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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1983 | Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins | |
93% | 190 190-1178 | 2005 | Ujiie, Kohtaro; Hisamitsu, Toshio et al.: Deformation structures and magnetic fabrics at Site 1178; implication for deformation history recorded in accreted sediments at an evolved portion of the Nankai accretionary prism | download |
93% | 149 | 1996 | Harry, Dennis L.; Batzle, Mike: Acoustic properties of ultramafic rocks from the Iberia abyssal plain | download |
88% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde; Pariso, Janet: Partial reorientation of the deformational structures at Site 735 using paleodeclination measurements | download |
85% | | 1986 | Carson, Bobb; Berglund, Peter L.: Sediment deformation and dewatering under horizontal compression; experimental results | |
85% | 116 | 1989 | Williams, Colin Francis: Heat and fluid flow within the Earth's crust; in situ measurements and mathematical models | |
85% | | 1990 | Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust | |
81% | 156 | 1997 | Labaume, Pierre; Maltman, Alex J. et al.: Scaly fabrics in sheared clays from the decollement zone of the Barbados accretionary prism | download |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Yoshinobu, A. S.; Hirth, Greg et al.: Foliation development across the magmatic to crystal-plastic transition in oceanic gabbros; preliminary results from ODP Leg 176, Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
79% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Normal ductile shear zones at an oceanic spreading ridge; tectonic evolution of Site 735 gabbros (Southwest Indian Ocean) | download |
75% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Boudier, F.: Microstructural study of three peridotite samples drilled at the western margin of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
74% | 109 109-670 | 1990 | Cannat, Mathilde; Juteau, Thierry et al.: Petrostructural analysis of the Leg 109 serpentinized peridotites | download |
71% | 147 147-894 | 1996 | MacLeod, Christopher J.; Boudier, Francoise et al.: Gabbro fabrics from Site 894, Hess Deep; implications for magma chamber processes at the East Pacific Rise | download |
71% | | 1983 | Lundberg, Neil: Deformational styles in active margins; upper slope extension and lower slope shortening seen in DSDP cores | |
71% | | 1982 | Dallmeyer, R. David: Pre-Mesozoic basement of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
71% | 118 | 1989 | Iturrino, Gerardo J.: Physical properties and reflectivity of the oceanic crust from laboratory measurements in gabbros from the Atlantis II fracture zone | |
71% | 66 | 1980 | Lundberg, N.; Moore, J. C.: Structural features of sediment cored landward of the Middle America Trench, Leg 66, DSDP | |
71% | 156 | 1996 | Ogawa, Y.; Takizawa, S.: Decollement zone of the Barbados accretionary prism; SEM, TEM and thin section study of the scaly cleaved radiolarian-rich clayey sediments | |
71% | | 2010 | Masuda, K.; Arai, T.: Effects of water on long-term fault strength | |
71% | 118 | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Stretching the deep crust at the slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | 134 | 1993 | Meschede, Martin; Pelletier, Bernard: Subrezente Deformation im Bereich einer aktiven Ruecken-Inselbogen-Kollision, Vanuatu-Inselbogen, Suedwestpazifik Subrecent deformation during an active ridge-arc collision, Vanuatu island arc, Southwest Pacific | |
69% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1996 | MacLeod, Christopher J.; Manning, Craig E. et al.: Data report; Structural measurements from sites 894 and 895, Hess Deep | download |
68% | 112 | 1990 | Kemp, Alan E. S.; Lindsley-Griffin, Nancy: Variations in structural style within Peruvian forearc sediments | download |
68% | 153 153-920 | 1997 | Lawrence, Roisin May; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Magnetic anisotropy in serpentinized peridotites from Site 920; its origin and relationship to deformation fabrics | download |
67% | 66 | 1982 | Lundberg, Neil; Moore, J. Casey: Structural features of the Middle America Trench slope off southern Mexico, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66 | download |
65% | 125 | 1992 | Girardeau, Jacques; Lagabrielle, Yves: Deformation history of peridotites from the Mariana forearc, Conical Seamount, Leg 125 | download |
65% | 186 186-1151 | 2003 | Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Matsuo, Kazue: Rock magnetic study of sediments from Japan Trench, ODP Leg 186; implications for deformation of sediments | download |
