimiya miotsen-pleystsenovykh otlozheniy prikaliforniyskoy zony Tikhogo okeana (reys 63-y) Lithology, mineralogy and geochemistry of Mio-Pleistocene sediments in the California zone of Pacific Ocean; Leg 63
59%621983Anonymous: Litologiya, mineralogiya i organicheskoye veshchestvo mezozoysko-kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy rayonov vozvyshennosti Khessa i severozapadnoy chasti gor Markus-Nekker (reys 62-y) Lithology, mineralogy and organic matter of Meso-Cenozoic formations in the Hess Ridge region and northwestern region of submarine mountains in the Central Pacific; Leg 62
59%621983Timofeyev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: Litologo-geneticheskaya kharakteristika kaynozoysko-mezozoyskikh otlozheniy rayona severo-zapada gor Markus-Nekker Lithologic-genetic characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic formations of northwest submarine mountains in the Central Pacific
59%1985Chamley, H.; Deconinck, J. F.: Expression de l'evolution geodynamique des domaines nord-atlantique et subalpin au Mesozoique superieur, d'apres les successions sedimentaires argileuses Late Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of North Atlantic and subalpine ranges expressed by sedimentary clay successions
1975Eslinger, Eric V.; Savin, Samuel M.: Mineralogy and O (super 18) /O (super 16) of clay-size minerals from DSDP Site 323, southeast Pacific
1996Fischman, Rebecca; King, Terri et al.: Gardar Drift grain size and mineralogy; calibration to natural gamma and magnetic susceptibility variations
1977Scholl, D. W.; Hein, J. R. et al.: Meiji sediment tongue; North Pacific evidence for limited movement between the Pacific and North American plates
59%861985Bryant, W. R.; Bennett, R. H. et al.: Identification of aeolian argillites in the red clays of the Northwest Pacific
59%641982Stout, Paul M.: Hydrothermal alteration of sediments, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
59%431982Debrabant, P.; Chamley, H.: Influences oceaniques et continentales dans les premiers depots de l'Atlantique nord Oceanic and continental influences in the first deposits of the North Atlantic
59%181982Stoffers, P.: Interstitial waters of Persian Gulf of Oman sediments
1982Varentsov, I. M.: Metalliferous sediments of the North Atlantic and Galapagos rift zone; geochemistry, features of formation
59%621983Timofeyev, P. P.; Rateyev, M. A. et al.: Glinistyye mineraly mezozoyskikh i kanozoyskikh otlozheniy gor Markus-Nekker i vozvyshennosti Khessa Clay minerals of Meso-Cenozoic rocks in the submarine mountains of Central Pacific and Hess Ridge
1982Sarnthein, M.; Schneider, R. et al.: Cyclic eolian and carbonate sedimentation at the Sierra Leone Rise, equatorial Atlantic
59%1976Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean
1986Whynot, John David: Mineralogy and early diagenesis of deep Gulf of Mexico basin sediments
59%701982Moorby, S. A.; Barrett, T. J.: The Galapagos Mounds
59%1702000Gettemy, Glen L.; Tobin, Harold J.: Elastodynamic and physical properties of subduction zone sediments; a case study of the Costa Rica convergent margin
59%1391992Marumo, Katsumi: Clay mineralogy of hydrothermally altered sediment of Middle Valley seafloor hydrothermal system
1992Lu, Ran: A study of the effect of matrix properties on postdepositional remanent magnetization (pDRM)
59%1501996Deconinck, J. F.: Glacioeustatic control of terrigenous clay mineral fluxes off New Jersey during the Cenozoic (NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
59%1986Stein, R.: Late Neogene evolution of paleoclimate and paleooceanic circulation in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; a comparison
59%381979Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
1979Ziemianski, P. W.: Clay mineral changes during intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
1979Kharin, G. S.; Zangalis, K. P.: Clay minerals in the redbed on the Faeroe-Icelandic Ledge (northern Atlantic)
1976Shanks, W. C., III; Seyfried, W. E.: Secondary mineral paragenesis in Leg 34 basalts
59%381979Bjorklund, K. R.; Goll, R. M.: Ice age climates of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
1978Courtois, Chantal; Chamley, Herve: Terres rares et mineraux argileux dans le Cretace et le Cenozoique de la marge atlantique orientale Rare earths and clay minerals in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic along the eastern Atlantic margin
