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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1982Fenner, Juliane M.: Early diagenesis of biosiliceous components in deep sea sediments
100%1974Calvert, S. E.: Deposition and diagenesis of silica in marine sediments
100%1974Lancelot, Yves: Formation of deep-sea chert; role of the sedimentary environment
1980Kuo, Lung-Chuan Joseph: Morphology and zoning patterns of plagioclase in phyric basalts from DSDP legs 45 and 46, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
100%1975Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica sedimentation in the central equatorial Pacific during the Cenozoic
100%1976Stonecipher, S. A.: Origin, distribution and diagenesis of phillipsite and clinoptilolite in deep-sea sediments
100%1986Fenner, Juliane M.: New results on clinoptilolite in deep sea sediments
100%1973Greenwood, Robert: Silica diagenesis in pelagic sediments; some results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
100%1979Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica accumulation in the central equatorial Pacific and its implications for Cenozoic paleoceanography
100%1974Bryan, Wilfred B.: Iron and Magnesium in Submarine Basalt Plagioclase
100%1976Perry, E. A., Jr.: Submarine alteration of volcanogenic sediments and basalts; results from the DSDP
100%1972Frey, Fred A.; Bryan, Wilfred B. et al.: Petrological and geochemical results for basalts from DSDP Legs 2 and 3
100%1992Gorbunova, Z. N.: Quartz and feldspars in the Cenozoic sediments of the oceans
100%321976Keene, John B.: The distribution, mineralogy, and petrography of biogenic and authigenic silica from the Pacific Basin
100%1977Leinen, M.: A normative calculation technique for determining opal in deep-sea sediments
100%1977Donnelly, T. W.: Chemistry of Cenozoic sedimentation in the world ocean
100%1980Shumenko, S. I.; Trimonis, E. S.: Tseolity Zeolites
100%1980Solovova, I. P.; Lapin, V. V. et al.: Izucheniye rasplavnykh vklyucheniy v mineralakh bazitov Filippinskogo morya Study of melt inclusions in minerals of basic rocks from the Philippine Sea
100%1978Kosiur, D. R.: Pelagic zeolite diagenesis
100%1989Gorbunova, Z. N.: Authigenic-diagenetic minerals in the sediments of the oceans (according to the deep-sea drilling data)
100%1978Keene, J. B.: Deep-sea sediment and the chert problem
100%1984Minoura, Koji; Nakaya, Shu: Origin of radiolarian bedded cherts; Part II
100%2003Delaney, Margaret L.: Phosphorus; sedimentary geochemistry, mass balance, and ocean history from ODP sediments
100%1978Friedrichsen, H.; Hoernes, S.: Stable isotope exchange between oceanic crust and ocean water
100%2006Couapel, Martine J. J.; Bowles, Christopher J.: Impact of gamma densitometry on the luminescence signal of quartz grains
83%1998Matsukage, Kyoko; Arai, Shoji: Jadeite, albite and nepheline as inclusions in spinel of chromitite from Hess Deep, Equatorial Pacific; their genesis and implications for serpentinite diapir formation
83%321983Keene, J. B.: Chalcedonic quartz and occurrence of quartzine (length-slow chalcedony) in pelagic sediments
83%1983Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data)
83%111974Renz, Otto: A Dwarf Fauna of Upper Jurassic Age in the Western Atlantic. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11-Site 99 A
83%231983Skornyakova, N. S.; Kurnosov, V. V. et al.: Lithologic-stratigraphic subdivision and mineral composition of the sediments of the radiolarian belt (range of Site 1936)
1985Schramm, Cynthia T.; Leinen, Margaret: Cenozoic history of eolian sedimentation in the North Pacific
1985Mann, U.; Mueller, G.: Early diagenesis of biogenic siliceous constituents in silty clays and claystones, Japan Trench
83%21975Kossovskaya, A. G.; Gushchina, Ye. B. et al.: Mineralogiya i genezis mezozoysko-kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Atlanticheskogo okeana po materialam reysa 2 "Glomar Chellendzher" Mineralogy and genesis of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments in the Atlantic Ocean, based on results from Leg 2 of the DSDP
83%21975Kossovskaya, A. G.; Murav'yev, V. I.: O tozhdestve okeanicheskikh i platformennykh tseolit-kristobalitovykh porod Similarity of oceanic and platform zeolite-cristobalite rocks
1988Bohrmann, G.; Hempel, P. et al.: North Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Sea Miocene to Pliocene paleoceanography
