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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1979 | Welte, D. W.; Cornford, C. et al.: Hydrocarbon source rocks in deep sea sediments | |
100% | | 1978 | Kosiur, D. R.: Pelagic zeolite diagenesis | |
95% | | 1979 | Craig, J. D.: Geological and geotechnical investigation of sediment redistribution on the central equatorial Pacific seafloor | |
83% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 1985 | Goldberg, David S.: Sonic attenuation in consolidated and unconsolidated sediments | |
83% | 86 86-576 | 1990 | Rafalovich, Alex; Chaney, Ronald C.: Correlation between OCR and depth for deep-sea sediments | |
83% | 42 42-379 | 1980 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G.: Bituminologicheskoye izucheniye kerna skv. 379 i modelirovaniye protsessa preobrazovaniya organicheskogo veshchestva A bitumenological study of well 379 and models of the formation of organic materials | |
83% | 311 311-U1325 | 2010 | Malinverno, Alberto: Marine gas hydrates in thin sand layers that soak up microbial methane | |
82% | | 1981 | Shephard, Les Edward: Geotechnical properties of select convergent margin sediments | |
82% | | 1980 | Vuchev, Vassil: Numerical classification procedures in pattern recognition | |
82% | | 1978 | Palmer, S. E.; Baker, E. W.: Copper porphyrins in deep-sea sediments; a possible indicator of oxidized terrestrial organic matter | |
82% | | 1989 | ten Haven, H. L.; Rohmer, M. et al.: Tetrahymanol, the most likely precursor of gammacerane, occurs ubiquitously in marine sediments | |
82% | 116 | 1989 | Williams, Colin Francis: Heat and fluid flow within the Earth's crust; in situ measurements and mathematical models | |
82% | | 1989 | Stein, R.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Changes in paleoenvironments in the Atlantic Ocean during Cretaceous times; results from black shales studies | |
68% | | 1981 | Barnes, Ross O.; Will, Brian R.: Physical and diagenetic controls on the concentrations of dissolved Ar, N (sub 2) and CH (sub 4) in pore fluids from DSDP legs 47 to 57 | |
68% | | 1980 | Kuprin, P. N.; Potapova, L. I.: Organicheskoye veshchestvo pliotsen-chetvertichnykh otlozheniy Organic material of Pliocene-Quaternary deposits | |
68% | | 1986 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Organic geochemistry of black shales from the Deep Sea Drilling Project; a summary of occurences from the Pleistocene to the Jurassic | |
68% | | 1991 | Alvarez-Borrego, Saul; Lara-Lara, Jose Ruben: The physical environment and primary productivity of the Gulf of California | |
68% | 92 92-598 | 1989 | Olivarez, Annette Marie: Investigations of the geochemistry of the rare earth elements in the exogenic cycle | |
68% | 119 119-744 | 1996 | Diester-Haass, L.: Late Eocene-Oligocene paleoceanography in the southern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 744) | |
68% | 116 | 1995 | Ormond, Anne; Boulegue, Jacques et al.: A thermoconvective interpretation of heat flow data in the area of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 in a distal part of the Bengal Fan | download |
68% | | 1983 | Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition | |
68% | | 1985 | Brassell, S. C.: Molecular changes in sediment lipids as indicators of systematic early diagenesis | |
68% | | 1980 | Bada, Jeffrey L.; Man, Eugene H.: Amino acid diagenesis in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores; kinetics and mechanisms of some reactions and their applications in geochronology and in paleotemperature and heat flow determinations | |
68% | 42 42-379 | 1977 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G. et al.: Bitumoids in the organic matter of Black Sea sediments (based on Deep-Sea Drilling data) | |
68% | | 1989 | Ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Steroid biological marker hydrocarbons as indicators of organic matter diagenesis in deep sea sediments; geochemical reactions and influence of different heat flow regimes | |
