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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1999Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou et al.: Application of geophysical well-logging in global change analysis
85%1991Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J. et al.: The record of global change in circum-Antarctic marine sediments
2002Zhu Zhaoyu; Qiu Yan et al.: A summary and review of research progress on global change in the South China Sea
58%1451995Rea, David K.; Prueher, Libby M.: Volcanic activity and global change; probable short-term and possible long-term linkages
58%1994Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change
1993Huber, B. T.; Hodell, D. A.: Early Campanian warming maximum during the last 35 m.y. of the Cretaceous period
58%1993Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates, geological perspective and global changedownload
58%1992Leinen, Margaret S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; progress in procuring records of past global change and understanding of major paleoceanographic trends and events
58%2001Boulton, Geoffrey S.: The Earth system and the challenge of global change
49%1994Raymo, M. E.: The Himalayas, organic carbon burial, and climate in the Miocenedownload
49%2000Wright, James D.: Global climate change in marine stable isotope records
49%1990Rea, David K.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Global change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary; climatic and evolutionary consequences of tectonic events
49%1995Baumann, K. H.; Meggers, H. et al.: Environmental changes in the North Atlantic during the last 3.0 Ma; evidence from calcareous plankton records
49%1995Thiede, J.: Onset and early variability of Northern Hemisphere Cenozoic glaciations
49%1995Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Brenner, W. et al.: Cenozoic biochronostratigraphy of DSDP/ODP sites in the Atlantic Ocean
49%1990Chepstow-Lusty, Alex; Backman, Jan et al.: Palaeoclimatic control of upper Pliocene discoaster assemblages in the North Atlantic
49%2003Lear, Carrie; Elderfield, Harry et al.: Fossil thermometers for Earth's climate
49%2003Ravelo, Ana C.: Ocean Drilling Program records of the last five million years; a view of the ocean and climate system during a warm period and a major climate transition
49%2004Coffin, Millard: Earth, oceans and life; the new integrated Ocean Drilling Program
49%1999Dickens, Gerald R.: The blast in the past
49%2010Fox, Douglas: Could East Antarctica be headed for big melt?
49%1999Kerr, Richard A.: A smoking gun for an ancient methane discharge
49%1999Flower, Benjamin P.: Warming without high CO (sub 2) ?
49%1998Weart, Spencer R.: Climate change, since 1940
49%1997Zhou Zuyi; Lao Qiuyuan: Scientific ocean drilling and the research on global climate change
49%2008Ravelo, A. C.: Lessons from the Pliocene Warm Period and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation
49%1993Krumenaker, Larry: Works in progress; under the boardwalk
49%2011Welsh, Kevin: From greenhouse to icehouse
1996Liu Tungsheng: Geological environments in China and global change
1993Dickens, Gerald R.; Owen, Robert M.: Global change and manganese deposition at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary
2003Huang Zhenguo; Zhang Weiqiang et al.: Response of Quaternary climate to the global change in China's tropics
1999Ashley, Gail M.: Methods, potential and limitations for tracing abrupt climate change in clastic environments
1990Gard, G.; Crux, Jason A.: Comparisons of late Quaternary climatic development between the Arctic and Antarctic through calcareous nannofossils
1998Mudie, Peta J.: Holocene record of dinoflagellate paleoproductivity and red tides; ODP Site 1034B, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
41%381992van Hinte, Jan E.: A Mediterranean moisture motor of global climate change
41%1996Barron, John A.; Cronin, Thomas M. et al.: Middle Pliocene paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere
41%1996Dowsett, Harry J.; Barron, John A. et al.: Middle Pliocene sea surface temperatures: a global reconstruction
41%1331996McKenzie, J. A.; Isern, A.: Influence of late Neogene paleoceanography on carbonate platform development; the NE Australian margin archetype
41%1998Anonymous: Massive ocean current may provide clues to global warming
