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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1996 | Steiner, C.; Roeser, H. A.: On the early history of the North Atlantic off Morocco | |
100% | | 1974 | Churkin, Michael, Jr.: Deep-Sea Drilling for Landlubber Geologists; The Southwest Pacific, and Accordion Plate Tectonics Analog for the Cordilleran Geosyncline | |
100% | | 1980 | Cann, J. R.: Modelling of oceanic ridge crest processes in the light of IPOD drilling results | |
100% | 158 | 1995 | Active hydrothermal system drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
100% | | 1992 | Cambray, Herve; Cadet, Jean-Paul: Global synchronism of arc volcanism around Pacific Ocean | |
100% | | 1992 | Coffin, Millard F.: LIPs and ODP | |
100% | | 1984 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M. (ed.); Neprochnov, Yu. P. (ed.): Stroyeniye dna severo-zapada tikhogo okeana Structure of the Northwest Pacific; geophysics, magmatism and tectonics | |
83% | 59 | 1981 | Scott, R. B.; Kroenke, L.: Periodicity of remnant arcs and back-arc basins of the South Philippine Sea | |
83% | | 1988 | Bassias, Y.; Leclaire, L. et al.: Les basaltes et le magmatisme de la ride de Davie; une premiere approche--Basalts and magmatism of Davie Ridge; a preliminary approach | |
83% | | 1987 | Schlanger, S. O.: Drilling in the western Venezuelan Basin at Site CAR-4 | |
83% | 114 | 1987 | Raymond, Carol A.; Labrecque, John L.: Geophysical signatures of the Agulhas Ridge and Meteor Rise, Indo-Atlantic Basin; implications for paleocirculation of the South Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 15 | 1994 | Duncan, R. A.; Sinton, C. W. et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous basalt province; an oceanic LIP | |
83% | 19 | 1975 | Edsall, D. W.: Temporal variations in Rb, Sr, Ti and Zr concentrations in upper Miocene to Recent Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg XIX ashes; magmatic evolution at a consuming margin | |
83% | | 1976 | Supko, P. R.; Perch-Nielsen, K. et al.: History of the South Atlantic from deep sea drilling | |
83% | | 1995 | Clift, Peter D.: Volcaniclastic sedimentation and volcanism during the rifting of western Pacific backarc basins | |
83% | | 1994 | You, Chen-Feng: Lithium, beryllium, and boron isotope geochemistry; implications for fluid processes in convergent margins | |
83% | | 1993 | Kennedy, L. A.; Boudier, F. et al.: Deformation and recovery in the upper mantle and microstructural constraints on melt impregnation | |
83% | 141 | 1991 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 141 scientific prospectus, Chile triple junction | |
83% | | 1996 | Konnecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F.: Terrigenous sediment and subaerial lava flows on the Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau; implications from ocean bottom seismometer and multichannel seismic data | |
83% | | 1977 | Ninkovich, D.; Donn, W. L.: Cenozoic explosive volcanism related to East and Southeast Asian arcs | |
83% | 28 28-270 | 1996 | Fitzgerald, Paul G.; Baldwin, Suzanne L.: Detachment fault model for the evolution of the Ross Embayment, Antarctica | |
83% | 152 | 1994 | Cambray, H.; Demant, A. et al.: Nature and origin of the volcanic sequences drilled during the ODP Leg 152, East Greenland margin | |
83% | 43 | 2007 | Vogt, Peter R.; Jung, Woo-Yeol: Origin of the Bermuda volcanoes and the Bermuda Rise; history, observations, models, and puzzles | |
67% | 62 62-464 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postyurskoy sedimentatsii v severnom rayone vozvyshennosti Khessa, skv. 464 Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in northern Hess Rise, Site 464 | |
67% | 62 62-463 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.; Timofeyev, P. P. et al.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postyurskoy sedimentatsii v zapadnykh rayonakh podvodnykh gor Markus-Nekker, skv. 463 Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Site 463 | |
67% | 65 65-483 65-485 | 1985 | Zolotarev, B. P.: Geokhimiya bazal'tov Kaliforniyskogo zaliva i raspredeleniye v nikh redkozemel'nykh elementov Geochemistry and distribution of rare earth elements in basalts of the Gulf of California | |
67% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1993 | Allan, J. F.: Leg 147 Cr-spinel; petrogenetic inferences regarding melt impregnation of Hess Deep peridotites | |
67% | 31 56 57 58 86 87 124 127 128 | 1995 | Cambray, Herve; Pubellier, Manuel et al.: Volcanic activity recorded in deep-sea sediments and the geodynamic evolution of western Pacific island arcs | |
67% | 115 115-707 | 1993 | Boulter, M. C.; Manum, S. B. et al.: Further comments on a geological map of the southern Deccan Traps, India and its structural implications; discussion and replies | |
67% | 57 57-439 | 1980 | Moore, G. W.: Arc-type volcanic rocks anomalously near oceanic trenches | |
67% | 152 | 1996 | Sinton, Christopher W.: A tale of two large igneous provinces; geochronological and geochemical studies of the North Atlantic volcanic province and the Caribbean oceanic plateau | |
67% | 134 | 1992 | Laporte, C.; Briqueu, Louis: Magmatisme d'arc et heterogeneites isotopiques; exemple des Nouvelles Hebrides a partir des resultats de la campagne O.D.P. 134 Arc magmatism and isotopic heterogeneity; the example of New Hebrides from the results of OPD Leg 134 | |
67% | 126 126-787 126-792 126-793 | 1993 | Devaney, K. A.; Marsaglia, K. M.: Provenance of Izu-Bonin forearc volcaniclastic sand and sandstone | |
67% | 126 | 1995 | Taylor, Rex N.; Marlow, Michael S. et al.: Intrusive volcanic rocks in western Pacific forearcs | |
67% | 42 42-373 107 | 1989 | Bertrand, H.; Boivin, P. et al.: Evolution geochimique d'un bassin arriere-arc; la mer Tyrrhenienne au Pliocene Geochemical evolution of a back-arc basin; the Pliocene Tyrrhenian Sea | |
67% | 124 125 126 127 128 134 | 1995 | Arculus, R. J.; Gill, J. B. et al.: Geochemical evolution of arc systems in the western Pacific; the ash and turbidite record recovered by drilling | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1992 | Constantin, Marc: Petrologie des roches gabbroiques du sondage 735B de la zone de fracture Atlantis II, dorsale sud-ouest indienne, Ocean Indien Petrology of gabbroic rocks of the 735B borehole in the Atlantis II fracture zone, southwestern Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
67% | 135 | 1995 | Hawkins, James W.: Evolution of the Lau Basin; insights from ODP Leg 135 | |
67% | 135 135-835 | 1995 | Taylor, B.; Zellmer, Kirsten et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Lau Basin | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1992 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Robinson, Paul T. et al.: The plutonic foundation of a slow-spreading ridge | |
67% | 145 | 1994 | Kersting, A. B.; Arculus, R. J.: Pb systematics of Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka and North Pacific sediments; implications for magma genesis and crustal recycling in the Kamchatkan Arc | |
67% | | 1987 | Sigurdsson, H.; Bouysse, P. et al.: Magmatic processes panel report | |
67% | 60 125 | 1995 | Fryer, Patricia; Mottl, Michael et al.: Serpentine bodies in the forearcs of western Pacific convergent margins; origin and associated fluids | |
67% | 58 58-442 | 1995 | Kobayashi, Kazo; Kasuga, Shigeru et al.: Shikoku Basin and its margins | |
67% | 152 152-915 152-917 152-918 | 1994 | Fitton, J. G.; Saunders, A. D. et al.: Constraints on the nature of the Iceland plume from ODP Leg 152 (South-east Greenland volcanic rifted margin) | |
67% | 147 147-895 | 1993 | Dick, H. J. B.; Natland, J.: Site 895 sheeted dunites? and melt transport in the shallow mantle beneath the East Pacific Rise | |
67% | | 1995 | Bloomer, Sherman H.; Taylor, Brian et al.: Early arc volcanism and the ophiolite problem; a perspective from drilling in the western Pacific | |
67% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1996 | Thomas, E.; Shackleton, N. J.: The Paleocene-Eocene benthic foraminiferal extinction and stable isotope anomalies | |
67% | | 1996 | Symonds, Philip A.; Planke, S. et al.: Volcanic evolution of the Western Australia continental margin | |
67% | | 1995 | Torres, Marta E.; Marsaglia, Kathleen M. et al.: Sediment diagenesis in western Pacific basins | |
67% | 124 126 127 128 135 | 1995 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Boggs, Sam, Jr. et al.: Sedimentation in western Pacific backarc basins; new insights from Recent ODP drilling | |
58% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | Galehouse, J. S.: Heavy mineralogy and provenance of volcaniclastic turbidites of Site 386 | download |
58% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1978 | Klein, G. deV.; Kobayashi, K. et al.: Off-ridge volcanism and seafloor spreading in the Shikoku Basin | |
58% | | 2000 | Eldholm, Olav; Gladczenko, Tadeusz P. et al.: Atlantic volcanic margins; a comparative study | |
50% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1984 | Alt, Jeffrey C.; Honnorez, Jose: Alteration of the upper oceanic crust, DSDP site 417; mineralogy and chemistry | |
50% | 123 123-765 123-766 | 1989 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; the birth of the Indian Ocean | |
42% | 16 16-158 16-162 | 1973 | Yeats, R. S.: Volcanic ash; Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
42% | 173 | 2000 | Turrin, B. D.; Hemming, S. R.: 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Newark Basin and the Iberia continental margin, thermochronologic constraints on the kinematics of lithospheric extension and continental breakup | |
33% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Scrutton, Roger A.: Modeling of magnetic and gravity anomalies at Goban Spur, northeastern Atlantic | download |
33% | 34 | 1976 | Schreiber, E.: The compressional wave velocities of some DSDP Leg 34 basalts, a brief report | download |
33% | 36 36-330 | 1977 | Beckinsale, R. D.; Tarney, J. et al.: Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determinations on samples of the Falkland Plateau basement at Site 330, DSDP | download |
29% | 57 57-439 | 1980 | Moore, George W.; Fujioka, Kantaro: Age and origin of dacite boulder conglomerate anomalously near the Japan Trench | download |
29% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 72 72-516 102 102-418 | 1983 | Hart, Stanley R.; Staudigel, Hubert: Age of hydrothermal circulation on the Rio Grande Rise; Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 516 | download |
29% | 15 15-146 15-151 15-152 15-153 | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.; Schneidermann, Nahum: Stable isotope relationships in pelagic limestones from the Central Caribbean, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
26% | 15 15-146 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 | 1973 | Donnelly, Thomas W.; Melson, William G. et al.: Basalts and dolerites of Late Cretaceous age from the Central Caribbean | download |
25% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.; Uyeda, Seiya: Mariana arc and fore-arc; background and objectives | download |
25% | 11 | 1972 | Bryan, W. B.: Textural and mineralogical relations of basalts from Sites 100 and 105 | download |
25% | 41 41-367 41-368 | 1977 | Dow, W. G.: Contact metamorphism of kerogen in sediments from Leg 41; Cape Verde Rise and Basin | download |
21% | 57 57-439 | 1980 | Yanagisawa, Masahisa; Takigami, Yutaka et al.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages of boulders drilled at Site 439, Leg 57, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
21% | 175 175-1079 178 178-1103 | 2002 | Di Vincenzo, G.; Caburlotto, A. et al.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar investigation of volcanic clasts in glaciogenic sediments at sites 1079 and 1103 (ODP Leg 178, Antarctic Peninsula) | download |
21% | 13 13-121 | 1973 | Olivet, Jean-Louis; Pautot, Guy et al.: Alboran Sea | download |
21% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 | 1973 | Jones, E. John W.: Volcanic glass in abyssal clays sampled at DSDP Leg 20 drilling sites, Northwest Pacific | download |
19% | 38 38-338 38-341 38-342 38-343 104 104-642 104-643 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: Evolution of the Voring volcanic margin | download |
19% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Schlanger, Seymour O.; Moberly, Ralph: Sedimentary and volcanic history; East Mariana Basin and Nauru Basin | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Rea, David K.; Thiede, Joern: Mesozoic and Cenozoic mass-accumulation rates of the major sediment components in the Nauru Basin, western equatorial Pacific | download |