68% | 154 | 1999 | Franz, Sven-Oliver: Pliozaene Zeitreihen zur Rekonstruktion der Tiefenwasserzirkulation und der siliziklastischen Amazonasfracht im aequatorialen Westatlantik (Ceara Schwelle, ODP leg 154) Pliocene time scales in the reconstruction of deep-water circulation and the silicoclastic Amazon materials in the equatorial West Atlantic, Ceara Rise, ODP Leg 154 | |
68% | | 1989 | Nishitani, Tadashi; Kono, Masaru: Changes of remanent magnetization of titanomagnetites associated with low-temperature oxidation | |
68% | 104 | 1990 | Hoelemann, J.; Henrich, R. et al.: Organische Substanzen in den Kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104) Organic substances in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea, Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104 | |
68% | | 1984 | Robertson, A. H. F.: Origin of varve-type lamination, graded claystones and limestone-shale "couplets" on the Lower Cretaceous of the western North Atlantic | |
68% | 75 75-532 | 1984 | Diester-Haass, L.; Meyers, P. A.: Paleoceanographic implications of carbonate dissolution cycles in Pleistocene sediments from DSDP Site 532, Walvis Ridge | |
68% | 151 | 1994 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Jorn et al.: North Atlantic Arctic gateways | |
68% | | 1983 | Eglinton, G.; Brassell, S. C. et al.: The role of organic geochemistry in the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP/IPOD) | |
68% | 110 | 1991 | Blanc, G.; Boulegue, J. et al.: Chemical evidence for advection of interstitial fluid in the sedimentary series of the Barbados accretionary complex (Leg 110) | |
68% | 47 47-398 | 1980 | Danyushevskaya, A. I.; Zhukova, A. V. et al.: Evolyutsiya belkovo-uglevodnykh komponentov v nizhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh Vostochnoy Atlantiki The evolution of protein-hydrocarbon components of organic materials in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the East Atlantic | |
68% | 50 | 1980 | Kodina, L. A.; Galimov, E. M.: Genesis and geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic deposits of Morocco Basin in the Atlantic Ocean (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger") | |
68% | | 1988 | Meyer, William M.; Brown, Patricia et al.: The practical management of a shipboard data collection system | |
68% | 58 | 1979 | Fountain, D. M.: Porosity of oceanic layer 2; implications from seismic velocities of DSDP igneous rocks | |
68% | 38 38-336 | 1979 | Bogolyubova, L. I.; Timofeyev, P. P.: Rastitel'noye organicheskoye veshchestvo v osadkakh skvazhiny 336 Distribution of organic materials in sediments at Site 336 | |
68% | 105 105-645 | 1988 | ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J.: The diagenetic fate of taraxer-14-ene and oleanene isomers | |
68% | | 1997 | Lueckge, Andreas: Ablagerung und Fruehdiagenese organischen Materials in marinen Hochproduktivitaetsgebieten Deposit and early diagenesis of organic materials in highly productive marine environments | |
67% | | 1988 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrate; a major reservoir of carbon in the shallow geosphere? | |
67% | | 1976 | Paluso, P.; Wood, T.: Deep Sea Drilling Project keyword index to the initial reports, publications, and investigations of DSDP materials | |
67% | | 1977 | Herring, James R.: Charcoal fluxes into Cenozoic sediments of the North Pacific | |
67% | | 1978 | Panacek, Adrian: Moznosti kvantitativnej interpretacie a strojoveho spracovania kriviek kombinovaneho odporoveho profilovania The possibilities of a quantitative interpretation and mechanical elaboration of combined resistivity profiling | |
67% | | 1972 | Trabant, Peter K.: Consolidation characteristics and related geotechnical properties of sediments retrieved by the Glomar Challenger from the Gulf of Mexico | |
67% | | 1993 | Louda, J. William: The biogeochemistry of tetrapyrrole pigments, emphasizing chlorophyll | |
