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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1983Edwards, A. R.: An Australasian regional reference centre established for Deep Sea Drilling Project sediments and microfossils
1977Bizon, G.; Taugourdeau-Lantz J. et al.: Presence d'Algues enkystees: Pachysphaera et de microfossiles d'affinites incertaines: Bolboforma dans le Miocene de Mediterranee Occurrence of algal cysts, Pachysphaera, and microfossils of uncertain affinities, Bolboforma, in the Miocene of the Mediterranean
86%411976Harrington, J.: Effects of burrowing organisms in deep ocean sediments on the distribution of chemical elements and the preservation and orientation of microfossils
86%1996Moguilevsky, Alicia (ed.); Whatley, Robin C. (ed.): Microfossils and oceanic environments
86%1996MacLeod, Norman: Stratigraphical completeness and planktonic foraminiferal survivorship across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary
86%1996Whatley, Robin C.: The bonds unloosed; the contribution of Ostracoda to our understanding of deep sea events and processes
86%1621996Locker, S.: Preliminary stratigraphic and paleoceanographic results of ODP Leg 162, based on siliceous microfossils
86%1978Sancetta, C.: Neogene Pacific microfossils and paleoceanography
86%1996Maybury, Caroline A.: Crevice foraminifera from abyssal South East Pacific manganese nodules
86%1994Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Brenner, W. et al.: Cenozoic biochronostratigraphy of DSDP/ODP sites in the Atlantic Ocean
86%1996Young, Jeremy R.; Kucera, Michal et al.: Automated biometrics on captured light microscope images of coccoliths of Emiliania huxleyi
81%1969Olsson, Richard K.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Leg V, deep sea drilling project; northeastern Pacific
81%2007Srinivasan, M. S.: A journey through morphological micropaleontology to molecular micropaleontology
79%2002Fabricius, Ida Lykke: Porosity loss in chalk facies sediments by physical compaction or by cementation; consequences for P-wave modulus
1986Powell, A.: A new species of Bolboforma (Incertae Sedis) from the Miocene of the Voring Plateau, Northern Norway
71%1982Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A. et al.: North Pacific late Miocene correlations using microfossils, stable isotopes, percent CaCO (sub 3) and magnetostratigraphy
71%1988Dowsett, Harry J.: Diachrony of late Neogene microfossils in the Southwest Pacific Ocean; application of the graphic correlation methoddownload
1990Pokras, Edward M.: Climatic change in South Saharan and Sahelian Africa, 0-660,000 yr BP; an eolian record based on continentally-derived microfossils
1996Okada, Hisatake; Matsuoka, Mariko: Lower-photic nannoflora as an indicator of the late Quaternary monsoonal palaeo-record in the tropical Indian Ocean
1996Dowsett, Harry J.: Mid-Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from ODP Site 704; palaeoceanographical implications
71%2012004Schippers, Axel; Neretin, Lev N. et al.: Quantification of Archaea and bacteria in marine deep sediments using CARD-FISH and real-time PCR
1981Dyer, R.: Equatorial Pacific Ocean palaeotemperature variations during the middle and late Miocene
71%1996Schoenfeld, Joachim: The "Stilostomella extinction"; structure and dynamics of the last turnover in deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages
1978Kemp, E. M.: Microfossils of fungal origin from Tertiary sediments on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean
1988Shemesh, A.; Mortlock, R. A. et al.: Determination of Ge/Si in marine siliceous microfossils; separation, cleaning and dissolution of diatoms and Radiolaria
71%2000Eidvin, Tor; Jansen, Eystein et al.: The upper Cainozoic of the Norwegian continental shelf correlated with the deep sea record of the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic
71%2003Mitlehner, A. G.; Simmons, M. D.: Siliceous microfossils in integrated biostratigraphy; stratigraphic and ecological implications
71%1996Watkins, David K.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean
71%1979Nakaseko, K.: On the international correlation by means of radiolarians from the Cretaceous formations in Japan
71%1971Habib, Daniel: Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation; Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11
