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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1976 | Kirkpatrick, R. J.: Measurement and calculation of crystal growth rates in silicate systems | |
87% | | 1993 | Grammer, G. Michael; Ginsburg, Robert N. et al.: Rapid growth rates of syndepositional marine aragonite cements in steep marginal slope deposits, Bahamas and Belize | |
81% | | 1975 | Donaldson, Colin H.: Calculated diffusion coefficients and the growth rate of olivine in a basalt magma | |
74% | 310 | 2012 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Seard, Claire et al.: Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level | |
71% | 310 | 2008 | Hoffmann, J.; Koelling, M. et al.: The impact of freshwater geochemistry on reef growth and reef alteration | |
71% | | 1996 | Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: The role of sea-surface temperature as a control on carbonate platform development in the western Coral Sea | |
57% | 16 16-157 85 85-573 | 1989 | Fenster, Eugene J.; Sorhannus, Ulf et al.: Patterns of morphological change in the Neogene diatom Nitzschia jouseae Burckle | |
57% | 190 190-1175 190-1176 190-1177 196 | 2004 | Fergusson, Chris: Ocean drilling in the Nankai Trough; sandstone compositions, subduction zone tectonics and implications for orogenic belts | |
57% | 108 108-664 130 130-806 | 2007 | Ni, Yunyan; Foster, Gavin L. et al.: A core top assessment of proxies for the ocean carbonate system in surface-dwelling foraminifers | download |
57% | 72 72-516 122 122-762 | 1999 | Stoll, Heather; Schrag, Daniel: Coccolith Sr/Ca as an indicator of marine paleoproductivity | |
57% | 72 72-516 | 2000 | Pagani, Mark; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Variations in Miocene phytoplankton growth rates in the Southwest Atlantic; evidence for changes in ocean circulation | download |
57% | 73 73-519 | 1997 | Shen Chengde: (super 10) Be in deep-sea sediments | |
50% | 143 144 | 2008 | Grigg, Richard W.: The Darwin Point; a conceptual and historical review | |
50% | | 1999 | Malone, Mitchell J.; Baker, Paul A.: Temperature dependence of the strontium distribution coefficient in calcite; an experimental study from 408 degrees to 2008 degrees C and application to natural diagenetic calcites | |
50% | 208 208-1264 208-1265 | 2006 | Smart, Christopher W.; Thomas, Ellen: The enigma of early Miocene biserial planktic Foraminifera | |
43% | 146 146-893 202 202-1233 | 2011 | Verleye, Thomas J.; Pospelova, Vera et al.: The geographical distribution and (palaeo)ecology of Selenopemphix undulata sp. nov., a new late Quaternary dinoflagellate cyst from the Pacific Ocean | |
43% | 48 48-401 | 2012 | Yamaguchi, Tatsuhiko; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Dwarfing of ostracodes during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum at DSDP Site 401 (Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic) and its implication for changes in organic carbon cycle in deep-sea benthic ecosystem | |
36% | 30 30-289 90 90-588 94 94-608 120 120-747 121 121-758 154 154-926 | 2005 | Ahmad, S. M.; Dayal, A. M. et al.: Changes in seawater (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr curve during early Miocene to early late Miocene; implications of ODP Site 758A record | |
36% | 307 307-U1316 307-U1317 307-U1318 | 2007 | Kano, Akihiro; Ferdelman, Timothy G. et al.: Age constraints on the origin and growth history of a deep-water coral mound in the Northeast Atlantic drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 307 | |
36% | 181 181-1121 | 2008 | Graham, Ian; Wright, Ian: A ferromanganese nodule resource within New Zealand's EEZ | |
35% | 15 15-154 | 1973 | Olsson, Richard K.: Growth studies on Globorotalia exilis Blow and Globorotalia pertenuis Beard in the Site 154A section, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
30% | 106 106-648 109 109-648 | 1990 | Meyer, Peter S.; Shibata, Tsugio: Complex zoning in plagioclase feldspars from ODP Site 648 | download |
29% | 104 104-642 104-642E | 1989 | Schoenharting, Guenther; Abrahamsen, Niels: Paleomagnetism of the volcanic sequence in Hole 642E, ODP Leg 104, Voring Plateau, and correlation with early Tertiary basalts in the North Atlantic | download |
29% | 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 2000 | Wellsbury, Peter; Goodman, Kim et al.: The geomicrobiology of deep marine sediments from Blake Ridge containing methane hydrate (sites 994, 995, and 997) | |
28% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Bloomer, Sherman H.; Meyer, Peter S. et al.: Texture and mineralogic variations in gabbroic rocks from Hole 735B | download |
21% | 108 | 1989 | Ruddiman, William F.; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Introduction | download |
20% | 106 106-648 106-648B 109 109-648 109-648B | 1990 | Grove, Timothy L.: Cooling histories of lavas from Serocki Volcano | download |
20% | 106 106-648 106-649 109 109-648 109-669 109-670 | 1990 | Detrick, Robert S.; Honnorez, Jose et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; covering Legs 106 and 109 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John, Newfoundland to Malaga, Spain, sites 648-649, 27 October 1985-26 December 1985; Dakar, Senegal, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 395, 648, 669, and 670, 17 April 1986-19 June 1986 | download |
18% | 90 90-593 | 1986 | Hess, Jennifer; Schilling, Jean-Guy: (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr ratios of planktonic foraminifers and interstitial waters, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 90, Site 593 | download |
18% | 83 | 1985 | Kempton, Pamela D.: An interpretation of contrasting nucleation and growth histories from the petrographic analysis of pillow and dike chilled margins, Hole 504B, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 83 | download |
15% | 112 | 1990 | Cragg, B. A.; Parkes, R. J. et al.: Bacterial biomass and activity profiles within deep sediment layers | download |
15% | 198 198-1209 198-1210 198-1211 | 2006 | Westerhold, Thomas; Roehl, Ursula: Revised composite depth records for Shatsky Rise Sites 1209, 1210, and 1211 | download |
15% | 114 114-699 114-701 114-704 | 1991 | Warnke, Detlef A.; Allen, Carl P.: Ice rafting, glacial-marine sediments, and siliceous oozes; South Atlantic/subantarctic ocean | download |
15% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Johnson, Kevin T. M.: REE and trace element composition of clinopyroxene megacrysts, xenocrysts, and phenocrysts in two diabase dikes from Leg 140, Hole 504B | download |
14% | 42 | 1978 | King, J. D.; White, D. C.: Muramic acid as a measure of microbial biomass in Black Sea sediments | download |
14% | 160 160-969 | 1998 | Cragg, B. A.; Law, K. M. et al.: The response of bacterial populations to sapropels in deep sediments of the eastern Mediterranean (Site 969) | download |
14% | 51 52 53 | 1980 | Bollinger, C.; Semet, M.: Chemical zonation of plagioclase phenocrysts from Leg 51, 52 and 53 basalts | download |
14% | 209 209-1269 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Site 1269 | download |
13% | 185 | 1998 | Plank, Terry; Ludden, John N. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 185 scientific prospectus; Izu-Mariana margin | download |
13% | 11 | 1972 | Paulus, F. J.: The Geology of Site 98 and the Bahama Platform | download |
13% | 112 | 1990 | Garrison, Robert E.; Kastner, Miriam: Phosphatic sediments and rocks recovered from the Peru margin during ODP Leg 112 | download |
13% | 20 20-200 20-202 | 1973 | Hesse, Reinhard: Diagenesis of a seamount oolite from the West Pacific, Leg 20, DSDP | download |
13% | 115 115-706 115-707 115-708 115-709 115-710 115-711 115-712 115-713 115-716 | 1990 | Liu, Y. G.; Schmitt, R. A.: Cerium anomalies in western Indian Ocean Cenozoic carbonates, Leg 115 | download |
13% | 168 168-1026 168-1027 | 2000 | Mather, I. D.; Parkes, R. J.: Bacterial profiles in sediments of the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, sites 1026 and 1027 | download |
13% | 185 185-1149 | 2006 | Cragg, Barry A.; Wellsbury, Peter et al.: Bacterial populations in deepwater low-sedimentation-rate marine sediments and evidence for subsurface bacterial manganese reduction (ODP Site 1149, Izu-Bonin Trench) | download |
12% | 144 | 1995 | Larson, Roger L.; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Stratigraphic, vertical subsidence, and paleolatitude histories of Leg 144 guyots | download |
12% | 144 | 1995 | Bogdanov, Yuri A.; Bogdanova, Olga Y. et al.: Composition of ferromanganese crusts and nodules at northwestern Pacific guyots and geological and paleoceanographic considerations | download |
12% | 191 191-1179 206 206-1256 301 301-U1301 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 327 327-U1301 335 335-1256 | 2011 | Vils, Flurin; Elliott, T. et al.: Molybdenum isotopes in the altered oceanic crust, a novel proxy for recycling? | download |
