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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1980 | Seibertz, E.: Zwoelf Jahre Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP); Ein Ueberblick ueber die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Bohrarbeiten der Glomar Challenger Twelve years of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP); an overview of the most important results of drilling by the Glomar Challenger | |
100% | | 2007 | Owen, L. A.: Glaciation, causes; tectonic uplift-continental configurations | |
83% | 28 28-270 | 1981 | Barrett, P. J.: Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
83% | | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Pereryvy i nesoglasiya v razreze dna Filippinskogo morya i prilegayushchikh ostrovov Breaks and unconformities in section of the ocean floor of the Philippine Sea and adjoining islands | |
83% | | 1981 | Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Deep sea drilling in the Antarctic; focus on late Miocene glaciation and applications of smear-slide biostratigraphy | |
83% | 28 29 35 36 | 1980 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during the late Tertiary | |
83% | 119 | 1989 | Hambrey, Michael J.; Larsen, Birger et al.: Forty million years of Antarctic glacial history yielded by Leg 119 of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
83% | | 1996 | Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Evidence for glacial control of rapid sea level changes in the Early Cretaceous | |
83% | | 1981 | Poore, Richard Z.: Temporal and spatial distribution of ice-rafted mineral grains in Pliocene sediments of the North Atlantic; implications for late Cenozoic climatic history | |
83% | | 1982 | Prell, Warren L.: A reevaluation of the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 3.2 My; new isotopic evidence | |
83% | | 2004 | Smolka, Peter Paul: Warm climates; origin of the ice-ages | |
83% | | 2001 | Elkibbi, Maya; Rial, Jose A.: An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate; is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages? | |
83% | | 2001 | Hayward, Bruce W.: Global deep-sea extinctions during the Pleistocene ice-ages | |
83% | 199 | 2004 | Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Link between rapid stepwise Antarctic glaciation and ocean chemistry | |
83% | | 2012 | Lenton, Timothy M.; Crouch, Michael et al.: First plants cooled the Ordovician | |
82% | 145 145-882 | 2005 | Jaccard, S. L.; Haug, G. H. et al.: Glacial/interglacial changes in subarctic North Pacific stratification | download |
71% | 90 90-593 90-594 181 181-1119 181-1120 181-1123 181-1125 | 2001 | Hayward, Bruce W.: Global deep-sea extinctions during the Pleistocene ice ages | |
67% | | 1994 | Zachos, James C.: From the greenhouse to the icehouse; a Southern Ocean perspective of Paleogene climate | |
67% | 71 71-512 71-513 | 1981 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Weaver, Fred M. et al.: A revised Antarctic glacial chronology based on correlations of circum-Antarctic siliceous microfossil zonal schemes with the upper middle-upper Miocene magnetostratigraphic record | |
67% | 119 | 1990 | Barrera, Enriqueta; Lohmann, K. C. et al.: Stable isotope and sedimentologic evidence for late middle Eocene to early Oligocene glaciation in East Antarctica; results from ODP Leg 119 in the southern Indian Ocean | |
67% | 111 111-677 130 130-806 138 138-849 | 1999 | Rial, J. A.: Pacemaking the ice ages by frequency modulation of Earth's orbital eccentricity | |
67% | 28 28-270 | 1989 | Barrett, Peter J.; Pyne, A. R. et al.: Antarctic glacial history from Ross Sea drilling | |
67% | 117 117-721 | 1990 | de Menocal, Peter; Bloemendal, Jan et al.: Response of Asian monsoon dust source areas to the expansion of Northern Hemisphere glaciers after 2.4 Myr | |
67% | 130 130-807 | 1992 | Prentice, Michael L.; Friez, J. K. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene planktonic delta (super 18) O from western Equatorial Pacific Site 807; implications for ice volume and western tropical Pacific SST | |
67% | 188 | 2004 | Januszczak, Nicole N.: Depositional successions on glaciated continental margins; the Cenozoic of Antarctica and the Neoproterozoic of Rodinia | |
67% | 306 306-U1314 | 2010 | Hayashi, Tatsuya; Ohno, Masao et al.: Millennial-scale iceberg surges after intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
67% | 199 199-1218 | 2004 | Wade, Bridget; Palike, Heiko: Oligocene paleoceanography, glaciation events and sea-level changes | |
67% | 120 121 | 1990 | Zachos, J. C.; Rea, David K. et al.: Late Eocene to early Oligocene evolution of Indian Ocean thermal gradient and intermediate water circulation; inferences from geochemical and sedimentological data | |
