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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2006 | Yun, Tae Sup; Narsilio, Guillermo A. et al.: Instrumented pressure testing chamber for characterizing sediment cores recovered at in situ hydrostatic pressure | download |
88% | 65 | 1988 | Cann, J. R.; Strens, M. R. et al.: ODP drilling of black smoker vent fields; physical constraints on observations | |
88% | 146 | 1994 | Tobin, H. J.; Moore, J. C. et al.: Seismic velocity at an indicator of high fluid pressure in thrust faults of the Oregon accretionary prism; laboratory and modeling results | |
88% | 131 | 1991 | Zhang, Jiaxiang: Mechanical compaction and the brittle-ductile transition in porous rocks; geological implications for accretionary wedge aseismicity | |
88% | 146 146-892 | 1994 | Screaton, E. J.; Carson, B. et al.: Hydrogeologic characteristics of ODP sealed borehole 892; discrepancy between shipboard- and submersible-based tests | |
88% | | 2003 | Hashimoto, Yoshita: Fluid origin and its over-pressure ratio estimated from mineral veins in an ancient accretionary complex; constraints from fluid inclusion analysis | |
88% | 190 | 2003 | Tobin, Harold J.; Saffer, Demian: Fluid pressure in the shallow plate interface at the Nankai Trough subduction zone | |
88% | 148 148-896 | 1994 | Dilek, Y.; Harper, G. D.: Subseafloor brecciation in ocean layer 2A; evidence from oceanic crust and ophiolites | |
88% | 161 | 1998 | Revil, A.; Cathles, L. M. et al.: Fluid overpressures in western Mediterranean sediments | |
88% | 146 146-891 | 1994 | Moore, J. Casey; Moran, Kate et al.: Fluid pressure estimates from the frontal thrust, Oregon accretionary prism | |
75% | 128 128-799 | 1992 | Kinoshita, Hajimu: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the thermal conductivity of suboceanic materials recovered during Leg 128, Japan Sea | |
71% | 84 | 1985 | von Huene, Roland: Direct measurement of pore fluid pressure, Leg 84, Guatemala and Costa Rica | download |
71% | 156 156-949 | 1996 | Screaton, E. J.; Fisher, A. T. et al.: Hydrogeologic characteristics of the decollement in the Barbados Ridge accretionary complex; implications for fluid migration | |
71% | 168 168-1024 168-1025 168-1026 168-1027 | 2002 | Davis, E. E.; Becker, K.: Observations of natural-state fluid pressures and temperatures in young oceanic crust and inferences regarding hydrothermal circulation | |
71% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 2000 | Aoki, Yutaka; Shimizu, Shoshiro et al.: Methane hydrate accumulation along the western Nankai Trough | |
71% | 301 301-U1301 | 2010 | Davis, Earl E.; La Bonte, Alison et al.: Thermally stimulated "runaway" downhole flow in a superhydrostatic ocean crustal borehole; observations, simulations, and inferences regarding crustal permeability | download |
63% | 131 131-808 132 190 190-1173 190-1174 196 196-808 196-1173 | 2002 | Screaton, Elizabeth; Saffer, Demian et al.: Porosity loss within the underthrust sediments of the Nankai accretionary complex; implications for overpressures | |
62% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1981 | Moore, J. C.; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Offscraping and underthrusting of sediment at the deformation front of the Barbados ridge complex; results from Leg 78A DSDP | |
62% | 104 104-642 | 2008 | Harris, Robert N.; Higgins, Sean M.: A permeability estimate in 56 Ma crust at ODP Hole 642E, Voring Plateau Norwegian Sea | download |
62% | 205 205-1253 205-1255 | 2006 | Davis, Earl E.; Villinger, Heinrich W.: Transient formation fluid pressures and temperatures in the Costa Rica forearc prism and subducting oceanic basement; CORK monitoring at ODP Sites 1253 and 1255 | download |
54% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Kinoshita, Hajimu; Fujisawa, Hideyuki et al.: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the thermal conductivity of basalt from Hole 504B, with some reassessment of the shipboard data | download |
53% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1993 | Jacobs, Judson Lincoln: Examination of microcrack pore shape distribution at in-situ pressures for Hole 504B basalt cores | |
53% | 308 308-U1322 308-U1324 | 2008 | Flemings, P. B.; Long, H. et al.: Pore pressure penetrometers document high overpressure near the seafloor where multiple submarine landslides have occurred on the continental slope, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico | download |
53% | 308 308-U1322 308-U1324 | 2011 | Long, H.; Flemings, P. B. et al.: Consolidation and overpressure near the seafloor in the Ursa Basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico | |
53% | 113 113-690 198 198-1209 302 | 2011 | Yasukawa, Kazutaka; Kato, Yasuhiro: Quantitative examination of the cause of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum using an atmosphere-ocean box model | |
