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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1121996Schillhorn, Thies; Kukowski, Nina: Numerische 3D-FD Modellierungen zum Fluid- und Waermetransport im Akkretionskomplex vor Peru bei 9 Grad Sued Numerical 3D-FD models of fluid transport in an accretionary complex in Peru at 9 degrees south
100%1641999Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results
2007Haywood, A. M.; Valdes, P. J. et al.: The mid-Pliocene warm period; a test-bed for integrating data and models
87%1996Solheim, A.; Riis, F. et al.: Impact of glaciations on basin evolution; data and models from the Norwegian margin and adjacent areas; introduction and summary
87%2002Haywood, Alan M.; Valdes, Paul J. et al.: Magnitude of climate variability during middle Pliocene warmth; a palaeoclimate modelling study
87%1101989Fisher, Andrew T.; Hounslow, Mark W.: Transient fluid flow through the toe of the Barbados accretionary complex; constraints from ODP Leg 110 heat flow studies and simple models
87%1682001Cavin, Amanda C.: A comparative look at vitrinite reflectance values obtained from models and measurements in a stratigraphic column near the Juan de Fuca Ridge
87%1071993van Dijk, J. P.: Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins; the dynamic geohistory approach
85%1978Yuekler, A.: Quantitative determination of paleopressures and paleotemperatures
85%1980Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models
85%1977Veevers, J. J.: Models of the evolution of the eastern Indian Ocean
85%1990Childers, V. A.; Weissel, Jeffrey K.: ODP drilling results from the Indian Ocean constrain flexural models of lithospheric deformation
85%1997Raymo, Maureen E.: Carbon cycle models; how strong are the constraints?
85%1161989Williams, Colin Francis: Heat and fluid flow within the Earth's crust; in situ measurements and mathematical models
85%1989Bayer, U.; Wetzel, A.: Compactional behavior of fine-grained sediments; examples from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores
85%1995Fang, Weijiang: Fluid flow in upper oceanic crust; in situ measurement and numerical modeling
85%1983Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Hoffman, Antoni: A test of evolutionary models; survivorship and accretion analysis of species extinction and origination
85%1994Dick, Henry: ODP looks through tectonic windows
85%2006Smolka, Peter: IODP; Rekonstruktion und Modellierung Neogener Ozeane; Zwischenstand IODP; reconstruction and modeling of the Neogene oceans; intermediate results
85%2007Yamada, Y.; Matsuoka, T.: Submarine landslides in subduction zones; insights from analogue and numerical models
85%2011Babaie, Hassan A.: Modeling geodynamic processes with ontologies
80%1984Blank, Richard G.: Comparison of two binomial models in probabilistic biostratigraphy
2000Dugan, B.; Flemings, P. B.: The New Jersey margin; compaction and fluid flow
2006Hunt, Gene: Fitting and comparing models of phyletic evolution; random walks and beyond
71%1802000Stover, S. Cheree; Ge, Shemin et al.: One-dimensional consolidation of shallow marine sediments; application of analytical solutions and experimental data to poroelastic and viscoplastic deformation in Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
71%181987Shi, Yaolin; Wang, Chi-yuen et al.: Thermal structures in the accretionary prism off the Pacific Coast of North America
71%1071986Tisseau, C.; Rehault, J. P. et al.: Modeles thermiques et hypotheses sur la nature de la croute au centre de la Mer Tyrrhenienne Thermal models and hypotheses on the nature of the crust in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea
71%1986DePaolo, D. J.; Richter, F. M.: Numerical models of Sr isotopic redistribution in deep-sea carbonate sediments during diagenesis
1989Peltier, W. R.: Models of the mid-Pleistocene transition
71%2011Cope, Jesse T.; Winguth, Arne: On the sensitivity of ocean circulation to arctic freshwater input during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
71%2002Dittert, Nicolas; Corrin, Lydie et al.: Management of (pale-)oceanographic data sets using the PANGAEA information system; the SINOPS example
71%1972002Steinberger, Bernhard M.; Tarduno, John A.: Motion of the Hawaiian hotspot inferred from mantle flow models based on detailed Pacific Plate reconstructions
1995Lee, Myung W.: Application of heat flow equation to analyses of bottom simulation reflections
