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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%2000Wright, James D.: Global climate change in marine stable isotope records
100%2006Howard, M. T.; Kasting, J. F.: Modern hydrothermal systems and the oxygen isotopic evolution of seawater
100%2007Pike, J.; Stickley, C. E.: Diatom records; marine laminated sequences
100%2007Koizumi, I.: Diatom records; Pacific
100%2004Averyt, Kristen: Reconstructing seawater strontium concentrations using marine barite
100%3022007O'Regan, Matthew Aaron: A Cenozoic history of the central Arctic Ocean
100%1987Kerr, Richard A.: Ocean drilling details steps to an icy world
100%1991Hagelberg, T.; Mix, A. C.: Climate; long-term monsoon regulators
100%1996Barker, Peter F.: Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change from margin sediments; the ANTOSTRAT proposals
100%1998Johnson, Leonard: The Nansen Arctic Drilling Program
100%2009Motoi, T.: Sensitivity of ocean mixed-layer features in North Pacific and its marginal seas to paleosalinity
83%1983Mudie, P. J.; Keen, C. E.: Dinoflagellate distribution and Quaternary glacial-interglacial records in the Northwest Atlantic and Baffin Bay
1981Barrett, P. J.: Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica
1988Osterman, Lisa E.: Norwegian Sea benthic foraminifera; faunal comparisons using different sieve sizes
1988Wei, Wuchang; Thierstein, Hans R.: Onset of continental glaciation on East Antarctica as dated by nannoplankton
83%1551994McDaniel, D. K.; McLennan, S. M. et al.: Sediment mixing and recycling in the Amazon River basin as recorded by the geochemistry of muds from the Amazon continental shelf and deep-sea fan
83%1994Kidd, Robert B.; Sykes, Tim J. S. et al.: Sedimentary evolution of the Indian Ocean in response to ocean basin development
1992Osterman, Lisa E.: Early, middle and late glacial paleoceanography of the Norwegian Sea; benthic foraminiferal record
1977Keany, J.: Late Cenozoic Antarctic radiolarian distributions; their paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic implications
83%1987Westall, Frances; Treppke, Ute et al.: Evidence from the South Atlantic for a change in Pleistocene climatic fluctuations near the Brunhes/Matuyana boundary; Polarstern and ODP 114
83%281987Hampton, Monty A.; Kravitz, J. H. et al.: Geology of sediment cores from the George V continental margin, Antarctica
1987Osterman, Lisa E.: Glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the Norwegian Sea
83%1041987Henrich, R.: Glazial/Interglazial Sedimentationszyklen in der Norwegischen See; Palaeozeanographische Interpretation und langfristige Klimatrends - Leg 104, Norwegische See Glacial/interglacial sedimentation cycles in the Norwegian Sea; paleooceanographic interpretation and long-term climatic trends; Leg 104, Norwegian Sea
1994Dudley, Walter C.; Nelson, Campbell S.: The influence of non-equilibrium isotope fractionation on the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil stable isotope signal in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, DSDP Site 594
1994Maslin, M. A.; Haug, G. H. et al.: The origin of the initiation of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation; a new North Pacific Ocean moisture feedback mechanism
83%1081987Bloemendal, Jan: Two applications of rock-magnetic techniques to studies of deep-sea sediments; detailed core-correlation and resolution of the paleoclimatic record
83%381986Thiede, Joern; Diesen, Geir W. et al.: Patterns of Cenozoic sedimentation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
83%1986Hodell, David A.; Elmstrom, Kristin M. et al.: Latest Miocene benthic delta (super 18) O changes, global ice volume, sea level and the "Messinian salinity crisis"
1999Haberle, Simon G.; Maslin, Mark A.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate change in the Amazon Basin based on a 50,000 year pollen record from the Amazon Fan, ODP Site 932
1999Bethoux, Jean-Pierre; Pierre, Catherine: Mediterranean functioning and sapropel formation; respective influences of climate and hydrological changes in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean
83%2000Anonymous: Glaciomarine studies
83%2000Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Guyodo, Yohan et al.: High-resolution Holocene paleomagnetic records from the western Antarctic Peninsula
1992Schrader, Hans: Coastal upwelling and atmospheric CO (sub 2) changes over the last 400,000 years; Peru
1996Okada, Hisatake; Matsuoka, Mariko: Lower-photic nannoflora as an indicator of the late Quaternary monsoonal palaeo-record in the tropical Indian Ocean
