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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1291998Carter, S. J.; Raymo, M. E.: Cenozoic history of global marine sedimentation and the calcite compensation depth
1996Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Moullade, Michel et al.: Onset of marine sedimentation in the Deep Ivorian Basin (ODP Site 962); evidence from Lower Cretaceous foraminifera
85%381981Belanger, Paul Edward: Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifera of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
85%1981Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean
85%1981Davies, Thomas A.; Worsley, Thomas R.: Paleoenvironment implications of oceanic carbonate sedimentation rates
85%1981Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results
85%961983On the Mississippi Fan
85%1994Ramsay, A. T. S.; Sykes, T. J. S. et al.: Sedimentary hiatuses as indicators of fluctuating oceanic water masses; a new model
85%661982Lundberg, Neil Scott: Evolution of the forearc landward of the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and southern Mexico
85%1982Wright, Audrey; Heath, Ross et al.: Glomar Challenger at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
85%1984Doyle, P. S.: Age correlations for the pelagic brown clay provinces in the major oceans
85%1986Howell, David G.; Murray, Richard W.: A budget for continental growth and denudation
85%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
85%1994Thiede, Jorn: The challenge of high-latitude deep sea drilling
85%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
85%1982Maillot, Henri: Les Paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique sud; apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironments of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry's contribution
85%1988Mazzullo, Jim; Graham, Anne Gilbert: Handbook for shipboard sedimentologists
1982Jansa, Lubomir F.: The early North Atlantic
85%1989Hobert, Linda A.; Wetzel, A.: On the relationship between silica and carbonate diagenesis in deep sea sediments
85%1984Shcherbakova, M. N.: Pliocene-Quaternary vulcanism and marine sedimentation in the Mediterranean region
85%1451993Krissek, L. A.: Neogene record of ice-rafting in the North Pacific; preliminary results from ODP Leg 145
85%1995Underwood, Michael B.; Moore, Gregory F.: Trenches and trench-slope basins
85%1985Rea, David K.; Leinen, Margaret: Neogene history of the calcite compensation depth and lysocline in the South Pacific Ocean
85%1984van Andel, Tjeerd: Sediment nomenclature and classification
85%1989Bouquillon, A.; Chamley, H. et al.: Sedimentation argileuse au Cenozoique superieur dans l'Ocean Indien nord-oriental Upper Cenozoic clay sedimentation in the northeastern Indian Ocean
85%1301990Ocean Drilling Program; reading the ocean's diary
85%1980Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: The relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments
85%1991Canfield, Donald E.: Sulfate reduction in deep-sea sediments
85%1987Dilli, K.: Clay mineral studies in the Somali Basin; prospects for hydrocarbons
85%1989Konyukhov, A. I.: Geologiya okeana; zagadki, gipotezy, otkrytiya Geology of the ocean; mysteries, hypotheses, discoveries
85%1980Neprochnov, Yu. P. (ed.): Geologicheskaya istoriya Chernogo morya po rezul'tatam glubokovodnogo bureniya The geologic history of the Black Sea from the results of deep-sea drilling
1996Drilling probes Mediterranean climate and oceanography
85%1995Hoffman, Kenneth A.: Findings suggest possible link between geomagnetic reversals and field intensity
85%1990Steinberg, Michel: Sedimentation oceanique et geodynamique; fluctuations des taux d'accumulation dans l'ocean Atlantique depuis 120 MA Ocean sedimentation and geodynamics; fluctuations in accumulation rates in the Atlantic Ocean during the last 120 million years
85%1982Donnelly, Thomas W.: Worldwide continental denudation and climatic deterioration during the late Tertiary; evidence from deep-sea sediments
85%2003Fisk, Martin R.: Ocean Drilling Program contributions to the understanding of the deep subsurface biosphere
85%1988Anonymous: Bildung des Himalaya vor 20 Millionen Jahren Development of the Himalayas before 20 Ma
