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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1983Claypool, George E.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane and other hydrocarbon gases in marine sediments
100%1991Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J. et al.: The record of global change in circum-Antarctic marine sediments
100%1982Elderfield, H.; Gieskes, J. M.: Sr isotopes in interstitial waters of marine sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores
100%1980Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models
100%1980Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: The relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments
100%1989Delaney, M. L.: Temporal changes in interstitial water chemistry and calcite recrystallization in marine sediments
100%1989ten Haven, H. L.; Rohmer, M. et al.: Tetrahymanol, the most likely precursor of gammacerane, occurs ubiquitously in marine sediments
100%1990Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R.: Rare earth element sources to fine-grained marine sediments; assessing the marine and terrestrial records
100%2004Hollamby, Jennifer; Musgrave, Robert: A rock-magnetic investigation of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments
100%2003Hebbeln, D.: State of the art and future prospects of scientific coring and drilling of marine sediments
100%1991Stein, R.: Accumulation of organic carbon in marine sediments: results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP)
100%1996Petersen, Nikolai; Winklhofer, Michael et al.: Characterization of marine sediments by magnetic hysteresis loop measurements at different temperatures and by electron microscopy
100%2002Glass, B. P.: Upper Eocene impact ejecta/spherule layers in marine sediments
100%2002Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: Investigations into the bacterially generated rock-magnetic properties of gas hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments
100%1995Housen, Bernard A.; Moskowitz, Bruce M.: Low temperature behavior of pyrrhotite in marine sediments
100%2010Breuker, A.; Schippers, A.: Improvement of methods for the quantification of microorganisms in oligotrophic carbonate rich marine sediments of North Pond
94%1998Engberts, Cynthia J.: Oceanic heat flow and thermal conductivity of sediments with lithology and depth
94%2003Anonymous: Life of a core
92%2002Claypool, George E.: Sulfate ventilation of marine sediments indicated by depth profiles of porewater sulfate and delta (super 34) S
83%1802000Stover, S. Cheree; Ge, Shemin et al.: One-dimensional consolidation of shallow marine sediments; application of analytical solutions and experimental data to poroelastic and viscoplastic deformation in Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
83%1984Baker, Earl W.; Louda, J. William: Highly dealkylated copper and nickel etioporphyrins in marine sediments
2000Kim, Jin-wook; Lee, Yir-Der E. et al.: Effects of laboratory consolidation on petrophysical properties of fine-grained marine sediments; electron microscopic observations
1992Karlin, R.: A 250 kyr secular variation record from rapidly deposited marine sediments at Gulf of California DSDP Site 480
83%2012002D'Hondt, S.; Jorgensen, B. B. et al.: Microbial activity in deeply buried marine sediments
1993Lee, Myung W.; Hutchinson, D. R. et al.: Method of estimating the amount of in situ gas hydrates in deep marine sediments
1995Harris, Philip G.; Maxwell, James R.: A novel method for the rapid determination of chlorin concentrations at high stratigraphic resolution in marine sediments
83%169S1998Elvert, M.; Suess, E. et al.: Molecular and isotopic characterization of biomarkers in marine sediments associated with methanotrophic processes
83%1991Murray, Richard William: Geologic significance of the rare earth, major, and trace element systematics in chert and fine-grained marine sediments; I, Specifying chert depositional environments with REE relative fractionations; II, Chemical behavior during diagenesis of chert and siliceous marine sediment
83%1998Delaney, M. L.: Phosphorus accumulation in marine sediments and the oceanic phosphorus cycledownload
1998Smirnov, Alexei V.; Tarduno, John A.: Magnetic interactions and bacterial magnetite distribution in marine sediments
83%1987Hesse, R.: Die Fruehdiagenese tiefmariner Sedimente im Spiegel der Porenwasser-Chemie; Eine Bilanz der bisherigen Bohrergebnisse Early diagenesis of deep marine sediments reflecting on pore water chemistry; a balance of previous results
83%1983Keller, Gerta; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Multiple microtektite horizons in upper Eocene marine sediments; no evidence for mass extinctions
83%1988Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, Steven: High resolution chronology of Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary events determined from 21,000 yr orbital-climatic cycles in marine sediments
1990Karlin, R. H.; Levi, S.: Paleosecular variation for the last 250 ka in rapidly deposited marine sediments at DSDP Site 480 in the Gulf of California
