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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1978 | Panacek, Adrian: Moznosti kvantitativnej interpretacie a strojoveho spracovania kriviek kombinovaneho odporoveho profilovania The possibilities of a quantitative interpretation and mechanical elaboration of combined resistivity profiling | |
100% | | 1991 | Wetzel, Andreas: Ecologic interpretation of deep-sea trace fossil communities | |
86% | | 1996 | Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Strategies for the interpretation of core and log data in the Ocean Drilling Program | |
86% | | 1984 | Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements | |
71% | 34 | 1975 | Deutsch, E. R.; Patzold, R. R.: Magnetism of basalt cores from the Pacific Ocean and implications for magnetic anomaly interpretation | |
71% | 104 | 1987 | Henrich, R.: Glazial/Interglazial Sedimentationszyklen in der Norwegischen See; Palaeozeanographische Interpretation und langfristige Klimatrends - Leg 104, Norwegische See Glacial/interglacial sedimentation cycles in the Norwegian Sea; paleooceanographic interpretation and long-term climatic trends; Leg 104, Norwegian Sea | |
71% | | 1973 | Karig, D.: Origin of the West Philippine Basin | |
71% | 156 | 1996 | Jurado, M. J.: Interpretation of logging while drilling (LWD) data from the northern Barbados accretionary prism, ODP Leg 156 | |
71% | | 1979 | Parker, R. L.; Daniell, G. J.: Interpretation of borehole magnetometer data | download |
71% | 6 31 59 60 | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Stratigraphic zonation of sediments and basement rocks of the Philippine Sea floor and its tectonic interpretation | |
71% | 77 77-538 | 1991 | Spezzaferri, Silvia; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatic interpretation from Hole 538A, DSDP Leg 77, Gulf of Mexico | |
71% | 160 | 1996 | Jurado, M. J.: Preliminary results on the interpretation of conventional logs and FMS images from Leg 160, eastern Mediterranean | |
71% | 160 | 1996 | Kopf, Achim; Flecker, R.: Problems associated with the interpretation of normal fault distributions in sediments recovered by advanced piston coring during ODP Leg 160, Eastern Mediterranean and the implications for previous ODP Legs | |
71% | | 2003 | Hunze, Sabine: Lithologisch-differenzielle Kompaktion von Sedimenten in den Akkretionskeilen von Barbados und Nankai; eine Interpretation von Bohrlochmessungen aus ODP Bohrungen Lithologic differential compaction of sediments in the accretionary wedges of Barbados and Nankai; an interpretation of borehole measurements from Ocean Drilling Project boreholes | |
71% | | 1973 | Heezen, B. C.: Diachronous Deposits; A Kinematic Interpretation of the Post Jurassic Sedimentary Sequence on the Pacific Plate | |
71% | 156 156-947 156-948 | 1994 | Jurado, M. J.: First results on the interpretation of ODP Leg 156 LWD data; evidence of faulting in uncored sections of the northern Barbados accretionary prism | |
71% | 13 13-121 | 1992 | Jurado, M. J.; Comas, M. C.: Well log interpretation and seismic character of the Cenozoic sequence in the northern Alboran Sea | |
71% | | 1981 | Harrison, Christopher G. A.: Magnetism of the oceanic crust | |
71% | | 1987 | Berggren, William A.: Researchers study new currents in old seas | |
71% | | 1997 | Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Borehole observatories; global networking and 4-D monitoring | |
71% | | 1980 | Trumpy, R.: Geology 1976-1980; trends, discoveries, failures | |
71% | | 1977 | Karous, Milos; Zima, Ladislav: Gradientove zpracovani odporoveho kombinovaneho profilovani The gradient elaboration of combined resistivity profiling | |
71% | | 1989 | Callaway, Jesse Sybil: Burial transformation of sediment fabric at Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Arabian Sea | |
71% | | 1972 | Smith, Lee A.: Calcareous nannofossils and their utility in the JOIDES deep-sea drilling program | |
70% | 159 159-959 159-960 | 1996 | Basile, C.; Ginet, J. M. et al.: Imagerie de paroi de puit et basculement de la marge transformante de Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana; interpretation de diagraphies FMS dans les puits 959D et 960C, Leg ODP 159 Imagery of well wall and tilting of Ivory Coast-Ghana transform margin; interpretation of FMS well-logging in sites 959D and 960C, ODP Leg 159 | |
70% | | 2003 | Okano, Tadashi: Relationship between seismic data interpretation well data including core-data derived from drilling operation | |
61% | | 1981 | Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean | |
61% | | 1981 | Davies, Thomas A.; Worsley, Thomas R.: Paleoenvironment implications of oceanic carbonate sedimentation rates | |
61% | | 1988 | de Verteuil, Laurent: Paleogene Spiniferites cysts from the southern Labrador Sea (ODP Leg 105) taxonomy and interpretation | |
61% | | 1987 | Anderson, Roger N.: Hole 504B; the quest for the Moho | |
61% | | 1994 | Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Testing global synchronism in peri-Pacific arc volcanism | |
