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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1980 | Rouchy, J. M.: La genese des evaporites messiniennes de Mediterranee; un bilan Genesis of Mediterranean Messinian evaporites; an evaluation | |
72% | | 1973 | Ross, David A.: Red Sea Drillings | |
72% | | 1973 | Nesteroff, W. D.: Les evaporites messiniennes de Mediterranee; conditions de depot en Sicile et comparaison avec les forages JOIDES-DSPD The Messinian evaporites in the Mediterranean region; depositional conditions in Sicily and comparison with the drillholes of JOIDES-DSDP | |
71% | | 1975 | Manheim, Frank: Geological and geochemical significance of Red Sea evaporites | |
65% | 13 | 2004 | Hardie, Lawrence A.; Lowenstein, Tim K.: Did the Mediterranean Sea dry out during the Miocene? A reassessment of the evaporite evidence from DSDP legs 13 and 42a cores | |
59% | 13 | 1974 | Hsu, Kenneth J.: The Miocene Desiccation of the Mediterranean and its Climatical and Zoogeographical Implications | |
59% | | 1976 | McKenzie, J. A.; Ricchiuto, T. E.: Isotopic studies on Messinian evaporites | |
59% | 13 | 1973 | Nesteroff, W. D.: Petrographie des evaporties messiniennes de la Mediterranee; comparaison des forages JOIDES-DSDP et des deposts du Bassin de Sicile Petrography of Messinian evaporites of the Mediterranean; comparisons with the JOIDES-DSDP cores and deposits in the Sicily Basin | |
59% | 13 | 1973 | Anonymous: Regional distribution and stratigraphy of late Miocene evaporites and evidence of major depressions in the Mediterranean sea level | |
59% | | 1989 | Friedman, Gerald M.: Messinian (Miocene) evaporites of the Mediterranean Basin; a new approach to an old bandwagon | |
59% | | 1980 | Holser, William T.; Hay, William W. et al.: A census of evaporites and its implications for oceanic geochemistry | |
59% | 13 | 1972 | Fontes, Jean-Charles; Letolle, Rene et al.: Les Forages DSDP en Mediterranee (Leg 13); Reconnaissance Isotopique Deep Sea Drilling Program traverses (Leg 13) in the Mediterranean Sea; reconnaissance of isotopes | |
59% | | 1989 | Schreiber, B. Charlotte; Helman, Marc L.: What are the problems in forming deepwater Messinian evaporites? | |
59% | 107 107-654 | 1987 | Hawthorne, T.; Channell, James E. T. et al.: Magnetostratigraphy of Messinian evaporites and marls from Site 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea; implications for the timing of the Mediterranean salinity crisis | |
58% | 13 | 1972 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; I, Il significato della trasgressione pliocenica alla luce delle nuove scoperte nel Mediterraneo Studies on the Pliocene and the Miocene/Pliocene transition beds; I, The significance of the Pliocene transgression in the light of new data from the Mediterranean region | |
50% | | 1973 | Bellaiche, Gilbert; Recq, Maurice: Off-shore seismological experiments south of Provence in relation to "Glomar Challenger" deep sea drillings (JOIDES-DSDP, Leg 13) [letter] | |
50% | | 1973 | Edgar, T.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Plans for future drilling in the Mediterranean and Black Sea | |
50% | 13 | 1983 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: The Mediterranean was a desert; a voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
50% | 23 | 1974 | Girdler, R. W.; Whitmarsh, R. B.: Miocene evaporites in Red Sea cores, their relevance to the problem of the width and age of oceanic crust beneath the Red Sea | download |
47% | 107 107-652 107-654 | 1987 | Mueller, D. W.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Strontium 87/86 as fluid tracer in late Miocene evaporites of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) | |
47% | 79 79-546 | 1984 | Peretsman, Gail S.; Holser, William T.: Geochemistry of evaporites from the North Atlantic Rift | |
47% | 42 42-375 42-376 | 1977 | Schreiber, B. Charlotte; Shearman, Douglas J.: Messinian evaporites of the eastern Mediterranean; Cyprus and the D.S.D.P. sites 375 and 376 | |
47% | 13 | 1972 | Nesteroff, Wladimir D.; Ryan, William B. F. et al.: Evolution de la Sedimentation Pendant le Neogene en Mediterranee d'apres les Forages JOIDES-DSDP Evolution of sedimentation during the Neogene in the Mediterranean Sea, according to cores of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Program | |
