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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1997 | Goldberg, David: The role of downhole measurements in marine geology and geophysics | download |
93% | | 1994 | Guth, Peter L.; Smart, Scott D.: Teaching marine geology and geophysics with microcomputer labs | |
93% | | 1992 | Sun, M.; Fisher, A. et al.: Using object-oriented control method for heat flow analysis | |
89% | | 1992 | Coffin, Millard F.; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: The Mesozoic East African and Madagascan conjugate continental margins; stratigraphy and tectonics | |
89% | | 1994 | Sisson, Virginia: Effects of triple junction interactions discussed | |
77% | | 1987 | Worthington, M. H.: Geophysics in the United Kingdom | |
77% | | 2000 | Stoll, Johannes B.; Haak, Volker et al.: Electrical double-dipole experiment in the German continental deep sea drilling program (KTB) | download |
77% | 183 | 1997 | Koennecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Crustal structure of Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau | |
77% | 146 | 1995 | Jarrard, R. D.: Velocity and porosity of oceanic crust and accretionary prisms; core/log/seismic links | |
77% | 156 | 1995 | Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Barbados Ridge accretionary prism | |
77% | | 1987 | Hyndman, R. D.; Langseth, M. G. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project geothermal measurements; a review | download |
77% | | 1989 | Nishitani, Tadashi; Kono, Masaru: Changes of remanent magnetization of titanomagnetites associated with low-temperature oxidation | |
77% | 170 | 1996 | Bangs, N. L.; McIntosh, K. et al.: Predictions from seismic modeling of physical properties and fluid effects at plate-boundary faults to be drilled offshore Costa Rica and within the Barbados Ridge | |
77% | | 2005 | Jarrard, R. D.: Geophysical measurements of age-dependent alteration of upper oceanic crust | |
77% | | 1998 | Mihut, Dona; Mueller, R. Dietmar: Volcanic margin formation and Mesozoic rift propagators in the Cuvier abyssal plain off Western Australia | download |
77% | | 1999 | Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou et al.: Application of geophysical well-logging in global change analysis | |
77% | | 1994 | Coffin, Millard F.; Karner, Garry D. et al.: Research cruise yields new details of Macquarie Ridge complex | |
77% | 149 173 | 1998 | Whitmarsh, R. B.: Review of the ocean-continent transition (OCT) in the southern Iberia abyssal plain, West Iberia margin | |
77% | 173 | 1998 | Beslier, M. O.; Whitmarsh, R. B. et al.: Structure of the 120 km-wide ocean-continent transition of the Iberia abyssal plain margin (Portugal); preliminary results of the ODP Leg 173 | |
77% | | 2000 | McNutt, Marcia K.: The future of marine geology and geophysics; a summary | |
77% | 149 173 | 1998 | Louden, K. E.; Chian, D. et al.: Seismic images of 3-D variations in the ocean-continent transition off Iberia near ODP Leg 149 and 173 drill sites | |
77% | 197 | 2002 | Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David William: Seismic stratigraphy of Detroit Seamount; observations from ODP Leg 197 | |
77% | 163 | 1995 | Larsen, H. C.; Brooks, C. K. et al.: Continental extension and Tertiary opening of the North Atlantic; multi-disciplinary investigations of the east margin of Greenland | |
77% | | 2006 | Bangs, N. L.; Moore, G. F. et al.: 3-D seismic images of thrust systems along the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Basin transect, southwestern Japan | |
76% | | 1985 | Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Global traveltime and velocity vs. depth functions for the deep sea sediment column | |
76% | | 1988 | Pariso, Janet E.; Johnson, H. Paul: A downhole magnetic logging tool for the Ocean Drilling Program | |
76% | 29 | 1974 | Kennett, James P.: Deep-sea drilling in the roaring 40s | |
76% | | 1990 | Kikawa, E.; Pariso, Janet E.: Magnetic properties of gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the southwest Indian Ridge | |
76% | | 1978 | Lowrie, W.; Kent, D. V.: Characteristics of VRM in oceanic basalts | |
76% | | 1979 | Muehlenbachs, K.; Scarfe, C. M.: (super 18) O exchange between Layer 2 and seawater; evidence from DSDP | |
76% | | 1989 | Chudyk, C. E.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Dipping reflectors on the Kerguelen Plateau | |
76% | | 1991 | Zehnder, Carolyn Marie: Magmatic processes attending the initiation of seafloor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; a deep seismic study of conjugate margins | |
76% | 30 | 1974 | Andrews, J. E.: Leg 30; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Southwest Pacific structures | |