83%1985Heusser, Linda E.: Quaternary palynology of marine sediments in the Northeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
1992Ingram, Bonnye Lynn: Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic studies of estuarine and marine sediments using strontium isotopes
2004Bickers, Claire; Handley, Luke et al.: Characterisation of organic nitrogen-containing compounds in recent marine sediments, and their application to compound-specific nitrogen stable isotope studies
2004Ingram, Sarah Janette; Eglinton, Tim et al.: Neogene environmental change; terrestrial vegetation biomarkers in marine sediments off East Africa
83%71982Grundmanis, Varis; Murray, James W.: Aerobic respiration in pelagic marine sediments
1987Sugitani, Kenichiro: A geochemical study of hydrothermal manganese micronodules from marine sediments and sedimentary rocks on land
83%1161994France-Lanord, Christian; Derry, Louis A.: delta (super 13) of organic carbon in the Bengal Fan; source evolution and transport of C3 and C4 plant carbon to marine sediments
83%1984Marlowe, I. T.; Brassell, S. C. et al.: Long chain unsaturated ketones and esters in living algae and marine sediments
1985Goldberg, David S.; Moos, Daniel et al.: Attenuation changes due to diagenesis in marine sediments
83%1641999Xu, Wenyue; Ruppel, Carolyn: Predicting the occurrence, distribution, and evolution of methane gas hydrate in porous marine sedimentsdownload
83%1999Corradi, N.; Fontolan, G. et al.: Seismic reflection and paleoenvironmental features in marine sediments from Joides, Glomar Challenger, Western and Nordenskjold basins (western Ross Sea); preliminary results of the XIV P.N.R.A. expedition (1998-1999)
1997Kopf, A.: The origin, distribution, and related problems of interpreting normal faults in marine sediments recovered by advanced piston coring (APC); a review of results from cruises of the Ocean Drilling Program (legs 101-160)
83%1999Dvorkin, Jack; Prasad, Manika et al.: Elasticity of marine sediments; rock physics modelingdownload
83%1999Clennell, M. Ben; Hovland, Martin et al.: Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments; 1, Conceptual model of gas hydrate growth conditioned by host sediment properties
83%1997Yamaguchi, K.; Ohmoto, H.: Ferric and ferrous contents of marine sediments; indicator of the atmospheric P (sub O2) level and of paleotectonic setting
83%1997Hovland, M.; Gallagher, J. W. et al.: Gas hydrate and free gas volumes in marine sediments; examples from the Niger Delta front
83%1991Cambray, Herve: Etude des tephra des sediments marins; comparaison entre les episodes d'activite volcanique des arcs et l'evolution tectonique Tephra among marine sediments; a comparison between episodes of arc volcanic activity and tectonic evolution
2002Spivack, Arthur J.; Smith, David C.: Hydrogen concentrations in deeply buried marine sediments; determination of concentrations and utilization rates
2001Smirnov, Alexei V.; Tarduno, John A.: Estimating superparamagnetism in marine sediments with the time dependency of coercivity of remanencedownload
83%1111996Schmieder, F.; von Dobeneck, T. et al.: Refining magnetostratigraphic dating of Quaternary marine sediments by time series analysis of paleoclimatically driven rock magnetic variations
83%1996Musgrave, Robert J.; Housen, Bernard A.: Rock-magnetic signature of methane migration and hydrate formation in marine sediments
83%2042004Trehu, Anne M.: Gas hydrate distribution and dynamics in marine sediments; insights from ODP drilling on hydrate ridge
83%1681998Monnin, C.; Dupre, B. et al.: Baryte stability in ocean waters and in marine sediments; a thermodynamic approach
83%1998Lauer-Leredde, Christine; Pezard, Philippe A. et al.: FICUS, a new in-situ probe for resistivity measurements in unconsolidated marine sediments
1998Reed, Allen H.; Brenner, Charlotte A.: Foraminiferida membranes, a possible thermal alteration indicator which can be used to infer paleotemperatures of marine sediments
83%1983Cole, T. G.; Shaw, H. F.: The nature and origin of authigenic smectites in some Recent marine sediments
1999Murray, R. W.; Carey, S. et al.: Dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediments
83%1782000Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Banerjee, Subir K.: Rock-magnetic carriers of century-scale susceptibility cycles in glacial-marine sediments from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula
1994Anati, David A.: Advection and diffusion in marine sediments; DSDP Site 374 in the Eastern Mediterranean as an example
83%2011Gomez, B.; Upton, P. et al.: Tectonic signals in lake and marine sediments
82%1981Anderson, Roger N.: Surprises from the Glomar Challenger
82%1988Wackler, Jeri Dea: Microstructures and fabrics of sediments from the Lesser Antilles accretionary complex
82%1986Lilje, Anneliese: Quantitative estimates of compaction in the calcareous ooze, chalk, limestone sequence
82%1973Sayles, F. L.: The Composition of Interstitial Solutions of Marine Sediments; results from the DSDP
82%2006Anonymous: Of cores!