47% | | 1980 | Zak, Israel; Sakai, Hitoshi et al.: Factors controlling the (super 18) O/ (sub 16) O and (super 34) S/ (super 32) S isotope ratios of ocean sulfates, evaporites and interstitial sulfates from modern deep sea sediments | |
47% | 107 107-654 138 138-850 | 2006 | Hensley, Tabitha Michele: Calcium isotope variation in marine evaporites and carbonates; applications to late Miocene Mediterranean brine chemistry and late Cenozoic calcium cycling in the oceans | |
44% | 107 107-652 107-652A 107-653 107-653B 107-654 107-654A | 1990 | Mueller, Daniel W.; Mueller, Paul A. et al.: Strontium isotopic ratios as fluid tracers in Messinian evaporites of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) | download |
44% | 13 107 160 | 2003 | Karner, G. D.; Driscoll, N. W. et al.: Syn-rift region subsidence across the West African continental margin; the role of lower plate ductile extension | |
43% | | 2011 | Ryan, William B. F.: Geodynamic responses to a two-step model of the Messinian salinity crisis | |
42% | | 1981 | Biju-Duval, Bernard: Remarques sur l'evolution geodynamique de la Mediterranee Remarks about the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean | |
42% | 18 | 1982 | Stoffers, P.: Interstitial waters of Persian Gulf of Oman sediments | |
42% | 79 79-546 | 1988 | Holser, William T.; Clement, Gail P. et al.: Evaporite deposits of the North Atlantic Rift | |
42% | 161 | 1996 | Comas, M.; Zahn, Rainer et al.: ODP Leg 161 drills the western Mediterranean | |
42% | | 1976 | Manheim, F. T.; Hall, R. E.: Deep evaporitic strata off New York and New Jersey; evidence from interstitial water chemistry of drill cores | |
42% | 79 | 1986 | Jansa, Lubomir F.: Paleoceanography and evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean basin during the Jurassic | |
42% | | 1986 | Hodell, David A.; Elmstrom, Kristin M. et al.: Latest Miocene benthic delta (super 18) O changes, global ice volume, sea level and the "Messinian salinity crisis" | |
42% | 13 | 1982 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; a review | |
42% | 161 | 1996 | Bernasconi, Stefano M.; O'Sullivan, G.: Interstitial water chemistry in the western Mediterranean; results from ODP Leg 161 | |
42% | | 1979 | Cita, M. B.: Lacustrine and hypersaline deposits in the desiccated Mediterranean and their bearing on paleoenvironment and paleo-ecology | |
42% | 123 123-765 123-766 | 1988 | Sedimentology of the Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plains, NW Australia; report on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 123 (Sept. 1-Nov. 1, 1988) | |
42% | 13 | 1991 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Development of a scientific controversy | |
42% | 13 | 1974 | Wezel, F. C.: Primo riesame delle carote raccolte nel Leg 13 del DSDP (Mediterraneo) First re-examination of the cores drilled on DSDP Leg 13; Mediterranean | |
42% | 13 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.: I pozzi profondi perforati nel 1970 nel quadro paleogeografico e geodinamico del Mediterraneo occidentale The relevance of the deep-sea wells drilled in 1970 on the paleogeographic and geodynamic description of the western Mediterranean region | |
42% | 13 | 1972 | Lloyd, R. Michael; Hsu, Jinghwa K.: Preliminary Isotopic Investigations of Samples from Deep-Sea Drilling Cruise to the Mediterranean | |
42% | | 1980 | Huerta, Raul: Seismic stratigraphic and structural analysis of Northest Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico | |
42% | 23 | 1977 | Stoffers, P.; Ross, D. A.: Sedimentary history of the Red Sea | |
42% | | 1977 | Mauffret, A.: Etude geodynamique de la marge des Iles Baleares Geodynamic study of the continental margin of the Balearic Islands | |
42% | 23 23-227 | 1986 | Zierenberg, R. A.; Shanks, W. C., III: Isotopic constraints on the origin of the Atlantis II, Suakin and Valdivia brines, Red Sea | |
42% | 25 25-241 | 1982 | Coffin, Millard F.; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: A multichannel seismic transect of the Somalian continental margin | |
42% | 13 | 2008 | Schreiber, B. C.; Lomando, Anthony: Environments of evaporite deposition; time, form, and function | |
42% | | 1999 | Hay, W. W.; Floegel, S. et al.: A history of ocean salinity during the Phanerozoic, based on sedimentary cycling | |