71%1987Boltovskoy, Esteban: Tertiary benthic foraminifera in bathyal deposits of the Quaternary world ocean
71%1988Tabachnick, Rachel: Evolving entities in fossil populations; a morphometric analysis of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia)
71%1974Bukry, David: Stratigraphic Value of Silicoflagellates in Nontropical Regions
71%1971Riedel, William R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Cenozoic radiolarian evolution and biogeography
71%1976Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Neogene and Paleogene diatom stratigraphy in the region of the Falkland Plateau
71%1982Roca, Henri Joseph, III: The Oligocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Atlantic, 30 degrees South latitude
71%1999Knappertsbusch, M. W.; Huber, B. T. et al.: Micropaleontological reference centers
71%1996Knappertsbusch, M.: Micropaleontological reference centers
71%1996Eager, Stephen H.: Norcott de B. Hornibrook
71%1988Boltovskoy, E.: Size change in the phylogeny of foraminifera
71%1998Tanimura, Yoshihiro: Museums' role as microfossil reference centers
71%1980Boltovskoy, Esteban: Benthonic foraminifera of the bathyal zone from Oligocene through Quaternary
71%771984Lang, Thomas: Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from DSDP leg 77; biostratigraphy and delineation of hiatuses
71%1987Manum, Svein B.: Deep sea palynology; past and present
71%1989Julson, Amanda Palmer; Graham, Anne Gilbert: Handbook for shipboard paleontologists
71%1983Bukry, David: Neogene Pacific nannofossil stages
71%1978Zhuze, A. P. (ed.): Morskaya mikropaleontologiya (diatomei, radiolyarii, silikoflyagellyaty, foraminifery i izvestkovyy nannoplankton) Marine micropaleontology; diatoms, Radiolaria, Silicoflagellata, foraminifera, and calcareous nannoplankton
71%1990Benson, Richard H.: Ostracoda and the discovery of global Cainozoic palaeoceanographical events
71%1992Ling, Hsin Yi: Paleogene radiolarian events
71%1977Rafle, M. A.: Paleobiogeography of Paleocene through early Eocene calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Pacific Ocean
71%1986Young, Jeremy: Size variation in reticulofenestrid coccoliths
71%1986Krasheninnikov, V. A.; Basov, I. A.: Stratigrafiya kaynozoya Yuzhnogo okeana Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Southern Ocean
71%1972Moore, Ted C., Jr.: Biostratigraphy and the Deep Sea Drilling Project; big success and little failures
71%1972Smith, Lee A.: Calcareous nannofossils and their utility in the JOIDES deep-sea drilling program
71%1972Edwards, Anthony R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 21; palaeontology
71%2007Pillans, B.: Quaternary stratigraphy; overview
71%1973Orr, William N.: Micropaleontology and the Deep Sea Drilling Project
2001Whalen, Patricia A.; Lazarus, David: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Site 1165, ODP Leg 188, Antarctic margin near Prydz Bay
2006Popova-Goll, Irina M.; Goll, Robert M.: Cenozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy of Hole 1223A in the North Pacific; ODP Leg 200download
62%2006Ivarsson, Magnus: Advantages of doubly polished thin sections for the study of microfossils in volcanic rockdownload
1999Oboh-Ikuenobe, Francisca E.; Hoffmeister, Alan P. et al.: Cyclical distribution of dispersed organic matter and dinocysts, ODP Site 959 (early Oligocene-early Miocene, Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin)
61%2010Liow, Lee Hsiang; Skaug, Hans Julius et al.: Global occurrence trajectories of microfossils; environmental volatility and the rise and fall of individual species
61%1983Burkle, Lloyd H.: Early late Miocene paleoclimatic event; evidence from the Southern Ocean and eastern Equatorial Pacific
61%381981Belanger, Paul Edward: Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifera of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
61%1981Barron, J. A.: Middle Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of DSDP Site 77B in the eastern equatorial Pacific
61%581981Sloan, Jon Roger: Radiolarians of the North Philippine Sea; their biostratigraphy, preservation, and paleoecology
61%1981Weaver, F. M.; Gombos, A. M., Jr.: Southern high-latitude diatom biostratigraphy
61%1981Bukry, David: Synthesis of silicoflagellate stratigraphy for Maestrichtian to Quaternary marine sediment
61%281974McCollum, David W.: Antarctic Cenozoic diatoms, Leg 28, D.S.D.P.