82%1985Ocean Drilling Program; coring and development technology
82%1998Kerr, Richard A.; Normile, Dennis: Ocean drilling floats ambitious plans for growth
82%1973Rona, P. A.: Worldwide Unconformities in Marine Sediments related to Eustatic Changes of Sea Level
82%1989Callaway, Jesse Sybil: Burial transformation of sediment fabric at Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Arabian Sea
82%1985Levi, S.: Quaternary geomagnetic fluctuations; ocean drilling affords opportunities for global data
82%1990Hiscott, R. N.: ODP opportunities for sedimentologists: the Canadian experience
82%2003White, Kasey (ed.); Urquhart, Elspeth (ed.): ODP highlights
82%2003Harrison, Chris: A brief history of the Ocean Drilling Program
82%2002Kerr, Richard A.: Deep life in the slow, slow lane
82%2007Bartetzko, Anne; Kopf, Achim J.: The relationship of undrained shear strength and porosity with depth in shallow (<50 m) marine sedimentsdownload
2003Armitage, Simon J.; Stokes, Stephen et al.: Optical dating of marine sediment from ODP Core 658B; an intercomparison with pre-existing AMS (super 14) C chronology
2011Blazejak, Anna; Schippers, Axel: Real-time PCR quantifiction and diversity analysis of the functional genes aprA and dsrA of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in marine sediments of the Peru continental margin and the Black Sea
1999Urbat, Michael; Dekkers, Mark J. et al.: The isolation of diagenetic groups in marine sediments using fuzzy c-mean cluster analyses
2004Webster, Gordon; Parkes, R. Jon et al.: Widespread occurrence of a novel division of bacteria identified by 16S rRNA gene sequences originally found in deep marine sediments
2010Yoshioka, Hideyoshi; Sakata, Susumu: Microbial methane production activity around the biogenic methane hydrate-bearing regions
71%1983Lumsden, David N.: Computer aided diffraction study seeks to determine dolomite character and origin in deep sea sediments
71%1983Musich, Lillian F.: Computer classification of deep sea sediments
71%1983Huey, D. P.: DSDP coring equipment & techniques
71%1981Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology
71%1981Barron, Eric J.; Whitman, Jill M.: Oceanic sediments in space and time
71%1981Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean
71%1981Davies, Thomas A.; Worsley, Thomas R.: Paleoenvironment implications of oceanic carbonate sedimentation rates
71%581981Sloan, Jon Roger: Radiolarians of the North Philippine Sea; their biostratigraphy, preservation, and paleoecology
71%1981Savin, Samuel M.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Stable isotopes in ocean sediments
71%961983On the Mississippi Fan
71%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Natural gas hydrate; introduction and history of discovery
71%1981Lasaga, Antonio C.: Influence of diffusion coupling on diagenetic concentration profiles
71%1001988Johnson, Glenn Wilbur: Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology; Northeast Gulf of Mexico
71%1985Rullkoetter, J.: Schwarzschiefer in der Tiefsee; Entstehung und Kohlenwasserstoffpotential Deep-sea black shales; genesis and hydrocarbon potential
71%1986Carson, Bobb; Berglund, Peter L.: Sediment deformation and dewatering under horizontal compression; experimental results
71%1982Fenner, Juliane M.: Early diagenesis of biosiliceous components in deep sea sediments

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