2005Naish, T. R.: New Zealand's shallow marine record of Pliocene-Pleistocene global sea-level and climate change
1995Grover, Rochelle; O'Connell, Suzanne: Arctic-Atlantic Miocene sediment history from Fram Strait; ODP Site 909
41%1381993Hovan, S. A.; Rea, D. K.: Late Neogene atmospheric circulation intensity and climate history recorded by eolian deposition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific, ODP Leg 138
1993Hodell, David A.: Late Pleistocene paleoceanography of the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program Hole 704Adownload
1993Martinez, J. I.: Organic matter flux as a control on foraminiferal fragmentation in SW Pacific deep-sea cores during the Brunhes Chron
41%1511995Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Hird, R. et al.: The northernmost ODP drillsites; onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 7.0 Ma; first sedimentological results (Leg 151 NAAG)
41%1993Jenkins, D. Graham: Cenozoic southern mid and high latitude biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera
1993Tada, Ryuji: Dynamic response of the Japan Sea to glacial-interglacial cycles during late Quaternary
1993Siesser, W. G.: Eocene-Oligocene productivity on the Exmouth Plateau, northwestern Australia
1993de Menocal, Peter B.: High- and low-latitude influences on African terrestrial climate; Pleistocene eolian records from Equatorial Atlantic ODP Site 663
41%1998Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific
1995Haug, G. H.; Maslin, M. A. et al.: Evolution of Northwest Pacific paleotemperature and sedimentation patterns since 6 Ma; ODP Site 882, Leg 145
1995Diester-Haass, L.; Thomas, E. et al.: Evolution of paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry in the Southern Ocean; Eocene-Oligocene record of benthic fauna and stable isotopes at ODP Site 689
1992Pisias, N.: Understanding global climate change and its response to changes in the distribution of solar insolation; the role of the Ocean Drilling Program
1993Yasuda, M. K.; Berger, W. H.: Preservation of Foraminifera in the western Equatorial Pacific; the Quaternary record
1997Hammond, D. E.; Stott, L.: Box model simulation of carbon isotope signals near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary; effects of methane oxidation, ocean mixing, and productivity
1997Dickens, G. R.: Catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrate and deep sea methane oxidation at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
41%1411995Spiegler, D.; Schoenfeld, J. et al.: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology off southern Chile; results of ODP Leg 141
41%1081995Knaack, J. J.; Pflaumann, U. et al.: Paleoproductivity estimates from the subtropical and tropical Atlantic based on diatom assemblages
41%1491995Milkert, D.; Weaver, P. P. E.: Pleistocene and Pliocene sedimentation on the Iberia abyssal plain; results of ODP Leg 149
41%1511995Stax, R.; Stein, R.: Organic carbon and biomarker at North Atlantic gateways sites (ODP-Leg 151); a 25 million years old record of paleoenvironment in high northern latitudes
1996Erba, E.; Larson, R. L.: Death in the tropics; Cretaceous and Paleogene atolls in the Pacific Ocean
1996Erba, E.: Plate motions and biosphere emotions; Cretaceous deep and shallow water carbonates from the Pacific Ocean
1990Malmgren, Kathryn A.; Funnell, Brian M.: Benthic foraminifera from middle to late Pleistocene, coastal upwelling sediments of ODP Hole 686B, Pacific Ocean, off Peru
41%1992Barker, Peter F.: The sedimentary record of Antarctic climate change
41%2006Sternbach, Linda; Osten, Bill et al.: Deep sea sediment cores reveal geological evidence of long-term global climate change
41%171B2006Sternbach, Linda; Osten, Bill: Deep sea sediment cores reveal geological evidence of long-term global climate change; Part 2
2007Dekens, Petra Simonne: Characterizing upwelling regions and the Indo-Pacific warm pool in the early Pliocene warm period
41%2004Smolka, Peter Paul: Warm climates; origin of the ice-ages
41%1998Abreu, Vitor dos Santos: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins; Pelotas Basin (Brazil) and offshore Namibia (Africa); implication for global sea level changes
1994Erba, Elisabetta: Nannofossils and superplumes; the early Aptian "nannoconid crisis"download
