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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1992 | Franklin, James M.: Advances in understanding volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; lessons from the modern environment | |
100% | | 1990 | Perfit, M. R.: Magmatism, hydrothermal alteration and sulphide mineralization on the Galapagos Ridge: a potential ODP site to study massive sulphide genesis | |
100% | 139 | 1992 | Anonymous: Successful drilling of seafloor massive sulfide deposit | |
83% | 158 | 1996 | Bruegmann, G. E.; Hofmann, A. W. et al.: Os isotopic composition and Os distribution in the active mound of the TAG-hydrothermal system, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
83% | 139 | 1999 | Stuart, Finlay M.; Ellam, Robert M. et al.: Metal sources in the Middle Valley massive sulphide deposit, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; Pb isotope constraints | |
83% | | 1996 | Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, western Pacific: ODP proposal 479 | |
83% | | 1996 | Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Zierenberg, R. A. et al.: Hydrothermal alteration associated with modern sediment-covered rifts; application to the exploration for ancient sulphide deposits | |
83% | 139 | 1993 | Marchig, V.; Boni, M.: Massive sulfides from Middle Valley (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 139 "sedimented ridges"); mineral and chemical composition and comparison with massive sulfides from the southern part of the East Pacific Rise | |
83% | 139 | 1991 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 139 scientific prospectus; Sedimented ridges; I | |
83% | | 1996 | Halbach, Peter; Blum, N. et al.: The Indian Ocean; future area for drilling activities? The only -- up to now -- massive sulfides in the Indian Ocean (Meso mineral zone, CIR) | |
83% | 158 | 1996 | Gemmell, J. Bruce: Subsurface architecture of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158 | |
83% | 139 | 1995 | Marchig, V.; Dietrich, P.: Hydrothermal activity in Middle Valley (East Pacific Rise 48N, Leg 139, ODP); chemical redistribution between sediment, igneous rocks and massive sulfides | |
83% | 128 128-799 | 1991 | Scott, Steven D.; Marumo, Katsumi: Successful test of the failed rift hypothesis for kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits, ODP Site 799, Sea of Japan | |
83% | 193 193-1189 | 2003 | Barriga, Fernando; Binns, Ray et al.: Treasure in the making under the sea floor | |
83% | 193 | 2001 | Roberts, Stephen; Benning, Liane G.: Leg 193; Manus Basin | |
83% | 158 | 1998 | You, C. F.; Bickle, M. J.: Evolution of an active sea-floor massive sulphide deposit | |
83% | | 2000 | Gillis, Kathryn M.: Creation and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere; contributions from ocean drilling | |
83% | 158 | 1996 | Hannington, M. D.; Galley, A. G. et al.: Comparison of the TAG mound-stockwork complex with cyprus-type massive sulfide deposits; results of Leg 158 drilling | |
83% | 193 193-1188 | 2001 | Bach, Wolfgang: Ocean drilling program explores the making of ore deposits | |
83% | 139 | 1992 | Franklin, J. M.: Hot rocks, hot water and cold sulfides; preliminary results, ODP Leg 139 drilling the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
83% | 169 | 1997 | James, R. H.; Palmer, M. R.: Evidence for the transport of phase-separated hydrothermal fluids through sediment at the Escanaba Trough | |
83% | 169 | 1997 | Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Peter, Jan M.: Intersection of major massive sulphide deposits, sulfide feeder zones and a deep copper zone during ODP Leg 169 drilling in the Bent Hill area, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
83% | 169 | 1997 | Houghton, J.; Pulsipher, T. et al.: Major and minor element geochemistry of sulfide minerals from Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough sediment hosted volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits | |
83% | | 2001 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Webb, Spahr C. et al.: A deep tow magnetic survey of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
83% | | 2000 | Petersen, Sven: The geochemical and mineralogical evolution of the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N | |
83% | 158 | 1995 | Herzig, P.; Humphris, S.: Drilling the TAG hydrothermal mound, MAR 26 degrees N | |
83% | | 2008 | Skott, S. D.: Kolchedannyye mestorozhdeniya; opyt kontinental'noy i morskoy geologii Massive sulfide deposits; aspects of continental and marine geology | |
83% | 169 | 2000 | Peter, J. M.; Goodfellow, W. D.: Setting, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Middle Valley sulfide deposits; results of ODP Leg 169 | |
83% | 158 | 1995 | Herzig, Peter M.; Humphris, Susan E.: Ocean Drilling Program reveals the subsurface nature of the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
