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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1980 | Solovova, I. P.; Lapin, V. V. et al.: Izucheniye rasplavnykh vklyucheniy v mineralakh bazitov Filippinskogo morya Study of melt inclusions in minerals of basic rocks from the Philippine Sea | |
100% | | 1975 | Cook, A. C.: Significance of the coal at Site 214, Ninetyeast Ridge | |
83% | | 1985 | Federman, Alan Neil: Correlation and petrological interpretation of abyssal and terrestrial tephra layers | |
83% | 158 | 1996 | Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Fluid temperature history of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N | |
83% | | 1989 | Vanko, David A.; Stakes, Debra S.: Petrology of alteration in oceanic layer 3, ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
83% | 34 34-321 | 1976 | Shanks, W. C., III; Seyfried, W. E.: Secondary mineral paragenesis in Leg 34 basalts | |
83% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust | |
83% | 59 59-448 | 1978 | Ishii, T.: Petrological study of bronzite-bearing basalts from DSDP Site 448 Leg 59 Kyushu-Palau Ridge | |
83% | 178 178-1098 | 2008 | Shevenell, A. E.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Atmospheric modulation of western Antarctic Peninsula Holocene climate variability; insights from the TEX86 record of Palmer Deep | |
83% | 19 19-183 | 1988 | Fournelle, John Harold: The geology and petrology of Shishaldin Volcano, Unimak Island, Aleutian Arc, Alaska | |
83% | 134 134-828 | 2002 | Herbert, Timothy D.: Glacial-interglacial tropical sea surface temperature changes deduced from the alkenone paleothermometer | |
83% | 153 | 1997 | Gaggero, L.; Cortesogno, L.: Metamorphic evolution of oceanic gabbros; recrystallization from subsolidus to hydrothermal conditions in the MARK area (ODP Leg 153) | |
83% | 175 | 2000 | Schneider, Ralph R.: Neogene surface ocean variability in the eastern South Atlantic and linkages to African climate | |
67% | 23 23-227 | 1988 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Shanks, Wayne C., III: Isotopic studies of epigenetic features in metalliferous sediment, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea | |
67% | 59 59-448 59-451 | 1979 | Ishii, Teruaki: Petrological study of two-pyroxene basalts from DSDP Leg 59 Site 448 Kyushu-Palau Ridge and Site 451 West Mariana Ridge | |
67% | 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1985 | Gitlin, Ellen: Sulfide remobilitzation during low temperature alteration of seafloor basalt | |
67% | 139 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-857 169-858 | 1996 | Stakes, D. S.; Schiffman, P.: Hydrothermal alteration of basalts in the sedimented ridge environment of Middle Valley | |
67% | 51 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1978 | Storzer, D.; Selo, M.: Chronothermometrie par traces de fission des basaltes provenant des legs 51-52 et quelques reflexions sur l'alteration de ces roches par l'eau de mer Chrono-thermometry by fission-track methods of basalts from Legs 51-52 and some aspects of the alteration of these rocks by sea water | |
67% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1981 | Lawrence, J. R.; Drever, J. I.: Evidence for cold water circulation at DSDP Site 395; isotopes and chemistry of alteration products | download |
67% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | Weston, P. E.; Manning, C. E.: High temperature fracturing at Hess Deep; implications for initiation of lower crustal brittle deformation at the East Pacific Rise | |
67% | | 2004 | Ravizza, G. E.; Zachos, J. C.: Records of Cenozoic ocean chemistry | download |
67% | | 2008 | Lippert, Peter C.: Big discovery for biogenic magnetite; discussion | |
67% | | 2008 | Kimura, Hiroyuki; Yamanaka, Toshiro et al.: Detection of the subsurface hot biosphere by microbial molecular thermometer (MMT) | download |
67% | 195 195-1201 | 2005 | D'Antonio, M.; Kristensen, M. B.: Hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust in the West Philippine Sea Basin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195, Site 1201); inferences from a mineral chemistry investigation | |
67% | 73 73-523 113 113-689 171B 171B-1052 | 1999 | Lear, Carrie; Wilson, Paul et al.: Assessing Mg/Ca in benthic Foraminifera as a palaeotemperature proxy for the Cenozoic oceans | |
67% | 139 139-858 169 169-858 | 1994 | Buatier, M.; Frueh-Green, G. et al.: Mechanism of formation of Mg-Fe phyllosilicates in a hydrothermal system at a sedimented ridge (Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca) | |
