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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1994 | Murray, Richard W.: Chemical criteria to identify the depositional environment of chert; general principles and applications | |
83% | 175 | 2006 | Weigelt, Estella; Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele: IODP; orbital forced cyclicity in the depositional environment in the Cape Basin? An integrated study of borehole and seismic data | |
82% | | 1990 | Feary, D. A.: Second Australian ODP workshop; Session 14A, 10th Australian geological convention; abstracts | |
71% | | 2008 | Musial, Geoffray: Ichnofabric analysis and classification in the deltaic depositional environment of the Eocene Roda Sandstone Formation, Spain | |
71% | | 1989 | Madile, M.: Monte Acuto section; Eocene-Oligocene boundary events | |
71% | | 1978 | Castle, J. W.: Comparative sedimentology of some modern Pacific trenches and the Caples Group (Permo-Triassic?), New Zealand | |
71% | | 1979 | Cool, T. E.: Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, sedimentation history, and paleoceanography of western North Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 1987 | Cotillon, Pierre: Bed-scale cyclicity of pelagic Cretaceous successions as a result of world-wide control | |
71% | | 1991 | Loutit, T. S.; Hardenbol, J. et al.: Sequence biostratigraphy | |
71% | 130 | 1990 | Ocean Drilling Program; reading the ocean's diary | |
71% | | 1984 | Callen, Roger A.: Clays of the palygorskite-sepiolite group; depositional environment, age and distribution | |
71% | 24 | 1973 | Thiede, J.: Homogeneous hemipelagic and pelagic sediments of the Gulf of Aden and northwestern Indian Ocean; preservation and deposition of some main components | |
71% | | 1999 | Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview | |
71% | | 1977 | Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G. S.: Depositional patterns and depositional environment of Cretaceous black clays in the western North Atlantic | |
71% | | 2003 | De Carlo, Eric H.: Trace elements in interstitial waters; from carbonate to siliceous environments | |
71% | | 2007 | Pike, J.; Stickley, C. E.: Diatom records; marine laminated sequences | |
71% | | 2007 | Rea, D. K.: Eolian records, deep-sea sediments | |
71% | | 2010 | Mueller, R. Dietmar: Sedimentary basins feeling the heat from below | download |
71% | | 1987 | Kerr, Richard A.: Ocean drilling details steps to an icy world | |
71% | | 1991 | Stein, R.: Accumulation of organic carbon in marine sediments: results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) | |
71% | 126 | 1990 | Hiscott, R. N.: Turbidites and debris flow deposits in the Oligocene Forearc Basin of the Izu-Bonin Arc, ODP Leg 126 | |
71% | 166 | 1998 | Arai, Kohsaku; Sato, Tokiyuki: Carbonate sediments of the Bahama Platform | |
71% | | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Novyy etap bureniya v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana; 181-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" A new stage of drilling in Southwest Pacific; 181st cruise of "JOIDES Resolution" | |
71% | | 1992 | Murray, Richard W.: Identifying depositional environments of chert using chemical techniques; an overview of general principles and a synthesis of 45 published results | |
71% | | 1982 | Habib, D.: Sedimentation of black clay organic facies in a Mesozoic oxic North Atlantic | |
67% | 22 22-218 | 2004 | Kumar, Madhav; Saxena, R. K. et al.: Dispersed organic matter from Neogene and Pleistocene sediments of Site 218 of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 22, Bengal Fan, Indian Ocean | |
67% | 207 207-1258 207-1260 | 2006 | Hetzel, A.; Forster, A. et al.: IODP; depositional environment of Cenomanian/Turonian black shales from Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); implications from trace metal patterns | |