83% | 193 | 2004 | Barriga, Fernando J. A. S.; Binns, Ray B. et al.: Leg 193; the third dimension of a felsic-hosted, massive sulphide hydrothermal system in a back-arc basin (Pacmanus, Papua New Guinea) | |
83% | 169 | 2000 | Bjerkgard, T.; Cousens, B. L. et al.: The Middle Valley sulfide deposits, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; radiogenic isotope systematics | |
83% | 169 | 2005 | Peter, J. M.; Scott, S. D. et al.: Hydrothermal petroleum in modern sediment-hosted seafloor massive sulphide deposits at Guaymas Basin and Escanaba Trough | |
67% | 23 23-227 | 1988 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Shanks, Wayne C., III: Isotopic studies of epigenetic features in metalliferous sediment, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea | |
67% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1994 | Franklin, J. M.; Goodfellow, W. D. et al.: Site 856 of ODP Leg 139; discovery of a major massive sulfide deposit in Middle Valley of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
67% | 139 | 1994 | Goodfellow, W. D.; Leybourne, M. et al.: The Middle Valley hydrothermal system and associated sulphide deposits, Juan de Fuca Ridge; recent results of Leg 139, Ocean Drilling Program--Reseau hydrothermal et gisements sulfures associes de la vallee du Milieu, dorsale Juan de Fuca; resultats recents du troncon 139, Programme de sondage des fonds marins | |
67% | 169 | 1998 | Duckworth, Rowena C.; Shanks, W. C., III et al.: High grade sediment-hosted sulfide deposits on the sea-floor; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
67% | 158 | 1998 | Masuda, H.; Nakamura, M. et al.: Hydrothermal basalt alteration at the surface of the TAG active mound, MAR26 degrees N | |
67% | | 1996 | Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus back-arc basin, Western Pacific; ODP Proposal 479 | |
67% | 158 | 1996 | Sturz, Anne A.; Itoh, Mika J. T. et al.: Mineralogy and chemical composition of clay minerals, TAG sulfide deposit | |
67% | 139 | 1993 | Goodfellow, W. D.; Franklin, J. M. et al.: Hydrothermal fluid-sediment interaction and massive sulphide formation; results of Leg 139 drilling, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge--Interaction entre fluides hydrothermaux et sediments et formation de sulfures massifs; resultats du forage de l'etape 139 dans la Vallee Mediane (partie nord de la Dorsale Juan de Fuca) | |
67% | 158 | 1998 | Sturz, A. A.; Itoh, M. J. T. et al.: Mineralogy and chemical composition of clay minerals, TAG hydrothermal mound | |
67% | 106 106-649 | 1989 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Brown, Jennifer R.: Geologic setting of the Snake Pit hydrothermal site; an active vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
67% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 1990 | Scott, Steven D.; Pouclet, Andre: ODP Leg 128 sea of Japan; basement rocks, volcanism and a Kuroko massive sulfide environment in a failed rift | |
67% | 169 169-1038 | 1999 | James, Rachael H.; Rudnicki, Mark D. et al.: The alkali element and boron geochemistry of the Escanaba Trough sediment-hosted hydrothermal system | |
67% | 193 | 2005 | Pinto, A. M. M.; Relvas, J. M. R. S. et al.: Gold mineralization in recent and ancient volcanic-hosted massive sulfides; the PACMANUS Field and the Neves Corvo Deposit | |
67% | 139 158 169 193 | 2009 | Roberts, Stephen: Mechanisms for the formation of ocean floor massive sulfides; is there more to learn from ocean drilling? | |
67% | 193 | 2007 | Barriga, F. D.; Binns, R. A. et al.: Trekhmernaya vulkanogennaya gidrotermal'naya medno-kolchedannaya sistema v zadugovom basseyne Manus (Papua-Novaya Gvineya) Three-dimensional hydrothermal copper-sulfide volcanic system in the Manus back-arc basin (Papua-New Guinea) | |
67% | 139 | 1994 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Goodfellow, Wayne D. et al.: Sulfur isotopic composition of massive sulfide from the Middle Valley sediment-covered seafloor spreading center | |
67% | 169 | 1997 | Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert et al.: Leg 169 drills a major massive sulfide deposit on a sediment-buried spreading center | |
67% | | 2000 | Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Third dimension of a presently forming VMS deposit; TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26N | |
67% | | 2001 | Gillis, Kathryn M.: Nature and origin of the oceanic lithosphere; some insights from past ocean drilling and plans for the future | |
67% | 5 5-35 | 1988 | Koski, Randolph A.; Shanks, Wayne C., III et al.: The composition of massive sulfide deposits from the sediment-covered floor of Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge; implications for depositional processes | |