53% | 41 41-368 | 2011 | Wang Dayong; Song Yongchen et al.: Numerical investigation of the effect of volatilization and the supercritical state of pore water on maturation of organic matter in the vicinity of igneous intrusions | |
51% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Boyce, R. E.: Determination of the relationships of electrical resistivity, sound velocity, and density/porosity of sediment and rock by laboratory techniques and well logs from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 off the coast of Morocco | download |
46% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Yamano, Makoto; Kinoshita, Hajimu: Data report; Pressure dependence of Site 808 sediment thermal conductivity | download |
46% | 20 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-199 20-202 | 1973 | Smith, Michael B.; Forristall, George Z.: Triaxial compression tests, Leg 20, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
46% | | 1990 | Pettigrew, Thomas L.: Performance of the ODP pressure core sampler on the Leg 124E sea trials tool on Leg 124E sea trials | download |
44% | 314 314-C0001 315 315-C0001 | 2010 | Hashimoto, Y.; Tobin, H. J. et al.: Velocity-porosity relationships for slope apron and accreted sediments in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 315 Site C0001 | download |
44% | 19 | 1973 | Christensen, N. I.: Compressional and shear wave velocities and elastic moduli of basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 19 | download |
38% | 64 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1982 | Einsele, Gerhard: Mechanism of sill intrusion into soft sediment and expulsion of pore water | download |
38% | 156 156-948 | 1997 | Foucher, J. P.; Henry, Pierre et al.: Long-term observations of pressure and temperature in Hole 948D, Barbados accretionary prism | download |
36% | 33 | 1976 | Boyce, R. E.: Sound velocity-density parameters of sediment and rock from DSDP drill sites 315-318 on the Line Islands Chain, Manihiki Plateau, and Tuamotu Ridge in the Pacific Ocean | download |
35% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1994 | Gu, Chifeng: A fluid inclusion investigation of diabase dikes from the ocean crust; ODP Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | |
35% | 201 | 2002 | Dickens, Gerald R.; Schroeder, Derryl et al.: The pressure core sampler (PCS) on ODP Leg 201; general operations and gas release | download |
35% | 75 75-530 75-532 | 1984 | Boyce, Robert E.: Deep Sea Drilling Project drill sites 530 and 532 in the Angola Basin and on the Walvis Ridge; interpretation of induction log data, sonic log data, and laboratory sound velocity, density, porosity-derived reflection coefficients, and vane shear strength | download |
34% | 156 | 1997 | Fisher, Andrew T.; Zwart, Gretchen: Packer experiments along the decollement of the Barbados accretionary complex; measurements of in situ permeability | download |
32% | 69 69-504 69-504B 70 70-504 70-504B 83 83-504 83-504B 92 92-504 92-504B 111 111-504 111-504B 137 137-504 137-504B 140 140-504 140-504B 148 148-504 148-504B | 1983 | Zoback, Mark D.; Anderson, Roger N.: Permeability, underpressures, and convection in the oceanic crust at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B | download |
32% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Carson, Bobb; Westbrook, Graham K.: Modern fluid flow in the Cascadia accretionary wedge; a synthesis | download |
31% | 170 205 205-1253 205-1255 | 2003 | Jannasch, Hans W.; Davis, Earl E. et al.: CORK-II; long-term monitoring of fluid chemistry, fluxes, and hydrology in instrumented boreholes at the Costa Rica subduction zone | download |
31% | 112 | 1990 | Shi Yaolin; Wang Chin-Yuen et al.: Modeling of pore pressure, central Peru margin | download |
27% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Brown, Kevin M.: The variation of the hydraulic conductivity structure of an overpressured thrust zone with effective stress | download |
27% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Screaton, Elizabeth J.; Carson, Bobb et al.: In situ permeability tests at Site 892; characteristics of a hydrogeologically active fault zone on the Oregon accretionary prism | download |
27% | 22 22-211 22-214 22-215 | 1974 | McDougall, Ian: Potassium-argon ages on basaltic rocks recovered from DSDP, Leg 22, Indian Ocean | download |
27% | 109 | 1990 | Becker, Keir: Measurements of the permeability of the upper oceanic crust at Hole 395A, ODP Leg 109 | download |
27% | 59 59-447 59-448 | 1980 | Christensen, N. I.; Wilkens, R. H. et al.: Seismic velocities, densities, and elastic constants of volcanic breccias and basalt from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
27% | 43 | 1979 | Christensen, N. I.; Hull, J. M. et al.: Seismic velocities, densities, and elastic constants at elevated pressures of basalts and volcaniclastic breccias, DSDP Leg 43 | download |