67% | 32 32-305 | 1997 | Yamamoto, Koshi; Okada, Takashi et al.: Normal paraffins in shales as an indicator of depositional environment | |
67% | 32 32-305 | 1999 | Murayama, Masaki; Yamamoto, Koshi et al.: Depositional environment of sedimentary rocks inferred from normal fatty acid compositions | |
67% | 151 151-908 151-909 | 2002 | Knies, Jochen; Mann, Ute: Depositional environment and source rock potential of Miocene strata from the central Fram Strait; introduction of a new computing tool for simulating organic facies variations | |
61% | 151 | 2001 | Mann, Ute; Knies, Jochen: Depositional environment and source rock potential of Miocene strata from the Nordic seas, Fram Strait; introduction of a new computing tool for simulating organic facies variations along 2-D basin transects | |
59% | 13 | 1974 | Kuhn, Robert; Hsu, Kenneth J.: Bromine Content of Mediterranean Halite | |
59% | | 1985 | Leggett, J. K.: Deep-sea pelagic sediments and palaeo-oceanography; a review of recent progress | |
59% | 96 | 1986 | Thayer, P. A.; Roberts, H. H. et al.: Sedimentology and petrology of Mississippi Fan depositional environments, DSDP Leg 96 | |
59% | 73 73-524 | 1982 | Hsu, Kenneth J.; He, Qixiang et al.: Environmental and evolutionary changes in the oceans at the end of the Cretaceous | |
59% | | 1987 | Blanc-Vernet, L.: Foraminiferes benthiques et paleoenvironnements pliocenes et quaternaires dans l'Atlantique nord-occidental d'apres les donnees de forages DSDP (Legs 76 et 93) Benthic foraminifera and Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the Northwest Atlantic from DSDP, legs 76 and 93 drilling data | |
59% | 182 | 2000 | Li, Qianyu; McGowran, Brian: ODP drilling in the Great Australian Bight reveals the evolution history of the southern margin | |
59% | 129 | 2000 | Foellmi, Karl B.: Phosphogenesis, the phosphorus cycle, and environmental change | |
59% | | 1994 | Gill, J. B.; Hiscott, R. N. et al.: Turbidite geochemistry and evolution of the Izu-Bonin Arc and continents | |
59% | 43 | 1982 | Debrabant, P.; Chamley, H.: Influences oceaniques et continentales dans les premiers depots de l'Atlantique nord Oceanic and continental influences in the first deposits of the North Atlantic | |
59% | 13 | 1974 | Hsu, Kenneth J.: The Miocene Desiccation of the Mediterranean and its Climatical and Zoogeographical Implications | |
59% | | 1986 | Schlanger, S. O.; Premoli Silva, I.: Oligocene sea-level falls recorded in mid-Pacific atoll and archipelagic apron settings | |
59% | | 1986 | Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other data | download |
59% | 22 22-214 | 1999 | Gupta, Anil K.: Latest Pliocene through Holocene paleoceanography of the Eastern Indian Ocean; benthic foraminiferal evidence | |
59% | 166 | 1999 | Rendle, R. H.; Reijmer, J. J. G. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pleistocene to Recent on the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (ODP-Leg 166) | |
59% | 160 | 1999 | Cramp, Adrian; O'Sullivan, Gerard: Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean; a review | |
59% | 185 | 2000 | Cairns, G.; Guerin, G.: Downhole logging results from ODP Leg 185, West Pacific | |
59% | | 2000 | Anonymous: Glaciomarine studies | |
59% | 184 | 2000 | Wang, P.; Prell, W. L. et al.: History of the South China Sea in sediment record | |
59% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Eidvin, Tor: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf | |
59% | | 1998 | Blais-Stevens, Andree; Clague, John J. et al.: Holocene sedimentation in Saanich Inlet, B.C.; implications for prehistoric earthquake history | |
59% | | 1996 | Qayyum, Mazhar; Lawrence, Robert D. et al.: Missing Paleogene Himalayan siliciclastic sediments found in the Katawaz Basin, Pakistan | |
