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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1982 | Maillot, Henri: Les Paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique sud; apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironments of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry's contribution | |
100% | | 1990 | Alt, J. C.: Crustal alteration from the perspective of ocean drilling | |
100% | | 1979 | Cann, J. R.: Metamorphism in the ocean crust | |
100% | 37 | 1978 | Andrews, Anthony James: Petrology and geochemistry of alteration in Layer 2 basalts, DSDP Leg 37 | |
100% | | 1991 | Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Geological evaluation using downhole geochemical measurements | |
100% | | 1983 | Book, Patricia O'Donnell: A study of vein minerals in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 462A | |
94% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1996 | Masuda, Harue; O'Neil, James R. et al.: Relation between interlayer composition of authigenic smectite, mineral assemblages, I/S reaction rate and fluid composition in silicic ash of the Nankai Trough | |
94% | 315 316 | 2009 | Guo, J.; Underwood, M. et al.: Clay mineral assemblages from Nankai Trough and Kumano Basin, IODP Expeditions 315 and 316, NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 | |
87% | 61 161 161-976 | 2002 | Lopez-Sanchez-Vizcaino, Vicente; Soto, Juan Ignacio: Reaction zones developed between corundum metapelite and marble, Alboran Sea basement, western Mediterranean; origin and phase relations | |
83% | | 1994 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Seismic signature of an island arc; a new model of seismic stratigraphy of the Kohistan accreted terrane | |
83% | 117 117-722 | 1992 | Krissek, L. A.; Clemens, S. C.: Evidence for aridity-driven dust flux to the Northwest Arabian Sea and for decoupling of the dust and upwelling systems | |
83% | 82 | 1987 | Mevel, Catherine: Evolution of oceanic gabbros from DSDP Leg 82; influence of the fluid phase on metamorphic crystallizations | |
83% | 35 35-323 | 1976 | Sands, C. D.; Drever, J. I.: Authigenic laumontite in deep-sea sediments | |
83% | 37 37-334 | 1976 | Helmstaedt, H.; Allen, J. M.: Metagabbro from DSDP hole 334; an example of high-temperature deformation and recrystallization near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
83% | 153 | 1999 | Whitechurch, Hubert; Chatin, Fabienne: Mantle-melt interactions at low pressure producing high Mg-Al liquids beneath the MARK Zone (Atlantic Ocean) | |
83% | 37 37-335 | 1979 | Baragar, W. R. A.; Plant, A. G. et al.: Diagenetic and postdiagenetic changes in the composition of an Archean pillow | |
83% | 37 | 1977 | Dunlop, D. J.; Hale, C. J. et al.: Two characteristic magnetic mineral assemblages in oceanic layer-2 rocks | |
83% | 118 | 1990 | Kikawa, E.; McCabe, Robert et al.: Magnetic properties of Leg 118 gabbros as a function of the degree of metamorphism/alteration | |
83% | | 1996 | Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Zierenberg, R. A. et al.: Hydrothermal alteration associated with modern sediment-covered rifts; application to the exploration for ancient sulphide deposits | |
83% | 38 | 1979 | Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
83% | 126 | 1993 | Zhou, Gouping; Tazaki, Kazue: Mineralogical assemblages and distribution trends of deep-sea sediments from Izu-Bonin Arc Leg 126, ODP | |
83% | 157 | 1995 | Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Sumita, Mari et al.: The ocean basalt-rhyolite association of Gran Canaria; evidence from land and from the sea | |
83% | 149 149-900 | 1995 | Chang, C. W.; Seifert, K. E.: The primary cumulus mineralogy of ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A metamorphosed gabbros | |
83% | 144 | 1995 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Tropical Paleosols from the deep sea; diagenesis and diagnostic criteria | |
83% | 70 | 1989 | Lazur, Y. M.; Varentsov, I. M. et al.: Dispersed Mn-, Fe-, Ti-, Cu-, and Zn-minerals in hydrothermal and pelagic sediments of the Galapagos Rift Zone | |
83% | | 1991 | Peter, Jan M.; Scott, Steven D.: Hydrothermal mineralization in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
83% | | 1985 | Cepek, P.; Koethe, A. et al.: Paleogeographic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous; a synthesis of micropaleontological and lithological data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from adjacent continental areas | |