11% | 177 177-1089 | 2011 | Anderson, Robert F.; Fleisher, Martin Q.: Deep ocean carbonate chemistry on millennial to Milankovitch time scales | download |
11% | 324 324-U1349 | 2011 | Almeev, R.; Portnyagin, M. et al.: Highly depleted melt inclusions in olivine from Shatsky Rise | download |
11% | 209 209-1271 | 2011 | Abe, Natsue: Rutile included in the podiform chromitite from ocean floor at MAR 15 degrees 20'N FZ, Site 1271, ODP Leg 209 | download |
11% | 160 160-967 | 2011 | Azrieli, Irit; Matthews, A. et al.: Low molybdenum isotope compositions in euxinic sapropel S1 | download |
11% | | 2011 | Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfate | download |
11% | 201 | 2006 | Jorgensen, Bo B.; D'Hondt, Steven L. et al.: Leg 201 synthesis; controls on microbial communities in deeply buried sediments | download |
11% | 54 | 1980 | Rateev, M. A.; Timofeev, P. P. et al.: Minerals of the clay fraction in Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the East Equatorial Pacific | download |
11% | 201 201-1230 | 2006 | Biddle, Jennifer F.; House, Christopher H. et al.: Enrichment and cultivation of microorganisms from sediment from the slope of the Peru Trench (ODP Site 1230) | download |
11% | 142 142-864 | 1995 | Bach, Wolfgang; Erzinger, Joerg: Volatile components in basalts and basaltic glasses from the EPR at 9 degrees 30'N | download |
11% | 124 | 1991 | Silver, Eli A.; Rangin, Claude: Development of the Celebes Basin in the context of western Pacific marginal basin history | download |
11% | 113 | 1993 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Davies, Peter J.: Cenozoic evolution of carbonate platforms on the northeastern Australian margin; synthesis of Leg 133 drilling results | download |
11% | 108 108-661 | 1989 | Stein, Ruediger; Faugeres, Jean-Claude: Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary sediments at Site 661 (eastern equatorial Atlantic) and their paleoenvironmental significance | download |
11% | 133 133-820 | 1993 | Peerdeman, F. M.; Davies, P. J.: Sedimentological response of an outer-shelf, upper-slope sequence to rapid changes in Pleistocene eustatic sea level; Hole 820A, northeastern Australian margin | download |
11% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1995 | Ingram, B. Lynn: Ichthyolith strontium isotopic stratigraphy of deep-sea clays; sites 885 and 886 (North Pacific Transect) | download |
11% | 122 | 1992 | De Carlo, Eric H.; Exon, Neville F.: Ferromanganese deposits from the Wombat Plateau, Northwest Australia | download |
11% | 155 155-932 | 1997 | Goni, Miguel A.: Record of terrestrial organic matter composition in Amazon Fan sediments | download |
11% | 160 160-971 | 1998 | Pearce, Richard B.; Kemp, Alan E. S. et al.: A lamina-scale, SEM-based study of a late Quaternary diatom-ooze sapropel from the Mediterranean Ridge, Site 971 | download |
10% | 105 105-645 105-646 105-647 | 1989 | Macko, Stephen A.: Stable isotope organic geochemistry of sediments from the Labrador Sea (sites 646 and 647) and Baffin Bay Site 645), ODP Leg 105 | download |
10% | 74 74-525 74-527 74-528 74-529 | 1984 | Simon, M.; Schmincke, H. U.: Late Cretaceous volcaniclastic rocks from the Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic, Leg 74 | download |
10% | 324 324-U1347 | 2011 | Husen, A.; Almeev, R. et al.: Geothermobarometry of basaltic glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau | download |
10% | 323 323-U1345 | 2011 | Huh, Youngsook; Soyol-Erdene, Tseren-Ochir: Rare earth elements in pore waters of the Bering Sea sediments | download |
9% | 208 208-1266 | 2004 | Zachos, James C.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Site 1266 | download |
9% | 208 208-1264 | 2004 | Zachos, James C.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Site 1264 | download |
9% | 31 31-290 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 290 | download |
9% | 170 | 1996 | Kimura, Gaku; Silver, Eli et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; Costa Rica accretionary wedge | download |
9% | 64 64-474 64-479 | 1982 | Kelts, Kerry R.; McKenzie, Judith A.: Diagenetic dolomite formation in Quaternary anoxic diatomaceous muds of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64, Gulf of California | download |
9% | 133 | 1991 | Davies, Peter J.; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Introduction | download |
