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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1996 | Rebesco, Michele; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Giant sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
100% | | 1992 | Trimm, Bryan A.: Analysis of preconsolidation pressure methods for fine-grained sediments in Nares abyssal plain, Mississippi Delta, and other selected areas | |
100% | 311 311-U1325 | 2010 | Malinverno, Alberto: Marine gas hydrates in thin sand layers that soak up microbial methane | |
80% | 172 172-1062 | 2002 | Flood, Roger D.; Giosan, Liviu: Migration history of a fine-grained abyssal sediment wave on the Bahama Outer Ridge | |
80% | | 2002 | Normark, William R.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Variability in form and growth of sediment waves on turbidite channel levees | |
80% | 162 162-984 | 2007 | Hemming, Sidney R.; Haflidason, H. et al.: Ar-Ar ages of detrital hornblendes from glacial sediments of the North Sea trough mouth fan | |
80% | 86 86-576 | 2004 | Brandes, Horst G.: Time dependency of deep sea and island clays at room and elevated temperature | |
80% | 178 178-1095 | 2001 | Moerz, T.; Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.: Implications for shelf evolution and the built-up of drift deposits; grain-size distribution Site 1095 (ODP Leg 178, western Antarctic Peninsula) | |
80% | 132 132-810 | 1996 | Rack, F. R.; Rokosh, D. et al.: Quaternary flux of eolian dust to the NW Pacific; comparisons between ODP Hole 810C (Shatsky Rise) and long paleoclimate records from China | |
80% | 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 2004 | Pohl, Claudia; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Triaxiale Verformungsexperimente und SEM-Untersuchungen feinkoerniger Sedimente aus dem Bereich des Japan-Tiefseegrabens Triaxial deformation experiments and SEM studies on fine-grained sedimentary rocks from the Japan Trench region | |
70% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 | 2003 | Volpi, V.; Camerlenghi, A. et al.: Effects of biogenic silica on sediment compaction and slope stability on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
70% | 138 138-851 138-854 | 2006 | Carter-Stiglitz, Brian; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Constraints on the acquisition of remanent magnetization in fine-grained sediments imposed by redeposition experiments | download |
70% | | 2005 | Mahoney, J. Brian: Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of fine-grained clastic sediments; a case study of western Pacific marginal basins | download |
60% | 165 165-1002 | 2008 | Emile-Geay, Julien; Seager, Richard et al.: Volcanoes and ENSO over the past millennium | |
50% | 166 166-1006 166-1007 | 2008 | Turpin, Melanie; Emmanuel, Laurent et al.: Nature and origin of carbonate particles along a transect on the western margin of Great Bahama Bank (middle Miocene); sedimentary processes and depositional model | |
25% | 155 | 1997 | Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Magnetic hysteresis properties of fine-grained magnetic iron sulfide nodules and crusts on the Amazon Fan | download |
20% | 156 | 1997 | Becker, K.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: The CORK experiment in Hole 949C; long-term observations of pressure and temperature in the Barbados accretionary prism | download |
20% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Moran, Kate; Gray, W. G. D. et al.: Preliminary and stress history of sediment from the Cascadia margin | download |
20% | 156 | 1997 | Meyer, Audrey; Fisher, Andrew T.: Data report; Grain-size analysis of sediments from the northern Barbados accretionary prism | download |
18% | 38 38-350 | 1976 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. B. et al.: Site 350 | download |
18% | 190 190-1173 190-1174 190-1175 190-1177 196 196-1173 | 2005 | Steurer, Joan F.; Underwood, Michael B.: The relation between physical properties and grain-size variations in hemipelagic sediments from Nankai Trough | download |
18% | 38 38-350 | 1978 | Varentsov, I. M.: Lithologic-mineralogic studies of the sedimentary deposits from Hole 350, DSDP Leg 38 | download |
18% | 191 191-1179 | 2003 | Kwon, Ohmyoung; Mobley, Karen et al.: Measured permeabilities of diatomaceous sediments and pelagic clay from the Northwest Pacific, ODP Site 1179 | download |