42% | | 1999 | Krijgsman, W.; Hilgen, F. J. et al.: Chronology, causes and progression of the Messinian salinity crisis | |
42% | | 1975 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Relazione generale General report | |
42% | 13 13-132 | 1973 | Zarudzki, E. F. K.; Wong, H. K. et al.: Correlation of a trans-Tyrrhenian reflection profile with DSDP site 132 | |
42% | 13 13-132 | 1973 | Zarudzki, E. F. K.; Wong, H. K. et al.: Correlation of a trans-Tyrrhenian reflection profile with DSPD Site 132 | |
42% | | 2006 | Gonzalez-Mieres, Ramon; Suppe, J.: Relief and shortening in detachment folds | |
42% | 23 23-226 | 2007 | Anonymous: Salt origin without evaporation proposed | |
42% | | 1973 | Nesteroff, W. D.: La crise de salinite messinienne en Mediterranee; enseignements des forages JOIDES et du bassin de Sicile The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; data from JOIDES drilling and the Sicily Basin | |
42% | 23 | 1997 | Kovalevich, Volodymyr M.; Jarmolowicz-Szulc, Katarzyna: Red Sea chevron halite; fluid inclusion temperatures and composition | |
42% | 13 107 160 161 | 2001 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean | |
42% | | 2006 | Huebscher, Christian: IODP; perspectives for scientific drilling in the Levantine Basin (IODP) | |
42% | 13 | 2004 | Hanada, Masaaki: The world-wide sea level including the Mediterranean Sea at the late Miocene period (Messinian Stage) was 2,000m lower than that of present | |
42% | 13 | 2009 | Ryan, William B.: Decoding the Mediterranean salinity crisis | |
42% | 23 23-225 23-227 | 1991 | Ranganathan, Vishnu: Salt diffusion in interstitial waters and halite removal from sediments; examples from the Red Sea and Illinois basins | |
42% | | 2006 | Barnes, Jaime Danielle: Tectonic and metamorphic implications of high chlorine contents in serpentinites | |
42% | 160 | 2004 | Bartole, Roberto; Grando, Gianluca et al.: Structural and seismic stratigraphic analysis of the northern Eratosthenes Basin between the Cyprus continental margin and the Eratosthenes Seamount, Eastern Mediterranean Sea | |
37% | 23 23-225 23-227 23-228 | 1974 | Stoffers, P.; Kuhn, R.: Red Sea evaporites; a petrographic and geochemical study | download |
37% | 13 13-122 13-124 13-125 13-126 13-129 13-132 13-134 | 1973 | Nesteroff, Wladimir D.: Mineralogy, petrography, distribution, and origin of the Messinian Mediterranean evaporites | download |
35% | | 2004 | Barnes, Jaime D.; Sharp, Zachary D.: Chlorine stable isotopic composition of serpentinites | |
34% | 13 | 1973 | Hsue, Kenneth J.; Cita, Maria B. et al.: The origin of the Mediterranean evaporite | download |
33% | 107 107-654 | 1992 | Kastens, Kim A.: Did glacio-eustatic sea level drop trigger the Messinian salinity crisis? New evidence from Ocean Drilling Program Site 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea | download |
33% | 13 13-127 42 42-372 42-374 42-378 | 1994 | Vengosh, Avner; Starinsky, Abraham et al.: The origin of Mediterranean interstitial waters; relics of ancient Miocene brines; a re-evaluation | |
33% | 160 | 1996 | Frankel, E.: ODP Leg 160; Eastern Mediterranean Sea | |
33% | 79 79-546 79-547 | 1983 | Chamley, H.; De Brabant, P.: Heritage de mineraux metamorphiques et diagenese dans le mesozoique inferieur de la marge atlantique du Maroc Detrital supply, diagenesis and metamorphism in the early Mesozoic deposits of the Morocco margin | |
33% | 13 13-120 13-134 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.: Stratigraphie du Neogene dans les fonds marins de la Mediterranee Deep-sea Neogene stratigraphy in the Mediterranean Sea | |
33% | 13 13-122 13-125 13-132 | 1976 | Clauer, N.: (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr composition of evaporitic carbonates and sulphates from Miocene sediment cores in the Mediterranean Sea, D.S.D.P., Leg 13 | |
33% | 42 42-372 42-374 42-376 | 1982 | Kushnir, J.: The composition and origin of brines during the Messinian desiccation event in the Mediterranean Basin as deduced from concentrations of ions coprecipitated with gypsum and anhydrite | |
33% | | 1999 | Orszag-Sperber, F.; Blanc-Valleron, M. M. et al.: La transition messinien-pliocene en Mediterranee orientale; changements paleoenvironnementaux et discussion sur la signification du "Lago Mare" The Messinian-Pliocene transition in the East Mediterranean; changes in paleoenvironment and the significance of the "Lago Mare" | |