61% | 149 149-897 149-898 149-900 | 1996 | Kanamatsu, Toshiya: Magnetic fabric analysis of fine-grained sediments, Iberia abyssal plain | download |
61% | 103 103-637 103-637A | 1988 | Girardeau, Jacques; Evans, Cynthia A. et al.: Structural analysis of plagioclase-bearing peridotites emplaced at the end of continental rifting; Hole 637A, ODP Leg 103 on the Galicia margin | download |
60% | 173 173-1067 | 1998 | Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Site 1067 | download |
60% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde: Plastic deformation at an oceanic spreading ridge; a microstructural study of the Site 735 gabbros (Southwest Indian Ocean) | download |
58% | 147 147-895 | 1996 | Boudier, Francoise; MacLeod, Christopher J. et al.: Structures in peridotites from Site 895, Hess Deep; implications for the geometry of mantle flow beneath the East Pacific Rise | download |
58% | 153 153-920 | 1997 | Ceuleneer, Georges; Cannat, Mathilde: High-temperature ductile deformation of Site 920 peridotites | download |
57% | | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey; Roeske, Sarah M. et al.: Scaly fabrics from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Robinson, Paul T.; Emmermann, Rolf et al.: ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge; a unique section of lower ocean crust? | |
57% | 66 66-488 66-492 | 1986 | Lucas, Stephen E.; Moore, J. Casey: Cataclastic deformation in accretionary wedges; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, southern Mexico, and on-land examples from Barbados and Kodiak Island | |
57% | | 1986 | Lundberg, Neil; Moore, J. Casey: Macroscopic structural features in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearc regions | |
57% | | 1982 | Leggett, J. K.; Casey, D. M.: The Southern Uplands accretionary prism; implications for controls on structural development of subduction complexes | |
57% | 78 78-541 | 1982 | Moore, J. Casey; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Thrust faulting and decollement development at the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex | |
57% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1986 | Schoonmaker, Jane: Clay mineralogy and diagenesis of sediments from deformation zones in the Barbados accretionary wedge (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A) | |
57% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1994 | Richter, Carl; Kelso, Paul: Magnetic anisotropies of the lower oceanic crust and mantle (ODP Leg 147) | |
57% | | 2000 | Collins, Alan S.; Kryza, Ryszard et al.: Macrofabric fingerprints of Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous subduction in the Polish Variscides, the Kaczawa Complex, Sudetes | |
57% | 208 | 2007 | Bowles, Julia: Coring-related deformation of Leg 208 sediments from Walvis Ridge; implications for paleomagnetic data | download |
57% | 206 206-1256 | 2009 | France, Lyderic; Ildefonse, Benoit et al.: Interactions between magma and hydrothermal system in Oman ophiolite and in IODP Hole 1256D; fossilization of a dynamic melt lens at fast spreading ridges | download |
57% | 173 173-1067 | 2005 | Hebert, R.; Beaudoin, G. et al.: Metamorphic evolution of amphibolites from Site 1067A ODP Leg 173 off Galicia Bank; mineralogy and oxygen isotope geochemistry | |
57% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1995 | Paterson, Scott R.; Yu, Hao et al.: Primary and tectonic fabric intensities in mudrocks | |
57% | 147 147-895 | 1994 | Bolou, Lionel: Etude petrostructurale des peridotites du Leg 147 ODP sur Hess Deep, Site 895 Petrostructural study of peridotites from ODP Leg 147 at Hess Deep, Site 895 | |
57% | 125 125-779 125-780 | 1991 | Girardeau, J.; Lagabrielle, Y.: Structure of peridotites from the outer high of the Mariana forearc, Conical Seamount, ODP Leg 125 | |
57% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2006 | Suhr, Guenter; Hellebrand, E.: Fahrtenbericht IODP Expedition 305; Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N (Mittelatlantischer Ruecken) Cruise report of IODP Expedition 305; Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) | |
57% | 159 | 2001 | Huguen, Caroline; Guiraud, Michel et al.: Synlithification deformation processes of the Cretaceous sediments of the Ivory Coast-Ghana transform margin; a way to detail the margin history | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2001 | Ildefonse, B.; Pezard, P.: Electrical properties of slow-spreading ridge gabbros from ODP Site 735, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