76% | | 1989 | Pelling, R.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Statistical analysis of geochemical logging data from ODP boreholes | |
76% | 126 | 1990 | Taylor, Brian: Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc | |
76% | | 1990 | Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust | |
76% | | 1992 | Litvinov, E. M.: Neodnorodnosti vtorogo sloya okeanicheskoy kory Heterogeneity of the second layer of the oceanic crust | |
76% | | 1992 | Austin, J. A., Jr.: ODP and rifted continental margins; past, present and future | |
76% | | 2007 | Brearley, A. J.; Barnes, J. D. et al.: Chrysotile nanotubes; potential host of insoluble chlorine in serpentinized oceanic crust | |
76% | | 1994 | Dick, Henry: ODP looks through tectonic windows | |
76% | | 1999 | Romanowicz, Barbara: Towards permanent ocean bottom geophysical observatories; the conquest of the oceans | |
76% | | 1990 | Cisowski, S. M.; Jarrard, R. et al.: The utilization of formation microscanner (FMS) logs to obtain azimuthal orientations of paleomagnetic samples from western Pacific ODP cores | |
76% | | 1997 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Stein, Carol A. et al.: Synthesis of geothermal data from ODP data legs 101-160 | |
76% | | 1998 | Johnson, H. Paul; Tivey, Maurice A.: A re-evaluation of a contribution to marine magnetic anomalies from lower crustal rocks | |
76% | | 1984 | Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements | |
76% | | 1994 | Lallemand, S. E.: Possible interaction between mantle dynamics and high rates of arc's consumption in East Asia | |
76% | | 1992 | Austin, James A., Jr.: Recent achievements and the future of ODP | |
76% | | 1995 | Housen, Bernard A.; Moskowitz, Bruce M.: Low temperature behavior of pyrrhotite in marine sediments | |
76% | | 1984 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M. (ed.); Neprochnov, Yu. P. (ed.): Stroyeniye dna severo-zapada tikhogo okeana Structure of the Northwest Pacific; geophysics, magmatism and tectonics | |
76% | | 1990 | Brett, Robin: International programs in the solid Earth sciences and the U. S. role | |
76% | | 2006 | Moore, Gregory F.; Mutter, John C.: 3-D seismic reflection imaging workshop 2005; opportunities for IODP site survey collaboration | |
76% | 172 | 2000 | Okada, Makoto: Modeling of mechanically occurred coring-induced remagnetization due to a piston coring process | |
72% | | 1995 | Tectonics Panel white paper | |
72% | | 1986 | Cotterill, Mike: Ultra-deep | |
72% | 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2003 | Shillington, Donna J.; Holbrook, W. Steven et al.: Seismic characterization of crust on the Newfoundland non-volcanic rifted margin; prestack depth migrations of the SCREECH survey around ODP Leg 210 Sites 1276 and 1277 | |
63% | 76 77 79 | 1988 | Sheridan, Robert E.: Most recent drilling results on eastern North American continental margin | |
63% | | 1988 | Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry data | download |
63% | | 1988 | Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridge | download |
63% | | 1994 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Seismic signature of an island arc; a new model of seismic stratigraphy of the Kohistan accreted terrane | |
63% | 109 109-670 | 1994 | Nazarova, Katherine A.: Serpentinized peridotites as a possible source for oceanic magnetic anomalies | |
63% | | 1992 | Coffin, Millard F.: Emplacement and subsidence of Indian Ocean plateaus and submarine ridges | |
63% | 131 | 1992 | Byrne, Tim; Maltman, Alex J. et al.: Evolution of the Nankai Trough deformation front; evidence for pervasive fluid flow and a presently sealed decollement | |
63% | 107 | 1987 | Rehault, J. P.; Moussat, E. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea new multichannel seismic reflexion data (ODP Leg 107 sites survey) | |
63% | | 2000 | Fuller, Mike D.; Ali, Jason R. et al.: ODP sediment records of the geomagnetic field; how important is overprinting and can it be recognized | |
63% | 168 | 2000 | Becker, Keir; Fisher, Andrew T.: Permeability of upper oceanic basement on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge determined with drill-string packer experiments | download |
63% | 21 | 1994 | Lafoy, Y.: The sedimentary basins of the New Caledonia region | |
63% | 30 37 | 1982 | Dunlop, D. J.; Prevot, M. et al.: Oxidation of titanomagnetites in mafic and felsic intrusive rocks | |
63% | | 1996 | Acton, Gary D.; Flood, Peter G.: Palaeomagnetic constraints on the palaeolatitudes of some oceanic terranes in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia | |
