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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 94 94-607 | 2001 | Muller, Richard A.: Glacial cycles and interplanetary dust | |
80% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 2002 | Higgins, Sean Michael: Extraterrestrial tracer in the sea; evaluation and application of (super 3) He in interplanetary dust particles as a "constant flux" tracer in marine sediments | |
80% | 130 130-806 | 2002 | Higgins, Sean M.; Anderson, Robert F. et al.: Sediment focusing creates 100-ka cycles in interplanetary dust accumulation on the Ontong Java Plateau | |
80% | 130 130-806 | 1998 | Patierson, D. B.; Farley, K. A.: Extraterrestrial (super 3) He in seafloor sediments; evidence for correlated 100 kyr periodicity in the accretion rate of interplanetary dust, orbital parameters, and Quaternary climate | |
71% | 94 94-607 | 1995 | Farley, K. A.; Patterson, D. B.: A 100-kyr periodicity in the flux of extraterrestrial (super 3) He to the sea floor | |
71% | 130 130-806 | 1998 | Karner, Daniel B.; Asaro, Frank et al.: The Pleistocene-Holocene transition; the role of extraterrestrial accretion | |
70% | 138 138-849 | 2004 | Winckler, Gisela; Anderson, Robert F. et al.: Does interplanetary dust control 100 kyr glacial cycles? | download |
60% | 115 115-709 | 2004 | Tagle, Roald; Claeys, Philippe: Where did the late Eocene impactors come from? The asteroid belt or the Oort cloud? | |
57% | 198 198-1209 | 2010 | Bhattacharya, A.; Mukhopadhyay, S. et al.: A high resolution, one million year record of extraterrestrial 3Helium from the Shatsky Rise (Site 1209) following the K/T impact | |
57% | | 2005 | Schwarz, Winfried H.; Trieloff, M. et al.: Subduction of solar-type noble gases from extraterrestrial dust; constraints from high-pressure low-temperature metamorphic deep-sea sediments | |
57% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1999 | Higgins, S. M.; Anderson, R. F. et al.: Extraterrestrial helium-3 flux recorded in marine sediments in the North Pacific at ODP Sites 885/886 over the past 4 million years | |
57% | 130 130-806 | 2001 | Farley, Kenneth A.: Extraterrestrial helium in seafloor sediments; identification, characteristics, and accretion rate over geologic time | |
57% | 91 91-596 92 92-598 | 2001 | Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard: Iridium and osmium as tracers of extraterrestrial matter in marine sediments | |
57% | 198 198-1209 | 2009 | Marcantonio, Franco; Thomas, Deborah J. et al.: Extraterrestrial (super 3) He in Paleocene sediments from Shatsky Rise; constraints on sedimentation rate variability | |
57% | 121 121-757 154 154-926 | 2006 | Farley, K. A.; Vokrouhlicky, D. et al.: A late Miocene dust shower from the break-up of an asteroid in the main belt | |
42% | 122 122-762 | 2012 | Farley, K. A.; Montanari, A. et al.: A record of the extraterrestrial (super 3) He flux through the Late Cretaceous | |
21% | 113 113-690 171B 171B-1051 | 2010 | Torfstein, Adi; Winckler, Gisela et al.: Productivity feedback did not terminate the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) | download |
21% | 115 115-709 | 2004 | Kyte, Frank T.; Shukolyukov, Alex et al.: Initial Cr-isotopic and iridium measurements of concentrates from late-Eocene CPX-spherule deposits | download |
20% | 177 177-1090 | 2003 | Kyte, Frank T.: Identification of late Eocene impact deposits at ODP Site 1090 | download |
11% | 139 | 1994 | Stuart, F. M.; Duckworth, Rowena C. et al.: Helium and sulfur isotopes of sulfide minerals from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
10% | 12 | 1972 | Laughton, Anthony S.; Berggren, William A. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
9% | 122 122-762 183 183-1135 208 208-1262 208-1263 | 2011 | Foster, L. C.; Schmidt, D. N. et al.: Quantifying ocean acidification during the Palaeogene hyperthermals | download |
9% | 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 185 185-801 | 2011 | Freymuth, Heye; Elliott, Tim et al.: Molybdenum isotopes as a novel tracer for subduction components in the Mariana Arc | download |
5% | 86 86-577 113 113-690 171B 171B-1051 208 208-1262 | 2010 | Stap, H. Lucy: Palaeoceanographic and biotic response during early Eocene extreme global warming events | download |
4% | 177 177-1089 | 2011 | Anderson, Robert F.; Fleisher, Martin Q.: Deep ocean carbonate chemistry on millennial to Milankovitch time scales | download |
4% | 324 324-U1349 | 2011 | Almeev, R.; Portnyagin, M. et al.: Highly depleted melt inclusions in olivine from Shatsky Rise | download |
4% | 209 209-1271 | 2011 | Abe, Natsue: Rutile included in the podiform chromitite from ocean floor at MAR 15 degrees 20'N FZ, Site 1271, ODP Leg 209 | download |
4% | 160 160-967 | 2011 | Azrieli, Irit; Matthews, A. et al.: Low molybdenum isotope compositions in euxinic sapropel S1 | download |
4% | | 2011 | Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfate | download |
2% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: delta (super 56) Fe variations in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise) | download |
2% | 201 | 2010 | Jaisi, Deb P.; Blake, Ruth E.: Tracing sources and cycling of phosphorus in Peru margin sediments using oxygen isotopes in phosphates | download |
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