1996Dowsett, Harry J.: Mid-Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from ODP Site 704; palaeoceanographical implications
1996Anderson, Carin; Jansen, Eystein: Miocene intermediate water depth benthic foraminifer stable isotope records from ODP Site 982, Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic Ocean
1989Olivarez, Annette Marie: Investigations of the geochemistry of the rare earth elements in the exogenic cycle
83%1501996Deconinck, J. F.: Glacioeustatic control of terrigenous clay mineral fluxes off New Jersey during the Cenozoic (NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
1996Mahood, Albert D.; Barron, John A.: Late Pliocene diatoms in a diatomite from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
83%381979Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
1979Ziemianski, P. W.: Clay mineral changes during intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
2006Warner, J. J.; Schellenberg, S. A.: North Atlantic glacial-interglacial ostracode faunas during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT)
2005Feakins, S. J.; deMenocal, P. B. et al.: Orbital-scale vegetation variability in northeast Africa
83%2002Zahn, Rainer: Milankovitch and climate; the orbital code of climate change
83%1978Harper, H.; Barron, J.: The Messinian event in the North Pacific deep-sea
1993Cramp, A.; Follmi, K. et al.: Late Quaternary cyclic sedimentation in the Sea of Japan
83%1331993Barton, C. E.; Peerdeman, F. M. et al.: Magnetic record of Quaternary change near the Great Barrier Reef (ODP Leg 133)
83%1041993Poole, David A. R.; Vorren, Tore O.: Miocene to Quaternary paleoenvironments and uplift history on the mid Norwegian shelf
83%1191990Solheim, Anders: Geotechnical properties of glacigenic sediments, based on results from ODP Leg 119 in Prydz Bay
1994Tarduno, John A.: Glacial-interglacial changes in magnetic dissolution linked to paleoproductivity; testing the hypothesis
1993Butch, Jennifer; Lumsden, David N.: Dolomite in late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of the Santa Barbara Channel; ODP Leg 146, Site 893
1993Schnitker, Detmar: Ecostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 625B and four Eureka holes from the Gulf of Mexico
1993Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Lazarus, Dave et al.: Evolution and migration of the Globorotalia crassaformis-Tosaensis-Truncatulinoides; stratigraphic and morphometric data
1993Barron, John A.; Mahood, Albert D.: Exceptionally well-preserved early Oligocene diatoms from glacial sediments of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
1993Behl, R. J.: Glacial-interglacial changes in sedimentation in the late Quaternary Santa Barbara Basin, ODP Site 893
1981Barrett, P. J.; Mckelvey, B. C.: Cenozoic glacial and tectonic history of the Transantarctic Mountains in the McMurdo Sound region; recent progress from drilling and related studies
1998Dowsett, Harry J.; Litwin, Ronald J. et al.: Millennial scale climate variability during the last interglacial from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 and Owens Lake California
83%1981Rea, David K.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Eolian deposition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific, a 450,000 record of the trade winds
83%1171991Spaulding, Stacia Anne: Neogene and Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 117; biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic synthesis of the northwestern Arabian Sea
1995Haug, G. H.; Maslin, M. A. et al.: Evolution of Northwest Pacific paleotemperature and sedimentation patterns since 6 Ma; ODP Site 882, Leg 145
83%1551996Mikkelsen, N.; Maslin, M.: The late Quaternary history of the western Equatorial Atlantic; dynamics of the Amazon Fan complex
83%1990Brunner, Charlotte A.; Rahman, A. et al.: Major climatic changes in surface waters of the Japan Sea since the early middle Miocene
1984Start, G. G.; Prell, Warren L.: Evidence for two Pleistocene climatic modes; data from DSDP Site 502
83%1551995Nanayama, Futoshi: Growth pattern of the Amazon deep-sea fan by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes; results of the ODP Leg 155
83%1551995Mikkelsen, Naja: High resolution biostratigraphy of the Amazon Fan
83%1191990Hambrey, Michael J.; Ehrmann, Werner U. et al.: The Cenozoic glacial record of the Prydz Bay continental shelf, East Antarctica
1994Israelson, C.; Spezzaferri, S. et al.: Sr isotope dating of Cenozoic climate development as recorded in ODP Site 918, East Greenland