61% | | 1982 | Orlenok, V. V.: K probleme izmeneniya urovnya Mirovogo okeana v kaynozoye po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Changes of level in the world ocean during the Cenozoic according to data from deep-sea drilling | |
61% | | 1982 | Karous, M.: Odporove a fazove krivky metody velmi dlouhy'ch vln v odporove variante Resistivity curves and the phase of the VLF method | |
61% | | 1974 | Churkin, Michael, Jr.: Deep-Sea Drilling for Landlubber Geologists; The Southwest Pacific, and Accordion Plate Tectonics Analog for the Cordilleran Geosyncline | |
61% | | 1974 | Ekdale, Allan Anton: Geologic history of the abyssal benthos; evidence from trace fossils in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
61% | | 1980 | Savostin, L. A.; Volokitina, L. P. et al.: Paleobathymetry of the world ocean in the Late Cretaceous | |
61% | | 1974 | Davies, T. A.; Edgar, N. Terence: Some geophysical aspects of deep-sea drilling | |
61% | | 1975 | Kamen-Kaye, M.: Basalt from DSDP holes | |
61% | | 1976 | Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Emplacement modes of DSDP igneous rocks; higher intrusive fraction than expected from ophiolite complex analogs? | |
61% | | 1976 | Harrison, C. G. A.: Magnetization of the oceanic crust | |
61% | | 1973 | Bellaiche, Gilbert; Recq, Maurice: Off-shore seismological experiments south of Provence in relation to "Glomar Challenger" deep sea drillings (JOIDES-DSDP, Leg 13) [letter] | |
61% | | 1973 | Christensen, N. I.: Seismic structure of the upper portion of layer 2 | |
61% | | 1978 | Lowrie, W.; Kent, D. V.: Characteristics of VRM in oceanic basalts | |
61% | 26 26-253 | 1978 | McDuff, Russell E.: Conservative behavior of calcium and magnesium in the interstitial waters of marine sediments; identification and interpretation | |
61% | | 1979 | Whitman, J. M.; Davies, T. A.: Cenozoic oceanic sedimentation rates; how good are the data? | |
61% | | 1978 | Le Pichon, X.; Melguen, M. et al.: A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic | |
61% | | 1974 | Lowrie, W.: Oceanic Basalt Magnetic Properties and the Vine and Matthews Hypothesis | |
61% | | 1992 | Obolentseva, I. R.; Grechka, V. Yu.: Sravneniye razlichnykh algoritmov rascheta luchey v sloisto-odporodnykh anizotropnykh sredakh Comparison of different algorithms for calculating seismic rays in homogeneous layers of anisotropic media | |
61% | | 1972 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Velocity-density systematics for JOIDES basalts | |
61% | | 1986 | Knipe, R. J.: Deformation mechanism path diagrams for sediments undergoing lithification | |
61% | | 1986 | Rindsberg, Andrew Kinney: Distribution and preservation of biogenic sedimentary structures in the deep sea | |
61% | | 1991 | Jansa, L. F.: Processes affecting paleogeography, with examples from the Tethys | |
61% | | 1979 | Blakely, R. J.: The magnetic grain of oceanic layer 2A and short-wavelength marine anomalies | |
61% | | 1972 | Scholl, D. W.: JOIDES leg 19; northwest Pacific and Bering Sea; significant findings | |
61% | | 1972 | Karous, Milos: Odporova mereni v oblasti ceske kridove tabule Resistivity measurements in the area of the Bohemian Cretaceous Plate | |
61% | | 1991 | Hallock, Pamela; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Similarities between planktonic and larger foraminiferal evolutionary trends through Paleogene paleoceanographic changes | |
61% | | 1973 | Lowrie, William: Viscous Remanent Magnetization in Oceanic Basalts | |
61% | | 1984 | Blueford, Joyce R.: Defining radiolarian species; in search of solutions | |
61% | | 1977 | Churkin, Michael, Jr.; Carter, Claire et al.: A new Ordovician time scale based on accumulation rates of graptolite shale | |
61% | | 1973 | Knauth, L. Paul; Epstein, Samuel: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in cherts from the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
61% | | 1984 | Peterson, Curt D.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Downcore variation and sequence of hydrothermal mineralization in massive sea-floor basalts, DSDP Site 597 | |
61% | | 1995 | Wei, Wuchang: How many impact-generated microspherule layers in the upper Eocene? | |
61% | | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey (ed.): Structural fabric in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs | |
61% | | 1975 | Cook, A. C.: Significance of the coal at Site 214, Ninetyeast Ridge | |
61% | 88 | 1987 | Cessaro, Robert K.: Location of western Pacific earthquakes from a single station | |
61% | 115 | 1987 | ODP Leg 115; Indian Ocean hotspot volcanism and the Neogene carbonate budget | |
61% | | 1984 | Boyce, Robert E.: Summary of logging data available | |
61% | 100 100-625 | 1990 | Johnson, Beverly: The Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera aminostratigraphy of Ocean Drilling Program hole 625B, in the Gulf of Mexico | |
61% | | 1995 | Rousseau, Denis-Didier; Parra, Igor et al.: Continental climatic changes in Normandy (France) between 3.3 and 2.3 Myr B.P. | |
61% | 156 | 1995 | Corking a plate boundary fault | |