83%1988Maliva, Robert G.; Siever, Raymond: Pre-Cenozoic nodular cherts; evidence for opal-CT precursors and direct quartz replacement
83%541979Dmitriyev, Yu. I.: Peculiarities in composition and crystallization of the East Pacific Rise basalts
83%1978Kosiur, D. R.: Laboratory simulation of pelagic sediment diagenesis
83%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character; Bering Sea
1992Ogihara, Shigenori: Diagenetic clinoptilolite-heulandite group zeolite from ODP Site 795, Japan Sea
1992Girardeau, Jacques; Mercier, Jean-Claude C.: Evidence for plagioclase-lherzolite intrusion in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Leg 37
83%1982Shutov, V. D.: Epigenesis of oceanic basalts
83%1581996Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Fluid temperature history of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N
1996Fischman, Rebecca; King, Terri et al.: Gardar Drift grain size and mineralogy; calibration to natural gamma and magnetic susceptibility variations
1977Dungan, M. A.; Rhodes, J. M. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from DSDP legs 45 and 46
83%1985Miskell, K. J.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Global patterns in opal deposition from Late Cretaceous to late Miocene
83%641982Stout, Paul M.: Hydrothermal alteration of sediments, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
1982Kuo, Lung-Chuan; Kirkpatrick, R. James: Pre-eruptive history of phyric basalts from DSDP legs 45 and 46; evidence from morphology of zoning patterns in plagioclase
83%1591996Giresse, P.; Gadel, F. et al.: Paleoclimatic significance of mineralogical and geochemical variations in Quaternary sedimentary evolution (Leg ODP 159 on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin)
83%1974Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.; Weaver, Fred M.: Chertification of oceanic sediments
1974Gieskes, J. M.; Kastner, M. et al.: Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Hole 245 of DSDP
1980Diester-Haass, L.: Oligocene at Site 369A (DSDP Leg 41); reduced carbonate accumulation rates lead to high opal content
83%1974Kolodny, Yehoshua; Epstein, Samuel: The Stable Isotope Record of DSDP Cherts
1976Sands, C. D.; Drever, J. I.: Authigenic laumontite in deep-sea sediments
83%1976Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean
1986Moody, Judith B.; Chaboudy, Louis R. et al.: Phosphorus flux, glaciation, and shelf-deep sea partitioning of nutrients for the last 10 MA
83%1982Sloan, James L., II; Miskell, Kimberlee, J.: The history of organic carbon and opaline silica accumulation in the world ocean
83%1531999Whitechurch, Hubert; Chatin, Fabienne: Mantle-melt interactions at low pressure producing high Mg-Al liquids beneath the MARK Zone (Atlantic Ocean)
1990Pokras, Edward M.: Climatic change in South Saharan and Sahelian Africa, 0-660,000 yr BP; an eolian record based on continentally-derived microfossils
83%501979Lancelot, Y.; Sliter, W. V. et al.: Evidence of direct transformation of radiolarians into zeolites in mid-Cretaceous deep sea clays
83%1972006Ivarsson, Magnus: Microbial activity in zeolites deduced from mineral inclusions
1979Cosgrove, M. E.; Papavassiliou, C. T.: Clinoptilolite in DSDP sediments of the Indian Ocean (Site 223, Leg 23); its stability conditions and estimation of its free energy
83%1979Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395
83%1992005Moore, T. C.: Opal accumulation in the Equatorial Pacific
1978Iijima, Azuma: Zeolitic diagenesis
83%1993Wells, Neil A.: Implications of long-term soil weathering and geomorphology for Madagascar's Cenozoic climate and rainforest cover
83%1391993Buatier, Martine; Karpoff, Anne Marie et al.: Mineralogical and geochemical records of sediment-hydrothermal fluid interactions in Middle Valley (Juan de Fuca Ridge, Leg 139)
83%851993Meng, L.: Miocene paleoceanography in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific
1995Chang, C. W.; Seifert, K. E.: The primary cumulus mineralogy of ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A metamorphosed gabbros
1995Blanc, Gerard; Vitali, Frederic et al.: Unusual diagenetic alteration of volcanoclastic sediments in the Tonga fore-arc; evidence for chemical and strontium isotopic compositions of interstitial waters