71%1161995Ormond, Anne; Boulegue, Jacques et al.: A thermoconvective interpretation of heat flow data in the area of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 in a distal part of the Bengal Fandownload
71%1983Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition
71%1993Gahagan, L. M.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Application of 3-D graphics software to plate tectonics research and resource exploration
1980Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G.: Bituminologicheskoye izucheniye kerna skv. 379 i modelirovaniye protsessa preobrazovaniya organicheskogo veshchestva A bitumenological study of well 379 and models of the formation of organic materials
71%351993Galushkin, Yu. I.; Dubinin, Ye. P. et al.: Printsipy chislennogo analiza termicheskoy evolyutsii litosfery i osadochnykh basseynov passivnykh kontinental'nykh okrain razlichnykh geodimamicheskikh tipov Principles of numerical analysis of thermal evolution of the lithosphere and sedimentary basins of passive continental margins of various geodynamic types
71%1001987Johnson, Glenn W.; Martin, Ronald E.: Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal paleoecology models, northeastern Gulf of Mexico
71%1995Channell, James E. T.; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time scales and oceanic magnetic anomaly block models
71%961995Bouma, Arnold H.: Geological architecture of fine-grained submarine fan reservoirs
1978Yuekler, A.; Cornford, C. et al.: One-dimensional model to simulate geologic, hydrodynamic and thermodynamic development of a sedimentary basin
71%2010Ask, M. V. S.; Morgan, J. K.: Projection of mechanical properties from shallow to greater depths seaward of the Nankai accretionary prism
71%2008Diester-Haass, L.; Billups, K. et al.: The middle Miocene carbon isotope shift revisited with marine proxies and numerical models
2000Cita, Maria Bianca (ed.); McKenzie, Judith A. (ed.): Mediterranean sapropels; observations, interpretations and models
71%1999Barker, Peter F.; Barrett, Peter J. et al.: Antarctic glacial history from numerical models and continental margin sediments
71%1994Carlson, Richard L.; Johnson, H. Paul: On modeling the thermal evolution of the oceanic upper mantle; an assessment of the cooling plate modeldownload
71%1979Corliss, J.; Gordon, L. I. et al.: Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust
71%2001Stauffer, Philip H.; Bekins, Barbara A.: Modeling consolidation and dewatering near the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary complexdownload
71%1642008Zhao Luanxiao; Geng Jianhua et al.: 1-D controlled source electromagnetic forward modeling for marine gas hydrates studies
71%1611998Tandon, Kush: A study of models and controls for basin formation during continental collision; 1, Australian lithosphere along Banda Orogen (Indonesia); and 2, Alboran Sea basin (western Mediterranean)
71%2010Masaki, Y.; Kawada, Y. et al.: Hydrothermal circulation regime of the Iheya-North hydrothermal field in the mid-Okinawa Trough inferred from heat flow measurements
71%1782006Guennewig, Petra; Huhn, Katrin et al.: IODP; investigation of current conditions and sediment transport pattern along the Antarctic Peninsula using a numerical ocean circulation model
71%1582002Goto, Shusaku; Kinoshita, Masataka et al.: Geothermal constraints on the hydrological regime of the TAG active hydrothermal mound, inferred from long-term monitoring
71%1071989Tisseau, C.; Rehault, J. P. et al.: Thermal modelling of subsidence and heat flow and implications for the variation in crustal structure across the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin, western Mediterranean
71%1591995O'Brien, W. P.; Pontoise, B.: Crustal structure of the Ivory Coast Basin adjacent to a transform margin
2008Wilson, D. S.; Luyendyk, B. P.: Antarctic paleotopography estimates at the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition; implications for climate ice models
71%2010Hensen, C.; Marquardt, M. et al.: Prediction of sub-seafloor gas hydrate inventories using a general transfer function
70%1970von der Borch, C. C.: Deep Sea Drilling Project progress report; lecture notes
70%1982MacGregor, Ian: Geological evolution of ocean crust
70%1986Barron, Eric J.: Modeling in paleooceanography
70%1982Gartner, Stefan: Subducting plate margins
70%1991Duncan, Robert A.: Ocean drilling and the volcanic record of hotspots
70%1979Karous, Milos: Stanoveni chyby mereni v odporovych metodach Determination of error in resistivity measurements
