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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2012 | 2012 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by the American Geological Institute from 1969 through 2011 | |
90% | | 1990 | Matsuoka, Hiroshi: The drilling technology of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
90% | | 2005 | White, Kasey: New opportunities in riserless ocean drilling | |
89% | | 1998 | Takagawa, Shinichi: Riser drilling technology for an Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) | |
84% | | 1989 | McLerran, A. R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
84% | | 1975 | Environmental impact statement; International Phase of Ocean Drilling of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
83% | | 2001 | Hay, William W.: "Ocean drilling" over the next decade; prospects for the Antarctic | |
82% | | 1998 | Miller, Keith L.: Mohole and other drilling projects | |
82% | | 1989 | Proceedings of a symposium commemorating the 25th anniversary of the demonstration of the feasibility of deep ocean drilling | |
82% | | 1996 | Sawyer, Dale: Post-2003 talk about ODP is on the rise | |
82% | | 1996 | Understanding our dynamic Earth through ocean drilling; Ocean Drilling Program long range plan into the 21st century | |
82% | | 2001 | Jacob, Klaus: Nachrichten aus der Unterwelt News from the underworld | |
82% | | 2010 | Anonymous: IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2010 IODP-ICDP colloquium 2010 | |
82% | | 2007 | Kobayashi, Teruaki: Chikyu challenge to the unexpected deep Earth; drilling engineer's challenge to the deep scientific drilling | |
77% | | 1990 | Anonymous: Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holes | |
77% | | 1987 | Anonymous: DFG-Schwerpunktkolloquium Ocean Drilling Program Deep Sea Drilling Project; Kurzfassung der Vortraege Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft research symposium; Ocean Drilling Program-Deep Sea Drilling Project; abstracts of the lectures | |
77% | | 2004 | Janecek, Thomas: A quick-start guide to the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
77% | | 1988 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Garrison, L. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program | |
77% | | 2005 | Taira, Asahiko: The Chikyu; meeting the challenges of a new scientific drilling era | |
76% | | 2011 | Duce, R. A.; Goldstein, A. et al.: A new NRC report on scientific ocean drilling; accomplishments and challenges | |
76% | | 2003 | Inoue, Tomoya: Innovative technology trend toward deepwater drilling | |
75% | | 1990 | Moos, Daniel; Zoback, Mark D.: Utilization of observations of well bore failure to constrain the orientation and magnitude of crustal stresses; application to continental, Deep Sea Drilling Project, and Ocean Drilling Program boreholes | download |
75% | | 1990 | Becker, Keir: Introduction to Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holes | download |
74% | | 1988 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ocean Drilling Program/Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
74% | | 1992 | Riddihough, Robin: Drilling the ocean floor--Le sondage des fonds marins | |
74% | | 1994 | Harding, Barry W.: Technology developments in scientific ocean drilling | |
74% | | 1987 | Anderson, Alun: World's ocean drillers plan for decade of technological change | |
74% | | 1996 | Butler, Declan: Ocean drilling enters choppy waters as France and UK question strategy | |
74% | | 1989 | Lighty, Kathe A.; Beck, John: Ocean Drilling Program, Technical Video 1, DSDP Legs 1-96, ODP Legs 100-121 | |
74% | | 1989 | Harding, Barry: Ocean Drilling Project | |
74% | | 1989 | Hay, William: Ocean Margin Drilling | |
74% | | 1995 | Yang Zhousheng; Gou Zhigang et al.: 25 years of the Ocean Drilling Program; II | |
74% | | 1999 | Ocean drilling research; an Arctic perspective | |
74% | | 1988 | Graham, Anne Gilbert; Julson, Amanda Palmer: Introduction to the Ocean Drilling Program | |
74% | | 1998 | Fox, P. Jeff: A dry dock for the JOIDES resolution | |
74% | | 2000 | Fogarty, John: Scientific ocean drilling; one of the best kept secrets | |
73% | | 1983 | Shapley, Deborah: Deep-sea drilling; commercial break raises hopes | |
73% | | 1985 | Anonymous: Deep-sea drilling; Britain rejoins programme | |
73% | | 1988 | Bascom, Willard: Pioneers of deep ocean drilling | |
73% | | 1969 | Sims, Darrell L.: Drilling operations; the deep sea drilling project | |
73% | | 1969 | Peterson, M. N. A.: Present status of the JOIDES drilling; the deep sea drilling project | |
73% | | 1982 | From the Academy, Panel urges new drilling by Explorer | |
73% | | 1971 | Anonymous: Drilling in deep oceans | |
73% | | 1976 | Lancelot, Y.: Forages sous-marins; IPOD Submarine drilling; IPOD | |
73% | | 1973 | Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Scientific drilling in the deep oceans | |
73% | | 1983 | Andrews, P. B.: Scientific ocean drilling; progress report | |
73% | | 1985 | Campbell, Philip: Ocean Drilling Project setback | |
73% | | 1993 | Stahl, Matthew Jacob: Drill string stress management and related activities with the Ocean Drilling Program | |
73% | | 1981 | Kerr, Richard A.: Explorer's ocean drilling role expanded | |
73% | | 1973 | Anonymous: What's been learned from the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
73% | | 1992 | Metcalfe, I.: Ocean Drilling Program newsletter | |
73% | | 1978 | Engineering for deep sea drilling for scientific purposes; interim report | |
71% | | 2000 | Coffin, M. F.: Scientific ocean drilling in the early 21st century and seismic survey requirements | |