85%1999Brumsack, Hans-Juergen; Wehausen, Rolf: A geochemical record of precession-induced cyclic eastern Mediterranean sedimentation; implications for northern Sahara humidity during the Pliocene
85%3022007O'Regan, Matthew Aaron: A Cenozoic history of the central Arctic Ocean
85%1984Leclaire, L. (ed.): Les archives de l'ocean The archives of the ocean
85%1996Barker, Peter F.: Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change from margin sediments; the ANTOSTRAT proposals
85%1996Sveinbjornsdottir, A. E.; Fridleifsson, G. O. et al.: Promising drillsites within the Tjornes fracture zone sedimentary basin, North of Iceland
85%1984Nelson, C. Hans: Modern fan stratigraphy
85%2004Leinen, M.: Jack Dymond's "fingerprints" on sediment chemistry, biogeochemical fluxes, and my career
85%1996Cambray, H.: Volcanic and climatic signals recorded by DSDP and ODP data
85%1982Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: Relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments
85%1982Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Kidd, Robert B.: Sedimentation and sedimentary processes in the Indian Ocean
85%1998Alverson, Keith: Focus on international geoscience initiatives PAGES; past global changes
2009Lane-Serff, Gregory F.; Pearce, R. B.: Modeling hydrography and marine sedimentation in the Cariaco Basin since the last glacial maximumdownload
1981Barrett, P. J.: Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica
1981Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Golikova, G. S. et al.: Materialy k izucheniyu diatomey v pozdnepleystotsenovykh i golotsenovykh osadkakh Norvezhskogo morya The study of diatoms in upper Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Norwegian Sea
71%1981Summerhayes, Colin P.: Organic facies of Middle Cretaceous black shales in deep North Atlantic
71%131981Thiede, J.: Reworking in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments
71%1983Maillot, H.: Les paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique Sud; Apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry
71%541983Anonymous: Litologiya i mineralogiya pliotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya (rejs 54 j) Lithology and mineralogy of Plio-Pleistocene formations of western East Pacific Rise, Leg 54
71%611983Timofeyev, P. P.; Koporulin, V. I. et al.: Litologiya, mineralogiya i geokhimiya melovykh gialoklastitov (rejs 61-j) Lithology, mineralogy and geochemistry of Cretaceous hyaloclastites, Leg 61
1985Dean, W.; Gardner, J.: Cyclic variations in calcium carbonate and organic carbon in Miocene to Holocene sediments, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean
1985Takeuchi, Akira; Saeki, Rumi: Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals of pelagic sediments in the southern Pacific
1988Bohrmann, G.; Hempel, P. et al.: North Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Sea Miocene to Pliocene paleoceanography
1988Ehrmann, W. U.; Mackensen, A.: Ocean drilling on Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean; preliminary results
71%1994Droxler, Andre W.: Shallow carbonates drilled by DSDP and ODP; oceanic benchmarks and dipsticks for continental margins and volcanic aseismic ridges
1994Gallet, Yves; Valet, Jean-Pierre: From the superchron to the microchron; magnetic stratigraphy in deep sea sediments
71%1969Beall, Arthur O.: Deep-sea drilling project throws new light on Gulf sedimentation
71%1982Harbert, W. P.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Geologic and tectonic history of Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
1986Baumgartner, P. O.: Age and paleooceanography of Tethyan Jurassic radiolarites
71%1041987Henrich, R.: Glazial/Interglazial Sedimentationszyklen in der Norwegischen See; Palaeozeanographische Interpretation und langfristige Klimatrends - Leg 104, Norwegische See Glacial/interglacial sedimentation cycles in the Norwegian Sea; paleooceanographic interpretation and long-term climatic trends; Leg 104, Norwegian Sea
71%1782000Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Moerz, T. et al.: Pacific continental rise sites; sedimentological results (ODP Leg 178, Western Antarctic Peninsular)
1994Tarduno, John A.: Temporal trends of magnetic dissolution in the pelagic realm; gauging paleoproductivity?
