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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1998Brunner, Charlotte A.; Zuffa, Gian: Marine equivalent of latest Quaternary glacial Lake Columbia floods found at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge
1998Brunner, C. A.; Normark, W. R. et al.: Le torbiditi dell'Escanaba Trough (Juan de Fuca Plate, Pacifico nordorientale); registrazione sedimentaria di piene fluviali catastrofiche del Fiume Columbia durante le fasi di deglaciazione tardo quaternaria The turbidites of the Escanaba Trough (Juan de Fuca Plate, Northeast Pacific); sedimentary evidence of the catastrophic floods of the Columbia River during the deglaciation phases of the upper Quaternary

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