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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust | |
100% | 147 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.: Hydrothermal evolution of EPR lower crust exposed at Hess Deep | |
100% | | 1989 | Dick, H. J. B.: Drilling the oceanic lower crust and mantle | |
100% | 118 | 1989 | Kirby, Stephen H.; Mawer, C. K. et al.: Ductile shear zones in layer 3 gabbroic rocks; their deformation structures, V (sub p) anisotropy and candidacy for the curvilinear reflection structures of the lower crust | |
100% | 107 | 1995 | Podladchikov, Y.; Spadini, G. et al.: Synrift lower crust flow; a model and its application to Tyrrhenian Basin | |
100% | 176 | 1999 | Snow, Jonathan E.; Jochum, Klaus Peter et al.: Does the "gabbroic" component in hawaiian lavas come from oceanic lower crust? | |
100% | 147 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.; Mevel, C. et al.: The lower crust and upper mantle at a fast-spreading ridge; drilling results of ODP Leg 147 to the Hess Deep | |
85% | | 2005 | Kerr, Richard A.: Pursued for 40 years, the Moho evades ocean drillers once again | |
85% | | 1994 | Dick, Henry: ODP looks through tectonic windows | |
85% | | 1998 | Johnson, H. Paul; Tivey, Maurice A.: A re-evaluation of a contribution to marine magnetic anomalies from lower crustal rocks | |
85% | 172 | 1998 | Davies, Thomas A.; Fox, Paul J.: The (W)hole story | |
85% | 176 | 2000 | Mackie, Suzanne Mary: The abundances and distribution of chemical elements in oceanic gabbros drilled during ODP Leg 176; towards a realistic model composition of oceanic crust in the context of crust-mantle recycling | |
80% | 153 153-920 153-921 153-922 153-923 | 1994 | Cannat, M.; Karson, J. A. et al.: The lower crust and upper mantle from a slow-spreading ridge; drilling results of ODP Leg 153 at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge South of the Kane Transform (MARK) | |
80% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2011 | Nozaka, Toshio; Fryer, Patricia: Alteration of the oceanic lower crust at a slow-spreading axis; insight from vein-related zoned halos in olivine gabbro from Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
80% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.; Mevel, C.: Drilling the lower crust and upper mantle at a fast-spreading ridge; results of ODP Leg 147 | |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | MacLeod, C. J.; Allerton, S. et al.: Geology of Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge; preliminary results of RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 31 | |
80% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1994 | Frueh-Green, G. L.; Plas, A. et al.: Multi-stage hydrothermal alteration of the EPR lower crust and shallow mantle at Hess Deep; mineralogic and stable isotope constraints | |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H.: A 1.5 km section of gabbroic lower crust at the SW Indian Ridge | |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Schouten, Hans et al.: Evidence for a "melt lens" equivalent in the lower crust at an ultraslow spreading ridge | |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Ildefonse, B.; Hirth, G. et al.: Structural evolution of the lower crust at slow-spreading ridge; preliminary results from ODP Leg 176, Site 735B, South West Indian Ridge | |
80% | 153 | 1997 | Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Drilling tectonic windows into the lower crust and upper mantle; ODP Leg 153 | |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2008 | Mehl, Luc; Hirth, Greg: Plagioclase preferred orientation in layered mylonites; evaluation of flow laws for the lower crust | download |
80% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Holm, Paul Martin: Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition of in situ lower crust at the Southwest Indian Ridge; results from ODP Leg 176 | |
80% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | Frueh-Green, G. L.; Plas, A.: Hydrothermal alteration of the EPR lower crust and shallow mantle exposed at Hess Deep (ODP leg 147); mineralogical and stable isotope constraints | |
71% | 153 | 1994 | Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes at slow-spreading ridges; new insights from serpentinites and gabbroic rocks drilled on ODP Leg 153 in the MARK area MAR at 23 degrees N | |
71% | 153 | 2000 | Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of the lower oceanic crust at the MARK area by emplacement of small magma bodies | |
