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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1976 | Kirkpatrick, R. J.: Measurement and calculation of crystal growth rates in silicate systems | |
90% | | 1998 | Matsubayashi, Osamu: Heat flow measurement as an exploration tool for subbottom methane hydrates | |
86% | | 1975 | Molyneux, L.; Watkins, N. D.: Measurement of remanent magnetism in IPOD igneous cores using a large sample spinner | |
86% | | 1995 | Tanji, Tatsuo; Okino, Michio: Measurement of aerosols (RaA, RaC', mie-particles, condensation nuclei) and electrical conductivity in the atmosphere near the sea surface | |
81% | | 1998 | Engberts, Cynthia J.: Oceanic heat flow and thermal conductivity of sediments with lithology and depth | |
71% | | 1988 | Takeuchi, Tomoyoshi: Sound propagation experiments in the sea for mean current velocity measurement | |
71% | | 1995 | Honsho, Chie; Tamaki, Kensaku et al.: Geomagnetic total intensity measurement by proton magnetometer | |
71% | 146 146-889 | 2000 | Chapman, N. R.; Dosso, S. E. et al.: The COAMS marine seismic measurement system | |
71% | 311 311-U1328 | 2011 | Kaneko, Masanori; Kitajima, Fumio et al.: Stable hydrogen isotope measurement of archaeal ether-bound hydrocarbons | |
71% | 34 34-319 | 1997 | Richards, Adrian F.; Chaney, Ronald C.: Nondestructive measurement of the existing state of consolidation in marine soils | |
71% | | 1985 | Purdy, G. M.: Downhole measurement opportunities | |
71% | 204 | 2003 | Rack, Frank R.: Technical and operational accomplishments of ODP Leg 204 | |
71% | | 1998 | Field, Dave: Core on deck! | |
70% | | 2003 | Lin, Weiren; Hirono, Tetsuro et al.: Measurements of electrical resistivity and seismic velocity of drill cores | |
70% | | 1994 | Lysne, Peter: Evolution of downhole measurement systems | |
65% | 310 | 2005 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Iryu, Yasufumi et al.: Overview of sites | download |
61% | | 1967 | Manheim, Frank T.: Evidence for submarine discharge of water on the Atlantic continental slope of the southern United States, and suggestions for further search | |
61% | | 1980 | Yokota, T.; Kinoshita, H. et al.: New DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) downhole temperature probe utilizing IC RAM (memory) elements | |
61% | | 2006 | Bluemich, B.; Anferova, S. et al.: New designs for NMR core scanning | |
61% | | 2002 | Rouxel, Olivier; Ludden, John et al.: Natural variations of Se isotopic composition determined by hydride generation multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | |
61% | | 1974 | McIver, Richard D.: Hydrocarbon gas (methane) in canned Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples | |
61% | | 1995 | Furukawa, Masahide: Investigation of latitude effects on cosmic-ray intensity near the sea-level | |
61% | | 1998 | Clement, Bradford M.: Polarity transition records and post-2003 drilling; reversal of fortunes or fortunate reversals? | |
61% | | 1977 | Blank, Richard G.: Correlation of Cenozoic deep sea sediments of the equatorial Pacific Ocean; an example of a new chronostratigraphic system of measurement | |
61% | | 1995 | Hoffman, Kenneth A.: Findings suggest possible link between geomagnetic reversals and field intensity | |
61% | | 1995 | Fang, Weijiang: Fluid flow in upper oceanic crust; in situ measurement and numerical modeling | |
61% | | 1990 | Ostrovsky, A. A.: On the spectra shape of seismic noise and earthquakes recorded in the ocean | |
61% | | 2003 | Atwater, Tanya: When the plate tectonic revolution met western North America | |
61% | | 1999 | Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: Bringing ODP log data to the World Wide Web | |
61% | | 1998 | Tauxe, Lisa: Drilling for submarine basaltic glass and the enigma of the CNS | |
61% | | 2003 | Groeschel, Henny: ODP/DSDP legacy holes; a review of reentry holes, CORKs and other borehole observatory installations | |
61% | | 1997 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Stein, Carol A. et al.: Synthesis of geothermal data from ODP data legs 101-160 | |
61% | | 1998 | Takagawa, Shinichi: Riser drilling technology for an Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) | |
61% | | 1998 | Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: The ODP log database | |
61% | | 2000 | Bjorklund, Frank; Selbekk, Rune S.: Star vi overfor en krise i geologisk forskining? Om kuhns paradigmer Are we facing a crisis in geological research? About Kuhn's paradigm | |
61% | | 1984 | Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements | |
61% | | 1997 | Goldberg, Dave: Detection of in situ physical properties using logging-while-drilling | |
61% | | 1998 | Wallace, Glen; Moore, J. Casey: Quantification of densification mechanisms in a plate boundary fault, northern Barbados accretionary prism | |