67% | 113 113-689 113-690 119 119-738 119-744 | 1992 | Ehrmann, Werner U.; Mackensen, Andreas: Sedimentological evidence for the formation of an East Antarctic ice sheet in Eocene/Oligocene time | |
67% | 5 5-33 | 2002 | Wing, B. A.; Brabson, E. et al.: Delta (super 33) S, delta (super 34) S and delta (super 13) C constraints on the Paleoproterozoic atmosphere during the earliest Huronian glaciation | |
58% | 12 12-111 12-112 12-113 12-114 12-115 12-116 | 1981 | Hambrey, M. J.: Pliocene ice-rafted deposits in the North Atlantic Ocean | |
58% | 138 138-849 | 2003 | Droxler, Andre W.; Alley, Richard B. et al.: Unique and exceptionally long interglacial marine isotope stage 11; window into Earth warm future climate | |
58% | 151 | 2008 | Thiede, Jorn; Johannessen, Ola M.: Climate change in the north; past, present and future | |
58% | 151 151-913 | 2008 | Tripati, Aradhna K.; Eagle, Robert A. et al.: Evidence for glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere back to 44 Ma from ice-rafted debris in the Greenland Sea | download |
58% | 189 189-1168 | 2005 | van Simaeys, Stefaan; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: Arctic dinoflagellate migrations mark the strongest Oligocene glaciations | |
58% | | 2002 | Sato, Tokiyuki; Saito, Takato et al.: Late Pliocene calcareous nannofossil paleobiogeography of the Pacific Ocean; evidence for glaciation at 2.75 Ma | |
58% | 14 14-141 41 41-366 47 47-397 | 1984 | Stein, Ruediger: Zur neogenen Klimaentwicklung in Nordwest-Afrika und Palaeo-Ozeanographie im Nordost-Atlantik; ergebnisse von DSDP-Sites 141, 366, 397 und 544B Neogene paleoclimatology of northwestern Africa and paleo-oceanography of the Northeast Atlantic; results from DSDP sites 144, 366, 397 and 544B | |
58% | 189 189-1169 189-1171 189-1172 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: Formirovaniye Tsirkum-Antarkticheskogo techeniya (189-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn) Formation of Antarctic circumpolar current; 189th cruise of JOIDES Resolution | |
58% | 182 182-1128 | 2003 | Mallinson, David J.; Flower, Benjamin et al.: Paleoclimate implications of high latitude precession-scale mineralogic fluctuations during early Oligocene Antarctic glaciation; the Great Australian Bight record | download |
58% | 165 165-999 | 2009 | Ren, H.; Sigman, D. M. et al.: Foraminiferal isotope evidence of reduced nitrogen fixation in the ice age Atlantic Ocean | download |
58% | 108 108-659 138 138-846 138-849 | 2004 | Rial, J. A.: Earth's orbital eccentricity and the rhythm of the Pleistocene ice ages; the concealed pacemaker | download |
58% | 207 207-1259 | 2008 | Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Isotopic evidence for glaciation during the Cretaceous supergreenhouse | download |
58% | 208 208-1265 | 2006 | Tuo Shouting; Liu Zhifei et al.: The earliest Oligocene glacial maximum; records from ODP Site 1265, South Atlantic | |
58% | 181 181-1123 | 2012 | Elderfield, H.; Ferretti, P. et al.: Evolution of ocean temperature and ice volume through the mid-Pleistocene climate transition | download |
58% | 177 177-1090 177-1094 | 2013 | Jaccard, S. L.; Hayes, C. T. et al.: Two modes of change in Southern Ocean productivity over the past million years | download |
50% | 108 108-662 117 117-722 138 138-846 184 184-1146 | 2010 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Peterson, Laura Cleaveland et al.: Tropical ocean temperatures over the past 3.5 million years | download |
50% | 208 208-1262 208-1265 | 2004 | Liu Zhifei; Tuo Shouting et al.: Deep-water earliest Oligocene glacial maximum (EOGM) in South Atlantic | |
50% | 15 15-146 15-149 36 36-328 | 1996 | Young, Grant M.; Nesbitt, H. Wayne: Are continental glaciations induced by orogeny? Evidence from major element geochemistry of Cenozoic muds and ancient glacial deposits | |
50% | 154 154-926 154-929 | 2001 | Zachos, James C.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: The climatic consequences of a rare orbital anomaly at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (23 Mya) | |
50% | 199 199-1218 199-1219 | 2006 | Dalai, Tarun K.; Ravizza, Gregory E. et al.: The late Eocene (super 187) Os/ (super 188) Os excursion; chemostratigraphy, cosmic dust flux and the early Oligocene glaciation | download |
50% | 111 111-677 175 175-1077 | 2005 | Schefuss, Enno; Jansen, J. H. F. et al.: Tropical environmental changes at the mid-Pleistocene transition; insights from lipid biomarkers | |
50% | 145 145-882 | 2010 | Jaccard, S. L.; Galbraith, E. D. et al.: A pervasive link between Antarctic ice core and subarctic Pacific sediment records over the past 800 kyrs | |
