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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 37 37-334 | 1993 | Ross, Kent; Elthon, Don: Melt migration and metasomatism in oceanic cumulates | |
100% | 144 | 1993 | Dieu, Julie J.: Results of electron and ion microprobe analyses of phenocrysts, xenocrysts and xenoliths recovered in ODP Leg 144 lavas; calculated liquids, mantle metasomatism, and disequilibrium crystallization | |
100% | 184 | 2007 | Kuo, T.; Yang, H. et al.: Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic constraints on the role of South China Sea sediments in mantle wedge metasomatism beneath the north Luzon Arc | |
85% | 109 | 1986 | Fujii, T.; Hamano, Y.: Preliminary results of Leg 109, Deep-Sea Drilling Project, ODP | |
85% | | 1980 | Cann, J. R.: Modelling of oceanic ridge crest processes in the light of IPOD drilling results | |
85% | | 1990 | Alt, J. C.: Crustal alteration from the perspective of ocean drilling | |
85% | | 1992 | Franklin, James M.: Advances in understanding volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; lessons from the modern environment | |
85% | | 1973 | Watkins, N. D.: Paleomagnetic studies of long DSDP basement cores | |
85% | | 1989 | Henry, B.; Bina, M.: Magnetic properties and anisotropies of serpentized peridotites from ODP Site 670A | |
85% | | 1990 | Perfit, M. R.: Magmatism, hydrothermal alteration and sulphide mineralization on the Galapagos Ridge: a potential ODP site to study massive sulphide genesis | |
85% | | 1979 | Muehlenbachs, K.; Scarfe, C. M.: (super 18) O exchange between Layer 2 and seawater; evidence from DSDP | |
85% | | 1983 | Kurnosow, W. B.; Choodkiewicz, I. W. et al.: Przeobrazenia hydrotermalne bazaltow w oceanie na podstawie danych z wiercen gebokowodnych oraz badan eksperymentalnych Hydrothermal alterations of ocean basalts based on the deep-sea drilling core data and experimental modelling | |
85% | 126 | 1991 | Tazaki, Kazue: Hydrothermal alteration of deep sea sediments from the Izu-Bonin fore arc basin, Leg 126, ODP | |
85% | | 1981 | Challenger devotes 78B to old hole | |
85% | | 1980 | Boehlke, J. K.; Honnorez, J. et al.: Alteration of basalts from Site 396 B, DSDP; petrographic and mineralogic studies | |
85% | | 1981 | Alt, J. C.; Honnorez, J. J.: A model for the aging of upper oceanic layer 2 at low temperature | |
85% | | 1980 | Banerjee, S. K.: Rock magnetic techniques for deciphering the nature of alteration of the oceanic crust | |
85% | 37 | 1980 | Andrews, A. J.: Saponite and celadonite in layer 2 basalts, DSDP Leg 37 | |
85% | | 1989 | Varentsov, I. M.: O glavnykh problemakh v poznanii genezisa margantsevykh mestorozhdeniy Main problems in knowledge of genesis of manganese deposits | |
85% | | 1984 | Peterson, Curt D.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Downcore variation and sequence of hydrothermal mineralization in massive sea-floor basalts, DSDP Site 597 | |
85% | | 1977 | Seyfried, W. E., Jr.: Seawater-basalt interaction from 25 degrees -300 degrees C and 1-500 bars; implications for the origin of submarine metal-bearing hydrothermal solutions and regulation of ocean chemistry | |
85% | | 1978 | Kosiur, D. R.: Pelagic zeolite diagenesis | |
85% | | 1990 | Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust | |
85% | | 1983 | Book, Patricia O'Donnell: A study of vein minerals in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 462A | |
85% | | 2007 | Brearley, A. J.; Barnes, J. D. et al.: Chrysotile nanotubes; potential host of insoluble chlorine in serpentinized oceanic crust | |