57% | 209 209-1274 | 2005 | Achenbach, K. L.; Faul, U. et al.: Testing models of mantle upwelling; microstructure, crystallography, and seismic anisotropy of peridotites from 15 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
56% | 119 | 1991 | Hambrey, Michael J.: Structure and dynamics of the Lambert Glacier-Amery ice shelf system; implications for the origin of Prydz Bay sediments | download |
55% | 109 109-670 109-670A | 1990 | Bina, M. Mansour; Henry, Bernard et al.: Magnetic anisotropy and some other magnetic properties of serpentinized peridotites from ODP Hole 670A | download |
54% | 147 147-895 | 1996 | Kennedy, Lori A.; Kronenberg, Andreas K. et al.: Structural history and significance of gabbroic rocks in the uppermost mantle; Hess Deep, EPR (Site 895) | download |
54% | 153 153-920 | 1995 | Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 920 | download |
53% | 190 190-1178 | 2001 | Moore, Gregory F.; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Site 1178 | download |
51% | 78 78-541 78-542 | 1984 | Cowan, Darrel S.; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Structural features at the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A | download |
50% | 173 173-1068 173-1070 | 2001 | Hebert, Rejean; Gueddari, K. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of exhumed peridotites and gabbros at non-volcanic margins; ODP Leg 173 West Iberia ocean-continent transition zone | |
50% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Robinson, Paul T.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: Lower oceanic crust formed at an ultra-slow-spreading ridge; Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
49% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1981 | Moore, J. C.; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Offscraping and underthrusting of sediment at the deformation front of the Barbados ridge complex; results from Leg 78A DSDP | |
49% | 118 | 1991 | Hebert, R.; Constantin, M.: Petrology of hydrothermal metamorphism of oceanic layer 3; implications for sulfide parageneses and redistribution | |
49% | 118 | 1991 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Meyer, Peter S. et al.: Lithostratigraphic evolution of an in-situ section of oceanic layer 3 | download |
49% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Sayre, William O.: Preliminary report on the magnetic fabric of Aptian and Albian limestones from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, drilled during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
47% | 103 103-637 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 637 | download |
46% | 153 153-920 | 1997 | Dilek, Yildirim; Coulton, Angela et al.: Serpentinization and hydrothermal veining in peridotites at Site 920 in the MARK area | download |
46% | 161 | 1999 | Aubourg, Charles; Oufi, Omar: Coring-induced magnetic fabric in piston cores from the western Mediterranean | download |
46% | 134 | 1994 | Meschede, Martin; Pelletier, Bernard: Structural style of the accretionary wedge in front of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge | download |
44% | 118 118-733 | 1989 | Robinson, Paul T.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Site 733 | download |
44% | 161 | 1999 | Prosser, Giacomo; Spadea, Piera et al.: The high-grade basement of the Alboran Sea; structural and PT evolution | download |
44% | 149 149-900 | 1996 | Seifert, Karl E.; Gibson, Ian L. et al.: Geochemistry of metamorphosed cumulate gabbros from Hole 900A, Iberia abyssal plain | download |
42% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Thy, Peter; Dilek, Yildirim: Magmatic and tectonic controls on the evolution of oceanic magma chambers at slow-spreading ridges; perspectives from ophiolitic and continental layered intrusions | |
42% | 209 209-1274 | 2011 | Achenbach, Kay L.; Cheadle, Michael J. et al.: Lattice-preferred orientation and microstructure of peridotites from ODP Hole 1274A (15 degrees 39'N), Mid-Atlantic Ridge; testing models of mantle upwelling and tectonic exhumation | download |
42% | 173 173-1067 | 2001 | Gardien, V.; Poupeau, G. et al.: The evolution of amphibolites from Site 1067, ODP Leg 173 (Iberia abyssal plain); Jurassic rifting to the Pyrenean compression | |
42% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2009 | Halfpenny, Angela; Prior, David: Data report; An electron backscatter diffraction study of a gabbroic shear zone, IODP Expedition 304/305 | |
42% | 308 308-U1322 | 2011 | Meissl, Sandra; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Magnetic fabrics in Quaternary sediments, Ursa Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico record transport processes, compaction and submarine slumping | |