41%2006Ravelo, Ana Christina: Walker circulation and global warming; lessons from the geologic past
41%2000Thomas, Ellen; Zachos, James C. et al.: Deep-sea environments on a warm Earth; latest Paleocene-early Eocene
2009Lyman, J.; Norris, R.: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum not a transient event for North Atlantic
1994Harwood, D. M.; Winter, D. M. et al.: Climatic implications for the absence of early Pliocene Antarctic sea-ice; a discussion
41%1892002Exon, N. F.; Hill, Peter J.: Paleogene tectonics and the sediments deposited as Australia and Antarctica separated; ODP Leg 189
41%1621998McManus, Jerry F.; Oppo, Delia W. et al.: Comparison of long climate records from cores recovered by deep drilling on Antarctica and in the North Atlantic
2006Siira, T.; Junttila, J.: Clay minerals in Neogene sediments off Prydz Bay (Site 1165), Antarctica; implications for Middle Miocene and Middle Pliocene glacial evolution
41%1997Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou: The Ocean Drilling Program and logging geology
41%1997Ruddiman, William F.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: The uplift-climate connection; a synthesis
41%1331992Davies, Peter J.; McKenzie, Judith A.: Leg 133 drilling off Northeast Australia
41%2006Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Souch, Catherine: Rapid climate change and climate surprises; a look back and ahead
41%2002Levy, Richard H.; Harwood, David M. et al.: The development of an integrated timescale to connect Antarctic glacial and climatic history with global proxy records
41%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
2002Bernasconi, S. M.; Andres, M. S. et al.: 850,000-year record of sea-level fluctuations and margin evolution from Great Australian Bight, Site 1127, ODP Leg 182
2002Tedford, R. A.; Kelly, D. C.: A revised chronology for the late Miocene carbon isotope shift (ODP Site 1172B); a stable isotopic and sedimentologic investigation
41%2002Barrett, Peter J.: Antarctic climate evolution; the next step
41%1812004Carter, Bob; McCave, Nick et al.: Some key climatic and oceanographic results from ODP Leg 181, Southwest Pacific Ocean
41%171B1999Erbacher, Jochen; Hemleben, Christoph et al.: Correlating environmental changes during early Albian oceanic anoxic event 1B using benthic foraminiferal paleoecology
41%1852000Pletsch, T.; Urbat, M. et al.: Veraenderung globaler Umweltfaktoren und Zyklizitaet in Tiefsee-Sedimenten des westlichen Pazifik von der Kreide bis heute Changes in global environmental factors and cyclicity of deep-sea sedimentation of the West Pacific from the Cretaceous to the present
2005Iwai, M.: Diatom implications of the Neogene Antarctic glacial history; ODP Leg 178 Site 1095, Antarctic Peninsula
41%1982002Brill, Amanda; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Evidence for carbonate compensation depth shoaling at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198
41%2004Thiede, Joern: The geologic history of the Arctic and the Antarctic/Southern Ocean systems; gigantic challenges for the earth system explorers
2005Tripati, A.; Backman, J. et al.: New results from ODP and IODP on the greenhouse-icehouse transition; evidence for early (Eocene) bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes
1993Spero, H. J.; Kincaid, E. et al.: Absolute seasonal paleotemperatures and the delta (super 13) C of seawater from stable isotope analyses of individual planktonic Foraminifera
41%1501993Miller, K. G.; Mountain, G. S.: Ages of icehouse sequences on the New Jersey margin; preliminary results of ODP Leg 150 and the Coastal Plain Drilling Project
41%2009Hodell, D. A.; Minth, E. K. et al.: Coupled surface and deep water changes in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last interglacial
2004Whittaker, Joanne; Mueller, Dietmar et al.: From mantle convection to climate change; a multidisciplinary analysis of the sedimentary and igneous history of the Adare Trough area, Antarctica
2002Showstack, Randy: Ocean drilling program investigates Hydrate Ridge
2008Knies, Jochen; Gaina, Carmen: Middle Miocene ice sheet expansion in the Arctic; views from the Barents Seadownload
41%1331995Betzler, C.; Brachert, T. C. et al.: Record of climatic change in neritic carbonates; examples of turnovers in Cenozoic depositional systems

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