71% | | 2000 | Stoll, Johannes B.; Haak, Volker et al.: Electrical double-dipole experiment in the German continental deep sea drilling program (KTB) | download |
71% | 153 | 1996 | Gao, Dengliang; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Microstructures of metagabbros at the eastern Kane Ridge-transform intersection in the MARK area; implications for extensional deformation of the oceanic crust | |
71% | 153 | 1993 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 scientific prospectus; drilling in the western wall of the MARK area | |
71% | 153 | 1995 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Magde, L. S.; Dick, H. J. B. et al.: Fractal analysis of veins in ODP Core 735B | |
71% | 147 | 1995 | Deloule, E.; Mevel, C.: Implications of high delta D values measured in lower oceanic crust gabbros | |
71% | 147 | 1992 | Gillis, Kathryn; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 147 Scientific Prospectus; Hess Deep rift valley | |
71% | 153 | 1994 | Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 153 preliminary report, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | 31 31-293 | 1975 | Fountain, David M.; Carlson, R. L. et al.: Possible lower crustal rocks recovered on Leg 31 by deep-sea drilling in the Philippine Sea | |
71% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2010 | Crapster-Pregont, Ellen J.: Lithium- and oxygen-isotope profiles of a Mid-Atlantic Ridge oceanic core complex; the Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N | |
71% | | 2000 | Gillis, Kathryn M.: Creation and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere; contributions from ocean drilling | |
71% | | 2002 | Pearce, Julian: The oceanic lithosphere | |
71% | 118 | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Stretching the deep crust at the slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | | 2000 | Scholl, David William; von Huene, Roland: The tectonic process of subduction erosion and the selective removal of middle and lower crustal rocks at convergent margins | |
71% | | 2001 | Scholl, David W.; von Huene, Roland: Subduction erosion removal of lower crustal rocks at convergent margins; a contribution to the felsification of continental crust | |
71% | 184 | 2002 | Clift, Peter; Lin, Jian et al.: Evidence of low flexural rigidity and low viscosity lower continental crust during continental break-up in the South China Sea | |
71% | 79 79-547 | 1990 | Rezanov, I. A.: Istoriya i sovremennoye sostoyaniye problemy okeanizatsii kontinental'noy kory History and modern state of the problem of continental crust oceanization | |
71% | | 2009 | Searle, Roger: Composition and structure of oceanic core complexes | |
71% | 153 | 1995 | Ceuleneer, G.; Fletcher, J. M. et al.: Deformation of lower crustal rocks at a slow spreading ridge (Mid-Atlantic Ridge ODP Leg 153) | |
71% | 153 153-923 | 2005 | Coogan, L. A.: Cooling rate constraints on accretion of the lower oceanic crust | |
71% | | 2000 | Winterer, Edward L.: Scientific ocean drilling, from AMSOC to COMPOST | |
71% | | 2009 | Rabineau, M.: The GOLD IODP Project; global climate changes, extreme events, margins formation and the limits of life in the Gulf of Lion | |
70% | | 1996 | MacLeod, C. J.; Manning, C. E.: Influence of axial segmentation on hydrothermal circulation at fast-spreading ridges; insights from Hess Deep | |
61% | 184 184-1144 184-1148 | 2001 | Clift, Peter D.; Lin, Jian: Patterns of extension and magmatism along the continent-ocean boundary, South China margin | |
60% | 126 126-787 126-792 126-793 | 2010 | Tamura, Yoshihiko; Ishizuka, Osamu et al.: Missing Oligocene crust of the Izu-Bonin Arc; consumed or rejuvenated during collision? | |
60% | 147 147-894 | 2000 | Manning, Craig E.; MacLeod, Christopher J. et al.: Lower-crustal cracking front at fast-spreading ridges; evidence from the East Pacific Rise and the Oman Ophiolite | |
60% | 179 179-1105 | 2005 | Haggas, S. L.; Brewer, Tim S. et al.: Integration of electrical and optical images for structural analysis; a case study from ODP Hole 1105A | |
60% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2010 | Crapster-Pregont, Ellen J.; Reynolds, Valerie S.: Lithium-and oxygen-isotope profiles of a Mid-Atlantic Ridge oceanic core complex; the Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N | |
60% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1997 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 176 scientific prospectus; return to Hole 735B | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1996 | Frueh-Green, G. L.; Kelley, D. S.: Methane-rich fluids during ocean-floor serpentinization and hydrothermal alteration of the lower oceanic crust | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1996 | Dick, Henry J. B.: Hess versus Penrose; what is the composition of the lower ocean crust? | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2006 | Alt, Jeffrey C.; Bach, Wolfgang: Oxygen isotope composition of a section of lower oceanic crust, ODP Hole 735B | download |
57% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1993 | Richter, Carl; Kelso, Paul et al.: Magnetic properties and anisotropies of upper mantle and lower crustal rocks (ODP Sites 894 and 895) | |
57% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 147 preliminary report, Hess Deep Rift Valley | |
57% | 153 153-920 | 1995 | Hunter, A. G.; Kempton, P. D.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes; insights from Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopes in gabbros, peridotites and diabase dikes from the MARK area, ODP Leg 153 | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Newman, J.; Kronenberg, A. K. et al.: Ductile shear and conditions of deformation at a slow spreading ridge | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Pariso, Janet E.; Johnson, H. Paul: Do Layer 3 rocks make a significant contribution to marine magnetic anomalies? In situ magnetization of gabbros at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Pariso, Janet E.; Johnson, H. Paul: Do lower crustal rocks record reversals of the Earth's magnetic field? Magnetic petrology of oceanic gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B | download |
57% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1985 | Chiang, C. S.; Detrick, R. S.: The structure of the lower oceanic crust from synthetic seismogram modeling of near-vertical and wide-angle reflections and refractions near DSDP Site 417 in the western North Atlantic | |
57% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | Weston, P. E.; Manning, C. E.: High temperature fracturing at Hess Deep; implications for initiation of lower crustal brittle deformation at the East Pacific Rise | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Sakai, Hideo et al.: Paleomagnetic study of the deeper part of the oceanic crust and the upper mantle; results from ODP Leg 176, MODE98 Leg 4, and Oman Semail Ophiolite | |
57% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | MacLeod, C. J.; Celerier, B. et al.: Further techniques for core reorientation by core-log integration; application to structural studies of lower oceanic crust in Hess Deep, eastern Pacific | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1992 | von Herzen, R. P.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Physical properties and logging of the lower oceanic crust; Hole 735B | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2004 | Matsumoto, T.; Arai, S. et al.: Atlantis Bank as a key to understanding the nature of the Moho and crust-mantle boundary | |
57% | 153 | 2002 | Gee, J.; Meurer, W. P.: Slow cooling of middle and lower oceanic crust inferred from multicomponent magnetizations of gabbroic rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane fracture zone (MARK) area | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2003 | Hosford, Allegra; Tivey, Maurice et al.: Crustal magnetization and accretion at the Southwest Indian Ridge near the Atlantis II fracture zone, 0-25 Ma | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1995 | Magde, Laura S.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: Tectonics, alteration and the fractal distribution of hydrothermal veins in the lower ocean crust | |
57% | 119 119-738 | 2001 | Borisova, A. Yu.; Belyatsky, B. V. et al.: Petrogenesis of olivine-phyric basalts from the Aphanasey Nikitin Rise; evidence for contamination by cratonic lower continental crust | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, H. J. B.; Natland, J. H. et al.: The nature of intrusion and melt transport in the lower ocean crust at an ultra-slow spreading ridge | |
57% | | 2008 | Morris, A.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Evidence for footwall rotation in an oceanic core complex from IODP core samples reoriented using borehole wall imagery | |
57% | 104 104-642 | 2007 | Meyer, R.; Hertogen, J. et al.: Crustal-mantle melt interactions during continental breakup at the early Paleocene Voring Plateau, North Atlantic igneous province | |
57% | 116 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Tivey, Maurice A.; Allerton, Simon: Vine-Matthews lineations recorded in lower oceanic crust; oriented core and near-bottom magnetic survey results | |