67% | 157 | 1998 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Hansteen, T. H. et al.: Evolution of magmatic volatiles during Miocene seamount to shield stage of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); evidence from Ol- and Cpx-hosted melt and fluid inclusions | |
67% | 206 206-1256 | 2009 | France, Lyderic; Ildefonse, Benoit et al.: Interactions between magma and hydrothermal system in Oman ophiolite and in IODP Hole 1256D; fossilization of a dynamic melt lens at fast spreading ridges | download |
67% | 130 130-806 154 154-926 | 2002 | Lear, C. H.; Rosenthal, Y. et al.: Benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry and its application to late Miocene changes in Atlantic circulation | |
67% | 125 125-786 | 2007 | Haraguchi, Satoru; Ishii, Teruaki: Simultaneous boninitic and arc tholeiitic volcanisms in the Izu fore-arc region during early arc volcanism, based on ODP Leg 125 Site 786 | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2001 | Kelley, Deborah S.; Frueh-Green, Gretchen L.: Volatile lines of descent in submarine plutonic environments; insights from stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses | |
67% | 189 189-1172 | 2009 | Bijl, P. K.; Schouten, S. et al.: A potential gradual buildup of Antarctic cryosphere in the middle Eocene | |
67% | 153 153-922 153-923 | 2001 | Coogan, Laurence A.; Wilson, Robert N. et al.: Near-solidus evolution of oceanic gabbros; insights from amphibole geochemistry | |
67% | 147 147-894 | 1996 | Manning, Craig E.; Weston, Patricia E. et al.: Rapid high-temperature metamorphism of East Pacific Rise gabbros from Hess Deep | |
67% | 157 | 2009 | Huguet, Carme; Kim, Jung-Hyun et al.: Effects of long term oxic degradation on the U (super K) (sub 37) , TEX (sub 86) and BIT organic proxies | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 179 179-1105 | 2010 | Miranda, Elena A.; John, Barbara E.: Strain localization along the Atlantis Bank oceanic detachment fault system, Southwest Indian Ridge | download |
67% | 310 | 2008 | Felis, T.; Asami, R. et al.: Pronounced interannual variability in South Pacific temperatures during the early deglacial; coral-based results from IODP Expedition 310 | |
67% | 178 178-1098 | 2006 | Shevenell, A.; Ingalls, A. et al.: Atmospheric forcing of Holocene climate variability along the western Antarctic Peninsula; novel insights from the TEX86 paleotemperature record of Palmer Deep | |
67% | | 1998 | Platt, J. P.; Soto, J. I. et al.: Thermal evolution, rate of exhumation, and tectonic significance of metamorphic rocks from the floor of the Alboran extensional basin, western Mediterranean | download |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Coogan, Laurence A.; Jenkin, G. R. T. et al.: Constraining the cooling rate of the lower oceanic crust; a new approach based on the closure temperature of calcium exchange in oceanic gabbros | |
67% | 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 335 335-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: In-situ iron isotope ratio determination and thermo-oxibarometry in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (ODP Leg 206 and IODP Exp. 309 & 312, East Pacific Rise) | |
67% | 209 209-1270 | 2010 | Joens, N.; Bach, W. et al.: Influence of melt veins on the mineralogical and structural evolution of abyssal peridotites | |
67% | 90 90-590 | 2012 | Dickens, Gerald R.; Backman, Jan: Pliocene climate change of the Southwest Pacific and the impact of ocean gateways; discussion | |
67% | 90 90-590 | 2012 | Karas, Cyrus; Nuernberg, Dirk et al.: Pliocene climate change of the Southwest Pacific and the impact of ocean gateways; reply | |
59% | | 1997 | Naehr, Thomas: Authigener klinoptilolith in marinen sedimenten; mineralchemie, genese und moegliche anwendung als geothermometer Authigenic clinoptilolite in marine sediments; crystal chemistry, genesis and possible application in geologic thermometry | |
58% | 108 108-658 146 146-893 150 160 | 1999 | Rinna, Joachim; Guentner, Ute et al.: Temperature-related molecular proxies; degree of alkenone unsaturation and average chain length of n-alkanes | |
58% | 41 41-367 207 207-1260 210 210-1276 | 2009 | Sinninghe Damste, J. S.; Mueller, A. et al.: Oceanic anoxia, organic carbon burial and climate change during OAE-2 | |
58% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 96 96-619 | 1997 | Meyers, Philip A.: Organic geochemical proxies of paleoceanographic, paleolimnologic, and paleoclimatic processes | |
58% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2008 | Koepke, J.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Petrography of the dike-gabbro transition at IODP Site 1256 (Equatorial Pacific); the evolution of the granoblastic dikes | download |
58% | 184 184-1143 | 2011 | Li Li; Li Qianyu et al.: A 4-Ma record of thermal evolution in the tropical Western Pacific and its implications on climate change | |
50% | 102 102-418 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 200 200-1224 | 2006 | Paul, Heather J.; Gillis, Kathryn M. et al.: ODP Site 1224; a missing link in the investigation of seafloor weathering | download |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1993 | Laverne, C.; Tartarotti, P. et al.: Chemistry and geothermometry of amphibole, chlorite and mixed-layer chlorite-smectite from the deep sheeted dike complex, DSDP-ODP Hole 504B (East Pacific) | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1990 | Schoeps, Dietmar; Herzig, Peter M.: Sulfide composition and microthermometry of fluid inclusions in the Leg 111 sheeted dike section of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | download |
50% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2004 | Miranda, Elena A.; John, Barbara E.: Oceanic core complex development at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
50% | 133 133-820 | 2005 | Lawrence, K. T.; Herbert, T. D.: Late Quaternary sea-surface temperatures in the western Coral Sea; implications for the growth of the Australian Great Barrier Reef | |
50% | 108 108-662 | 2010 | Bochner, Laura; Lawrence, Kira T.: Inter-proxy assessment of paleothermometers; results from the late Pleistocene eastern Equatorial Atlantic | |
50% | 316 316-C0004 | 2011 | Sakaguchi, Arito; Chester, Frederick et al.: Seismic slip propagation to the updip end of plate boundary subduction interface faults; vitrinite reflectance geothermometry on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program NanTro SEIZE cores | |
50% | 62 62-463 198 198-1207 | 2006 | Dumitrescu, Mirela; Brassell, Simon C. et al.: Instability in tropical Pacific sea-surface temperatures during the early Aptian | |
50% | 130 130-806 | 2006 | Pelejero, C.; Calvo, E. et al.: South Tasman Sea alkenone palaeothermometry over the last four glacial/interglacial cycles | download |
50% | 193 | 2006 | Wicker, Steven G.; Vanko, David A.: Sub-seafloor hydrothermal activity at the deep-sea PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea; evidence from fluid inclusions in quartz | |
50% | 147 147-894 | 2007 | Coogan, Laurence A.; Manning, Craig E. et al.: Oxygen isotope evidence for short-lived high-temperature fluid flow in the lower oceanic crust at fast-spreading ridges | download |
50% | 184 184-1146 | 2010 | Xu, Jian; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Indo-Pacific Warm Pool variability during the Holocene and last glacial maximum | |
50% | 183 183-1137 | 2012 | Chatterjee, Nilanjan; Nicolaysen, Kirsten: An intercontinental correlation of the mid-Neoproterozoic Eastern Indian tectonic zone; evidence from the gneissic clasts in Elan Bank conglomerate, Kerguelen Plateau | |
50% | 177 177-1090 | 2012 | Rodriguez-Sanz, Laura; Graham Mortyn, P. et al.: Glacial Southern Ocean freshening at the onset of the middle Pleistocene climate transition | |
50% | 144 144-871 | 2012 | Dyez, Kelsey A.; Ravelo, A. Christina: Late Pleistocene tropical Pacific temperature sensitivity to radiative greenhouse gas forcing | |
50% | 41 41-368 | 2011 | Wang Dayong; Song Yongchen et al.: Numerical investigation of the effect of volatilization and the supercritical state of pore water on maturation of organic matter in the vicinity of igneous intrusions | |
42% | 195 195-1201 | 2006 | D'Antonio, Massimo; Savov, Ivan et al.: Petrogenesis of Eocene oceanic basalts from the West Philippine Basin and Oligocene arc volcanics from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge drilled at 20 degrees N, 135 degrees E (Western Pacific Ocean) | |
42% | 189 189-1172 | 2012 | Hollis, Christopher J.; Taylor, Kyle W. R. et al.: Early Paleogene temperature history of the Southwest Pacific Ocean; reconciling proxies and models | |
33% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1994 | Gu, Chifeng: A fluid inclusion investigation of diabase dikes from the ocean crust; ODP Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | |
25% | 38 | 1976 | Hood, A.; Castano, J. R. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential and thermal history of DSDP Leg 38 sediments | download |
