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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1981Schlanger, Seymour O.: Shallow-water limestones in oceanic basins as tectonic and paleoceanographic indicators
100%1982Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism in the southern Line Islands and implications for hotspot theory
100%1987Mahoney, John J.: An isotopic survey of Pacific oceanic plateaus; implications for their nature and origin
100%1980Kasahara, J.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: A seismic study using ocean-bottom seismometers near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23 degrees N
100%961989Weimer, Paul; Buffler, Richard T.: Seismic definition of fan lobes, Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico
100%1980Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin
100%1981Schlanger, Seymour O.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Volcanism and vertical tectonics in the Pacific Basin related to global Cretaceous transgressions
100%1987Wedgeworth, Bruce S.; Kellogg, James N.: A 3-D gravity-tectonic study of Ita Mai Tai Guyot; an uncompensated seamount in the East Mariana Basin
99%1984Berggren, W. A.: Among the earth sciences; Paleoceanography comes into its own
99%1986Einsele, Gerhard H.: "Sediment fluidization potential" and subaqueous mass movements (results from DSDP)
99%1986Davies, Thomas: U.S. science supports ocean drilling
99%1971Ewing, J.: Preliminary results from Leg 17 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
86%671981Aubouin, J.; von Huene, Roland et al.: A summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67; shipboard results from the Mid America Trench transect off Guatemala
85%1981Savin, Samuel M.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Stable isotopes in ocean sediments
85%1975Van Andel, T. H.: Mesozoic/Cenozoic calcite compensation depth and the global distribution of calcareous sediments
85%351982Craddock, Campbell: Antarctica and Gondwanaland
85%1986Kyte, Frank T.; Smit, Jan: Regional variations in spinel compositions; an important key to the Cretaceous/Tertiary event
85%1985Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Global traveltime and velocity vs. depth functions for the deep sea sediment column
85%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
85%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
85%1984Ozima, M.; Takayanagi, M. et al.: High (super 3) He/ (super 4) He ratio in ocean sediments
85%1984Rosenfeld, Melvin A.; Davies, Thomas A.: Information handling
85%1985Sclater, John G.: The depth of the ocean through the Neogene
85%1986Fenner, Juliane M.: New results on clinoptilolite in deep sea sediments
85%1985Moskowitz, Bruce M.: Magnetic viscosity, diffusion after-effect, and disaccommodation in natural and synthetic samples
85%1989D'Hondt, Steven; Keller, Gerta et al.: Phylogenetic and stratigraphic analysis of earliest Paleocene planktic foraminifera
85%1989Chudyk, C. E.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Dipping reflectors on the Kerguelen Plateau
85%1983Burns, K. G.; Hale, C. J.: Paleointensity information from CRM
85%811983Keene, J. B.: Sedimentary facies on a passive margin; Rockall Plateau, DSDP Leg 81
85%1991Coffin, Millard F. (ed.); Eldholm, Olav (ed.): Large igneous provinces
85%1985Storetvedt, K. M.: The pre-drift central Atlantic; a model based on tectonomagmatic and sedimentological evidence
85%1985Ekdale, A. A.: Trace fossils and Mid-Cretaceous anoxic events in the Atlantic Ocean
85%1991Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program sets FY 92 schedule
85%1984Davies, Thomas A.; Hay, William W.: Scientific ocean drilling and the global sedimentary record
85%1979Blackinton, G.; Duennebier, F. K.: The downhole experiment
85%1980Krumbach, K. R.; Roth, P. H.: Austral paleoceanography based on calcareous nannofossils
85%1977Veevers, J. J.: Models of the evolution of the eastern Indian Ocean
85%1989Krammer, Kristian; Pohl, Jean: The magnetic susceptibility logging probes Suslog 403-1 and 403-1-HT
85%1980Banerjee, S. K.: Rock magnetic techniques for deciphering the nature of alteration of the oceanic crust
85%1984Shipley, T. H.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: Equatorial Pacific seismic stratigraphy and the significance of seismic reflectors
85%1984Stephen, R. A.: Borehole seismic experiments and the structure of upper oceanic crust
85%881984Cessaro, R. K.; Duennebier, F. K.: Borehole seismic results from DSDP Leg 88
85%1990Busch, W. H.; Callaway, J. S.: Burial transformation of sediment fabric in the western Arabian Sea
85%1990Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R.: Rare earth element sources to fine-grained marine sediments; assessing the marine and terrestrial records
85%1261990Taylor, Brian: Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc
85%1121992Resig, Johanna M.: Parabolivina peruensis, a new oxygen minimum foraminifer from the Peru margin
85%1983Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Hoffman, Antoni: A test of evolutionary models; survivorship and accretion analysis of species extinction and origination
85%1990Austin, J. A., Jr.: ODP plans for ridge-crest drilling
85%1977Boltovskoy, E.: Neogene deep water benthonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean
85%1977Proto Decima, F.: Paleocene to Eocene calcareous nannoplankton of the Indian Ocean
85%881983Duennebier, F. K.; Harris, D.: The ocean sub-bottom seismometer 1983 recovery
85%1987Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the upper oceanic crust at DSDP Site 504
85%881987Cessaro, Robert K.: Location of western Pacific earthquakes from a single station
85%1987D'Hondt, Steven L.; Keller, Gerta et al.: Major element compositional variation within and between different late Eocene microtektite strewnfields
85%1987Keller, Gerta: Paleoceanographic evolution of the Caribbean; Mesozoic - Tertiary
