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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1997 | Naehr, Thomas: Authigener klinoptilolith in marinen sedimenten; mineralchemie, genese und moegliche anwendung als geothermometer Authigenic clinoptilolite in marine sediments; crystal chemistry, genesis and possible application in geologic thermometry | |
76% | | 1976 | Stonecipher, S. A.: Origin, distribution and diagenesis of phillipsite and clinoptilolite in deep-sea sediments | |
76% | | 1986 | Fenner, Juliane M.: New results on clinoptilolite in deep sea sediments | |
63% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
63% | 127 127-795 | 1992 | Ogihara, Shigenori: Diagenetic clinoptilolite-heulandite group zeolite from ODP Site 795, Japan Sea | |
63% | 23 23-223 | 1979 | Cosgrove, M. E.; Papavassiliou, C. T.: Clinoptilolite in DSDP sediments of the Indian Ocean (Site 223, Leg 23); its stability conditions and estimation of its free energy | |
63% | 127 127-795 | 1994 | Ogihara, Shigenori: Ba-bearing clinoptilolite from ODP Leg 127, Site 795, Japan Sea | |
59% | 48 | 1979 | Kagami, H.: Transformation of opaline silica in sediments from Bay of Biscay and Rockall Bank | download |
57% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Riech, V.: Diagenesis of silica, zeolites, and phyllosilicates at sites 397 and 398 | download |
54% | | 1982 | Fenner, Juliane M.: Early diagenesis of biosiliceous components in deep sea sediments | |
54% | | 1978 | Kosiur, D. R.: Pelagic zeolite diagenesis | |
54% | | 1989 | Gorbunova, Z. N.: Authigenic-diagenetic minerals in the sediments of the oceans (according to the deep-sea drilling data) | |
52% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-555 | 1984 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N.: X-ray mineralogy study of Tertiary deposits, Leg 81, Sites 552-555 | download |
51% | 110 110-672 122 122-762 127 127-797 | 1998 | Naehr, T.; Botz, R. et al.: Oxygen isotopic composition of low-temperature authigenic clinoptilolite | |
51% | 127 127-797 | 1999 | Naehr, Thomas H.; Bohrmann, Gerhard: Barium-rich authigenic clinoptilolite in sediments from the Japan Sea; a sink for dissolved barium? | |
45% | 2 | 1975 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Murav'yev, V. I.: O tozhdestve okeanicheskikh i platformennykh tseolit-kristobalitovykh porod Similarity of oceanic and platform zeolite-cristobalite rocks | |
45% | | 1978 | Kosiur, D. R.: Laboratory simulation of pelagic sediment diagenesis | |
45% | 64 | 1982 | Stout, Paul M.: Hydrothermal alteration of sediments, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
45% | 25 25-245 25-245 | 1974 | Gieskes, J. M.; Kastner, M. et al.: Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Hole 245 of DSDP | |
45% | | 1976 | Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean | |
45% | 50 | 1979 | Lancelot, Y.; Sliter, W. V. et al.: Evidence of direct transformation of radiolarians into zeolites in mid-Cretaceous deep sea clays | |
45% | 1 29 31 32 | 1978 | Iijima, Azuma: Zeolitic diagenesis | |
45% | 108 108-661 | 1989 | Bohrmann, G.; Stein, R. et al.: Authigenic zeolites and their relation to silica diagenesis in ODP Site 661 sediments (Leg 108, Eastern Equatorial Atlantic) | |
44% | 166 166-1007 | 2007 | Karpoff, Anne M.; Destrigneville, Christine et al.: Clinoptilolite as a new proxy of enhanced biogenic silica productivity in lower Miocene carbonate sediments of the Bahamas platform; isotopic and thermodynamic evidence | download |
41% | 115 115-707 115-709 115-711 | 1990 | Hempel, Peter; Bohrmann, Gerhard: Carbonate-free sediment components and aspects of silica diagenesis at sites 707, 709, and 711 (Leg 115, western Indian Ocean) | download |
41% | 43 43-382 43-385 43-386 | 1979 | Houghton, R. L.; Rothe, P. et al.: Distribution and chemistry of phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and associated zeolites at DSDP sites 382, 385, and 386 in the western North Atlantic | download |
41% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Otsuka, Kenichi: Silicified sediments and silica diagenesis in the Goban Spur area of the Northeast Atlantic, Leg 80 | download |
39% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | Melieres, F.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of selected Albian sediments from the Bay of Biscay, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48 | download |