18% | 155 | 1997 | Cramp, Adrian; Lee, S. V. et al.: Interlaboratory comparison of sediment grain-sizing techniques; data from Amazon Fan upper levee complex sediments | download |
15% | 126 | 1992 | Cooper, Patricia Ann; Dadey, Kathleen A. et al.: Correlation of core and seismic stratigraphy by means of vertical seismic profiling, and downhole and physical properties measurements for the Leg 126 forearc sites (787, 792, and 793) | download |
15% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1984 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N.: Evolution of Cenozoic clay assemblages in the Barbados Ridge (Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 541, 542, 543) | download |
15% | 34 | 1976 | Quilty, P. G.; Sachs, H. M. et al.: Sedimentologic history, Leg 34 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
15% | 155 | 1997 | Busch, William H.; Brister, Michael R.: Fabric of fine-grained Amazon Fan sediments; influence of depositional processes and burial transformation | download |
15% | 186 186-1151 | 2003 | Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Matsuo, Kazue: Rock magnetic study of sediments from Japan Trench, ODP Leg 186; implications for deformation of sediments | download |
13% | 106 | 1990 | Kase, Katsuo; Yamamoto, Masahiro et al.: Copper-rich sulfide deposit near 23 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; chemical composition, mineral chemistry, and sulfur isotopes | download |
13% | 125 125-778 | 1990 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A. et al.: Site 778 | download |
13% | 155 | 1997 | Piper, David J. W.; Deptuck, Mark: Fine-grained turbidites of the Amazon Fan; facies characterization and interpretation | download |
10% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Ogg, James G.; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Lower Cretaceous pelagic sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, western North Atlantic; a synthesis | download |
9% | 147 147-894 | 1996 | Natland, James H.; Dick, Henry J. B.: Melt migration through high-level gabbroic cumulates of the East Pacific Rise at Hess Deep; the origin of magma lenses and the deep crustal structure of fast-spreading ridges | download |
9% | | 1976 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Soils study continental margin sites; bearing capacity study of seafloor soils, Middle Atlantic Ridge, Atlantic Ocean | download |
9% | 156 | 1997 | Underwood, Michael B.; Deng, Xinhua: Clay mineralogy and clay geochemistry in the vicinity of the decollement zone, northern Barbados Ridge | download |
9% | 122 122-759 | 1990 | Haq, Bilal Ul; von Rad, Ulrich et al.: Site 759 | download |
9% | 195 | 2002 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
8% | 134 134-833 | 1992 | Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Site 833 | download |
6% | 58 58-445 | 1980 | Klein, George de Vries; Kobayashi, Kazuo et al.: Site 445, Daito Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 | download |
4% | 184 | 2005 | Sun Xiangjun; Luo Yunli et al.: Deep-sea pollen research in the South China Sea | download |
4% | 184 184-1143 | 2005 | Tian Jun; Wang Panxian et al.: Quaternary upper ocean thermal gradient variations in the South China Sea; implication of East Asian monsoon climate | download |
4% | 208 | 2005 | Tuo Shouting; Liu Zhifei et al.: Marine carbonate dissolution record during the Eocene-Oligocene transition, the Walvis Ridge transect, South Atlantic | download |
4% | 128 128-798 | 2005 | Yi, Sangheon; Lee, Young-Joo et al.: Late Pliocene palynological assemblages from the ODP Site 798B, East Sea (Japan Sea); implications for vegetation and climatic history | download |
4% | 202 202-1240 | 2005 | Yu, Pai-Sen; Chen, Min-Te: A La Nina-like condition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during MIS 13-15 | download |
4% | 184 184-1145 184-1146 | 2005 | Liu Zhifei; Colin, Christophe et al.: Weathering, erosion, and East Asian monsoon evolution in South China and Indo-China during late Quaternary; clay minerals in the South China Sea | download |
2% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: delta (super 56) Fe variations in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise) | download |
2% | 201 | 2010 | Jaisi, Deb P.; Blake, Ruth E.: Tracing sources and cycling of phosphorus in Peru margin sediments using oxygen isotopes in phosphates | download |
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