83% | 56 56-436 | 1986 | Tochilina, S. V.; Popov, V. S.: Correlation analysis of mineral composition and Radiolaria in the Cenozoic reference section of the West Pacific Plate (Site 436, Glomar Challenger Leg 56) | |
83% | | 1992 | Radvanec, Martin; Hovorka, D. et al.: Prpomienky a odpovede k clanku "Klinopyroxenicko-granaticke metabazity Tribeca" Clinopyroxenite-garnet metabasites of the West Carpathians; discussion and reply | |
83% | 125 | 1995 | Maekawa, Hirokazu; Fryer, Patricia et al.: Incipient blueschist-facies metamorphism in the active subduction zone beneath the Mariana Forearc | |
83% | 161 161-976 | 1999 | Soto, J. I.; Platt, J. P.: Petrological and structural evolution of high-grade metamorphic rocks from the floor of the Alboran Sea Basin, Western Mediterranean | |
83% | 158 | 1996 | Alt, Jeffrey C.; Teagle, Damon A. H.: Probing the TAG hydrothermal mound and stockwork; oxygen isotopic profiles from deep ocean drilling | |
83% | 158 158-957 | 1995 | Humphris, Susan E.; Herzig, Peter M. et al.: TAG hydrothermal field | |
83% | | 2009 | Kodolanyi, Janos; Pettke, T. et al.: Trace element records of hydration and dehydration reactions in ultramafic rocks | |
83% | 153 | 1994 | Hurst, S. D.; Lawrence, R. M. et al.: Paleomagnetic demagnetization results from serpentinized peridotites and gabbros at sites 920-924; core reorientation and correlation of fabric elements | |
83% | 193 | 2001 | Roberts, Stephen; Benning, Liane G.: Leg 193; Manus Basin | |
83% | 193 | 2000 | Binns, Raymond A.: Anatomy of an active seafloor hydrothermal system hosted by felsic volcanic rocks; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 193 | |
83% | 168 | 1999 | Marescotti, Pietro; Vanko, David A. et al.: From oxidative to non-oxidative alteration; mineralogical variations in pillow basalts from eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168) | |
83% | | 1997 | Allan, James F.; Simkin, T.: Fernandina Volcano; mineralogical and petrological constraints on the nature of the Galapagos Plume | |
83% | 68 68-501 | 1993 | Skolotnev, S. G.: Structural setting and relationships of clay minerals in the basalts of the Costa-Rica Rift (according to data obtained from borehole 501 DSDP) | |
83% | 168 | 2000 | Inoue, Atsuyuki: Two-dimensional variations of exchangeable cation composition in the terrigenous sediment, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
83% | 176 | 2006 | Feig, Sandrin T.; Koepke, Juergen et al.: Effect of water on tholeiitic basalt phase equilibria; an experimental study under oxidizing conditions | |
83% | 302 | 2006 | Vogt, Christoph; Stein, Ruediger et al.: IODP; bulk mineral assemblage of IODP Leg 302-Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) cores; implications on paleoceanography and early diagenesis | |
83% | | 2006 | Schwarz-Schampera, Ulrich; Stoffers, Peter et al.: IODP; high-temperature hydrothermal venting at submarine volcanoes on the Tonga Arc, SW Pacific | |
83% | 103 103-637 | 1990 | Kimball, K. L.; Evans, C. A.: Iberian margin peridotites; interpreting alteration and emplacement history from hydrothermal mineral chemistry | |
83% | 153 | 1997 | Gaggero, L.; Cortesogno, L.: Metamorphic evolution of oceanic gabbros; recrystallization from subsolidus to hydrothermal conditions in the MARK area (ODP Leg 153) | |
83% | 151 151-911 | 2008 | Junttila, Juho; Lahtinen, Taija et al.: Provenance and sea-ice transportation of mid-Pliocene and Quaternary sediments, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP Site 911) | |
83% | 178 | 2000 | Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Banerjee, Subir K.: Rock-magnetic carriers of century-scale susceptibility cycles in glacial-marine sediments from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula | |
83% | 116 | 1993 | Cochran, James R.: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Comment | |
83% | 116 | 1993 | Amano, Kazuo; Taira, Asahiko: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Reply | |
83% | 179 179-1105 | 2002 | Banerji, Debleena; Casey, John F.: Syntectonic melt transport in cumulates; evidence from gabbroic rocks from hole 1105A, ODP Leg 179, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
82% | 188 188-1165 | 2005 | Junttila, Juho; Ruikka, Mattiina et al.: Clay-mineral assemblages in high-resolution Plio-Pleistocene interval at ODP Site 1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctica | download |
79% | 18 18-174 18-175 18-176 18-177 | 1973 | Scheidegger, Kenneth F.; Kulm, La Verne D. et al.: Heavy mineralogy of unconsolidated sands in northeastern Pacific sediments; Leg 18, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
72% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1996 | Banerjee, Neil R.: Geochemical effects of alteration in a section of lower ocean crust; ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
72% | 174A 174A-1073 | 2005 | Hartin, Corinne A.; McHugh, Cecilia M. G. et al.: Drainage systems associated with the latest Pleistocene-Holocene paleoshoreline on the New York-New Jersey continental margin | |
71% | 193 | 2006 | Paulick, Holger; Bach, W.: Phyllosilicate alteration mineral assemblages in the active subsea-floor PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193 | |
71% | 302 | 2008 | Krupskaya, Viktoriya; Krylov, Alexey et al.: Clay mineral assemblages of the bottom sediments from the Arctic Ocean as an indicators of paleoclimatic changes during Cenozoic time (IODP Leg 302 data) | |
71% | 153 | 1996 | Fletcher, J. M.; Ceuleneer, G.: Brittle-ductile normal faulting across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; an oceanic metamorphic core complex? | |
71% | 184 184-1146 | 2003 | Liu Zhifei; Trentesaux, Alain et al.: Clay mineral assemblages in the northern South China Sea; implications for East Asian monsoon evolution over the past 2 million years | download |
67% | 43 43-386 44 44-391 | 1983 | Brosse, E.: Geochimie minerale de sediments a facies black-shales, Cretace "moyen" de l'Atlantique Nord, sites DSDP 386 et 391 Mineral geochemistry of black shales from the Mid-Cretaceous of the North Atlantic, DSDP sites 386 and 391 | |
67% | 85 85-573 | 2000 | Yin Yanhong; Sun Jiashi et al.: Mineralogy of strata around the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Site 573 in the East Pacific | |
67% | 19 55 61 65 68 69 70 | 1985 | Kurnosov, V.; Kholodkevich, I.: Conditions of the formation of clay minerals in the basaltic shell of the ocean | |
67% | 64 | 1988 | Peter, Jan M.; Scott, Steven D.: Mineralogy, composition, and fluid inclusion microthermometry of sea-floor hydrothermal deposits in the southern trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
67% | 147 147-895 | 1994 | Mevel, C.; Stamoudi, C.: Serpentinization of the shallow mantle at a fast spreading ridge (ODP Site 895 at Hess Deep, East Pacific Rise) | |
67% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1994 | Franklin, J. M.; Goodfellow, W. D. et al.: Site 856 of ODP Leg 139; discovery of a major massive sulfide deposit in Middle Valley of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
67% | 128 128-799 | 1992 | Griffin, John R.; Lindsley-Griffin, Nancy: Diagenetic changes in texture and fabric from unconsolidated sediments to rock across the opal A/opal CT and opal CT/quartz transformations of Japan Sea sediments from Hole 799, ODP Leg 128 | |
67% | 158 | 1996 | Humphris, Susan E.; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Geochemical changes during hydrothermal alteration of basement in the stockwork beneath the TAG active hydrothermal mound, ODP Leg 158 | |
67% | 70 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Gidrotermal'nyye otlozheniya zony Galapagosskogo rifta; aspekty mineralogii i geokhimii glavnykh komponentov Hydrothermal deposits of the Galapagos rift zone; mineralogy and geochemistry of major components | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Gilmore, Trinity; Niu, Yaoling et al.: Petrological and geochemical significance of felsic veins within the gabbroic lower ocean crust drilled during ODP Leg 176 at the Southwest Indian Ridge | |
67% | 45 | 1982 | Kossowskaya, A. G.; Petrova, V. V. et al.: Mineral associations of palagonitization of oceanic basalts and aspects of extraction of mineral components | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1988 | Stakes, Debra S.: Fluids in the crust; use of stable isotopes to distinguish magmatic/hydrothermal events in fragments of oceanic and arc crust | |
67% | 92 92-597 92-602 | 1988 | Barrett, Timothy J.; Jarvis, Ian et al.: Geochemical aspects of hydrothermal sediments in the eastern Pacific Ocean; an update | |
67% | 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1985 | Gitlin, Ellen: Sulfide remobilitzation during low temperature alteration of seafloor basalt | |
67% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1980 | Zimmerman, Herman B.; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Mineral stratigraphy of the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 68 | |
67% | 168 | 1999 | Hunter, A. G.; Kempton, P. D. et al.: Low-temperature fluid-rock interaction; an isotopic and mineralogical perspective of upper crustal evolution, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR), ODP Leg 168 | |