85% | | 1984 | Bazilevskaya, Ye. S.: Metallogeniy okeanskogo lozha po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Metallogeny of the ocean floor, based on deep-sea drilling data | |
85% | 49 | 1991 | Ogishima, Tomoko; Kinoshita, Hajimu: Alteration of ferromagnetic constituents of oceanic basalt under pressurized hydrothermal liquids in laboratory | |
85% | | 1973 | Fink, L. Kenneth, Jr.; Harrison, C. G. A.: Maghemitization and alteration of Class I titanomagnetites in pillow lavas | |
85% | | 1973 | Lowrie, W.: Magnetic properties of DSDP basalts | |
85% | | 1993 | Seibold, Eugen: Warum in der Tiefsee bohren? Why drill in the deep sea? | |
80% | 209 209-1268 | 2007 | Bach, W.; Klein, F.: Silica metasomatism of oceanic serpentinites | |
80% | 209 209-1274 | 2010 | Klein, Frieder; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Intrinsic silica metasomatism during serpentinization | |
71% | 118 | 1990 | Hebert, Rejean; Constantin, Marc et al.: Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic layer 3; evidences from Leg 118 gabbroic rocks | |
71% | 54 | 1981 | Clauer, N.; Vidal, P.: Pb and Sr isotopic compositions of hydrothermal deposits from East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Ridge | |
71% | 91 | 1983 | Natland, James H.; Menard, H. W.: Old ocean crust in the SW Pacific; volcanism hydrothermal processes, and sedimentary history revealed by DSDP Leg 91 coring | |
71% | | 1985 | Leggett, J. K.: Deep-sea pelagic sediments and palaeo-oceanography; a review of recent progress | |
71% | 32 32-304 | 1985 | Ohashi, Masayoshi: Depositional environments and chemical compositions of manganese micronodules | |
71% | 64 | 1981 | Kastner, M.; Gieskes, J. M.: Hydrothermal activity in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
71% | | 1988 | Maruyama, S.; Liou, J. G.: Ocean-floor metamorphism at different tectonic settings; a review on the DSDP drilling projects | |
71% | 109 109-670 | 1994 | Nazarova, Katherine A.: Serpentinized peridotites as a possible source for oceanic magnetic anomalies | |
71% | 54 | 1977 | Hekinian, R.; Rosendahl, B. R. et al.: In the East Pacific, Glomar Challenger completes 54th cruise | |
71% | 49 | 1977 | Luyendyk, B.; Cann, J. R. et al.: In the North Atlantic; 'young and hot' drilling | |
71% | 143 | 2000 | Iskhakov, Albert: Ocean floor secondary minerals in volcanoclastites; an attempt of thermodynamic analysis | |
71% | 64 | 1982 | Stout, Paul M.: Hydrothermal alteration of sediments, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
71% | | 1982 | Smith, G. M.; Janecky, D. R. et al.: Magnetic characteristics of experimental natural serpentinites | |
71% | 26 26-251 | 1982 | Easton, A. J.; Joslin, I. E. et al.: Metasomatic alteration of pelagic ooze on spreading ocean ridges | |
71% | 118 | 1988 | Kempton, P. D.; Hawkesworth, C. J.: Geochemistry and isotopic composition of gabbros from layer 3 of the Indian Ocean crust, ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B | |
71% | 54 54-424 | 1982 | Barnaba, S. P.: Chemistry of minerals of the hydrothermal deposits at the Galapagos spreading center, East Pacific | |
71% | 43 43-386 | 1985 | Bonnell, Linda M.; Anderson, Thomas F.: Sulfur isotopic analyses of disseminated pyrite in Cretaceous black and green mudstones | |
71% | 30 37 45 | 1980 | Prevot, M.; Dunlop, D. J.: Magnetic properties of drilled submarine intrusive rocks | |
71% | 37 | 1976 | Byerly, G.; Wright, T.: Application of least-squares methods to the determination of the magmatic chemistry of altered sea-floor basalts | |
71% | 26 26-253 | 1976 | Fleet, A. J.; McKelvey, B. C.: Eocene basaltic aquagene tuffs at Site 253, Ninetyeast Ridge | |