25% | 58 58-443 58-446 | 1980 | Nisterenko, G. V.; Bannikova, L. A. et al.: Temperature of formation and isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen of carbonate veins in basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 443 and 446 | download |
25% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1977 | Comer, J. B.; Littlejohn, R.: Content, composition, and thermal history of organic matter in Mesozoic sediments, Falkland Plateau | download |
25% | 31 31-297 31-298 | 1975 | Ames, R. L.; Littlejohn, R.: Diagenesis of organic matter and estimated temperature history from carbonization measurements, Shikoku Basin | download |
21% | 108 108-659 151 151-907 162 162-907 | 2005 | Williams, Mark; Haywood, Alan M. et al.: Efficacy of delta (super 18) O data from Pliocene planktonic foraminifer calcite for spatial sea-surface temperature reconstruction; comparison with a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM and fossil assemblage data for the mid-Pliocene | download |
17% | 159 159-960 | 1998 | Lespinasse, Marc; Leroy, Jacques L. et al.: Paleofluids from the marginal ridge of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin (Hole 960A) as thermal indicators | download |
15% | 58 58-442 58-442B 58-443 58-443 58-444 58-444A 58-446 58-446A | 1980 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Stable-isotope evidence for the origin of secondary carbonate veins in Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 basalts | download |
13% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Kelley, Deborah S.; Vanko, David A. et al.: Fluid evolution in oceanic crustal layer 2; fluid inclusion evidence from the sheeted dike complex, Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | download |
13% | 167 167-1020 | 2000 | Kreitz, S. F.; Herbert, T. D. et al.: Alkenone paleothermometry and orbital-scale changes in sea-surface temperature at Site 1020, Northern California margin | download |
10% | 109 109-670 109-670A | 1990 | Komor, Stephen C.; Grove, Timothy L. et al.: Abyssal peridotites from ODP Hole 670A (21 degrees 10'N, 45 degrees 02'W); residues of mantle melting exposed by non-constructive axial divergence | download |
10% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Vanko, David A.; Laverne, Christine et al.: Chemistry and origin of secondary minerals from the deep sheeted dikes cored during Leg 148 (Hole 504B) | download |
10% | | 2009 | Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M. et al.: Pliocene three-dimensional global ocean temperature reconstruction | download |
8% | 59 | 1980 | Ishii, Teruaki: Pyroxene geothermometry of basalts and an andesite from the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
8% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Laverne, Christine; Vanko, David A. et al.: Chemistry and geothermometry of secondary minerals from the deep sheltered dike complex, Hole 504B | download |
8% | 109 109-670 109-670A | 1990 | Juteau, Thierry; Berger, Emmanuel et al.: Serpentinized, residual mantle peridotites from the M.A.R. median valley, ODP Hole 670A (21 degrees 10'N, 45 degrees 02'W, Leg 109); primary mineralogy and geothermometry | download |
8% | 200 200-1224 | 2006 | Lustrino, Michele: Composition, petrography, and mineral chemistry of ODP Site 1224 Eocene ferrobasalts (Leg 200; North Pacific Ocean) | download |
8% | 161 | 1999 | Soto, Juan I.; Platt, John P. et al.: Pressure-temperature evolution of the metamorphic basement of the Alboran Sea; thermobarometric and structural observations | download |
8% | | 2009 | Sluijs, Appy; Brinkhuis, Henk: A dynamic climate and ecosystem state during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; inferences from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages on the New Jersey Shelf | download |
8% | 209 209-1268 209-1269 209-1270 209-1271 209-1272 209-1273 209-1274 209-1275 | 2007 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Leg 209 summary; processes in a 20-km-thick conductive boundary layer beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14 degrees -16 degrees N | download |
4% | 324 324-U1347 | 2011 | Husen, A.; Almeev, R. et al.: Geothermobarometry of basaltic glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau | download |
4% | 165 165-999 | 2011 | Badger, M. P. S.; Bowler, G. C. et al.: Orbital scale alkenone based CO (sub 2) records across the Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
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