47% | 68 68-502 81 81-552 89 89-586 94 94-606 94-607 114 114-704 130 130-806 138 138-846 138-847 138-849 138-851 145 145-882 154 154-925 154-929 165 165-999 167 167-1014 167-1018 175 175-1084 175-1085 202 202-1237 | 2007 | Ravelo, A. C.; Billups, K. et al.: Onto the ice ages; proxy evidence for the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | |
42% | 194 194-1192 194-1193 194-1194 194-1195 | 2004 | John, Cedric M.; Karner, Garry D. et al.: delta (super 18) O and Marion Plateau backstripping; combining two approaches to constrain late middle Miocene eustatic amplitude | |
42% | 28 119 178 188 | 2009 | Naish, Tim; Powell, R. et al.: Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic ice sheet oscillations | |
25% | 151 | 1996 | McManus, Jerry F.; Major, C. O. et al.: Variability in sea-surface conditions in the North Atlantic-Arctic gateways during the last 140,000 years | download |
25% | 130 | 1991 | Berger, Wolfgang H.; Kroenke, Loren W. et al.: Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130; synopsis of major drilling results | download |
22% | 133 133-819 133-820 133-821 | 1993 | Glenn, Craig R.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Sedimentary rhythms and climatic forcing of Pleistocene-Holocene mixed carbonate/siliciclastic sediments off the Great Barrier Reef | download |
21% | 86 86-580 | 1985 | Sancetta, Constance: Late Pleistocene (Brunhes) diatom record at Site 580 | download |
21% | 42 42-372 42-376 | 1978 | Bada, J. L.; Man, E. H. et al.: Racemization of isoleucine in foraminifer tests from Leg 42A, sites 372 and 376 | download |
21% | 130 130-806 | 1993 | Berger, W. H.; Bickert, T. et al.: Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers; Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau | download |
21% | 167 167-1011 167-1012 167-1018 | 2000 | Andreasen, D. H.; Flower, M. et al.: Late Pleistocene oxygen and carbon isotopic records from sites 1011, 1012, and 1018 | download |
21% | 188 188-1165 | 2009 | Valppu, Henna; Strand, Kari et al.: Spectral analysis of physical properties of the Prydz Bay sediments, Antarctica for identifying cycles for the last five million years | download |
21% | 42 | 1978 | Stoffers, P.; Degens, E. T. et al.: Stratigraphy and suggested ages of Black Sea sediments cored during Leg 42B | download |
18% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1982 | Gardner, James V.: High-resolution carbonate and organic-carbon stratigraphies for the late Neogene and Quaternary from the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific | download |
18% | 145 145-882 | 1995 | Maslin, M. A.; Haug, Gerald H. et al.: Northwest Pacific Site 882; the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
18% | 143 143-866 143-867 143-868 | 1995 | Strasser, Andre; Arnaud, Hubert M. et al.: Small-scale shallow-water carbonate sequences of Resolution Guyot (sites 866-867, and 868) | download |
18% | 113 113-693 | 1990 | Grobe, Hannes; Fuetterer, Dieter Karl et al.: Oligocene to Quaternary sedimentation processes on the Antarctic continental margin, ODP Leg 113, Site 693 | download |
18% | 73 73-519 73-521 73-522 73-523 | 1984 | Weissert, Helmut J.; McKenzie, Judith Ann et al.: Paleoclimatic record of the Pliocene at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 519, 521, 522, and 523 (central South Atlantic) | download |
17% | 117 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Introduction, background, and major objectives for ODP Leg 117 (western Arabian Sea) in search of ancient monsoons | download |
17% | 42 | 1978 | Degens, E. T.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Varve chronology; estimated rates of sedimentation in the Black Sea deep basin | download |
17% | 107 107-650 | 1990 | Channell, James E. T.; Torii, Masayuki: Two "events" recorded in the Brunhes Chron at Hole 650A (ODP Leg 107, Tyrrhenian Sea); geomagnetic phenomena? | download |
17% | 19 | 1973 | Worsley, T. R.: Calcareous nannofossils; Leg 19 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 184 184-1143 184-1144 184-1146 184-1148 | 2006 | Leventhal, Joel S.: Isotopic chemistry of organic carbon in sediments from Leg 184 | download |
15% | 105 105-645 105-646 105-647 | 1987 | Srivastava, Surat P.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, covering Leg 105 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's, Newfoundland, to St. John's, Newfoundland, sites 645-647, 23 August 1985-27 October 1985; Introduction | download |
15% | 133 133-820 | 1993 | Peerdeman, F. M.; Davies, P. J. et al.: The stable oxygen isotope signal in shallow-water, upper-slope sediments off the Great Barrier Reef (Hole 820A) | download |