71% | 37 | 1976 | Andrews, A. J.; MacRae, N. D. et al.: Low temperature fluid alteration of oceanic layer two basalts, DSDP Leg 37 | |
71% | | 1990 | Morse, John W.; Emeis, Kay C.: Controls on C/S ratios in hemipelagic upwelling sediments | |
71% | | 2000 | Srivastava, Shiri; Sibuet, Jean Claude: History of the formation of the Newfoundland Basin and its relation to the development of the hydrocarbon rich basins landward of it | |
71% | 139 | 1992 | Marumo, Katsumi: Clay mineralogy of hydrothermally altered sediment of Middle Valley seafloor hydrothermal system | |
71% | 37 | 1979 | Hall, J. M.; Robinson, P. T.: Deep crustal drilling in the North Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 64 | 1979 | Moore, D. G.; Curray, J. R.: Deep sea drilling in the Gulf of California, a new ocean basin | |
71% | 50 | 1979 | Lancelot, Y.; Sliter, W. V. et al.: Evidence of direct transformation of radiolarians into zeolites in mid-Cretaceous deep sea clays | |
71% | | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 158 | 1996 | Zhao, X.; Housen, B. et al.: Magnetic property variations in Leg 158 cores and their relation to alteration of the TAG mound | |
71% | 149 149-897 | 1996 | Seifert, Karl: Mantle peridotites and derivative basalts; examples from the Iberia abyssal plain | |
71% | | 1996 | Blum, N.; Kuhn, T. et al.: Mantle uplifted block in the central tropic Indian Ocean | |
71% | 103 | 1989 | Karpoff, A. M.; Lagabrielle, Yves et al.: L'authigenese oceanique de palygorskite par halmyrolyse de peridotites serpentinisees (Marge de Galice); ses implications geodynamiques Oceanic palygorskite authigenesis by halmyrolysis of serpentinized peridotites (Galicia); geodynamic implications | |
71% | 209 209-1268 | 2004 | Garces, M.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N | |
71% | | 1990 | Bina, M. M.; Henry, B.: Magnetic properties, opaque mineralogy and magnetic anisotropies of serpentinized peridotites from ODP Hole 670A near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | | 1996 | Gallahan, William Eugene, III: Geochronology and geochemistry of low temperature hydrothermal alteration in oceanic crust; an investigation of celadonite in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus | |
71% | | 1996 | Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Zierenberg, R. A. et al.: Hydrothermal alteration associated with modern sediment-covered rifts; application to the exploration for ancient sulphide deposits | |
71% | 106 139 | 1996 | Duckworth, R. C.: Hydrothermal processes, sulphide deposits and the Ocean Drilling Program | |
71% | 37 37-335 | 1989 | Zhou, Z.; Fyfe, W. S.: Palagonitization of basaltic glass from DSDP Site 335, Leg 37; textures, chemical composition, and mechanism of formation | |
71% | | 1989 | Vanko, David A.; Stakes, Debra S.: Petrology of alteration in oceanic layer 3, ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | 37 | 1976 | Scarfe, C. M.; Smith, D. G. W.: Secondary minerals in some basaltic rocks from DSDP Leg 37 | |
71% | 54 | 1979 | Schrader, E. L.; Furbish, W. J.: Geochemical characteristics of oceanic hydrothermal and diagenetic Mn deposits; possible economic applications | |
71% | | 1979 | Lawver, L. A.; Vacquier, V. et al.: Gulf of California IPOD site survey results, Guaymas Basin heat flow | |
71% | 126 | 1993 | Zhou, Gouping; Tazaki, Kazue: Mineralogical assemblages and distribution trends of deep-sea sediments from Izu-Bonin Arc Leg 126, ODP | |
71% | | 1993 | Arculus, R. J.: New concepts of arc volcanism and tectonics from recent Ocean Drilling Program results | |
71% | 153 | 1993 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 scientific prospectus; drilling in the western wall of the MARK area | |