1996Chang, Cheng-Wen; Seifert, Karl: A calculated primary mineralogy for metamorphosed gabbros from ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A
83%141974von Rad, Ulrich; Rosch, Heinrich: Petrography and diagenesis of deep-sea cherts from the central Atlantic
83%1979Leinen, M.; Stakes, D.: Metal accumulation rates in the central equatorial Pacific during Cenozoic time
1993Ross, Kent; Elthon, Don: Cumulates from ultra-depleted MORB; DSDP Site 334
83%1993Kennedy, L. A.; Boudier, F. et al.: Deformation and recovery in the upper mantle and microstructural constraints on melt impregnation
1993Snoeckx, Hilde; Rea, D. K.: Eolian and opal deposition in the north central Pacific; results from Leg 145 Site 886
83%1981Pisciotto, Kenneth A.: Distribution, thermal histories, isotopic compositions, and reflection characteristics of siliceous rocks recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project
83%451981Lofgren, G. E.; Norris, P. N.: Experimental duplication of plagioclase sieve and overgrowth textures
1995Helland, P. E.; Holmes, M. A.: Evidence for late Miocene glaciation of southern Greenland at 12 Ma from surface textural analysis of quartz grains from ODP Site 918D
83%1984Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T.: Siderophile-rich magnetic spheroids from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Umbria, Italy
83%1151989Greenough, John D.; Fryer, Brian J.: Silicate control of noble metal behaviour during magma evolution; evidence from ODP Leg 115 hot-spot basalts
83%1973Bruty, D.; Chester, R. et al.: Trace Elements in Ancient Atlantic Deep-sea Sediments
1987Glass, B. P.: Coesite associated with North American tektite debris in DSDP Site 612 on the continental slope off New Jersey
83%1081995Knaack, J. J.; Pflaumann, U. et al.: Paleoproductivity estimates from the subtropical and tropical Atlantic based on diatom assemblages
83%1561996Steiger, T.: Die Diagenese der miozaenen Radiiolarien vom Northern Barbados Ridge The diagenesis of Miocene Radiolaria from the northern Barbados Ridge
1989Bohrmann, G.; Stein, R. et al.: Authigenic zeolites and their relation to silica diagenesis in ODP Site 661 sediments (Leg 108, Eastern Equatorial Atlantic)
1989Hempel, P.: Der Einfluss von biogenem Opal auf die Bildung seismischer Reflektoren und die Verbreitung opalreicher Sedimente auf dem Voring Plateau The influence of biogenic opal on the formation of seismic reflectors and the distribution of opal-rich sediments on the Voring Plateau
83%451980Ohnenstetter, M.; Ohnenstetter, D. et al.: Partial fusion event and recrystallization processes in oceanic peridotites
1980Kuo, Lung-Chuan; Kirkpatrick, R. James: Pre-eruption history of phyric basalts from DSDP Legs 45 and 46; evidence from morphology and zoning patterns in plagioclase
83%1581996Alt, Jeffrey C.; Teagle, Damon A. H.: Probing the TAG hydrothermal mound and stockwork; oxygen isotopic profiles from deep ocean drilling
1990Murray, D. W.; Prell, W. L.: Biogenic sedimentation on the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea during the past one million years; evidence for changes in monsoon-induced upwelling
83%1978Dungan, M. A.; Long, P. E. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from Legs 45 and 46-DSDPdownload
1986Glass, B. P.; Muenow, D. W. et al.: Further evidence for the impact origin of tektites
2003Ross, Kent; Elthon, Don: Varieties of melt-rock interactions in abyssal peridotites
83%1532004Lippolt, Hans J.; Pilot, Joachim et al.: Argon in Mid-Atlantic Ridge gabbros with old zircons (Kane area) and their Ar model ages
2004Shryane, Therese; Feely, Martin: Hydrocarbon inclusions in Palaeocene sediments from the North Atlantic
83%1772004Froelich, Philip N.; King, Stagg L.: Deep marine sediment diagenesis of germanium, silica, lithium and lithium isotopes in ODP-177; the "missing oceanic Ge sink"
83%3022010St. John, K. K.; Passchier, S. et al.: Paleoenvironmental interpretation of quartz surface textures, from the middle Eocene central Arctic IRD record
83%1975Klasik, J. A.: High cristobalite and high tridymite in a middle Eocene deep-sea chert
83%1975Knauth, L. Paul; Epstein, Samuel: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in silica from the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project

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