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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1852000Pletsch, T.; Urbat, M. et al.: Veraenderung globaler Umweltfaktoren und Zyklizitaet in Tiefsee-Sedimenten des westlichen Pazifik von der Kreide bis heute Changes in global environmental factors and cyclicity of deep-sea sedimentation of the West Pacific from the Cretaceous to the present
1978Demidenko, Ye. L.; Popov, V. P.: Some features of deep-sea sedimentation in the western part of the Indian Ocean central basin
85%961983On the Mississippi Fan
85%1994Ramsay, A. T. S.; Sykes, T. J. S. et al.: Sedimentary hiatuses as indicators of fluctuating oceanic water masses; a new model
85%1986Howell, David G.; Murray, Richard W.: A budget for continental growth and denudation
85%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
85%1994Thiede, Jorn: The challenge of high-latitude deep sea drilling
85%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
85%1989Hobert, Linda A.; Wetzel, A.: On the relationship between silica and carbonate diagenesis in deep sea sediments
85%1985Rea, David K.; Leinen, Margaret: Neogene history of the calcite compensation depth and lysocline in the South Pacific Ocean
85%1991Canfield, Donald E.: Sulfate reduction in deep-sea sediments
85%1982Donnelly, Thomas W.: Worldwide continental denudation and climatic deterioration during the late Tertiary; evidence from deep-sea sediments
85%2003Fisk, Martin R.: Ocean Drilling Program contributions to the understanding of the deep subsurface biosphere
85%1984Nelson, C. Hans: Modern fan stratigraphy
80%1983Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A.: Paleoceanographic implications of Miocene deep-sea hiatuses
71%131981Thiede, J.: Reworking in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments
71%1983Maillot, H.: Les paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique Sud; Apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry
1985Takeuchi, Akira; Saeki, Rumi: Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals of pelagic sediments in the southern Pacific
71%1551994Cisowski, S. M.; Hall, F. R.: Ultra-high resolution records of the Lake Mungo Excursion and the Blake Event from ODP Leg 155 cores drilled in the Amazon Fan
71%1541994Hagelberg, Teresa King; deMenocal, Peter et al.: Variations in terrigenous sedimentation on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic as inferred from core and log data integration
71%1982Saltzman, E. S.; Barron, Eric J.: Deep circulation in the Late Cretaceous; oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from Inoceramus remains in D.S.D.P. cores
1980Timofeev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: On history of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation and geological development of the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
71%1986DePaolo, D. J.; Richter, F. M.: Numerical models of Sr isotopic redistribution in deep-sea carbonate sediments during diagenesis
71%1986Stein, Ruediger: Organic carbon and sedimentation rate; further evidence for anoxic deep-water conditions in the Cenomanian/Turonian Atlantic Ocean
1986Jarrard, R. D.: Milankovich cycles in downhole logs from ODP Site 646, Labrador Sea
71%2012004Schippers, Axel; Neretin, Lev N. et al.: Quantification of Archaea and bacteria in marine deep sediments using CARD-FISH and real-time PCR
71%1541996Bickert, T.; Franz, S. O. et al.: Late Neogene carbonate deposition in the western Equatorial Atlantic; relation to productivity, dissolution, and dilution
71%1591996Mascle, J.; Lohmann, P. et al.: Leg ODP 159 on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin; transform margin evolution
71%1992Rea, David K.: Delivery of Himalayan sediment to the northern Indian Ocean and its relation to global climate, sea level, uplift, and seawater strontium
71%1551995Hazelton, Happy: The use of grain size analysis in determining sediment transport of the Amazon deep-sea fan
1995Sykes, T. J. S.; Ramsay, A. T. S.: Calculation of mass accumulation rates in the absence of density or porosity measurements
1995Farley, K. A.; Patterson, D. B.: A 100-kyr periodicity in the flux of extraterrestrial (super 3) He to the sea floor
71%1986Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my
71%1986Von Rad, U.; Sarti, M.: Early Cretaceous "events" in the evolution of the eastern and western North Atlantic continental margins
1987Laguros, George Andrew: Seismic-stratigraphic analysis of sedimentation processes in pelagic carbonate sequences of the Equatorial Pacific; Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 574
71%451980Varentsov, I. M.: The metalliferous sediments of North Atlantic; geochemistry, features of formation
71%961984Kohl, Barry: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Mississippi Fan/drill sites (Leg 96)