1989Belyaeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Some aspects of east equatorial Indian Ocean's Pleistocene paleocirculation (based on foraminifera)
1991Belyayeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Paleohydrology of the Indian Ocean in the Pleistocene as indicated by foraminifera in DSDP drillhole No. 214
83%2003Lazarus, David: Evolution of Cenozoic Antarctic plankton biotas
83%1131987Kennett, James P.; Barker, P.: Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of Antarctica; overview from ODP Leg 113
83%1171995Gunatilaka, Ana: Paleoclimatic framework of alluvial fans in northern Oman
1995Osterman, Lisa E.: Pliocene and Quaternary benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 910, Yermak Plateau, Svalbard
1995Clark, Murlene W.: Pliocene watermass changes in the abyssal Caribbean
83%1980Biddle, K. B.: Glacial marine sedimentation in the Ross Sea, DSDP sites 270-273
83%1771999Zielinski, Ulrich; Gersonde, Rainer: Plio-Pleistocene diatom stratigraphy and its significance for Southern Ocean paleoceanography (ODP Leg 177)
83%1996Austin, J. A., Jr.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Deciphering the sea-level history of the icehouse; continuation of the New Jersey transect
83%1996Lagoe, Martin B.; Zellers, Sarah D.: Depositional and microfaunal response to Pliocene climate change and tectonics in the eastern Gulf of Alaska
83%1996Meggers, H.; Baumann, K. H. et al.: Environmental changes in the northern Atlantic/Norwegian-Greenland Sea; evidence from Plio/Pleistocene calcareous plankton records
83%1501996Browning, James Van Buren: Eocene sequences and benthic foraminiferal biofacies on the New Jersey coastal plain; implications for global sea-level change
83%1381996Desmet, M.; Bernasconi, Stefano M. et al.: Evidence for enhanced primary fluxes during Mid-Brunhes event in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (Leg 138)
83%1996Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Evidence for glacial control of rapid sea level changes in the Early Cretaceous
83%1989Reymer, John J. G.; Haak, Alfred B. et al.: Calciturbidite composition, a sea-level indicator
83%1996Opdyke, Bradley C.; Bird, Michael: Possible ODP target; Scott Plateau, far eastern Indian Ocean
83%1995Farrell, J. W.; Pedersen, T. F. et al.: Glacial-interglacial changes in nutrient utilization in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
1995Patterson, D. B.; Farley, K. A.: Glacial-interglacial variations in the flux of extraterrestrial 3He to the seafloor
83%1041990Hoelemann, J.; Henrich, R. et al.: Organische Substanzen in den Kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104) Organic substances in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea, Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104
2003Cooper, Alan K.; O'Brien, Philip E.: ODP drilling in Prydz Bay; clues to East Antarctic Cenozoic glacial transitions
83%2004Hayward, Bruce W.; Kawagata, Shungo: Early-middle Pleistocene extinction of deep-sea benthic Foraminifera
83%2007Koc, N.: Diatom records; North Atlantic and Arctic
2007Dawber, C.; Tripati, A.: Evidence for early Cenozoic glaciation from a record of seawater delta (super 18) O at ODP Site 1209; exploring the paradigm of an "ice-free" middle Eocene
83%1992010Wilson, P. A.; Palike, Heiko et al.: New records of the Eocene/Oligocene transition from the IODP Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT)
83%3022010St. John, K. K.; Passchier, S. et al.: Paleoenvironmental interpretation of quartz surface textures, from the middle Eocene central Arctic IRD record
83%2007de Garidel-Thoron, T.: Paleoceanography, records; early Pleistocene
83%2008Pekar, Stephen F.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas: Resolving apparent conflicts between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records and evidence for a decrease in pCO (sub 2) during the Oligocene through early Miocene (34-16 Ma)
2008Karas, C.; Nuernberg, D. et al.: The rapid constriction of the Indonesian Gateway across 3.4-3 Ma as a main contributing factor for global climate change
2001Latimer, Jennifer: Phosphorus and metal biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean
1988Osterman, L. E.: Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Site 643 in the Norwegian Sea
2004Joseph, L. H.: Sedimentary characteristics through glacial/interglacial transitions at ODP Site 1233
83%2008Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Atlantic overturning responses to late Pleistocene climate forcings

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