27% | 319 319-C0010 332 332-C0010 | 2010 | Kopf, Achim; Araki, Eiichiro et al.: Site C0010 | download |
26% | 308 308-U1319 308-U1320 308-U1321 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2006 | Flemings, Peter B.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Expedition 308 summary | download |
25% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1986 | Fujii, Naoyuki: Downhole flow of bottom water; implications from temperature logging at Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89 | download |
25% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 1993 | Wilkens, Roy H.; Christensen, N. I. et al.: Seismic properties and reflectivity of North Pacific Ocean cherts | download |
25% | 139 | 1994 | Becker, Keir; Morin, Roger H. et al.: Permeabilities in the Middle Valley hydrothermal system measured with packer and flowmeter experiments | download |
23% | 96 96-614 96-615 96-617 96-618 96-619 96-620 96-621 96-622 96-623 96-624 | 1986 | Bryant, William R.; Wetzel, Andreas et al.: Consolidation characteristics and permeability of Mississippi Fan sediments | download |
23% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 | 1996 | Becker, Keir: Permeability measurements in Hole 896A and implications for the lateral variability of upper crustal permeability at sites 504 and 896 | download |
22% | 69 69-504 69-504B 70 70-504 70-504B 83 83-504 83-504B 92 92-504 92-504B 111 111-504 111-504B 137 137-504 137-504B 140 140-504 140-504B 148 148-504 148-504B | 1983 | Becker, Keir; Langseth, Marcus G. et al.: Deep crustal geothermal measurements, Hole 504B, Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 69 and 70 | download |
22% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 86 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1985 | Kinoshita, Hajimu: Sonic velocity and electrical resistivity of rock sample from Hole 504B, Leg 83; measurements under in situ conditions | download |
22% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Schreiber, E.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Acoustic wave velocity measurements of oceanic crustal samples; DSDP Leg 45 | download |
22% | 130 | 1993 | Mosher, David C.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Ontong Java Plateau | download |
22% | 37 37-332 37-335 | 1977 | Mitchell, W. S.; Aumento, Fabrizio: Fission track chronology of basaltic glasses from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
22% | 31 | 1975 | Trabant, P.; Bryant, W. R. et al.: Consolidation characteristics of sediments from Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
22% | 11 | 1972 | Schreiber, Edward; Fox, P. J. et al.: Compressional sound velocities in semi-indurated sediments and basalts from DSDP Leg 11 | download |
22% | 168 | 2000 | Fisher, Andrew T.; Davis, Earl E.: An introduction to the scientific results of Leg 168 | download |
22% | 308 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2012 | Flemings, Peter B.; John, Cedric M. et al.: Expedition 308 synthesis; overpressure, consolidation, and slope stability on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico | download |
22% | 76 76-533 76-534 | 1983 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Sheridan, Robert E.: Introduction | download |
22% | 76 76-533 79 79-544 | 1983 | Sheridan, Robert E.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 76 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Norfolk, Virginia to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October-December, 1980 | download |
22% | 110 110-671 110-672 110-673 110-674 110-675 110-676 | 1988 | Barnes, Ross O.: ODP in-situ fluid sampling and measurement; a new wireline tool | download |
22% | 150 | 1996 | Blum, Peter; Xu, Jianqing et al.: Geotechnical properties of Pleistocene sediments from the New Jersey upper continental slope | download |
22% | 130 | 1993 | Marsters, Janice C.; Manghnani, Murli H.: Consolidation test results and porosity rebound of Ontong Java Plateau sediments | download |
22% | 82 | 1985 | Hill, Ian Ashley; Cande, Steven C.: Thermal measurements and seawater downflow into 35-Ma-old ocean crust, central North Atlantic | download |
21% | 308 308-U1319 308-U1320 308-U1321 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2005 | Flemings, Peter B.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308 preliminary report; Gulf of Mexico hydrogeology; overpressure and fluid flow processes in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico; slope stability, seeps, and shallow-water flow | download |
20% | 308 308-U1324 | 2006 | Flemings, Peter B.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Site U1324 | download |
19% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | Harper, Gregory D.; Tartarotti, Paola: Structural evolution of upper layer 2, Hole 896A | download |