9% | 133 133-820 | 1993 | Feary, David A.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Sedimentology and downhole log analysis of Site 820, central Great Barrier Reef outer shelf; the factors controlling Pleistocene progradational and aggradational seismic geometry | download |
9% | 54 | 1980 | Thompson, R. N.; Humphris, Susan E.: Silicate mineralogy of basalts from the East Pacific Rise, OCP Ridge, and Siqueiros fracture zone; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
9% | 34 | 1976 | Bass, M. N.: Rare and unusual minerals and fossils(?) in sediments of Leg 34 | download |
9% | 117 117-723 | 2011 | Bassinot, Franck C.; Marzin, Charline et al.: Holocene evolution of summer winds and marine productivity in the tropical Indian Ocean in response to insolation forcing; data-model comparison | download |
8% | 208 208-1267 | 2004 | Zachos, James C.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Site 1267 | download |
7% | 166 166-1003 166-1006 | 2000 | Rendle, Rebecca H.; Reijmer, John J. G. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pleistocene to Holocene on the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank | download |
7% | 125 195 195-1200 | 2006 | Fryer, Patricia B.; Salisbury, Matthew H.: Leg 195 synthesis; Site 1200; serpentinite seamounts of the Izu-Bonin/Mariana convergent plate margin, ODP Leg 125 and 195 drilling results | download |
7% | 144 144-874 144-877 | 1995 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Arnaud-Vanneau, Annie et al.: Anatomy and evolution of the inner perimeter ridge (sites 874 and 877) of a Campanian-Maastrichtian atoll-like structure (Wodejebato Guyot, Marshall Islands) | download |
7% | 144 | 1995 | Bergersen, Douglas D.: Physiography and architecture of Marshall Islands guyots drilled during Leg 144; geophysical constraints of platform development | download |
7% | 184 184-1145 | 2000 | Wang Pinxian; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Site 1145 | download |
7% | 175 175-1084 | 2011 | Reisberg, L.; Blamart, D. et al.: The Os isotopic record of organic rich sediments from the Benguela upwelling system, Namibia | download |
7% | 207 | 2008 | Arndt, Sandra: Biogeochemical transformations and fluxes in redox-stratified environments; from the shallow coastal ocean to the deep subsurface | download |
6% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Schrader, H. J.: Quaternary through Neogene history of the Black Sea; deduced from the paleoecology of diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians, and chrysomonads | download |
6% | 194 | 2001 | Isern, Alexandra R.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: Leg 194 summary | download |
6% | 208 208-1265 | 2004 | Zachos, James C.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Site 1265 | download |
6% | 179 179-1105 | 2007 | Thy, Peter: Igneous petrology of gabbros from Hole 1105A; oceanic magma chamber processes | download |
6% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Naslund, H. R.: Grain-size, morphological, and compositional variations in igneous silicates in medium-grained diabase from Hole 504B | download |
6% | 158 | 1998 | Hannington, Mark D.; Galley, Alan G. et al.: Comparison of the TAG mound and stockwork complex with cyprus-type massive sulfide deposits | download |
6% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Sites 885/886 | download |
5% | 108 108-660 | 1988 | Ruddiman, William; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Site 660 | download |
5% | 42 42-372 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Montadert, L. et al.: Site 372; Menorca Rise | download |
5% | 162 162-982 | 1996 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Site 982 | download |
5% | 112 112-679 112-680 112-681 112-682 112-683 112-684 112-685 112-686 112-687 112-688 | 1990 | Suess, Erwin; von Huene, Roland et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Peru continental margin; covering Leg 112 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Callao, Peru to Valparaiso, Chile, sites 679-688, 20 October 1986-25 December 1986 | download |
5% | 202 | 2003 | Mix, Alan C.; Tiedemann, Ralf et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
5% | 143 | 1995 | Winterer, Edward L.; van Waasbergen, Robert et al.: Karst morphology and diagenesis of the top of Albian limestone platforms, Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
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