59% | 112 | 1996 | Schillhorn, Thies; Kukowski, Nina: Numerische 3D-FD Modellierungen zum Fluid- und Waermetransport im Akkretionskomplex vor Peru bei 9 Grad Sued Numerical 3D-FD models of fluid transport in an accretionary complex in Peru at 9 degrees south | |
59% | | 2011 | Lewis, K. W.; Keeler, T. L. et al.: New software for plotting and analyzing stratigraphic data | |
59% | 201 | 2004 | Gettemy, G. L.; Cikoski, C. et al.: Poroelastic parameters of Peru margin sediments; implications for flow and transport at multiple scales in the marine biosphere | |
59% | 119 119-742 | 1996 | Mahood, Albert D.; Barron, John A.: Late Pliocene diatoms in a diatomite from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica | |
59% | 151 151-909 | 1995 | Grover, Rochelle; O'Connell, Suzanne: Arctic-Atlantic Miocene sediment history from Fram Strait; ODP Site 909 | |
59% | 138 | 1993 | Farrell, J. W.; Raffi, I. et al.: Links between nannofossil preservation and carbonate sedimentation in Neogene sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 138) | |
59% | 155 | 1995 | Hazelton, Happy: The use of grain size analysis in determining sediment transport of the Amazon deep-sea fan | |
59% | 145 145-882 | 1993 | Haug, G. H.; Tiedemann, R. et al.: Atlantic-type carbonate preservation in the Northwest Pacific (ODP-Site 882, Leg 145) | |
59% | 145 145-886 | 1993 | Snoeckx, Hilde; Rea, D. K.: Eolian and opal deposition in the north central Pacific; results from Leg 145 Site 886 | |
59% | 146 146-893 | 1993 | Behl, R. J.: Glacial-interglacial changes in sedimentation in the late Quaternary Santa Barbara Basin, ODP Site 893 | |
59% | | 1998 | Knappenberger, Marie B.; Lyle, Mitchell W. et al.: Neogene development of the Pacific Equatorial sediment bulge studied by newly acquired seismic reflection surveys | |
59% | 175 | 1998 | Uenzelmann-Neben, G.: Neogene sedimentation history of the Congo Fan | |
59% | 96 | 1984 | Roberts, Harry H.; Thayer, Paul: Sedimentology of depositional environments encountered in DSDP Leg 96 borings | |
59% | 68 68-502 | 1980 | Prell, W. L.; Gardner, J. V.: A continuous record of late Neogene carbonate cyclicity; HPC Site 502, western Caribbean | |
59% | 28 29 | 1977 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
59% | 78 78-541 | 1995 | Clark, Murlene W.: Pliocene watermass changes in the abyssal Caribbean | |
59% | 194 | 1999 | Isern, Alexandra; Pigram, Chris: Ocean drilling scheduled for the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia | |
59% | 177 | 1999 | Zielinski, Ulrich; Gersonde, Rainer: Plio-Pleistocene diatom stratigraphy and its significance for Southern Ocean paleoceanography (ODP Leg 177) | |
59% | 117 | 1989 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.; Shimmield, Graham B.: Benthic foraminifera as indicators of depositional environment in the Northwest Indian Ocean | |
59% | 152 152-919 | 1996 | Krissek, L. A.; Kudless, K. E.: Pleistocene ice-rafting records from the Irminger Basin, SE Greenland margin; preliminary results | |
59% | 134 | 1990 | Green, H. G.; Fisher, M. A. et al.: Ridge collision along the central platform of the New Hebrides Arc: a preview of Leg 134 | |
59% | | 1990 | Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, Steven Lawrence: Precessional climate cyclicity in Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary marine sediments; a high resolution chronometer of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events | |
59% | | 1992 | Leinen, Margaret S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; progress in procuring records of past global change and understanding of major paleoceanographic trends and events | |
59% | 85 | 1986 | Mayer, Larry A.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Equatorial Pacific seismic reflectors as indicators of global oceanographic events | |
