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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1977 | Musich, L.: Automated classification of sediments as a geological tool | |
100% | | 1988 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Deep Sea Drilling Project data file documents | |
86% | | 1991 | Meyer, W. M.: Large-scale integration of core and logging data at the Ocean Drilling Program | |
86% | | 1996 | Spiess, V.; Grobe, H. et al.: The ocean drilling stratigraphic network | |
86% | | 1993 | Smolka, Peter Paul: Quantitative Stratigraphie Quantitative stratigraphy | |
86% | | 1983 | Regina, Brown: In geoscience information, data transfer and sharing pointed up | |
86% | | 1992 | Bagwell, L.; Coyne, J. et al.: Availability of geologic data from the Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project; present status and future trends | |
86% | | 2003 | Baldauf, Jack; Denton, Jon: Understanding science and technology interactions through ocean science exploration; a summer course for science teachers | |
86% | | 2006 | Miville, Bernard; Soeding, Emanuel et al.: Data management in the IODP | |
86% | | 1999 | Anonymous: A wealth of geophysical data is available from government sources | |
86% | | 1999 | Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: Bringing ODP log data to the World Wide Web | |
86% | | 1994 | Lazarus, Dave: NEPTUNE; a marine micropaleontology database | |
86% | | 1994 | Mithal, R.; Coyne, J. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program going for relational database management system | |
86% | | 1984 | Boyce, Robert E.: Summary of logging data available | |
86% | | 1997 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Stein, Carol A. et al.: Synthesis of geothermal data from ODP data legs 101-160 | |
86% | | 1998 | Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: The ODP log database | |
86% | | 1984 | Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements | |
86% | | 1988 | Brown, Patricia; Meyer, William M. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program marine geological data base | |
86% | | 1989 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Brown, Patricia: A note on the geochemistry procedures and the geochemical data base of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
86% | | 2002 | Soeding, Emanuel; Hay, William W.: Recent progress in the ODSN database; stratigraphic tools | |
86% | | 1995 | Depth data acquisition, processing and archiving in the Ocean Drilling Program; results and recommendations from the ODP/TAMU depth workshop | |
86% | | 1981 | Musich, Lillian F.; Woodbury, Peter B.: Coordinated computer management of ocean data | |
86% | | 2007 | Anonymous: Ocean Drilling Program final technical report, 1983-2007 | |
86% | | 1983 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Brenner, Carl: The IPOD geological/geophysical data bank | |
86% | | 1993 | Locke, Kathleen A.; Coyne, John C. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program database; visual core description program and multisensor track array | |
86% | | 2000 | Juarez, M. T.; Tauxe, L.: The intensity of the time-averaged geomagnetic field; the last 5 Myr | |
86% | | 2003 | Gaillot, Philippe J.: Software for integration of geosciences data sets; ODP-PLOT and MAP-PLOT software | |
86% | | 2012 | 2012 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by the American Geological Institute from 1969 through 2011 | |
71% | 92 | 1988 | Apitz, S. E.; Kastner, M. et al.: Early lithification of ridge flank basal calcareous sediments; possible mechanisms | |
71% | | 1986 | Tankard, Anthony J.; Peirce, John W. et al.: Mesozoic extension tectonics and stratigraphic response, Atlantic Canada; opportunities for ODP | |
71% | | 2002 | Dittert, Nicolas; Corrin, Lydie et al.: Management of (pale-)oceanographic data sets using the PANGAEA information system; the SINOPS example | |
71% | | 2002 | Soeding, E.; Hay, W. W. et al.: New paleontological and chronostratigraphical tools in the ODSN database | |
71% | 149 | 1994 | Miles, P. R.; Verhoef, J. et al.: Magnetic anomalies west of Iberia | |
71% | | 1993 | Gahagan, L. M.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Application of 3-D graphics software to plate tectonics research and resource exploration | |
71% | | 1998 | Soding, E.; Bruckmann, W. et al.: Making DSDP and ODP paleontologic and sedimentologic data more useful | |
71% | | 1999 | Abdeldayem, A. L.: Palaeomagnetism of some Cenozoic sediments, Cairo-Fayum area, Egypt | |
71% | | 2004 | Mascle, Jean: Combined-swath bathymetry and seismic; a tool for marine geological mapping? | |
71% | | 2004 | Chayes, D. N.; Robert, A. A. et al.: Data management for the Ridge 2000 program | |
71% | | 2008 | Diepenbroek, M.; Huber, R. et al.: Scientific Earth Drilling Information Service, SEDIS | |
71% | | 1999 | Brueckmann, Warner; Cepek, Martin et al.: The ocean drilling stratigraphic network ( | |
71% | | 2008 | Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Holbourn, Ann: Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal biofacies and paleoceanography | |
71% | | 1999 | Ramsay, Anthony T. S.; Baldauf, Jack G.: A reassessment of the Southern Ocean biochronology | |