41% | 209 209-1268 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Site 1268 | download |
41% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1996 | Richter, Carl; Kelso, Paul R. et al.: Magnetic fabrics and sources of magnetic susceptibility in lower crustal and upper mantle rocks from Hess Deep | download |
41% | 125 125-778 | 1990 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A. et al.: Site 778 | download |
41% | 149 149-897 | 1996 | Beslier, Marie-Odile; Cornen, Guy et al.: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of peridotites from the ocean/continent transition of the Iberia abyssal plain margin | download |
40% | 161 | 1999 | Soto, Juan I.; Platt, John P. et al.: Pressure-temperature evolution of the metamorphic basement of the Alboran Sea; thermobarometric and structural observations | download |
40% | 141 | 1995 | Collombat, Helene; Rochette, Pierre et al.: Magnetic fabric as a strain indicator in unconsolidated sediments of the Chile triple junction area | download |
39% | 209 209-1270 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Site 1270 | download |
39% | 173 173-1069 | 1998 | Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Site 1069 | download |
38% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Robinson, Paul T.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: Metamorphism and alteration in oceanic layer 3; Hole 735B | download |
38% | 209 209-1268 209-1269 209-1270 209-1271 209-1272 209-1273 209-1274 209-1275 | 2007 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Kelemen, Peter B. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; drilling mantle peridotite along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N; covering Leg 209 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to St. George, Bermuda; Sites 1268-1275; 6 May-6 July 2003 | download |
38% | 146 | 1995 | Housen, Bernard A.; Sato, Takaharu: Magnetic anisotropy fabrics from the Cascadia accretionary prism | download |
38% | 118 118-732 118-734 118-735 176 176-735 | 1991 | Von Herzen, Richard Pierre; Robinson, Paul T. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, fracture zone drilling on the Southwest Indian Ridge, covering Leg 118 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 732-735, 17 October 1987-14 December 1987 | download |
37% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Owens, William H.: Magnetic fabric studies of samples from Hole 808C, Nankai Trough | download |
37% | 209 209-1268 209-1269 209-1270 209-1271 209-1272 209-1273 209-1274 209-1275 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; drilling mantle peridotite along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N; covering Leg 209 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to St. George, Bermuda; sites 1268-1275, 6 May-6 July 2003 | download |
37% | 173 173-1065 173-1067 173-1068 173-1069 173-1070 | 2001 | Beslier, Marie-Odile (ed.); Whitmarsh, Robert B. (ed.) et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results, return to Iberia; covering Leg 173 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Lisbon, Portugal, to Halifax, Nova Scotia; sites 1065-1070, 15 April-15 June 1997 | download |
36% | 179 179-1105 | 2007 | Miller, D. Jay; Iturrino, Gerardo J. et al.: Core-log correlations in oceanic basement from Hole 1105A on the Southwest Indian Ridge | download |
36% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn M.; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Site 894 | download |
36% | 209 209-1274 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Site 1274 | download |
35% | 125 125-783 | 1990 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A. et al.: Site 783 | download |
35% | 28 28-270 | 2010 | McFadden, R. R.; Siddoway, C. S. et al.: Cretaceous oblique extensional deformation and magma accumulation in the Fosdick Mountains migmatite-cored gneiss dome, West Antarctica | download |
35% | 192 | 2004 | Hall, Stuart A.; Riisager, Peter et al.: Magnetic fabric studies of Ontong Java Plateau basalts from ODP Leg 192 | download |
35% | 153 | 1997 | Agar, Susan M.; Casey, John F. et al.: Textural, geochemical, and isotopic variations in gabbroic shear zones from the MARK area | download |
34% | 153 153-924 | 1995 | Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 924 | download |
34% | 210 210-1277 | 2004 | Tucholke, Brian E.; Sibuet, Jean-Claude et al.: Site 1277 | download |
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