85%1990Busch, W. H.: True color analysis of sediment cores and its application to paleoceanographic studies
85%1988Austin, James A., Jr.: Workshop to develop scientific drilling initiatives in the South Atlantic and adjacent southern ocean; a report
85%1979Thunell, R. C.: Pliocene - Pleistocene paleotemperature and paleosalinity history of the Mediterranean Sea; results from DSDP sites 125 and 132
85%1971Berggren, W. A.: Preliminary results of Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 12: North Atlantic
85%1984Berggren, William A.: Oceanic event stratigraphy; correlation of biostratigraphic events and the evolution of the oceans
85%1971Ryan, William B. F.: New evidence concerning compressional tectonics of the seabed; results from Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
85%1977Herb, R.: Synopsis of Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Indian Ocean
85%1977Scheibnerova, V.: Synthesis of the Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Indian Ocean
1987Tiwari, R. K.: Higher-order eccentricity cycles of the middle and late Miocene climatic variations
1989O'Brien, David K.; Manghnani, Murli H. et al.: Irregular trends of physical properties in homogeneous clay-rich sediments of DSDP Leg 87 Hole 584, midslope terrace in the Japan Trench
1979Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: Late Cenozoic oxygen and carbon isotopic history and volcanic ash stratigraphy; DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
1983Phair, R. L.; Buffler, R. T.: Pre-Middle Cretaceous geologic history of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico
1985Kim, Dae-Choul; Manghnani, Murli H. et al.: The role of diagenesis in the development of physical properties of deep-sea carbonate sediments
1979Elders, W. A.: The geological background of the geothermal fields of the Salton Trough
1980Sinton, J. M.; Byerly, G. R.: Silicic differentiates of abyssal oceanic magmas; evidence for late-magmatic vapor transport of potassium
1990Moore, G. F.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Structure of the Nankai Trough accretionary zone from multichannel seismic reflection datadownload
80%1990Coffin, M. F.; Royer, J. Y. et al.: Plate kinematics and passive margin development in the southern Indian Ocean
1988Carlson, R. L.; Wilkens, R. H. et al.: Correlations of sediment lithostratigraphy, downhole logs and seismic reflectors at site 418
80%1987Sinton, John M.; Fryer, Patricia: Mariana Trough lavas from 18 degrees N; implications for the origin of back arc basin basaltsdownload
1983Kim, Dae-Choul; Katahara, Keith W. et al.: Velocity and attenuation anisotropy in deep-sea carbonate sedimentsdownload
80%2002Kok, Yvo S.; Ynsen, Ief: A relative geomagnetic paleointensity stack from Ontong-Java Plateau sediments for the Matuyama; replydownload
1983Weinreich, N.; Theyer, F.: Success and failure of HPC-magnetostratigraphy on DSDP Leg 85, central Equatorial Pacific
1990Zhou, Lei; Kyte, Frank T.: History of hydrothermal material accumulation in the central South Pacific over the past 85 Ma; a proxy for deep water circulation patterns
71%1981Roth, Peter H.; Bowdler, Jay L.: Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean
71%611983Steiner, Maureen B.: Geomagnetic excursion in the Late Cretaceous
1983Resig, J. M.; Kroopnick, P. M.: Isotopic and distributional evidence of a planktonic habit for the foraminiferal genus Streptochilus Broennimann and Resig, 1971
1985Henry, Marilee; Mellman, George: Comparison of borehole and ocean bottom seismometer earthquake detection thresholds at MSS-83 (SW Pacific) site
1985Clement, Bradford M.; Kent, Dennis V.: Details of short geomagnetic polarity chronozones as recorded at DSDP Site 609
1988Von Herzen, R. P.: Logging and physical properties measurements of the lower ocean crust; ODP Site 735
71%901988Barton, C. E.: Magnetostratigraphy on a timescale of 0-10 (super 6) years; secular variation, geomagnetic excursions and reversals
71%1988Carlson, Richard; Sager, William et al.: Ocean drilling and tectonic frames of reference
71%1988Exon, N. F.; von Rad, U. et al.: Ocean drilling on the Exmouth Plateau and Argo abyssal plain in mid-1988
71%1221988De Carlo, E. H.; Haq, B. U. et al.: Pore water geochemistry of sediments from the Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, northwestern Australia; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122
1988Tarduno, John A.; Sliter, William V. et al.: Possible late Aptian reversal within the Cretaceous normal polarity superchron from Pacific DSDP sediments
71%1011985Austin, James A., Jr.; Schlager, Wolfgang: Seismic stratigraphy in the Bahamas; highlights from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101
1982Fryer, P.; Hussong, D. M.: Arc volcanism in the Mariana Trough
71%371982Storetvedt, K. M.: Aspects of evolution of the central Atlantic
71%1982Symonds, P. A.: BMR's international co-operative geoscience programs offshore from Australia
71%771982Buffler, Richard T.; Phair, Ronald L. et al.: Early geologic evolution of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico
71%1982Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: Geochemical constraints on the nature of large accretionary events
71%1982Harbert, W. P.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Geologic and tectonic history of Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
71%1977Vincent, E.: Indian Ocean Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its paleoceanographic implications
71%1985Keller, Gordon; Chi, W. R. et al.: Global sedimentation and distribution of deep-sea hiatuses; late Eocene - Oligocene
71%621984Ozima, M.; Takayanagi, M. et al.: Anomalous (super 3) He/ (super 4) He ratio in sediments from Northwest Pacific hiatus region
1984Berndt, Michael E.; Seyfried, William E., Jr.: Behavior of B and Li during low temperature alteration of oceanic crust

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