61% | | 1997 | Mountain, Gregory; Driscoll, Neal: Platforms for shallow water drilling | |
61% | | 1997 | Kleman, Johan; Stroeven, Arjen P.: Preglacial surface remnants and Quaternary glacial regimes in northwestern Sweden | |
61% | | 1971 | Ryan, William B. F.: New evidence concerning compressional tectonics of the seabed; results from Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
61% | | 1983 | Biart, Brian N. M.; Smith, S. G.: The nature of seismic reflecting horizons within deep-sea sediments | |
61% | 160 | 1999 | Wehausen, Rolf: Anorganische Geochemie zyklischer Sedimente aus dem oestlichen Mittelmeer; Rekonstruktion der Palaeoumweltbedingungen Inorganic geochemistry of cyclic sediments from the East Mediterranean Sea; reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions | |
61% | | 2007 | Cook, Jerry; Prouhet, Tavia: Middle school seismology; a study on authentic learning and the use of an AS-1 seismometer, Google Earth, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program data | |
57% | 34 34-319 34-320 34-321 | 1976 | Deutsch, E. R.; Paetzold, R. R.: Magnetism of basalt cores from the Nazca Plate and implications for magnetic anomaly interpretation | download |
57% | 172 172-1062 | 2002 | Flood, Roger D.; Giosan, Liviu: Migration history of a fine-grained abyssal sediment wave on the Bahama Outer Ridge | |
57% | 114 114-700 114-703 114-704 | 1987 | Mwenifumbo, C. J.; Blangy, J.: Preliminary interpretation of downhole logging measurements from ODP Leg 114 | |
57% | 18 18-173 18-181 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: Morphologic variation of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) in sediments of the marginal and central Northeast Pacific Ocean and paleoclimatic interpretation | |
57% | | 1988 | Seno, Tetsuzo; Tokuyama, Hidekazu et al.: Interpretation of seismic reflection profiles in the north basin of the Boso-Oki triple junction off central Honshu | |
57% | 81 81-552 | 2007 | Dowsett, H. J.: The PRISM palaeoclimate reconstruction and Pliocene sea-surface temperature | |
57% | | 1991 | Barnes, Philip M.: Active extension within the transpressive southern Hikurangi Margin; the North Mernoo fault zone; some preliminary results and interpretation | |
57% | | 2002 | Normark, William R.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Variability in form and growth of sediment waves on turbidite channel levees | |
57% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1994 | Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Moore, Greg et al.: Re-processing and re-interpretation of two JAPEX seismic reflection profiles from the Nankai accretionary prism | |
57% | 190 190-1173 196 196-1173 | 2001 | Hunze, S.; Buecker, C. et al.: Sedimentphysikalische Eigenschaften und tonmineralogische Interpretation des Nankai Akkretionskeils (ODP Leg 190) Sediment physical characteristics and clay mineralogical interpretation of the Nankai accretionary wedge; ODP Leg 190 | |
52% | 138 138-846 162 162-982 | 2011 | Bolton, Clara T.; Lawrence, Kira T. et al.: Biotic and geochemical evidence for a global latitudinal shift in ocean biogeochemistry and export productivity during the late Pliocene | |
51% | 65 | 1981 | Pecherskiy, D. M.; Tikhonov, L. V. et al.: Magnetism and paleomagnetism of basalts from the Gulf of California (Leg 65, Glomar Challenger) | |
51% | | 1981 | Degens, Egon T.: Rate of denudation in Black Sea source area | |
51% | 21 21-209 | 1983 | Liew, Keuk Sen: Late Pliocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 209 (Coral Sea); taxonomy and environmental interpretation | |
51% | | 1985 | Mead, Gregory A.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Carbonate cycles in the Oligocene detected by magnetic susceptibility measurements | |
51% | | 1985 | Federman, Alan Neil: Correlation and petrological interpretation of abyssal and terrestrial tephra layers | |
51% | | 1988 | Carlson, Richard; Sager, William et al.: Ocean drilling and tectonic frames of reference | |
51% | 113 | 1988 | Macko, S. A.; Pereira, C. P. G.: Organic isotopic geochemistry and sedimentology of the east-central Weddell Sea region; a paleoenvironmental and climatic interpretation | |
51% | 114 114-700 114-704 | 1990 | Mwenifumbo, C. Jonathan: Geochemical logging at ODP sites 700 and 704, Leg 114 | |
51% | | 1994 | Edmonds, Henrietta N.; Gamo, T. et al.: Sampling of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, by Shinkai 6500; preliminary results of fluid chemistry characterization prior to ODP drilling | |
51% | 19 | 1982 | Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character; Bering Sea | |
51% | 7 7-66 | 1986 | Tanahashi, Manabu: Seismic reflection survey in eastern part of Central Pacific Basin (GH81-4 area) | |
51% | | 1982 | Karl, Susan Margaret: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the northeastern Pacific rim and from Pacific DSDP cores | |
51% | 68 69 70 | 1982 | Geothermal regimes of the Costa Rica Rift, East Pacific, investigated by drilling, DSDP-IPOD legs 68, 69, and 70 | |
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