19% | 146 | 1995 | Whiticar, Michael J.; Hovland, Martin et al.: Organic geochemistry of gases, fluids, and hydrates at the Cascadia accretionary margin | download |
19% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Gu, Chifeng; Vanko, David A.: Nature of fluid inclusions in samples of the deep sheeted dikes cored during Leg 148 (Hole 504B) | download |
19% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Becker, Keir et al.: CORK; a hydrologic seal and downhole observatory for deep-ocean boreholes | download |
19% | 47 47-398 | 1979 | Sibuet, J. C.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Geophysical data collected underway on Glomar Challenger, Leg 47B | download |
19% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Becker, Keir: In-situ bulk permeability of oceanic gabbros in Hole 735B, ODP Leg 118 | download |
19% | 54 | 1980 | Warren, Nick; Rosendahl, Bruce R.: Velocity-density systematics for basalts drilled on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
19% | 56 57 | 1980 | Carson, Bobb; Bruns, Terry R.: Physical properties of sediments from the Japan Trench margin and outer trench slope; results from Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 56 and 57 | download |
19% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Kelley, Deborah S.; Vanko, David A. et al.: Fluid evolution in oceanic crustal layer 2; fluid inclusion evidence from the sheeted dike complex, Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | download |
19% | 139 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-857 169-858 | 1994 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Becker, Keir: Structure of igneous basement at sites 857 and 858 based on Leg 139 downhole logging | download |
19% | 110 110-672 156 | 1997 | Moore, J. Casey; Tobin, Harold J.: Estimated fluid pressures of the Barbados accretionary prism and adjacent sediments | download |
18% | 67 84 | 1985 | Aubouin, Jean; Bourgois, Jacques et al.: Guatemala margin; a model of convergent extensional margin? | download |
18% | 64 64-474 64-475 64-476 64-477 64-478 64-479 64-480 64-481 | 1982 | Oremland, Ronald S.; Culbertson, Charles et al.: Methanogenic activity in sediment from Leg 64, Gulf of California | download |
18% | 158 | 1998 | Reysenbach, Anna-Louise; Holm, Nils Gunnar et al.: In search of a subsurface biosphere at a slow-spreading ridge | download |
18% | 26 26-251 | 1974 | Kempe, D. R. C.; Easton, A. J.: Metasomatic garnets in calcite (micarb) chalk at Site 251, southwest Indian Ocean | download |
18% | 87 87-582 87-583 87-584 | 1986 | Johns, Mark W.: Consolidation and permeability characteristics of Japan Trench and Nankai Trough sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 87, sites 582, 583, and 584 | download |
18% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Takaoka, N.; Nagao, K.: Rare-gas studies of Cretaceous deep-sea basalts | download |
18% | 159 159-960 | 1998 | Lespinasse, Marc; Leroy, Jacques L. et al.: Paleofluids from the marginal ridge of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin (Hole 960A) as thermal indicators | download |
18% | 52 52-418 52-418A 53 53-418 53-418A 102 102-418 102-418A | 1988 | Wilkens, Roy H.; Schultz, David et al.: Relationship of resistivity, velocity, and porosity for basalts from downhole well-logging measurements in Hole 418A | download |
18% | 180 180-1108 | 2002 | Kemerer, Amy; Screaton, Elizabeth: Permeabilities of sediments from Woodlark Basin; implications for pore pressures | download |
18% | 156 | 1997 | Becker, K.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: The CORK experiment in Hole 949C; long-term observations of pressure and temperature in the Barbados accretionary prism | download |
18% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Iturrino, Gerardo J.; Christensen, Nikolas I. et al.: Physical properties and elastic constants of upper crustal rocks from core-log measurements in Hole 504B | download |
18% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Flower, M. F. J.; Bryan, W. B.: Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 417 and 418; a petrogenetic synthesis | download |
18% | 15 15-147 | 1973 | Hammond, Douglas E.; Horowitz, Ross M. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 15, dissolved gases at Site 147 | download |
18% | 209 209-1269 | 2004 | Kelemen, Peter B.; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Site 1269 | download |
18% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Lynes Packer Formation Tester safety tool | download |
18% | 314 314-C0001 314-C0006 315 315-C0001 316 316-C0006 | 2011 | Reuschle, Thierry: Permeability measurements under confining pressure, Expeditions 315 and 316, Nankai Trough | download |
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