18% | 43 | 1979 | Vogt, P. R.; Einwich, A. M.: Magnetic anomalies and seafloor spreading in the western North Atlantic, and a revised calibration of the Keathly (M) geomagnetic reversal chronology | download |
18% | 43 | 1979 | Vogt, P. R.: Volcano height and paleo-plate thickness | download |
18% | 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-439 87 87-584 | 1986 | Fujioka, Kantaro: Synthesis of Neogene explosive volcanism of the Tohoku Arc, deduced from the marine tephra drilled around the Japan Trench region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 56, 57, and 87B | download |
18% | 190 | 2005 | Fergusson, Christopher L.: Provenance of Miocene-Pleistocene turbidite sands and sandstones, Nankai Trough, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 | download |
18% | 152 | 1998 | Saunders, Andrew D.; Larsen, Hans Christian et al.: Magmatic development of the Southeast Greenland margin and evolution of the Iceland plume; geochemical constraints from Leg 152 | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Steiner, Maureen B.: Paleomagnetism of the igneous complex, Site 462 | download |
18% | 66 | 1982 | Watkins, Joel S.; McMillen, Kenneth J. et al.: Tectonic synthesis, Leg 66; transect and vicinity | download |
18% | 125 125-786 | 1992 | Lagabrielle, Y.; Sizun, J. P. et al.: The constructional and deformational history of the igneous basement penetrated at Site 786 | download |
18% | 87 87-584 | 1986 | Fujioka, Kantaro; Cadet, Jean-Paul et al.: Volcanic ash at Site 584, Japan Trench | download |
17% | 63 63-469 63-471 | 1981 | Shibata, Tsugio; DeLong, Stephen E.: Preliminary petrology of diabases from Sites 469 and 471, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
17% | 66 66-487 | 1982 | Ryabchikov, I. D.; Babansky, A. D. et al.: Genesis of calc-alkaline magmas; experiments with partial melting of mixed sediments and basalts from the Middle America Trench, southern Mexico transect | download |
17% | 67 | 1982 | Azema, Jacques; Tournon, Jean: The Guatemalan Margin, the Nicoya Complex, and the origin of the Caribbean Plate | download |
17% | 165 165-999 | 2000 | Abrams, Lewis J.; Hu, Ming: Depth to volcanic basement at Site 999, Kogi Rise, Colombian Basin | download |
17% | 26 26-251 | 1974 | Kempe, D. R. C.; Easton, A. J.: Metasomatic garnets in calcite (micarb) chalk at Site 251, southwest Indian Ocean | download |
17% | 59 59-448 | 1980 | Aldrich, Jeffrey B.; Tieh, Thomas T. et al.: Alteration of remnant arc debris, Site 448, Palau-Kyushu Ridge, Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
17% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 20-200 20-201 20-202 | 1973 | Jones, E. John W.; Heezen, Bruce C.: Total field magnetic anomalies and topography along a traverse between Japan and the Fiji Islands | download |
17% | 81 81-555 | 1984 | Duddy, I. R.; Gleadow, A. J. W. et al.: Fission track dating of apatite and sphene from Paleogene sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81, Site 555 | download |
17% | 77 77-538 | 1984 | Furuta, Toshio; Kinoshita, Hajimu: Magnetic properties of basement rock samples from Catoche Knoll, Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 77 | download |
17% | 159 159-960 | 1998 | Hisada, Ken-ichiro; Arai, Shoji et al.: Detrital chromian spinels from Site 960 in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin | download |
17% | 104 104-642 104-642E | 1989 | Gibson, Ian L.; Love, David A.: A listric fault model for the formation of the dipping reflectors penetrated during the drilling of Hole 642E, ODP Leg 104 | download |
17% | 125 | 1992 | Newman, Sally; van der Laan, Sieger R.: Volatile contents of Izu-Bonin forearc volcanic glasses | download |
17% | 1 1-2 107 107-652 | 1990 | Katz, Barry J.; Emeis, K. C.: Hydrocarbon shows in the scientific ocean drilling programs | download |
17% | 43 43-383 | 1979 | Tucholke, B. E.; Vogt, P. R. et al.: Site 383; drilling above the J-anomaly Ridge in the Sohm abyssal plain | download |
15% | 149 | 1996 | Tett, David L.; Sawyer, Dale S.: Dynamic models of multiphase continental rifting and their implications for the Newfoundland and Iberia conjugate margins | download |
15% | 31 | 1975 | Karig, D. E.: Basin genesis in the Philippine Sea | download |
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