38% | 124 124-768 124-769 124-771 | 1991 | Smith, Randall B.: Diagenesis and cementation of lower Miocene pyroclastic sequences in the Sulu Sea, sites 768, 769, and 771 | download |
38% | 131 131-808 196 196-808 | 2009 | Nakagawa, Seiko; Masuda, Harue et al.: Authigenic clay minerals in volcanic ash layers from ODP Site 808 in the Nankai Trough, and their formation condition estimated from those oxygen isotope ratios | |
38% | 47 47-398 47-398D 93 93-603 93-603B 95 95-603 103 | 1988 | Thurow, Juergen: Diagenetic history of Cretaceous radiolarians, North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 103 and DSDP holes 398D and 603B) | download |
37% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Giblin, Patrick: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 465 and 465A | download |
37% | 2 | 1970 | East Coast repository; leg 2 grain size analysis and composition of the coarse fraction, (Chapter) 8 | download |
36% | 57 57-438 57-439 | 1980 | Iijima, Azuma; Matsumoto, Ryo et al.: Zeolite and silica diagenesis and sandstone petrography at sites 438 and 439 off Sanriku, Northwest Pacific, Leg 57, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
36% | 119 119-737 119-738 119-744 | 1991 | Bohrmann, Gerhard; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Analysis of sedimentary facies using bulk mineralogical characteristics of Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments from the Kerguelen Plateau; sites 737, 738, and 744 | download |
36% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 | 1974 | Venkatarathnam, Kolla: Mineralogical data from sites 211, 212, 213, 214, and 215 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 22, and origin of noncarbonate sediments in the equatorial Indian Ocean | download |
36% | 85 85-573 | 2000 | Yin Yanhong; Sun Jiashi et al.: Mineralogy of strata around the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Site 573 in the East Pacific | |
36% | | 1968 | Weaver, Charles E.: Mineral facies in the Tertiary of the continental shelf and Blake Plateau | |
36% | 17 17-164 | 1978 | Petzing, J.; Chester, R. et al.: Composition and origin of palygorskite-rich and montmorillonite-rich zeolite-containing sediments from the Pacific Ocean | |
36% | 113 113-690 | 1996 | Diester-Haass, L.; Robert, C. et al.: The Eocene-Oligocene preglacial-glacial transition in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Site 690) | |
35% | 14 | 1972 | Rad, Ulrich von; Roesch, Heinrich: Mineralogy and origin of clay minerals, silica and authigenic silicates in Leg 14 sediments | download |
35% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Schumann, D.: X-ray mineralogy of sediments recovered during DSDP Leg 65 | download |
35% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Windom, Kenneth E.; Book, Patricia: Vein minerals in basalt, Hole 462A, Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
35% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Rateev, M. A.; Timofeev, P. P. et al.: Clay minerals in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
34% | 39 | 1977 | McCoy, F.; Zimmerman, H. B. et al.: Zeolites in South Atlantic deep-sea sediments | download |
33% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Kastner, M.: Diagenesis of basal sediments and basalts of Sites 322 and 323, Leg 35, Bellingshausen abyssal plain | download |
32% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Riech, Volkher: Siliceous sediments from the Nauru Basin; diagenetic alteration of biogenic opal and authigenesis of silica and silicates | download |
32% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 20-200 | 1973 | Okada, Hakuyu; Tomita, Katsutoshi: Clay mineralogy of deep-sea sediments in the north-western Pacific, DSDP, Leg 20 | download |
32% | 93 93-603 93-605 95 95-603 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Thein, Jean E.; von Rad, U.: Silica diagenesis in continental slope and rise sediments off eastern North America (sites 603 and 605, Leg 93; sites 612 and 613, Leg 95) | download |
31% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1975 | Anderson, T. F.; Donnelly, T. W. et al.: Leg 35 DSDP; Mineralogical, chemical and isotopic results on sediments, basalts and pore fluids delineate reaction zones | |
31% | 2 2-12 14 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-141 | 1975 | Lomova, O. S.: Glubokovodnyye palygorskitovyye gliny Vostochnoy Atlantiki i geneticheskaya svyaz' ikh s shchelochnym vulkanizmom (polymaterialam 2-go i 14-go reysov NIS "Glomar Chellendzher) Deep-water palygorskite clays in the East Atlantic and its genetic relationship with alkalic volcanism, based on results from Leg 2 and Leg 14 of the DSDP | |
31% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 | 1973 | Donnelly, Thomas W.; Nalli, Gino: Mineralogy and chemistry of Caribbean sediments | download |
31% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Kurnosov, V. B.; Shevchenko, A. Ya.: Clay and associated minerals in sediments from the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 | download |
31% | 126 | 1992 | Egeberg, Per Kristian: Thermodynamic aspects of Leg 126 interstitial waters | download |
31% | 129 129-802 | 1990 | Karpoff, Anne-Marie; France-Lanord, Christian et al.: Miocene tuff from Mariana Basin, Leg 129, Site 802; a first deep-sea occurrence of thaumasite | download |
30% | 64 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1982 | Kastner, Miriam: Evidence for two distinct hydrothermal systems in the Guaymas Basin | download |
30% | 84 | 1985 | Helm, Roger: Mineralogy and diagenesis of slope sediments offshore Guatemala and Costa Rica, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84 | download |
30% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Nagel, Ulrich; Mueller, German et al.: Mineralogy of sediments encountered during Leg 61, as determined by X-ray diffraction | download |
29% | 69 69-504 69-505 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Beiersdorf, Helmut; Roesch, Heinrich: Mineralogy of sediments encountered during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 69 (Costa Rica Rift, Panama Basin), as determined by X-ray diffraction | download |
29% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 1993 | Tribble, Jane S.; Wilkens, Roy et al.: Sediments of the Hawaiian Arch; X-ray mineralogy and microfabric | download |
28% | 67 67-494 67-495 67-496 67-497 67-498 67-499 67-500 | 1982 | Kurnosov, Victor B.; Murdmaa, Ivar O. et al.: Mineralogy of sediments from the Middle America Trench (Guatemala transect) | download |
28% | 66 | 1982 | Schumann, D.; Nagel, U.: Appendix I; X-ray mineralogical analysis | download |
28% | 35 35-322 35-325 | 1976 | Perry, E. A., Jr.; Beckles, E. C. et al.: Chemical and mineralogical studies, Sites 322 and 325 | download |
28% | 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-439 | 1980 | Aoyagi, Koichi; Kazama, Toshie: Sedimentary mineralogy of argillaceous sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 436, 438A, and 439, Japan Trench | download |
28% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Masuda, Harue; Tanaka, Hiroaki et al.: Major-element chemistry and alteration mineralogy of volcanic ash, Site 808 in the Nankai Trough | download |
27% | 17 17-164 17-168 17-169 17-170 | 1973 | Pimm, A. C.: Trace element determinations compared with X-ray diffraction results of brown clay in the central Pacific | download |
27% | 67 67-494 67-495 67-496 67-499 67-500 | 1982 | Heinemann, Christiane; Fuechtbauer, Hans: Insoluble residues of the fine-grained sediments from the trench transect south of Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67 | download |
27% | 48 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 | 1979 | Timofeev, P. P.; Rateev, M. A. et al.: Mineralogy of the clay fraction of the Atlantic Ocean sediments, DSDP Leg 48 | download |
27% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Rusinov, V.; Kelts, K.: X-ray diffraction of some samples for clay mineralogy from Site 417, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 51, western North Atlantic | download |
27% | 43 43-386 | 2006 | Horst, Peter A.; Maurrasse, Florentin J.: Characterization of geochemical and fossil variabilities in Cenomanian-Turonian sediments of DSDP Leg 43, Site 386, Bermuda Rise | |
26% | 41 | 1977 | Melieres, F.: X-ray mineralogy studies, Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project, eastern North Atlantic Ocean | download |
25% | 35 35-323 | 1976 | Drever, J. I.: Chemical and mineralogical studies, Site 323 | download |
25% | 38 | 1978 | White, S. M.: X-ray mineralogy of sediment, DSDP Leg 38 | download |
25% | 101 101-626 101-627 | 1988 | Hueggenberg, Holger; Fuechtbauer, Hans: Clay minerals and their diagenesis in carbonate-rich sediments (Leg 101, sites 626 and 627) | download |
25% | 120 | 1992 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Cretaceous subtropical weathering followed by cooling at 60 degrees S latitude; the mineral composition of southern Kerguelen Plateau sediment, Leg 120 | download |