61%1985Woodruff, Fay: Changes in Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal distribution in the Pacific Ocean; relationship to paleoceanography
61%1985Takayanagi, Yokichi: Cooperative studies toward synthesizing Cretaceous micro- and mega-biostratigraphies
61%1985Saito, Tsunemasa: Cretaceous sediments recovered by the DSDP-IPOD project and their correlation with the stratotype sequences of planktonic microfossil zones
61%1985Keller, Gerta: Depth stratification of planktonic foraminifers in the Miocene ocean
61%1975Poore, Richard Zell: Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the North Atlantic Ocean; DSDP Leg 12
61%1975McKelvey, B. C.: Naturaliste Plateau
61%1981Moore, T. C., Jr.; Romine, Karen: In search of biostratigraphic resolution
61%1988Ivanova, Ye. V.: Miocene climatic zonation of the Indian Ocean
1988Moran, Michael James: Oligocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, sedimentation rates and unconformities from Site 540, DSDP Leg 77
61%1988de Verteuil, Laurent: Paleogene Spiniferites cysts from the southern Labrador Sea (ODP Leg 105) taxonomy and interpretation
61%1001988Johnson, Glenn Wilbur: Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology; Northeast Gulf of Mexico
61%1969Pessagno, E. A., Jr.: Mesozoic planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria
61%1969Heezen, B. C.; Fischer, A. G. et al.: Preliminary scientific results of cruise 6 D/V Glomar Challenger, west Pacific
61%1970(scientific staff). deep sea drilling project, leg 10
61%1982Baldauf, Jack G.; Barron, John A.: Diatom biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the type section of the Luisian Stage, central California
61%1982Werle, Kevin J.; Worsley, Thomas R.: Early Miocene nannofossil biostratigraphy
61%1982Ivanova, Ye. V.; Barash, M. S.: Evaluation of the climatic zonality of the Indian Ocean during Pliocene time from deep-sea drilling data
61%1982Wright, Audrey; Heath, Ross et al.: Glomar Challenger at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
61%1977Burckle, L. H.: Late Cenozoic diatom biostratigraphy of North Pacific DSDP cores
61%1980Koreneva, Ye. V.: Palinologicheskiye issledovaniya pozdnekaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Palynological studies of upper Cenozoic deposits
61%1980Koreneva, Elena: Palynological studies of late Cenozoic deposits of the Black Sea through data from deep-sea drilling
1986Zotto, Maria: A study of the dinoflagellate stratigraphy at Site 100, Deep Sea Drilling Project
61%1987Kechrid, Afifa: Etude des affleurements paleogenes de l'Ocean Indien; stratigraphie par les nannofossiles calcaires Study of the Paleogene outcrops of the Indian Ocean; stratigraphy using calcareous nannofossils
61%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
61%1452000Gladenkov, A. Y.: North Pacific Cenozoic diatom zonation towards the next millennium; modern state and prospects of detailization
61%1994Gmur, D.: Wykorzystanie kalpionelli w biostratygrafii pelagicznych facji weglanowich prowincji tetydzkiej Using calpionellids in biostratigraphy of pelagic carbonate facies of the Tethyan Province
61%1971Cita, M. B.; Gartner, S., Jr.: Deep Sea Upper Cretaceous from the western North Atlantic
61%1982Thunell, Robert C.; Belyea, Paul: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean
61%1982Romine, Karen: Pacific late Miocene radiolarian biogeography
61%1973Theyer, F.; Mato, C. Y. et al.: The Neogene tropical radiolarian zonation; possibilities for its subdivision and paleomagnetic calibration
61%1131988Gee, Carole T.; Mohr, Barbara A.: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ODP Leg 113)

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