67% | 158 | 1996 | Ludwig, Rainer J.; Fryer, Gerard J. et al.: The relationship between seismic velocity and porosity of sulfide, sulfate, and basalt samples from the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
67% | 158 | 1996 | Rona, Peter A.; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Thermal properties of TAG hydrothermal precipitates, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and comparison with Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
67% | 169 169-1038 | 1998 | James, R. H.; Palmer, Martin R.: Alkali element and B geochemistry of sedimented hydrothermal systems | |
67% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1998 | Nehlig, P.; Marquez, L.: Feeder zones of massive sulfide deposits; constraints from Bent Hill, Juan de Fuca Ridge; ODP Leg 169 | |
67% | 158 | 1994 | Hannington, M. D.; Jonasson, I. R. et al.: Active volcanoes and ore deposits on the ocean floor--Volcans actifs et gisements de minerai sur le plancher oceanique | |
67% | 139 | 1994 | Krasnov, Sergey G.: Alteration of an oceanic massive sulfide deposit, caused by a sill-driven hydrothermal system in sediments; evidences from geochemistry and mineralogy | |
67% | 193 193-1189 | 2004 | Lee, S.; Doh, S. et al.: Magnetic and electron microscopic investigation on rock samples from the PACMANUS hydrothermal vent field in Papua New Guinea | |
67% | 158 | 1997 | Herzig, Peter M.; Petersen, Sven et al.: Unusual sulfur isotopic composition of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits at the modern seafloor; TAG hydrothermal mound (MAR) and Lau back-arc (SW-Pacific) | |
58% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 128-798 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 128 preliminary report; Japan Sea | |
58% | 169 | 1998 | James, R. H.; Duckworth, R. C. et al.: Drilling of sediment-hosted massive sulphide deposits at the Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough spreading centres; ODP Leg 169 | |
58% | 158 | 1999 | Monecke, T.; Kempe, U. et al.: Trace element characteristics of quartz from the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
58% | 193 | 2002 | Paul, Heather: Petrology and lithogeochemistry of volcanic rocks hosting seafloor hot springs systems in the Manus Basin, southwestern Pacific Ocean | |
58% | 139 139-856 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-856 169-857 169-858 | 1994 | Frueh-Green, G. L.; Bernasconi, S. et al.: Reaction control of the chemical and isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids at a sedimented ridge (Middle Valley, ODP Leg 139) | |
58% | 37 37-332 37-334 37-335 | 1990 | Varga, R. J.; Moores, E. M.: Intermittent magmatic spreading and tectonic extension in the Troodos Ophiolite; implications for exploration for black smoker-type ore deposits | |
58% | 139 139-856 139-857 146 169 169-856 169-857 | 1996 | Zierenberg, R. A.; Fouquet, Yves et al.: The roots of seafloor massive sulfide deposits; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling in Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough | |
58% | 193 | 2004 | Paulick, H.; Vanko, D. A. et al.: Drill core-based facies reconstruction of a deep marine felsic volcano hosting an active hydrothermal system (Pual Ridge, Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193) | download |
58% | 169 | 2004 | Houghton, J. L.; Shanks, W. C., III et al.: Massive sulfide deposition and trace element remobilization in the Middle Valley sediment-hosted hydrothermal system, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
50% | 139 168 169 | 2000 | Gillis, Kathryn M.; Banerjee, Neil R.: Hydrothermal alteration patterns in supra-subduction zone ophiolites | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1989 | Hannington, Mark Donald: The geochemistry of gold in modern seafloor hydrothermal systems and implications for gold mineralization in ancient volcanogenic massive sulfides | |
50% | 193 193-1188 | 2003 | Roberts, Stephen; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Radiogenic and stable isotope evidence of contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the Pacmanus system, Manus Basin; ODP Leg 193 | |
50% | 158 158-957 | 2003 | Petersen, Sven; Herzig, Peter M. et al.: Diversity of seafloor hydrothermal systems on sediment-free mid-ocean ridges | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Muehe, R.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. et al.: Pb-enrichment within hydrothermally altered oceanic crust; implications for the global Pb-geochemical cycle | |
50% | | 2003 | Goodfellow, Wayne David: Massive sulfide deposits at modern sedimented oceanic rifts; geological setting and genetic processes | |
50% | 193 193-1188 193-1189 | 2003 | Roberts, S.; Bach, W. et al.: Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin; the Sr and S isotope evidence | |