71%1551995Nanayama, Futoshi: Growth pattern of the Amazon deep-sea fan by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes; results of the ODP Leg 155
71%1291991Alt, Jeffrey C.; Burdett, James W.: Sulfur in Pacific deep-sea sediments, ODP Leg 129; implications for cycling of sediment in subduction zones
1989Laguros, George A.; Shipley, Thomas H.: Quantitative estimate of resedimentation in the pelagic sequence of the Equatorial Pacific
71%251983Khvorova, I. V.; Serova, V. V. et al.: Influence of river discharge on deep sea sedimentation (with special reference to the central depression of the Indian Ocean)
71%1982Schroeder, E.: Ueber einige Ergebnisse des Tiefseebohrprojekts und ihre Bedeutung fuer den mobilismus Some results of Deep Sea Drilling Project and significance for mobilism
71%1986Thiede, Jorn; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment flux to the central North Atlantic Ocean
71%2003deMenocal, Peter: Linking African climate change to human evolution
71%1982von Huene, Roland; Langseth, Marcus G. et al.: A summary of Cenozoic tectonic history along the IPOD Japan Trench transect
71%1161992Einsele, Gerhard; Wetzel, Andreas: The Himalayas-Bengal deep-sea fan denudation-accumulation system; a new evaluation
71%2010De, Soma; Gupta, Anil K.: Deep-sea faunal provinces and their inferred environments in the Indian Ocean based on distribution of Recent benthic Foraminifera
71%1772005Latimer, J. C.; Filippelli, G. M. et al.: Glacial/interglacial terrigenous provenance in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean
71%171A1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shemin: Overpressures in front of the northern Barbados accretionary complex; the role of sedimentation
71%861986Schoonmaker, J. E.; MacKenzie, F. T. et al.: The effect of diagenesis on compressional velocity; depth gradients in clay-rich deep sea sediments
71%1721998Lund, Steve P.; Acton, Gary et al.: Geomagnetic field excursions occurred often during the last million years
71%2005Perez Cruz, G.: Seismic amplitude extraction techniques for the recognition of deepwater sediment dispersal patterns in the western Gulf of Mexico
71%1987Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A.: Paleodepth distribution of Neogene deep-sea hiatusesdownload
1996Nanayama, F.; Tokuhashi, S.: Amazon deep-sea fan; an example of sedimentation of a large mud-rich fan
71%1996Rea, David K.; Ruff, Larry J.: Composition and mass flux of sediment entering the world's subduction zones; implications for global sediment budgets, great earthquakes, and volcanism
71%1992002Lyle, Mitchell W.; Wilson, Paul A.: The Eocene and Oligocene Pacific equatorial region from ODP Leg 199 drilling
1997Prueher, Libby M.; Rea, David K.: Mass accumulation rates of volcanic ash from ODP Site 882
71%2002Miller, Kenneth G.; Kominz, M. A. et al.: Antarctic ice evolution viewed from NJ and the deep sea
71%1551994Burns, S. J.: Pore-water geochemistry and early diagenesis of Amazon Fan sediments, Leg 155 ODP
71%1722001Bianchi, G. G.; Vautravers, M. et al.: Deep flow variability under apparently stable North Atlantic deep water production during the last interglacial of the subtropical NW Atlanticdownload
71%1984Klein, George de Vries; Lee, Y. I.: A preliminary assessment of geodynamic controls on depositional systems and sandstone diagenesis in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean
71%1990Bohrmann, G.: Junge Porzellanite aus antarktischen Tiefseesedimenten und ihre Beziehung zur Chertgenese Young porcellanite from Antarctic deep sea sediments and their relationship to chert genesis
71%1996Koerner, U.; Heider, F.: Rock magnetism of Cenozoic deep-sea sediments; relationship to sediment source, diagenetic processes, and sediment lithology
1991Krawczyk, C.; Theilen, F.: Sedimentary structures of the northern flank of the Iceland-Faeroer Ridge
1995Schrag, Daniel P.; DePaolo, Donald J. et al.: Reconstructing past sea surface temperatures; correcting for diagenesis of bulk marine carbon
71%1782000Moerz, T.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Seismostratigraphy and core seismic correlations on the Holocene basinfill of Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178)
71%1541994Curry, William B.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Ceara Rise
71%1451995Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A.: North Pacific paleoceanography; results of ODP Leg 145
71%2012012Lomstein, Bente A.; Langerhuus, Alice T. et al.: Endospore abundance, microbial growth and necromass turnover in deep sub-seafloor sediment
2012Muehlbauer, Robert; Kelly, Daniel Clay: Deep-sea carbonate sedimentation in the southeastern Atlantic during the middle-to-late Miocene transition