70%1990Suydam, Karen Andrea: A paleointensity and magnetic modeling study of the Jurassic magnetic quiet zone
70%1997Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Borehole observatories; global networking and 4-D monitoring
70%1999Sun, Xinhua: Inversion of acoustic waveforms for velocity and attenuation
70%1982Hodgson, B.; Miller, A.: Quality control of 3D surveys
70%3142008Yamada, Yasuhiro; Yamamoto, Yuzuru et al.: Submarine landslides due to thrust activity at accretionary prisms; examples from analogue models and Boso/Nankai prismsdownload
69%1999Busetti, Martina; Spadini, Giacomo et al.: Kinematic modelling of the West Antarctic Rift system, Ross Sea, Antarctica
69%1101995Bekins, Barbara A.; McCaffrey, Anne M. et al.: Episodic and constant flow models for the origin of low-chloride waters in a modern accretionary complexdownload
1996Davis, Dan M.: Accretionary mechanics with properties that vary in space and time
69%2001Tomkin, Jonathan H.: Erosional feedbacks and the oscillation of ice masses
69%3022009Mann, Ute; Knies, Jochen et al.: Evaluation and modelling of Tertiary source rocks in the central Arctic Ocean
1999Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Mienert, J. et al.: A stratigraphic database for the Atlantic Ocean sediment record; SYNATLAN (SYNthesis ATLANtic); bioevents and hiatuses in the Meso- and Cenozoic Atlantic, age-depth models, (DSDP/ODP drillsite data)
2011Achenbach, Kay L.; Cheadle, Michael J. et al.: Lattice-preferred orientation and microstructure of peridotites from ODP Hole 1274A (15 degrees 39'N), Mid-Atlantic Ridge; testing models of mantle upwelling and tectonic exhumationdownload
1996Richter, Frank M.: Models for the coupled Sr-sulfate budget in deep-sea carbonates
2001Rudnicki, Mark D.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Numerical models of diagenesis, sediment properties, and pore fluid chemistry on a paleoceanographic transect; Blake Nose, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171Bdownload
2003Patel, Maulin D.; McMechan, George A.: Building 2-D stratigraphic and structure models from well log data and control horizonsdownload
61%1602006Saleh, S.; Badawy, Ahmed: 3D crustal modeling and seismicity of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Egyptian coastal zone
60%1990Hyndman, R. D.; Davis, E. E.: Hydrate bottom simulating reflectors, distributed fluid expulsion from accretionary prisms, and ODP geochemistry
60%1983Kobayashi, Kazuo: Cycles of subduction and Cenozoic arc activity in the northwestern Pacific margin
60%1981Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean
60%531981Gitlin, Ellen C.: Remobilization of sulfides and low temperature alteration of submarine basaltic rocks from Leg 53 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
60%1981Lasaga, Antonio C.: Influence of diffusion coupling on diagenetic concentration profiles
60%1994Ramsay, A. T. S.; Sykes, T. J. S. et al.: Sedimentary hiatuses as indicators of fluctuating oceanic water masses; a new model
60%1982Flueh, Ernst Rudolf: Geodynamische Entwicklung der noerdlichen Anden Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Andes
60%1985Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Global traveltime and velocity vs. depth functions for the deep sea sediment column
60%1994Bina, M. Mansour; Prevot, Michel: Thermally activated magnetic viscosity in natural multidomain titanomagnetite
60%1987Hsu, Kenneth J.: The geology of ocean floor
60%1996Oberhaensli, H.; Diester-Haass, Liselotte et al.: Paleogene Tiefenwasserverteilung im Indik Paleogene deep-water distribution in the Indian Ocean
60%1990Kruijs, Eddy; Barron, Eric J.: Climate model prediction of paleoproductivity and potential source-rock distribution
60%1985Moskowitz, Bruce M.: Magnetic viscosity, diffusion after-effect, and disaccommodation in natural and synthetic samples
60%1973Winterer, Edward L.: Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific
60%1984Olsson, R. K.: Paleoslope models of foraminifera
60%1987Pavletich, Joseph P.: Amino-acid racemization in siliceous sediments from the Southern Ocean
60%1978Le Pichon, X.; Melguen, M. et al.: A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic
60%1995Pratson, E. Lewis; Pirmez, C. et al.: A refinement of Formation MicroScanner depth shifting in the Ocean Drilling Program
60%1974Raymond, Loren A.: Possible Modern Analogs for Rocks of the Franciscan Complex, Mount Oso Area, California
60%1979Cann, J. R.: Metamorphism in the ocean crust

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