71% | | 1999 | Rumford, Jennifer Pattison; Riedel, William R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications the 21st Century | |
71% | | 2001 | Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Johnson, Kenneth G.: Measuring past biodiversity | |
71% | | 2000 | Holcombe, Troy L.; Moore, Carla J.: Data sources, management, and presentation | |
71% | | 2009 | Masure, E.; Vrielynck, B.: Late Albian dinoflagellate cyst paleobiogeography as indicator of asymmetric sea surface temperature gradient on both hemispheres with southern high latitudes warmer than northern ones | |
71% | | 1998 | Brueckman, Warner; Cepek, Martin et al.: Data and services of the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODSN) | |
71% | | 1992 | Zeyen, P.: La base de donnees du Deep Sea Drilling Project; exploitation relationnelle et application a l'etude de la sedimentation neogene Deep Sea Drilling Project database; relational exploitation and application to the study of Neogene sedimentation | |
71% | | 2001 | Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Atlantic paleobathymetry, paleoproductivity and paleocirculation in the late Albian; the benthic foraminiferal record | |
71% | 160 | 2001 | Kopf, Achim; Klaeschen, Dirk et al.: Extreme efficiency of mud volcanism in dewatering accretionary prisms | |
71% | | 2006 | Eakins, Barry W.; Miller, Stephen P. et al.: The fully electronic IODP Site Survey Data Bank | |
71% | | 1995 | Maschenkov, S. P.: Magnetic anomaly data base of Canary-Bahamas Geotransect Project; main mapping and interpretation results | |
71% | | 1993 | Lazarus, Dave; Beckmann, Jean-Pierre et al.: A global database of Neogene DSDP/ODP marine microfossil plankton and its use in geographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary syntheses | |
71% | | 2004 | Hilding-Kronforst, S. L.; Olszewski, T. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy using real cores and IODP data; the use of information technology on spatial visualization skills, motivation and transfer of undergraduate science majors | |
71% | | 1992 | Watson, J.; Strong, C. P.: Catalogue of samples; ODP Micropaleontological Reference Centre, Lower Hutt, New Zealand | |
71% | | 1994 | Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Ash layers in deep-sea sediments as tracers of a global synchronism of arc volcanic activity around Pacific Ocean | |
71% | | 2003 | Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Taira, Asahiko et al.: A new scientific challenge through the "Chikyu" | |
71% | 302 | 2008 | Thompson, B.; Nilsson, J. et al.: Model study on the Arctic Ocean circulation during early Miocene | |
71% | | 2009 | Diepenbroek, M.; Grobe, H. et al.: SEDIS; the scientific earth drilling information service for IODP | |
57% | 172 172-1060 172-1061 172-1063 | 1998 | Zhong, Yang; Clement, Bradford M. et al.: Initial results of ODP Leg 172; quality and reliability of paleomagnetic data | |
57% | | 1993 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Huang, Zehui et al.: Optimum microfossil sequences and cyclic sediment patterns in Early Cretaceous pelagic strata | |
57% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1993 | Boyd, R.; Williamson, P. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and passive-margin evolution of the southern Exmouth Plateau | |
57% | | 2003 | Allan, James; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Final report excerpts; Hard Rock Working Group of the JOIDES Scientific Measurements Panel (SCIMP) | |
57% | | 2003 | Purdy, E. G.; MacGregor, Duncan S.: Map compilations and synthesis of Africa's petroleum basins and systems | |
57% | 202 202-1233 | 2010 | Verleye, Thomas J.; Louwye, Stephen: Recent geographical distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in the Southeast Pacific (25-53 degrees S) and their relation to the prevailing hydrographical conditions | |
57% | | 2000 | Teliatnikov, Ivan; Mueller, Dietmar R.: Building an intelligent system for the prediction of subsurface lithology and other petrophysical variables using ODP downhole log combinations and artificial neural networks | |
57% | 55 55-432 62 62-464 62-465 132 132-810 | 1998 | Smoot, N. Christian: The trans-Pacific Chinook Trough megatrend | |
57% | | 2007 | Cramer, B. S.; Katz, M. E. et al.: Tectonic gateways, circumglobal currents, and the stepwise development of the Great Ocean Conveyor; inferences from basinal benthic foraminiferal isotope syntheses | |
57% | | 1998 | Rumford, Jennifer P.; Riedel, W. R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications in the 21st century | |
57% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 | 2007 | Jeandel, C.; Arsouze, T. et al.: Isotopic Nd compositions and concentrations of the lithogenic inputs into the ocean; a compilation, with an emphasis on the margins | |
57% | 89 89-586 130 130-805 130-806 | 1995 | Berger, W. H.; Bickert, T. et al.: Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from the deep-sea record of Ontong Java Plateau; the Milankovitch Chron | |
57% | 74 74-525 76 76-534 82 82-556 | 1995 | Pick, T. S.; Tauxe, L.: New paleointensity data from submarine basaltic glass | |
57% | 161 161-977 | 2004 | Perez-Folgado, M.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Comparison between different methods of paleotemperature reconstruction in the Alboran Sea (ODP 977 core), based on planktic Foraminifera assemblages of the last 150 kyr | |