61% | | 1983 | LaBrecque, John L.: The HPC and magnetostratigraphy; a match made in heaven | |
61% | | 1994 | Worthington, Paul F.: Borehole measurements beneath the seafloor | |
61% | | 1995 | Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa: Morphometric and biochronologic study of Coccolithus miopelagicus | |
61% | | 2003 | Gaillot, Philippe J.: Software for integration of geosciences data sets; ODP-PLOT and MAP-PLOT software | |
61% | | 2006 | Couapel, Martine J. J.; Bowles, Christopher J.: Impact of gamma densitometry on the luminescence signal of quartz grains | |
57% | | 1988 | Masako, Miki; Adachi, Yasuhisa: Measurement of the three components of the geomagnetic field | |
57% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 170-1041 170-1042 170-1043 | 2000 | Boissonnas, Remi; Goldberg, Dave et al.: Electromagnetic modeling and in situ measurement of gas hydrate in natural marine environments | |
57% | 179 | 1998 | Goldberg, D.; Myers, Greg et al.: Measurement-while-coring in ODP; success during Leg 179 and the road ahead | |
57% | | 1988 | Segawa, Jiro; Fujimoto, H. et al.: Comparison measurement of gravity by the use of Japanese and Chinese gravimeters | |
57% | 37 37-332 37-335 | 1977 | Carmichael, C. M.: Paleointensity studies of oceanic basalts from DSDP Leg 37 and NRM/ARM ratios of oceanic and Recent lavas | |
57% | | 2007 | Wack, Michael; Matzka, Juergen: A new type of a three-component spinner magnetometer to measure the remanence of rocks at elevated temperature | |
57% | | 2009 | Kinoshita, Masataka: In situ measurements of formation temperature in scientific ocean drilling | |
51% | 82 82-556 82-558 | 1983 | Hill, I. A.: Downhole physical property measurement in Atlantic oceanic crust from wireline logging results | |
51% | 171A | 2000 | Stauffer, Philip: Modeling stress and flow in the toe region of an accretionary prism | |
51% | | 1985 | Mead, Gregory A.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Carbonate cycles in the Oligocene detected by magnetic susceptibility measurements | |
51% | 114 | 1988 | Nobes, D. C.; Mienert, J.: From hiatuses to cyclicity; an Ocean Drilling Program perspective of physical property applications | |
51% | 156 156-948 | 1996 | Leitch, Evan C.: ODP Leg 156; a third probe into the Barbados accretionary prism | |
51% | | 1976 | Hyndman, R. D.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Heat flow measurements in deep crustal holes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
51% | 101 | 1986 | Sager, William W.: Paleomagnetism of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 sediments | |
51% | | 2000 | Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Guyodo, Yohan et al.: High-resolution Holocene paleomagnetic records from the western Antarctic Peninsula | |
51% | 185 191 | 2000 | Guerin, Gilles; Goldberg, David et al.: Initial evaluation of drilling dynamics on the JOIDES resolution; measurements of downhole bit motion while coring | |
51% | 170 205 | 2004 | Hays, T. D.; Screaton, E. J. et al.: Permeability measurements of Ocean Drilling Program samples collected from the Costa Rican subduction zone | |
51% | 74 74-525 | 1996 | Kucera, Michal; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Gradual morphological evolution in a Late Cretaceous lineage of planktonic Foraminifera | |
51% | 156 | 1996 | Jurado, M. J.: Interpretation of logging while drilling (LWD) data from the northern Barbados accretionary prism, ODP Leg 156 | |
51% | | 1979 | Lawver, L. A.; Vacquier, V. et al.: Gulf of California IPOD site survey results, Guaymas Basin heat flow | |
51% | | 2006 | Kastner, Miriam; Becker, Keir et al.: New insights into the hydrogeology of the oceanic crust through long-term monitoring | |
51% | 156 | 1995 | Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Barbados Ridge accretionary prism | |
51% | 149 | 1995 | Miles, P. R.; Whitmarsh, R. B.: A magnetic anomaly compilation west of Iberia and interpretation of the ocean-continent transition from surface and deep-tow magnetic anomalies | |
51% | | 1980 | Bada, Jeffrey L.; Man, Eugene H.: Amino acid diagenesis in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores; kinetics and mechanisms of some reactions and their applications in geochronology and in paleotemperature and heat flow determinations | |
51% | | 1987 | Hyndman, R. D.; Langseth, M. G. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project geothermal measurements; a review | download |
51% | 179 179-1105 | 1999 | Meyers, Greg; Goldberg, Dave et al.: Petrophysical applications of new seismic-while-drilling technology in deep water | |
51% | 138 138-851 | 1996 | You, Chen-Feng; Chan, Lui-Heung: Precise determination of lithium isotopic composition in low concentration natural samples | |
51% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Ludwig, William J.: A heat flow measurement on the Falkland Plateau | download |
51% | 5 5-35 | 1986 | Abbott, Dallas H.: Heat flow results form the Gorda Ridge | |
51% | | 2003 | Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E.: Twelve years of results from ODP subseafloor CORK hydrogeological observatories | |
51% | | 2003 | Hunze, Sabine: Lithologisch-differenzielle Kompaktion von Sedimenten in den Akkretionskeilen von Barbados und Nankai; eine Interpretation von Bohrlochmessungen aus ODP Bohrungen Lithologic differential compaction of sediments in the accretionary wedges of Barbados and Nankai; an interpretation of borehole measurements from Ocean Drilling Project boreholes | |
51% | 204 | 2003 | Goldberg, D.; Myers, G. et al.: Logging-while-coring; new technology advances scientific drilling | |
51% | 314 | 2008 | Tobin, H. J.; Kinoshita, M.: State of stress in the Nankai Trough accretionary complex and implications for the seismogenic cycle; results from 3D seismic data and IODP Expedition 314 | |
51% | 314 | 2008 | Yamada, Y.; Moore, J. C. et al.: Structural styles at Nankai accretionary prism from LWD borehole images at NanTroSEIZE Exp. 314 | |
51% | | 2008 | Davis, Earl: Using pressure as a proxy for strain; a review of ODP/IODP "CORK" technology and observations | |
51% | 138 138-849 | 2004 | Bowen, David Q.: Relatively high sea levels of the last million years | |
51% | 91 | 1984 | Jordan, Thomas H.; Orcutt, J. A.: Overview of scientific results from the marine seismic system | |
51% | 195 | 2005 | Noda, H.; Shimamoto, T. et al.: Frictional constitutive parameters for serpentine mud from South Chamorro Seamount | |
51% | 204 | 2005 | Arnold, J.; Pechnig, R. et al.: Integrated NMR core and log investigations with respect to ODP Leg 204 | |
51% | | 2007 | Hunze, Sabine; Wonik, Thomas: Compaction in the Nankai and Barbados accretionary prisms; new insights from logging-while-drilling data | download |
51% | | 2005 | Weiland, C.; Zoback, M. et al.: Accessing SAFOD data products; downhole measurements, physical samples and long-term monitoring | |
51% | | 1999 | Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou et al.: Application of geophysical well-logging in global change analysis | |
51% | 156 | 1994 | Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 156, preliminary report; North Barbados Ridge | |
51% | | 2001 | Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Johnson, Kenneth G.: Measuring past biodiversity | |
51% | | 2001 | Stauffer, Philip H.; Bekins, Barbara A.: Modeling consolidation and dewatering near the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary complex | download |
51% | | 1994 | Sass, John H.: Downhole experiments in the U. S. Continental Scientific Drilling Program | |
51% | | 1998 | Teas, Philip Allen: Early deformation history of a fold and thrust belt; a structural analysis of the front of the northern Barbados accretionary prism using logging while drilling and 3D seismic | |
51% | | 1998 | Davis, Earl E.; Wang, Kelin et al.: Estimates of formation-scale permeability in young upper oceanic crust | |
51% | 136 136-843 | 1999 | Wiggins, Sean M.; Hildebrand, John A. et al.: Wireline borehole temperature measurements at ODP hole 843B (OSN-1) on the Hawaiian Arch | |
51% | | 2008 | Robinson, S.; Mrozewski, S. et al.: A new magnetic susceptibility tool for high-resolution formation evaluation | |
51% | 110 156 | 1994 | Goldberg, David; Yin, Hezhu: Compaction effect on porosity and sonic velocity; integration of core and LWD from the Barbados accretionary prism | |
51% | 101 160 | 1997 | Kopf, A.: The origin, distribution, and related problems of interpreting normal faults in marine sediments recovered by advanced piston coring (APC); a review of results from cruises of the Ocean Drilling Program (legs 101-160) | |
51% | | 1997 | Goldberg, David: The role of downhole measurements in marine geology and geophysics | download |
51% | | 1998 | Lee, Yir-Der E.; Francis, T. J. G.: A statistical study of hydraulic piston coring, ODP Legs 101-149 | |
51% | | 1999 | Zhou, Weiming; Peacor, Donald R. et al.: Determination of lattice parameter, oxidation state, and composition of individual titanomagnetite/titanomaghemite grains by transmission electron microscopy | download |
51% | 164 164-997 | 1999 | Balsam, William L.; Deaton, Bobby C. et al.: Evaluating optical lightness as a proxy for carbonate content in marine sediment cores | |
51% | 168 | 2002 | Monnin, C.; Wheat, C. G. et al.: The influence of basement fluid upwelling and diagenetic reactions on mineral stabilities in oceanic ridge flank sediments | |
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