33% | 64 96 | 1993 | Macpherson, G. L.: Mg and Ca during burial of sea water; relation to salt dissolution and other water-rock interaction | |
33% | 23 23-228 23-229 23-230 | 1974 | Fleisher, R. L.: Preliminary report on late Neogene Red Sea foraminifera, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23B | |
33% | 42 | 1978 | Sigl, W.; Chamley, H. et al.: Sedimentology and environmental conditions of sapropels | |
33% | 160 160-971 | 1996 | Schulz, H. M.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: The organic material of the Napoli mud volcano (Mediterranean Ridge); organic matter type, maturity and depth of origin | |
33% | 13 13-121 42 42-372 42-375 | 1976 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The geodynamic significance of changes in sedimentation rates in the deep-sea Mediterranean Neogene | |
33% | 42 42-375 42-376 | 1976 | Bernoulli, Daniel; Garrison, Robert E. et al.: The Messinian evaporitic succession of DSDP sites 375 and 376 (Florence Rise, Cyprus Arc) | |
33% | | 1994 | Lallemant, S.; Truffert, C. et al.: Spatial transition from compression to extension in the western Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex | |
33% | 13 13-124 13-134 | 1989 | Lowenstein, Tim K.; Hardie, Lawrence A. et al.: Sub-Mediterranean giant salt; a perennial subaqueous evaporite | |
33% | | 1977 | Baena, J.; Cabanas, I. et al.: El Andaluciense como unidad cronoestratigrafica adecuada para el area mediterranea The Andalusian as an adequate chronostratigraphic unit for the Mediterranean region | |
33% | | 2003 | Kopf, Achim; Mascle, Jean et al.: The Mediterranean Ridge; a mass balance across the fastest growing accretionary complex on Earth | download |
33% | | 2007 | Huebscher, Christian; Cartwright, Joe et al.: Global look at salt giants | |
33% | 23 23-225 23-227 23-228 23-229 | 1975 | Manheim, F. T.; Waterman, L. S. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 23 (Red Sea) | |
33% | 175 175-1085 | 2005 | Clauzon, Georges; Suc, Jean-Pierre et al.: Influence of Mediterranean sea-level changes on the Dacic Basin (eastern Paratethys) during the late Neogene; the Mediterranean Lago Mare facies deciphered | |
33% | 13 | 1972 | Nesteroff, W. D.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Evolution de la sedimentation pendant le Neogene en Mediterranee d'apres les forages JOIDES-DSDP Neogene sedimentation in the Mediterranean Sea based upon information from JOIDES-DSDP | |
33% | 47 47-397 73 73-519 | 1984 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Terminal Miocene event | |
33% | 160 160-968 | 2001 | Rouchy, J. M.; Orszag-Sperber, F. et al.: Paleoenvironmental changes at the Messinian-Pliocene boundary in the eastern Mediterranean (southern Cyprus basins); significance of the Messinian Lago-Mare | |
33% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2002 | Griffin, David L.: Aridity and humidity; two aspects of the late Miocene climate of North Africa and the Mediterranean | |
33% | 119 126 182 182-1134 194 | 2011 | Hoareau, Guilhem; Monnin, Christophe et al.: The stability of gypsum in marine sediments using the entire ODP/IODP porewater composition database | download |
33% | 160 160-970 160-971 | 2004 | Dahlmann, Anke; Hagedoorn, Saskia et al.: Investigations on the source of fluids at Eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes using stable chlorine isotopes | |
33% | 13 13-132 | 1975 | Bertolani Marchetti, D.; Cita, M. B.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene--Palynological investigations on late Messinian sediments recorded at DSDP Site 132 (Tyrrhenian Basin) and their bearing on deep basin desiccation model | |
33% | 23 23-225 23-228 | 1995 | Blanc, G.; Anschutz, P. et al.: Current hydrothermal activity in the Red Sea; new hydrographic situations | |
33% | 154 154-925 177 177-1088 | 2008 | Vautravers, M. J.; Peck, V. L.: Oceanic circulation and climate in the latest Messinian (5.7-5.3 Ma) | |
33% | 110 110-671 112 112-688 131 131-808 196 196-808 | 1994 | Kastner, Miriam; Martin, Jonathan B.: Fluid composition in subduction zones | |
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