71% | | 1969 | Drake, C. L.: Drilling and coring the deep-sea floor | |
71% | | 1994 | Zoback, Mark D.; Emmermann, Rolf: Towards establishment of an international continental scientific drilling program | |
71% | | 1993 | Malpas, John: Deep drilling of the oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
71% | | 1985 | Niedzwecki, John M.; Vargo, Michelle: The Ocean Drilling Program; VII, Expert systems for deepwater scientific drilling activities | |
71% | | 1991 | Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program sets FY 92 schedule | |
71% | | 1992 | Bagwell, L.; Coyne, J. et al.: Availability of geologic data from the Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project; present status and future trends | |
71% | | 2003 | Gillis, K.; Salisbury, M.: Technological advances in ocean drilling; plans for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
71% | | 2003 | Harrison, Christopher G. A.; Urquhart, Elspeth: The advisory structure of the drilling program over the past forty years | |
71% | | 2008 | Arculus, Richard: Australia and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
71% | | 2005 | Skinner, Alister; Evans, Dan: From the North Pole to Tahiti; initial experiences with IODP and MSPs | |
71% | | 2006 | Curewitz, Daniel; Taira, Asahiko: D/V Chikyu riser operations and the future of scientific ocean drilling | |
71% | | 1991 | Stein, R.: Accumulation of organic carbon in marine sediments: results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) | |
71% | | 2000 | Moran, Kate: The future of scientific ocean drilling; new opportunities in science and industry | |
71% | | 2006 | Burger, Robert (ed.); Fujioka, Kantaro (ed.): The impact of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
71% | | 1998 | Bogdanov, N. A.; Basov, I. A.: Programma nauchnogo bureniya v Arktike Deep-sea drilling program in the Arctic | |
71% | | 2007 | Anonymous: Ocean Drilling Program final technical report, 1983-2007 | |
71% | 159 | 1995 | Strand, Kari: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 159 tutkii uudentyyppista transformista mannerreunaa Ocean Drilling Program Leg 159 survey on the evolution of a transform margin | |
70% | | 2006 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H. et al.: Past and future impact of deep drilling in the oceanic crust and mantle | |
70% | | 1999 | Shen Jianzhong: Research priorities and drilling goals of ocean drilling program | |
67% | | 2003 | Okano, Tadashi: Relationship between seismic data interpretation well data including core-data derived from drilling operation | |
65% | | 2002 | Xue Fayu; Zhai Shikui: Ocean drilling in the 21st century; IODP | |
65% | | 1991 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.; Kazanskiy, V. I. et al.: Issledovaniye zemnoy kory sverkhglubokim kontinental'nym i glubokim okeanicheskim bureniyem Earth's crust investigation using superdeep continental and deep ocean drilling | |
65% | | 1987 | Hesse, R.: Die Fruehdiagenese tiefmariner Sedimente im Spiegel der Porenwasser-Chemie; Eine Bilanz der bisherigen Bohrergebnisse Early diagenesis of deep marine sediments reflecting on pore water chemistry; a balance of previous results | |
65% | | 2005 | Kodama, Kazuto: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and ongoing paleomagnetism | |
65% | 156 | 1994 | Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 156, preliminary report; North Barbados Ridge | |
65% | | 1994 | Sass, John H.: Downhole experiments in the U. S. Continental Scientific Drilling Program | |
65% | 141 | 1993 | Strand, Kari: Valtamerikairaus aktiiviseen subduktio-kompleksiin Chilen kolmoispisteessa; Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 141 Ocean drilling at the active subduction complex at the Chile triple junction; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141 | |
64% | | 1983 | Kerr, Richard A.: Deep-sea drilling rescued by a new option | |
64% | | 1985 | Davies, Thomas A.: Deep ocean drilling | |
64% | | 1985 | Beardsley, Tim: Deep-sea drilling; Britain squeezed onto margins | |
64% | | 1985 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Developments and perspectives of ocean drilling | |
64% | | 1988 | Tang Nianjiang: Marine drilling in the last two decades | |
64% | | 1970 | von der Borch, C. C.: Deep Sea Drilling Project progress report; lecture notes | |
64% | 13 | 1970 | Deep sea drilling project, Leg 13 | |
64% | | 2000 | Tanaka, Takeo: OD21 and IODP | |
64% | | 1994 | Anonymous: Twenty five years of ocean drilling | |
64% | | 1982 | Shinn, Allen M., Jr.: Introduction | |
64% | | 1980 | Ocean Margin Drilling Program; preliminary science program; June 1980 | |
64% | | 1996 | Knappertsbusch, M.: Micropaleontological reference centers | |
64% | | 1996 | Falvey, David A.: Ocean drilling rules OK? | |
64% | | 2006 | Anonymous: Of cores! | |
64% | | 1995 | Duckworth, R. C.: The Ocean Drilling Program: advantages for Australia and the mining/exploration industry | |
64% | | 1995 | Yang Zuosheng; Gou Zhigang: 25 years of the Ocean Drilling Program; I | |
64% | | 1985 | Ocean Drilling Program; coring and development technology | |
64% | | 1985 | Foss, Glen N.: The Ocean Drilling Program; II, JOIDES Resolution scientific drillship of the 80's | |
64% | | 1981 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Future deep sea drilling around Australasia | |
64% | | 1991 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Harding, Barry W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; an overview | |
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