67% | | 1971 | Simoneit, B. R.; Burlingame, A. L.: Preliminary Organic Analyses of JOIDES Cores, Legs V-IX [abstr.] | |
67% | | 1977 | Drury, Malcolm J.: The electrical properties of ocean crust and oceanic island basalts and gabbros; results and implications of a laboratory study | |
67% | 105 105-647 | 1988 | Stax, R.; Stein, R.: Sedimentologische Untersuchungen an quartaeren und tertiaeren Sedimenten von ODP Site 647, Labrador See Sedimentology of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from ODP Site 647, Labrador Sea | |
67% | | 1984 | Sugisaki, Ryuichi: Relation between chemical composition and sedimentation rate of Pacific ocean-floor sediments deposited since the Middle Cretaceous; basic evidence for chemical constraints on depositional environments of ancient sediments | |
67% | 113 113-693 | 1987 | Macko, S. A.; Bidigare, R. R. et al.: Sediment trap results from ODP Leg 113, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
67% | | 1986 | Rullkoetter, J.; Mukhopadhyay, P. K. et al.: Facies and diagenesis of organic matter in deep sea sediments from the Blake Outer Ridge and the Blake Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic | |
67% | 184 184-1144 | 2003 | Zhang Lei; Liu Jianzhong et al.: Physicochemical properties and the complicity of parent materials of microtektites from ODP Site 1144 | |
67% | | 2012 | Hanada, Masaaki; Hoshino, Michihei: Submersion at the ocean floor from the perspective of DSDP data | |
58% | 178 178-1098 | 2003 | Kryc, K. A.; Murray, R. W. et al.: Al-to-oxide and Ti-to-organic linkages in biogenic sediment; relationships to paleo-export production and bulk Al/Ti | download |
58% | | 2002 | Ortega-Huertas, M.; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Review of the mineralogy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clay; evidence supporting a major extraterrestrial catastrophic event | |
58% | | 2004 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Firth, John et al.: Ensuring the future of CHRONOS through development of the next generation of micropaleontologists | |
58% | | 1981 | Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology | |
58% | | 1981 | Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean | |
58% | | 1983 | Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: On the nature of the materials accreted at the end of the Cretaceous | |
58% | | 1983 | Claypool, George E.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane and other hydrocarbon gases in marine sediments | |
58% | | 1985 | Arthur, M. A.; Meyers, P. A.: Report of the JOI-USSAC workshop on Cretaceous black shales | |
58% | | 1985 | Rullkoetter, J.: Schwarzschiefer in der Tiefsee; Entstehung und Kohlenwasserstoffpotential Deep-sea black shales; genesis and hydrocarbon potential | |
58% | | 1982 | Fenner, Juliane M.: Early diagenesis of biosiliceous components in deep sea sediments | |
58% | | 1982 | Kriukov, P. A.; Manheim, F. T.: Extraction and investigative techniques for study of interstitial waters of unconsolidated sediments; a review | |
58% | | 1981 | Manheim, Frank T.; Hess, Harold D.: Hard mineral resources around the U S continental margin | |
58% | | 1985 | Akiyama, Masahiko: Increasing rate of sedimentation with the geologic history | |
58% | | 1982 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Occurrence and origin of marine gas hydrates | |
58% | | 1982 | Arthur, M. A.; Scholle, Peter A.: Calculations of global rate of burial of Cretaceous organic carbon and oceanic stable carbon as an aid to source-rock studies | |
58% | | 1974 | Hammond, Douglas E.: Dissolved gases on Cariaco Trench sediments; anaerobic diagenesis | |
58% | | 1985 | Louda, J. William; Baker, Earl W.: Tetrapyrrole pigments in the geologic record | |
58% | 37 45 | 1980 | Bailey, Monika Ella: Magnetic properties of deep-ocean basalts | |
58% | | 1980 | Baker, Earl W.; Louda, J. William: Organic geochemistry; highlights in the Deep-Sea Drilling Project | |
58% | | 1980 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Organics yield clues about oil in the deep sea | |