57% | | 2011 | Peters, Shanan E.; Heim, Noel A.: Macrostratigraphy and macroevolution in marine environments; testing the common-cause hypothesis | |
50% | | 1996 | Wells, Barrie; Duller, Paul: Improving the quality of our information resource | |
50% | | 2000 | Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP "proceedings" from print to cross-media publication formats | |
50% | 164 164-997 | 2000 | Ikeda, Akihiro; Okada, Hisatake et al.: Data report; late Miocene to Pleistocene diatoms from the Blake Ridge, Site 997 | |
50% | 162 162-984 | 1999 | Huber, Robert; Baumann, Karl-Heinz et al.: Data report: counting experiments on different size fractions; examples from Site 984 | |
50% | | 2006 | Mithal, Rakesh; Becker, David G.: The Janus data base; providing worldwide access to ODP and IODP data | |
50% | | 2004 | Hilding-Kronforst, Shari; Firth, John V. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy; using real cores and IODP data to test for planktonic extinction at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary | |
50% | | 2004 | Van Sickel, William A.; Kominz, Michelle A. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sea-level estimates; backstripping analysis of borehole data, onshore New Jersey | |
50% | | 2004 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Firth, John et al.: Ensuring the future of CHRONOS through development of the next generation of micropaleontologists | |
50% | | 2010 | Jenkins, Chris J.: The ocean drilling and Lamont-Doherty visual core descriptions in modern database/GIS; illustrated uses | |
50% | | 2011 | Lloyd, Graeme T.; Smith, Andrew B. et al.: Quantifying the deep-sea rock and fossil record bias using coccolithophores | |
43% | 27 27-261 27-262 | 1994 | Prasetyo, Hardi: The tectonics of the "Sunda-Banda" forearc transition zone, eastern Indonesia | |
43% | | 2004 | Ryan, William B. F.; Haxby, William F. et al.: Applying the CHRONOS model to deep-sea seismic reflection profiles and drilling | |
43% | 181 181-1123 | 2008 | Crundwell, Martin; Scott, George et al.: Glacial-interglacial ocean climate variability from planktonic Foraminifera during the mid-Pleistocene transition in the temperate Southwest Pacific, ODP Site 1123 | download |
43% | | 2005 | Kamp, William P.: A distributed workflow database designed for CoreWall applications | |
43% | 11 114 | 1999 | Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Mienert, J. et al.: A stratigraphic database for the Atlantic Ocean sediment record; SYNATLAN (SYNthesis ATLANtic); bioevents and hiatuses in the Meso- and Cenozoic Atlantic, age-depth models, (DSDP/ODP drillsite data) | |
43% | 210 | 2006 | Leckie, R. Mark; Cervato, Cinzia et al.: Using the Neptune database to explore Mesozoic-Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and the deep sea microfossil record | |
43% | 174A 174A-1072 313 | 2010 | McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Kotthoff, Ulrich et al.: IODP Exp. 313 sea-level reconstructions from palynology (distance-to-shoreline estimates) and benthic Foraminifera (water-depth estimates); insights into controls on the architecture of the NJ margin | |
43% | | 1993 | Prasetyo, Hardi: The application of geographic information system (GIS) for compiling digital "tectonic map" of the Indo-Pacific offshore region; proto-type | |
36% | 85 85-571 85-572 85-573 85-574 85-575 | 1991 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Mayer, Larry A.: Long climatic time series from sediment physical property measurements | |
36% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1998 | Tartarotti, P.; Ayadi, M. et al.: Multi-scalar structure at DSDP/ODP Site 504, Costa Rica Rift; II, Fracturing and alteration; an integrated study from core, downhole measurements and borehole wall images | |
36% | 17 17-167 22 22-214 48 48-400 73 73-522 90 90-590 130 130-807 | 2010 | Fantle, Matthew S.: Evaluating the Ca isotope proxy | |
36% | 93 93-603 94 94-610 95 95-603 303 303-U1308 306 306-U1313 | 2011 | De Schepper, Stijn; Fischer, Eva I. et al.: Deciphering the palaeoecology of late Pliocene and early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts | |
18% | 160 160-970 160-971 | 1996 | Flecker, Rachel; Kopf, Achim: Data report; Clast and grain-size analysis of sediment recovered from the Napoli and Milano mud volcanoes, eastern Mediterranean | download |
18% | | 2011 | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2011 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by American Geological Institute 1969 through 2010 | download |
18% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-652 107-653 107-654 107-655 107-656 | 1987 | Auroux, Christian A.: Underway geophysics on Leg 107 | download |
15% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 92-597 92-598 92-599 92-600 92-601 92-602 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1986 | Leinen, Margaret; Rea, David K. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 92 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Papeete, Tahiti, to Balboa, Panama, February-April, 1983 | download |
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