71%1551994Cisowski, S. M.; Hall, F. R.: Ultra-high resolution records of the Lake Mungo Excursion and the Blake Event from ODP Leg 155 cores drilled in the Amazon Fan
71%1541994Hagelberg, Teresa King; deMenocal, Peter et al.: Variations in terrigenous sedimentation on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic as inferred from core and log data integration
71%431982Debrabant, P.; Chamley, H.: Influences oceaniques et continentales dans les premiers depots de l'Atlantique nord Oceanic and continental influences in the first deposits of the North Atlantic
71%911982Leinen, M.: Late Pleistocene hydrothermal sedimentation at DSDP Leg 91 "hydrogeology" sites
71%621983Timofeyev, P. P.; Rateyev, M. A. et al.: Glinistyye mineraly mezozoyskikh i kanozoyskikh otlozheniy gor Markus-Nekker i vozvyshennosti Khessa Clay minerals of Meso-Cenozoic rocks in the submarine mountains of Central Pacific and Hess Ridge
71%1988Anonymous: Geologic history of the polar oceans; Arctic versus Antarctic
71%1982Saltzman, E. S.; Barron, Eric J.: Deep circulation in the Late Cretaceous; oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from Inoceramus remains in D.S.D.P. cores
1980Backman, Jan: Miocene-Pliocene nannofossils and sedimentation rates in the Hatton-Rockall Basin, NE Atlantic Ocean
1980Timofeev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: On history of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation and geological development of the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
71%1980Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Middle Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins
71%1986DePaolo, D. J.; Richter, F. M.: Numerical models of Sr isotopic redistribution in deep-sea carbonate sediments during diagenesis
71%1986Schlanger, S. O.; Premoli Silva, I.: Oligocene sea-level falls recorded in mid-Pacific atoll and archipelagic apron settings
71%1986Stein, Ruediger: Organic carbon and sedimentation rate; further evidence for anoxic deep-water conditions in the Cenomanian/Turonian Atlantic Ocean
71%381986Thiede, Joern; Diesen, Geir W. et al.: Patterns of Cenozoic sedimentation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
71%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
1986Jarrard, R. D.: Milankovich cycles in downhole logs from ODP Site 646, Labrador Sea
1990Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Deglacial climatic oscillations in the Gulf of California
71%1996Premoli Silva, I.; Erba, E.: New records of Cretaceous sediments recovered during ocean drilling campaignes (legs 143-160)
71%2012004Schippers, Axel; Neretin, Lev N. et al.: Quantification of Archaea and bacteria in marine deep sediments using CARD-FISH and real-time PCR
1997Ikeda, Akihiro: Cyclic fluctuation in the differential dissolution of late Quaternary diatoms in the western Equatorial Pacific Ocean
71%1501996Deconinck, J. F.: Glacioeustatic control of terrigenous clay mineral fluxes off New Jersey during the Cenozoic (NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
71%1551996Maslin, M.: Last glacial equatorial western Atlantic circulation; the Amazon Fan and Heinrich events
71%1621996Solheim, A.; Andersen, E. S. et al.: Late Cenozoic depositional history of the western Svalbard continental shelf, controlled by subsidence and climate
71%1541996Bickert, T.; Franz, S. O. et al.: Late Neogene carbonate deposition in the western Equatorial Atlantic; relation to productivity, dissolution, and dilution
71%1996Andersen, Espen S.; Dokken, Trond M. et al.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and glacial history of the western Svalbard continental margin
71%1591996Mascle, J.; Lohmann, P. et al.: Leg ODP 159 on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin; transform margin evolution
71%381979Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
71%1992Rea, David K.: Delivery of Himalayan sediment to the northern Indian Ocean and its relation to global climate, sea level, uplift, and seawater strontium
71%1993Debrabant, Pierre; Fagel, Nathalie et al.: Neogene to Quaternary clay mineral fluxes in the Central Indian Basin
71%1501993Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 150 scientific prospectus; the New Jersey continental slope and rise
71%1511995Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Hird, R. et al.: The northernmost ODP drillsites; onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 7.0 Ma; first sedimentological results (Leg 151 NAAG)
71%1995Barker, Peter F.: The proximal marine sediment record of Antarctic climate since the late Miocene

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