58% | | 1975 | Perry, E. A., Jr.: Submarine smectite genesis as an oceanic magnesium sink | |
58% | | 1976 | Hunt, J. M.: Light hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments | |
58% | | 1986 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.; McDonald, Thomas J.: Organic geochemistry on the JOIDES resolution; an assay | |
58% | | 1973 | Hare, P. E.; Hoering, T. C.: Separation of amino acid optical isomers by gas chromatography | |
58% | | 1989 | Hobert, Linda A.; Wetzel, A.: On the relationship between silica and carbonate diagenesis in deep sea sediments | |
58% | | 1978 | Castle, J. W.: Comparative sedimentology of some modern Pacific trenches and the Caples Group (Permo-Triassic?), New Zealand | |
58% | | 1979 | Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Komponentnyy sostav bitumoidov otlozheniy Marokkanskoy vpadiny Atlanticheskogo okeana Composition of bituminoids from deposits of the Morocco Basin, Atlantic Ocean | |
58% | | 2002 | Rouxel, Olivier; Ludden, John et al.: Natural variations of Se isotopic composition determined by hydride generation multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | |
58% | | 1978 | Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Volumetric concentrations of hydrocarbon gases in bottom waters, sediments, and Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the ocean | |
58% | | 1979 | Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica accumulation in the central equatorial Pacific and its implications for Cenozoic paleoceanography | |
58% | | 1979 | Roucache, J.; Deroo, G. et al.: Caracterisation par differentes methodes physico-chimiques de types de matiere organique dans des sediments du Cretace d'Atlantique en mer profonde Using different physico-chemical methods to characterize organic-matter types in Cretaceous sediments from the deep Atlantic Ocean | |
58% | | 1987 | Pavletich, Joseph P.: Amino-acid racemization in siliceous sediments from the Southern Ocean | |
58% | | 1995 | Francis, T. J. G.: Avoiding trouble on the ocean floor | |
58% | | 1983 | von der Dick, Hans: Organisch-geochemische und kohlenpetrographische Untersuchungen an kuestennahen Sedimenten. (Ein Beitrag zum "Deep Sea Drilling Project") Organic geochemistry and coal petrography in sediments near the coast; a contribution to Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
58% | | 1974 | Hunt, John M.: Organic geochemistry of the marine environment | |
58% | | 1974 | McIver, Richard D.: Hydrocarbon gas (methane) in canned Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples | |
58% | | 1993 | Baker, Earl W.; Louda, J. W.: Aspects of porphyrin diagenesis | |
58% | | 1992 | Obolentseva, I. R.; Grechka, V. Yu.: Sravneniye razlichnykh algoritmov rascheta luchey v sloisto-odporodnykh anizotropnykh sredakh Comparison of different algorithms for calculating seismic rays in homogeneous layers of anisotropic media | |
58% | | 1986 | Rindsberg, Andrew Kinney: Distribution and preservation of biogenic sedimentary structures in the deep sea | |
58% | | 1986 | Baker, Paul A.; Burns, Stephen J.: Dolomite formation in organic-rich sediments; past and present | |
58% | 40 | 1978 | Hottman, W. E.: Physical properties of sediments from the continental margin of western Africa | |
58% | | 1978 | Demars, K. R.; Nacci, V. A.: Significance of Deep Sea Drilling Project sediment physical property data | |
58% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences | |
58% | | 1980 | Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models | |
58% | | 1977 | Verkhovskaya, Z. I.; Fedorova, M. S.: Modelirovaniye katageneticheskikh protsessov preobrazovaniya rasseyannogo organicheskogo veshchestva Model of catagenetic processes transforming dispersed organic material | |
58% | | 1986 | Emeis, K. C.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Shipboard organic geochemistry on JOIDES Resolution | |
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