71% | 117 | 1993 | Lallier-Verges, E.; Bertrand, P. et al.: Organic matter composition and sulfate reduction intensity in Oman margin sediments | |
71% | 153 | 1995 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
71% | 129 129-802 | 1991 | France-Lanord, C.; Karpoff, A. M. et al.: Diagenetic control on interstitial water chemistry in volcaniclastic sediments of NW Pacific; ODP Leg 129 | |
71% | 70 | 1989 | Lazur, Y. M.; Varentsov, I. M. et al.: Dispersed Mn-, Fe-, Ti-, Cu-, and Zn-minerals in hydrothermal and pelagic sediments of the Galapagos Rift Zone | |
71% | | 1991 | Peter, Jan M.; Scott, Steven D.: Hydrothermal mineralization in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
71% | 34 | 1974 | Swanson, S. B.; Scott, R. B.: Hydrothermal products of Leg 34 basalts; Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 1979 | Leinen, M.; Stakes, D.: Metal accumulation rates in the central equatorial Pacific during Cenozoic time | |
71% | | 1993 | Suits, Neil S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: C-S-Fe systematics in Peru margin muds | |
71% | | 1986 | Lazur, Yu. M.; Varentsov, I. M. et al.: Dispersed Mn, Fe, Ti, Cu, and Zn mineralization in hydrothermal and pelagic sediments in the region of the Galapagos Rift; 70th voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
71% | 54 | 1978 | Hekinian, R.; Rosendahl, B. R.: Preliminary results of DSDP Leg 54 | |
71% | 53 | 1978 | Mathez, E. A.: Primary sulfides of crystalline submarine basalts | |
71% | 54 54-424 | 1981 | Bonnot-Courtois, Chantal: Distribution des terres rares dans les depots hydrothermaux de la zone FAMOUS et des Galapagos; comparaison avec les sediments metalliferes Distribution of rare earths in hydrothermal deposits from the FAMOUS and Galapagos areas; comparison with metalliferous sediments | |
71% | 139 | 1991 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 139 scientific prospectus; Sedimented ridges; I | |
71% | | 1979 | Donnelly, T. W.; Thompson, G. et al.: Very-low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust and the problem of fluxes of potassium and magnesium | |
71% | 54 54-424 | 1980 | Lalou, C.; Brichet, E.: Anomalously high uranium contents in the sediment under Galapagos hydrothermal mounds | |
71% | | 1996 | Halbach, Peter; Blum, N. et al.: The Indian Ocean; future area for drilling activities? The only -- up to now -- massive sulfides in the Indian Ocean (Meso mineral zone, CIR) | |
71% | 149 | 1996 | Beslier, M. O.; Cornen, G. et al.: Structure and evolution of a passive continental margin; main results of ODP Leg 149 in the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia abyssal plain | |
71% | 158 | 1996 | Gemmell, J. Bruce: Subsurface architecture of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158 | |
71% | 158 | 1996 | Honnorez, Jose J.; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Active and fossil hydrothermal alterations of basalt beneath and within the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
71% | 2 20 27 | 1976 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Shutov, V. D.: Types of regional epigenesis and initial metamorphism and their relationship to the tectonic environment in the continents and oceans | |
71% | 34 | 1980 | Seyfried, W. E.; Janecky, D. R.: Serpentinites, spilites and the geochemical cycle of boron | |
71% | | 1980 | Schmincke, H. U.: The ocean crust | |
71% | 147 | 1995 | Stamoudi, C.; Mevel, C.: High temperature serpentinization of oceanic mantle at the fast spreading East Pacific Rise | |
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