25% | 30 30-286 | 1975 | Jones, D. L.; Bassett, R.: Alteration of sediments in lower part of Hole 286 | download |
25% | 60 | 1982 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N. et al.: X-ray mineralogy studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
25% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Nagel, Ulrich; Schumann, Dieter: X-ray mineralogy of sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
25% | 56 56-436 | 1980 | Pisciotto, K. A.: Chert and porcellanite from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 436, Northwest Pacific | download |
24% | 152 152-917 | 1998 | Demant, Alain; Muench, Philippe et al.: Distribution and chemistry of secondary minerals (zeolites and clay minerals) from Hole 917A, Southeast Greenland margin | download |
24% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 | 1981 | Grechin, V. I.; Niem, Alan R. et al.: Neogene tuffs, ashes, and volcanic breccias from offshore California and Baja California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63; sedimentation and diagenesis | download |
24% | 64 64-474 64-475 64-478 64-479 64-481 | 1982 | Schumann, D.; Nagel, U.: Appendix I; Sediment XRD data, Leg 64 | download |
24% | 59 59-447 59-450 | 1980 | Sartori, Renzo; Tomadin, Luciano: Mineralogy of altered basal volcaniclastic sediments at sites 447 (West Philippine Basin) and 450 (Parece Vela Basin), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
23% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Gorbunova, Z. N.; Shirshov, P. P.: Clay-size minerals from cores of the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35 | download |
23% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | de Graciansky, P. C.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Interpretation of depositional environments of the Aptian/Albian black shales of the north margin of the Bay of Biscay (DSDP sites 400 and 402) | download |
23% | 11 | 1972 | Zemmels, I.; Cook, H. E. et al.: X-ray mineralogy studies, Leg 11 | download |
22% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Coulbourn, William T.: X-ray mineralogical analyses | download |
22% | 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 21-210 | 1973 | Packham, G.; van der Lingen, G. J.: Progressive carbonate diagenesis at Deep Sea Drilling sites 206, 207, 208, and 210 in the Southwest Pacific and its relationship to sediment physical properties and seismic reflectors | download |
22% | 60 | 1982 | Desprairies, Alain: Authigenic minerals in volcanogenic sediments cored during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
22% | 44 | 1978 | Flood, R. D.: X-ray mineralogy of DSDP legs 44 and 44A, western North Atlantic; lower continental rise hills, Blake Nose, and Blake-Bahama Basin | download |
22% | 14 14-143 15 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Fan, Pow-foong; Rex, Robert W. et al.: X-ray mineralogy of the Caribbean Sea, Leg 15 | download |
22% | | 1972 | Pimm, A. C.: Physical properties | download |
22% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Mann, U.; Muller, G.: X-ray mineralogy of Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 51 through 53, western North Atlantic | download |
22% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1984 | Pudsey, Carol J.: X-ray mineralogy of Miocene and older sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A | download |
21% | 38 38-336 | 1978 | Timofeev, P. P.; Renngarten, N. V. et al.: Lithology and clay mineralogy of the sediments from Site 336, DSDP Leg 38 | download |
21% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Kurnosov, Victor B.; Murdmaa, Ivar O. et al.: Mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of sediments from the mouth of the Gulf of California | download |
21% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-198 20-199 | 1973 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: X-ray mineralogy of sediments from the far western Pacific, Leg 20, DSDP | download |
20% | 12 | 1972 | Fan, Paw-foong,; Zemmels, I.: X-ray mineralogy studies, Leg 12 | download |
20% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Wilkens, Roy H.; Schreiber, B. Charlotte et al.: The effects of diagenesis on the microstructure of Eocene sediments bordering the Baltimore Canyon Trough | download |
20% | 126 126-792 126-793 | 1992 | Tazaki, Kazue; Fyfe, William S.: Diagenetic and hydrothermal mineral alteration observed in Izu-Bonin deep-sea sediments, Leg 126 | download |
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