59%1993Debrabant, Pierre; Fagel, Nathalie et al.: Neogene to Quaternary clay mineral fluxes in the Central Indian Basin
1983Lavoie, Dawn L.; Matthews, J. E.: Sediments on the southeastern flank of the Bermuda Pedestal
1979Varentsov, I. M.; Drits, V. A.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye izucheniye obrazovaniy osadochnogo chekhla po skvazhine 350 A lithologic-mineralogical study of formations of the sedimentary cover at Site 350
1979Rateyev, M. A.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye opisaniye razreza osadochnykh otlozheniy po skvazhine 346 A lithologic-mineralogical description of a section of sedimentary deposits at Site 346
59%1979Chamley, H.: North Atlantic clay sedimentation and paleoenvironment since the Late Jurassic
1981Papavassiliou, C. J.; Cosgrove, M. E.: Chemical and mineralogical changes during basalt-seawater interaction; Site 223, Leg 23, D.S.D.P., North-west Indian Ocean
59%1984Kastner, M.; Asaro, Frank et al.: Did the clay minerals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary form from glass? Evidence from Denmark and DSDP Hole 465A
1976Kossovskaya, A. G.; Shutov, V. D.: Types of regional epigenesis and initial metamorphism and their relationship to the tectonic environment in the continents and oceans
59%1981Staudigel, H.; Muehlenbachs, K. et al.: Agents of low temperature ocean crust alteration
1981Kastner, Miriam: Authigenic silicates in deep-sea sediments; formation and diagenesis
1980Desprairies, A.; Bonnot-Courtois, C.: Relation entre la composition des smectites d'alteration sous-marine et leur cortege de terres rares The composition of smectites produced by submarine alteration, in relation to their rare earth distribution
59%1131987Kennett, James P.; Barker, P.: Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of Antarctica; overview from ODP Leg 113
59%111987Steinberg, Michel; Holtzapffel, Thierry et al.: Characterization of overgrowth structures formed around individual clay particles during early diagenesis
59%1989Gorbunova, Z. N.: Highly dispersed minerals and the evolution of sedimentation conditions in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean (based on deep-sea drilling data)
1980Gardner, J. V.: Hydraulic piston coring in equatorial Pacific; preliminary results from DSDP Site 503 (Leg 68) indicate continuous section of undisturbed late Neogene and Quaternary sediment
59%1101989Tribble, Jane S.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Clay diagenesis in the Barbados accretionary complex; implications for hydrology and subduction dynamics
1989Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P.: Diagenese d'enfouissement et diagenese thermique; effets sur les silicates argileux Effects of burial and thermal diagenesis on clay silicates
1983Leinen, Margaret: Mineralogy of central and western Pacific red clays and implications for long-term history of North Pacific sedimentation
59%631983Rateyev, M. A.; Timofeyev, P. P. et al.: Mineraly glinistoy fraktsii miotsen-pleystotsenovykh terrigennykh otlozheniy Clay minerals in the Mio-Pleistocene terrigeneous formations
59%541983Rateyev, M. A.; Timofeyev, P. P. et al.: Mineraly glinistoy fraktsii pliotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy Minerals of the clay fraction of Plio-Pleistocene sediments
1991Buatier, Martine D.; Peacor, D. R. et al.: Origin and evolution of clays in the sediments of the Barbados accretionary wedge (Site 671B, Leg 110)
59%1251992Schwarz, Alexander: Petrographische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Bohrkernen des Marianen- und Izu Bonin Forearc, ODP Leg 125, unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Smektit und Iowait Petrographic and geochemical investigations of samples from the Mariana and Izu-Bonin fore-arc, ODP Leg 125, with special consideration of smectite and iowaite
1975Chamley, H.: Enseignement du Leg XIII DSDP sur la sedimentation argileuse Plio-Pleistocene en mers Tyrrhenienne et Ionienne Data of Leg XIII of DSDP on the Plio-Pleistocene clay sedimentation in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas
1986Parra, M.; Puechmaille, C. et al.: Geochemistry of Tertiary alterite clay phases on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge (Northeast Atlantic), Leg 38, Site 336
2004Junttila, Juho Petteri; Strand, Kari Olavi: Clay mineral occurrence in Prydz Bay rise (ODP Site 1165), Antarctica; implications for Plio-Pleistocene ice sheet evolution

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