15% | 124 | 1990 | Vollbrecht, R.; Kudrass, H. R.: Geological results of a pre-site survey for ODP drill sites in the SE Sulu Basin | download |
15% | 113 113-697 | 1990 | Pudsey, Carol J.: Grain size and diatom content of hemipelagic sediments at Site 697, ODP Leg 113; a record of Pliocene-Pleistocene climate | download |
15% | 68 68-502 | 1982 | Rea, David K.: Fluctuation in eolian sedimentation during the past five glacial-interglacial cycles; a preliminary examination of data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 503B, eastern Equatorial Pacific | download |
15% | 108 108-657 108-658 | 1989 | Stabell, Bjorg: Initial diatom record of sites 657 and 658; on the history of upwelling and continental aridity | download |
15% | 108 108-658 108-660 | 1989 | Poynter, J. G.; Farrimond, Paul et al.: Molecular stratigraphic study of sediments from holes 658A and 660A, Leg 108 | download |
15% | 73 73-519 | 1984 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Weissert, Helmut J. et al.: Paleoceanographic implications of stable-isotope data from upper Miocene-lower Pliocene sediments from the Southwest Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 519) | download |
15% | 114 114-704 | 1991 | Mwenifumbo, C. Jonathan; Blangy, Jean-Pierre: Short-term spectral analysis of downhole logging measurements from Site 704 | download |
15% | 108 108-658 108-659 108-661 108-665 | 1989 | Bloemendal, Jan; King, J. W. et al.: Rock-magnetic stratigraphy of Leg 108 sites 658, 659, 661, and 665, eastern tropical Atlantic | download |
15% | 114 114-704 | 1991 | Gard, Gunilla; Crux, Jason A.: Preliminary results from Hole 704A; Arctic-Antarctic correlation through nannofossil biochronology | download |
15% | 94 94-606 | 1987 | Backman, Jan; Pestiaux, Pierre: Pliocene Discoaster abundance variations, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 606; biochronology and paleoenvironmental implications | download |
15% | 40 40-362 | 1978 | Boon, J. J.; van der Meer, F. W. et al.: Organic geochemical analyses of core samples from Site 362, Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
15% | 167 167-1017 | 2000 | Bennett, J. P.; Roark, E. B. et al.: Latest Quaternary paleoclimatic and radiocarbon chronology, Hole 1017E, Southern California margin | download |
15% | 167 167-1017 | 2000 | Behl, Richard J.; Tada, Ryuji et al.: Late Quaternary textural changes offshore of Point Conception, Site 1017, Central California margin | download |
15% | 167 167-1019 167-1020 | 2000 | Heusser, L. E.; Lyle, Mitchell et al.: Vegetation and climate of the northwest coast of North America during the last 500 k.y.; high-resolution pollen evidence from the Northern California margin | download |
14% | 72 | 1983 | Johnson, David A.: Paleocirculation of the southwestern Atlantic | download |
13% | 68 68-502 | 1982 | Prell, Warren L.: Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy for the Quaternary of Hole 502B; evidence for two modes of isotopic variability | download |
13% | 81 81-552 | 1984 | Schnitker, Detmar: High resolution records of benthic foraminifers in the late Neogene of the northeastern Atlantic | download |
13% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1982 | Keigwin, L. D., Jr.: Stable isotope stratigraphy and paleoceanography of sites 502 and 503 | download |
13% | 49 | 1979 | Shor, A. N.; Poore, R. Z.: Bottom currents and ice rafting in the North Atlantic; interpretation of Neogene depositional environments of Leg 49 cores | download |
13% | | 1987 | Ruddiman, William F.; Esmay, Ann: A streamlined foraminiferal transfer function for the subpolar North Atlantic | download |
13% | 145 145-881 145-883 145-887 | 1995 | Morley, Joseph J.; Tiase, Victoria L. et al.: A high-resolution stratigraphy for Pleistocene sediments from North Pacific sites 881, 883, and 887 based on abundance variations of the radiolarian Cycladophora davisiana | download |
13% | 72 72-517 | 1983 | Vergnaud Grazzini, C.; Grably, M. et al.: Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and paleoclimatology of southwestern Atlantic Quaternary sediments (Rio Grande Rise) at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 517 | download |
13% | 72 72-516 72-517 | 1983 | Leonard, Kathleen A.; Williams, Douglas F. et al.: Pliocene paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of the South Atlantic Ocean; stable isotopic records from Leg 72 Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 516A and 517 | download |
13% | 157 157-953 | 1998 | Brunner, Charlotte A.; Maniscalco, Rosanna: Late Pliocene and Quaternary paleoceanography of the Canary Island region inferred from planktonic foraminifer assemblages of Site 953 | download |
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