1983Dominik, J.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Clay mineralogy and occurrence of palygorskite in deep-sea sediments from the eastern Indian Ocean; collected during D.S.D.P. legs 22, 26 and 27
1983Hein, James R.; Karl, S. M.: Comparisons between open-ocean and continental margin chert sequences
1981Moody, Judith B.; Worsley, Thomas R. et al.: Long-term phosphorus flux to deep-sea sediments
1985Knuettel, Stephen; Rea, David K. et al.: Downslope transport of metalliferous sediments along the East Pacific Rise during the late Miocene
1994Normark, William R.; Gutmacher, Christina E. et al.: Sediment fill of Escanaba Trough
1986Whitman, Jill M.: Sedimentation and subsidence history of the East Mariana Basin, western Pacific
57%661982Moore, J. Casey; Watkins, Joel S. et al.: Geology and tectonic evolution of a juvenile accretionary terrane along a truncated convergent margin; synthesis of results from Leg 66 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, southern Mexico
1996Clift, P. D.; MacLeod, C. J. et al.: Forearc sedimentation, subduction erosion and the effect of seamount collisions in the Tonga Arc
1985Shi, Yaolin; Wang, Chi-Yuen: High pore pressure generation in sediments in front of the Barbados Ridgedownload
1987Tiwari, R. K.: Higher-order eccentricity cycles of the middle and late Miocene climatic variations
1988Black, Kerry P.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: A spectral analysis procedure for dating Quaternary deep-sea cores and its application to a high-resolution Brunhes record from the Southwest Pacific
2000Hofmann, P.; Ricken, W. et al.: Geochemical signature and related climatic-oceanographic processes; the proposed "Oceanic Anoxic Event 1B (lower Albian)" at site 417D, North Atlantic Ocean, testing the fertility hypothesis
2000Bianchi, G. G.; McCave, I. N.: Hydrography and sedimentation under the deep western boundary current on Bjorn and Gardar Drifts, Iceland Basin
1986Arthur, Michael A.; Srivastava, S.: Cenozoic history of bottom-current activity and drift sedimentation in the Labrador Sea; results of ODP Leg 105
2002Flood, Roger D.; Giosan, Liviu: Migration history of a fine-grained abyssal sediment wave on the Bahama Outer Ridge
1990Gladenkov, A. Yu.: Geology of the western Bering Sea region; Chapter 2, Oligocene and Neogene of the Commander Basin and its rim
57%1986Chamley, H.: Continental and marine paleoenvironments reflected by West Pacific clay sedimentation
1986Stein, R.; Bleil, U.: Deep-water circulation in the Northeast Atlantic and climatic changes during the late Neogene (DSDP Site 141)
1981Auffret, G. A.; Sichler, B. et al.: Deep-sea sediments texture and magnetic fabric, indicators of bottom currents regime
57%1984Sugisaki, Ryuichi: Relation between chemical composition and sedimentation rate of Pacific ocean-floor sediments deposited since the Middle Cretaceous; basic evidence for chemical constraints on depositional environments of ancient sediments
1990Moore, G. F.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Structure of the Nankai Trough accretionary zone from multichannel seismic reflection datadownload
1989Meyers, Philip A.: Sources and deposition of organic matter in Cretaceous passive margin deep-sea sediments; a synthesis of organic geochemical studies from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, outer Hatteras Rise
2003Mortyn, P. Graham; Charles, Christopher D. et al.: Deep sea sedimentary analogs for the Vostok ice coredownload
1999Harris, Sara E.; Mix, Alan C.: Pleistocene precipitation balance in the Amazon Basin recorded in deep sea sediments
1983Lalou, Claude; Brichet, Evelyne et al.: Hydrothermal manganese oxide deposits from Galapagos mounds, DSDP Leg 70, Hole 509B and "Alvin" dives 729 and 721
57%1081986Ruddiman, W. F.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: L'enregistrement des paleocirculations et des paleoclimats dans les depots neogenes de l'Atlantique Est subtropical et equatorial; apports du Leg O.D.P. 108 (Ocean Drilling program) Neogene paleocirculation and paleoclimate record of O.D.P. Leg 108; tropical and subtropical East Atlantic
2004Erbacher, Jochen; Mosher, David et al.: Drilling probes past carbon cycle perturbations on the Demerara Rise
2004Zink, Klaus-Gerhard; Mangelsdorf, Kai et al.: Molecular life markers for subsurface microbial ecosystems
57%571981Chamley, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Tectonique, volcanisme, morphologies et climats cenozoiques au large du Japon, d'apres la sedimentation argileuse marine Tectonics, volcanism, morphology and Cenozoic climate off Japan, as determined from marine clay sedimentation
2005Nicholson, C.; Sorlien, C. C. et al.: Extending the high-resolution global climate record in Santa Barbara Basin; developing the predictive 3D model for core site locations

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