59% | 133 166 194 | 2003 | Eberli, Gregor P.; Isern, A. R. et al.: The faithful record of synchrony and amplitude of Neogene sea level variability in carbonate depositional environments from ODP legs 133, 166, and 194 | |
59% | 189 189-1172 | 2003 | Exon, Neville F.; Hill, Peter: The nature of the East Tasman Plateau; a continental fragment southeast of Tasmania | |
59% | 302 | 2004 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kate: Arctic Coring EXpedition; palaeoceanographic and tectonic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean | |
59% | | 2004 | Gorsline, Donn: Contour currents in California borderland; San Clemente, Tanner, San Nicolas, and East Cortes basins | |
59% | | 2007 | Stickley, C. E.; Pike, J. et al.: Diatom records; Antarctic waters | |
59% | | 2010 | Scheiderich, K.; Zerkle, A. L. et al.: Molybdenum isotope, multiple sulfur isotope, and redox-sensitive element behavior in early Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels | |
59% | | 2008 | Wagner, Thomas; Stronach, Nick et al.: Understanding ocean redox and formation of organic carbon rich sediments from the shelf to deep oceans and their significance for the deep biosphere | |
59% | 119 188 | 2004 | O'Brien, Philip; Cooper, Alan: ODP drilling in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica; transitions in East Antarctic Cainozoic glaciation | |
59% | | 1988 | Dunlap, John, Jr.: Biostratigraphy of the Gulf of Mexico | |
59% | | 1981 | Weissert, Helmut: The environment of deposition of black shales in the Early Cretaceous; an ongoing controversy | |
59% | 13 | 2008 | Schreiber, B. C.; Lomando, Anthony: Environments of evaporite deposition; time, form, and function | |
59% | 195 195-1202 | 2005 | Wei, K.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and paleoceanography in the southern Okinawa Trough; a synthesis of ODP 1202 scientific results | |
59% | | 2006 | Saeedi, Farnosh: Dinoflagellate stratigraphy and facies of the Late Cretaceous-early Paleogene (K/Pg boundary) interval at the Bass River site New Jersey, ODP 174X | |
59% | 162 162-980 | 1999 | McManus, Jerry F.; Oppo, Delia W. et al.: A 0.5-million-year record of millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic | |
59% | | 1999 | Krijgsman, W.; Hilgen, F. J. et al.: Chronology, causes and progression of the Messinian salinity crisis | |
59% | 307 | 2005 | Williams, T.; Kano, A. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 307, Porcupine Basin carbonate mounds | |
59% | 188 | 2005 | Chung, E.; Williams, T. et al.: Provenance of ice-rafted debris and icebergs offshore of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, from the early Miocene to the present | |
59% | 177 177-1094 | 2005 | Flores, J.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Role of coccolithophores during a "warm pulse" in the Atlantic Antarctic sector; the MIS 31 in ODP site 1094 | |
59% | 150 | 1994 | Fulthorpe, C. S.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Mapping of Neogene depositional geometries, New Jersey continental slope, ODP Leg 150 drilling area | |
59% | 195 | 2001 | Dean, Simon: Leg 195; Mariana convergent margin/West Philippine Sea Seismic Observatory/Kuroshio Current | |
59% | | 1994 | Dromart, G.; Gaillard, C. et al.: Deep-marine microbial structures in the Upper Jurassic of western Tethys | |
59% | 150 | 1994 | Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth G.: Drilling for sea-level history on the New Jersey Transect | |
59% | 169S | 1998 | Huntley, David H.; Mosher, David C. et al.: Deglaciation and sea-level history of the Saanich Inlet area, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia | |
59% | | 1987 | Jacquin, T.: Les evenements anoxiques dans l'Atlantique Sud au Cretace; forages DSDP-IPOD, sedimentologie, geochimie, mineralogie Cretaceous anoxic events in the South Atlantic; DSDP-IPOD boreholes, sedimentology, geochemistry and mineralogy | |
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