50% | 193 | 2006 | Paulick, Holger; Bach, W.: Phyllosilicate alteration mineral assemblages in the active subsea-floor PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193 | |
50% | 158 158-957 | 2000 | Humphris, Susan E.; Tivey, Margaret K.: A synthesis of geological and geochemical investigations of the TAG hydrothermal field; insights into fluid-flow and mixing processes in a hydrothermal system | |
50% | 169 | 1998 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Fouquet, Yves et al.: The deep structure of a sea-floor hydrothermal deposit | |
50% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1997 | Gendler, T. S.; Krasnov, S. G. et al.: Magnetomineralogical characteristics of ores from the Middle Valley oceanic sulfide deposit, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
50% | 158 158-957 | 2006 | Jiang Shaoyong; Yang Tao et al.: Lead and sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides from the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
50% | 139 139-858 169 169-858 169-1035 169-1036 | 2002 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Simoneit, Bernd R. T. et al.: Geochemistry of fluid phases and sediments; relevance to hydrothermal circulation in Middle Valley, ODP legs 139 and 169 | |
50% | 139 | 1996 | Higgins, Katrina M.: Sedimentary diagenesis of hydrothermally altered distal turbidites of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ODP Leg 139 | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Hall, James M.; Yang, Jing-Sui: Constructional features of Troodos type oceanic crust; relationships between dike density, alteration, magnetization, and ore body distribution and their implications for in situ oceanic crust | download |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Kawahata, Hodaka; Furuta, Toshio: Subseafloor hydrothermal alteration on Galapagos Ridge, DSDP Site 504B | |
42% | 169 | 1998 | Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Sedimented ridges II, covering Leg 169 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia, to San Diego, California, sites 1035-1038, 21 August-16 October, 1996 | download |
42% | 169 169-1035 | 2003 | Cruse, Anna M.; Seewald, Jeffrey S. et al.: Sulfide mineral-vent fluid interaction during upflow at ODP Mound, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
42% | 158 | 1999 | Gregory, Thomas Kendall: Rare earth elements as tracers of fluid evolution at the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
42% | 139 139-855 139-856 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-856 169-857 169-858 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Mike et al.: Hot rocks and massive sulfide; northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
42% | | 2002 | Barriga, Fernando J. A. S.; Dias, Agata S. C. M. A. et al.: Replacement processes in volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits; the key to giant orebodies | |
42% | 111 111-504 137 137-504 139 140 140-504 148 148-504 169 | 2002 | Franklin, James M.: Seafloor minerals research; supporting discovery of new ore deposits | |
33% | 139 139-856 139-858 169 169-856 169-858 169-1035 169-1036 | 2000 | Lackschewitz, K. S.; Singer, A. et al.: Formation and transformation of clay minerals in the hydrothermal deposits of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ODP Leg 169 | |
33% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 2004 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Alt, Jeffrey C.: Hydrothermal alteration of basalts beneath the Bent Hill massive sulfide deposit, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
21% | 126 126-788 126-789 126-790 126-791 | 1990 | Taylor, Brian; Fujioka, Kantaro et al.: Correlation and comparison of backarc sites | download |
21% | 63 63-471 | 1981 | Devine, Joseph D.; Leinen, Margaret: Chemistry of the massive sulfide deposit cored at Site 471 | download |
17% | 158 | 1998 | Brown, D.; McClay, K. R.: Sulfide textures in the active TAG massive sulfide deposit, 26 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
17% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1994 | Groeschel-Becker, Henrike M.; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Data report; Physical properties of massive sulfide from Site 856, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
15% | 139 | 1994 | Tivey, Maurice A.: High-resolution magnetic surveys over the Middle Valley mounds, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
15% | 169 | 1998 | Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert A. et al.: Introduction; Investigation of hydrothermal circulation and genesis of massive sulfide deposits at sediment-covered spreading centers at Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough | download |
15% | 158 | 1998 | Miller, D. Jay: Geochemical analyses of massive sulfide and sediment samples from the TAG hydrothermal mound | download |
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