57% | 147 147-894 | 1994 | MacLeod, C. J.; Boudier, F.: Melt transport in the lower oceanic crust at fast-spreading ridges; evidence from Hess Deep and the Oman Ophiolite | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Hirth, G.; Ildefonse, B. et al.: Deformation of the lower oceanic crust at a slow-spreading ridge; results from ODP Leg 176, Site 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Yoshinobu, Aaron S.; Hirth, Greg et al.: Deformation of partially molten gabbro beneath oceanic spreading centers; olivine as a rheological "Rosetta Stone" | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2009 | Stone, Sofia; Niu, Yaoling: Origin of compositional trends in clinopyroxene of oceanic gabbros and gabbroic rocks; a case study using data from ODP Hole 735B | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Gao, Y.; Hoefs, J. et al.: Oxygen isotope profile of the lower ocean crust; an in-situ study by UV-laser-ablation oxygen isotope microprobe | |
57% | 176 | 1998 | Natland, James H.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: A long gabbro section in the ocean crust; results of Leg 176 drilling, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
57% | 118 118-735 153 153-923 176 176-735 | 2002 | Coogan, Laurence A.; Jenkin, Gawen et al.: Lower crustal cooling rates at slow-spreading ridges | |
57% | 186 191 195 | 2007 | Shinohara, Masanao; Fukano, Tetsuo et al.: Seafloor borehole seismic observations in the western Pacific and upper mantle and crustal structure beneath the northwestern Pacific Basin | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2001 | Kelley, Deborah S.; Frueh-Green, Gretchen L.: Volatile lines of descent in submarine plutonic environments; insights from stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses | |
57% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | MacLeod, C. J.; Boudier, F. et al.: Structure of the lower oceanic crust in Hess Deep from ODP Leg 147 cores and borehole electrical images | |
57% | 149 149-900 173 173-1067 | 1999 | Gardien, Veronique; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Crust-mantle boundary under a rift zone; results of the ODP legs 149 and 173 in the ocean-continent transition of the West Iberia passive margin | |
57% | 149 149-900 173 173-1067 173-1068 | 2000 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Dean, S. M. et al.: Tectonic implications of exposure of lower continental crust beneath the Iberia abyssal plain, Northeast Atlantic Ocean; geophysical evidence | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2001 | Bach, Wolfgang; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: The geochemical consequences of late-stage low-grade alteration of lower ocean crust at the SW Indian Ridge; results from ODP Hole 735B (Leg 176) | |
57% | 138 138-846 | 2001 | Westaway, Robert: Flow in the lower continental crust as a mechanism for the Quaternary uplift of the Rhenish Massif, North-west Europe | |
57% | 138 138-844 | 2003 | Hallenborg, Eric; Harding, Alistair J. et al.: Seismic structure of 15 Ma oceanic crust formed at an ultrafast spreading East Pacific Rise; evidence for kilometer-scale fracturing from dipping reflectors | download |
57% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2009 | Morris, A.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Footwall rotation in an oceanic core complex quantified using reoriented Integrated Ocean Drilling Program core samples | |
57% | 130 130-807 192 192-1185 192-1187 | 2007 | Tejada, M. L. G.; Suzuki, K. et al.: Lower crustal material in the source of the Ontong Java Plateau? | |
57% | 147 147-895 | 2007 | Arai, S.; Takemoto, Y.: Mantle wehrlite from Hess Deep as a crystal cumulate from an ultra-depleted primary melt in East Pacific Rise | download |
57% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2009 | Pressling, Nicola; Morris, Antony et al.: Core reorientation using Formation MicroScanner images; application to the palaeomagnetic study of Atlantis Massif | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2009 | Schwartz, Joshua J.; John, Barbara E. et al.: Cooling history of Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex; evidence for hydrothermal activity 2.6 Ma off axis | download |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Swift, S. A.; Stephen, R. A.: The composition of ocean seismic layer 3 from attenuation measurements | |
57% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Coogan, Laurence A.; Jenkin, G. R. T. et al.: Constraining the cooling rate of the lower oceanic crust; a new approach based on the closure temperature of calcium exchange in oceanic gabbros | |
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