67% | 147 147-895 153 153-920 | 1999 | Rehkaemper, Mark; Halliday, A. N. et al.: Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in abyssal peridotites; petrogenetic signature of melt percolation? | |
67% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 2000 | Pettke, Thomas; Halliday, Alex N. et al.: Dust production and deposition in Asia and the North Pacific Ocean over the past 12 Myr | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2004 | Koepke, Juergen; Feig, Sandrin T. et al.: Petrogenesis of oceanic plagiogranites by partial melting of gabbros; an experimental study | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1996 | Dick, Henry J. B.: Hess versus Penrose; what is the composition of the lower ocean crust? | |
67% | 139 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-857 169-858 | 1996 | Stakes, D. S.; Schiffman, P.: Hydrothermal alteration of basalts in the sedimented ridge environment of Middle Valley | |
67% | 149 149-897 | 1996 | Cornen, Guy; Feraud, G. et al.: Les Etapes du rifting continental enregistrees par les gabbros et basaltes de la plaine abyssale Iberique Continental rifting steps recorded by the gabbros and basalts of the Iberian abyssal plain | |
67% | 178 | 2002 | Lucchi, R. G.; Rebesco, M. et al.: Mid-late Pleistocene glacimarine sedimentary processes of a high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin) | |
67% | 125 | 1993 | Ishil, Teruaki; Ocean, R. I. et al.: Mantle peridotites dredged, drilled (ODP Leg 125) and cached (by SHINAKI Dive) from the Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana Forearc | |
67% | 31 | 1983 | Bahk, K. S.; Chough, S. K.: Provenance of turbidites in the Ulleung (Tsushima) back-arc basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan) | |
67% | 34 34-319 34-320 34-321 | 1974 | Mazzullo, L. J.; Bence, A. E.: Petrology of basalts from DSDP Leg 34; Nazca Plate | |
67% | 158 | 1994 | Humphris, S. E.; Tivey, M. K. et al.: Investigating the formation of the active TAG hydrothermal mound using observational, petrographic and geochemical data | |
67% | 156 | 1994 | Underwood, M. B.; Meyer, A. et al.: Lithostratigraphic influences on the hydrology of the northern Barbados accretionary prism, ODP Leg 156 | |
67% | | 1979 | Jansa, L. F.; Enos, P. et al.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary formations of the North American Basin; western North Atlantic | |
67% | 125 125-778 | 1993 | Maekawa, Hirokazu; Shouzui, Masaya et al.: Blueschist metamorphism in an active subduction zone | |
67% | 60 60-458 60-459 | 1978 | Meijer, A.: Petrology of volcanic rocks from the Mariana arc-trench gap and gabbros from the Mariana inter-arc basin, IPOD, Leg 60 | |
67% | 125 | 1992 | Ishii, Teruaki; Robinson, Paul T. et al.: Proto-ophiolite; peridotites from diapiric serpentinite seamounts in the Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana forearc, ODP Leg 125 | |
67% | 9 9-77 9-80 9-81 | 1981 | Bloch, S.: Antipathetic magnesium-manganese relationship in basal metalliferous sediments | |
67% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | Weston, P. E.; Manning, C. E.: High temperature fracturing at Hess Deep; implications for initiation of lower crustal brittle deformation at the East Pacific Rise | |
67% | 149 149-897 149-900 | 1995 | Cornen, G.; Beslier, M. O. et al.: Petro-structural evolution of the rocks drilled in the basement of the Iberian Margin (Leg 149, ODP) | |
67% | 158 | 1996 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Dissecting an active hydrothermal deposit; the strontium and oxygen isotopic anatomy of the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
67% | 141 | 1995 | George, Annette D.; Hegarty, Kerry A.: Fission track analysis of detrital apatites from sites 859, 860, and 862, Chile triple junction | |
67% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1983 | Book, Patricia O.; Windom, Kenneth E.: Alteration mineral assemblages in oceanic basalts from the Nauru Basin, South Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 13 13-125 13-126 13-127 13-128 13-130 | 1983 | Calvert, S. E.: Geochemistry of Pleistocene sapropels and associated sediments from the eastern Mediterranean | |
67% | 208 208-1265 208-1266 208-1267 | 2010 | Leuschner, D. C.; Ehmann, W. U.: Paleogene sedimentation changes along a depth transect at the northern flank of the Walvis Ridge (ODP Leg 208) South Atlantic Ocean | |
67% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2008 | Hoise, E.; Carlut, J. et al.: The magnetic transition from low temperature to hydrothermal alteration within the oceanic crust at IODP Site 1256 | |
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