63% | 25 | 1974 | Pozzi, J.-P.; Schlich, R. et al.: Effet de compressions uniaxiales sur les aimantations remanentes et induites de basaltes oceaniques (25-eme campagne du Glomar Challenger) Effect of uniaxial compression on the remanent and induced magnetization of oceanic basalts, 25th expedition of the Glomar Challenger | |
63% | 17 | 1974 | Bass, M. N.; Moberly, R. et al.: Volcanic rocks cored in the central Pacific, Leg 17, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
63% | | 1986 | Verosub, Kenneth L.; Steiner, Maureen et al.: Paleomagnetic objectives for the Ocean Drilling Program | |
63% | 22 22-214 | 1999 | Gupta, Anil K.: Latest Pliocene through Holocene paleoceanography of the Eastern Indian Ocean; benthic foraminiferal evidence | |
63% | 179 | 2000 | Berhorst, A.; Flueh, E. R. et al.: First results of a 3-D seismic experiment on the Ninetyeast Ridge | |
63% | 116 | 2000 | Gopala Rao, D.; Krishna, K. S. et al.: Geophysical studies of the intraplate deformation zone, central Indian Ocean | |
63% | 183 | 1998 | Coffin, Millard F.: Heard on the Kerguelen Plateau | |
63% | | 1998 | Ganguly, N.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Heat flow variations from bottom simulating reflectors on the Cascadia Margin | |
63% | 178 | 1998 | Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: High resolution seismic stratigraphy of Palmer Deep; a fault bounded late Quaternary sediment trap on inner continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin | |
63% | 164 | 1998 | Rousseau, V.; Sakai, Akio et al.: Is blanking effect associated with high velocity hydrate bearing sediments above BSR? | |
63% | | 1979 | Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge | |
63% | 164 | 1996 | Holbrook, W. Steven; Hoskins, Hartley et al.: Methane hydrate and free gas on the Blake Ridge from vertical seismic profiling, ODP Leg 164 | |
63% | | 1996 | Wright, Dawn J.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench; results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey | |
63% | 169 | 1996 | Ross, Stephanie L.; Klitgord, Kim D. et al.: New sidescan imagery of NESCA Site at Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge | |
63% | 41 41-368 | 2006 | Patriat, Martin; Labails, Cinthia: Linking the Canary and Cape-Verde hot-spots, northwest Africa | |
63% | | 2006 | Tobin, H.; Kinoshita, M. et al.: NanTroSEIZE; IODP's first complex drilling project | |
63% | | 1989 | Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlantic | download |
63% | 203 203-1243 | 2004 | Zhao, Xixi; Lippert, Peter et al.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results from ODP Leg 203, eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
63% | | 1990 | Bina, M. M.; Henry, B.: Magnetic properties, opaque mineralogy and magnetic anisotropies of serpentinized peridotites from ODP Hole 670A near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
63% | | 1996 | Tamaki, Kensaku: Geological investigations of the Japan Sea carried out by Japan | |
63% | 149 | 1996 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Sawyer, D. S. et al.: Hypotheses for the formation of the ocean-continent transition beneath the Iberia abyssal plain | |
63% | | 1992 | Arculus, Richard J.: Development of arc systems in the western Pacific; results from the 1989-'90 Ocean Drilling Program | |
63% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust | |
63% | 135 135-840 | 1993 | Clift, P. D.; Dixon, J. E.: Ion microprobe analysis applied to volcaniclastic sediments in tracing the geochemical evolution of the Tonga Arc | |
63% | | 1993 | Arculus, R. J.: New concepts of arc volcanism and tectonics from recent Ocean Drilling Program results | |
63% | 149 | 1993 | Sawyer, Dale; Whitmarsh, Robert: ODP begins rifted margin transect | |
63% | | 1995 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Fujimoto, Hiromi et al.: Underway geophysics | |
63% | 112 | 1996 | Schillhorn, T.; Kukowski, N.: 3D modeling mass and heat flow in the Peruvian subduction zone at 9 degrees S | |
63% | | 1996 | Anonymous: 3D seismic reflection studies on the Pacific active continental margin of Costa Rica | |
63% | | 1991 | Ness, Gordon E.; Lyle, Mitchell W. et al.: Marine magnetic anomalies and oceanic crustal isochrons of the Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias | |
63% | 149 | 1995 | Miles, P. R.; Whitmarsh, R. B.: A magnetic anomaly compilation west of Iberia and interpretation of the ocean-continent transition from surface and deep-tow magnetic anomalies | |
63% | 33 | 1990 | Pearce, Julian; Ernewein, Michelle et al.: Geochemical mapping of the central Lau backarc basin, SW Pacific | |
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