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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Natural gas hydrate; introduction and history of discovery
83%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Lorenson, Thomas D.: The global occurrence of natural gas hydrates
82%2000Kastner, Miriam: Gas hydrates in convergent margins; formation, occurrence, geochemistry, and global significance
68%1462000Hyndman, R. D.; Dallimore, S. R.: Natural gas hydrate studies in Canada; offshore west coast and arctic Mackenzie Delta
68%1462000Hyndman, R. D.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Geophysical studies of marine gas hydrate in northern Cascadia
68%2000Paull, Charles K.; Ussler, William, III: History and significance of gas sampling during DSDP and ODP drilling associated with gas hydrates
68%1992Kotarba, M.; Piela, J. et al.: Geneza gazu zimnego akumulowanego w Permsko-Karbonskich puapkach litologicznych zloza "Paproc" w swietle badan izotopowych Origin of natural gas in Permo-Carboniferous lithological traps of the Paproc Field, western Poland, in light of isotope studies
68%1999Clennell, M. Ben; Hovland, Martin et al.: Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments; 1, Conceptual model of gas hydrate growth conditioned by host sediment properties
2000Ruppel, Carolyn D.: Thermal state of the gas hydrate reservoir
68%672004Kumar, P.; Sonawane, A. K.: Engineering significance and consequences of gas hydrates in deep and ultra deep water development
68%1642000Holbrook, W. Steven: Seismic studies of the Blake Ridge; implications for hydrate distribution, methane expulsion, and free gas dynamics
67%1970Kliewer, Gene: Challenger starts new sea-floor coring voyage
67%1971Peterson, M. N. A.: Challenger discoveries to aid oil exploration
2000Collett, Timothy S.: Natural gas hydrate as a potential energy resource
58%2042003Rack, Frank R.: Technical and operational accomplishments of ODP Leg 204
58%1983Hedberg, Hollis D.: Deep-water petroleum prospects of the oceans and seas
58%101970Kliewer, Gene: Challenger Leg 10 finds gas in Gulf of Mexico
58%2000Biswas, S. K.; Ramesh, P. et al.: Phanerozoic stratigraphy
58%1982Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Occurrence and origin of marine gas hydrates
58%1980Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Organics yield clues about oil in the deep sea
58%1979Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Geokhimicheskiye predposylki neftegazoobrazovaniya v mezozoysko-kaynozoyskoy osadochnoy tolshche Mirovogo okeana Mesozoic and Cenozoic oil and gas genesis in the marine environment
58%1641995Paull, Charles: Atlantic gas hydrates target of Ocean Drilling Program leg
58%1993Kastner, M.; Brown, K. A. et al.: Gas hydrates and bottom simulating reflectors in the Cascadia Margin
58%1977Geodekyan, A. A.; Trotsyuk, V. Ya. et al.: Geochemical premises to oil and gas formation beneath the sea and the ocean bed
58%1983Talwani, Manik: New geophysical techniques for offshore exploration
58%1975Peterson, M. N. A.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; technical contribution to offshore oil and gas exploration and eventual production
58%2004Lubick, Naomi: Detecting marine gas hydrates
58%2001Spence, George D.; Hyndman, Roy D.: The challenge of deep ocean drilling for natural gas hydrate
58%961984Suzyumov, A. Ye.: 96-y, zaklyuchitel'nyy reys "Glomara Chellendzhera" The 96th, final voyage of the Glomar Challenger
1982Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Barnard, Leo A.: Hydrates of natural gas in continental margins
54%1642000Uchida, Takashi; Dallimore, Scott R. et al.: Occurrences of natural gas hydrates beneath the permafrost zone in Mackenzie Delta
54%1122000Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina et al.: Gas hydrates along the Peru and Middle America Trench system
2000Dvorkin, Jack; Helgerud, Michael B. et al.: Introduction to physical properties and elasticity models
54%192004Barth, Ginger; Scholl, David et al.: Quantifying the methane content of natural gas and gas hydrate accumulations in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea; case studies based on interval time anomalies
2000Spence, G. D.; Hyndman, R. D. et al.: Cascadia margin, Northeast Pacific Ocean; hydrate distribution from geophysical investigations
54%2006Johnson, Arthur H.; Max, Michael D.: The path to commercial hydrate gas production
54%1642000Pecher, Ingo A.; Holbrook, W. Steven: Seismic methods for detecting and quantifying marine methane hydrate/free gas reservoirs
2001Collett, Timothy S.: Natural-gas hydrates; resource of the twenty-first century?
1981Kvenvolden, K. A.; Barnard, L. A. et al.: Recovery by pressure-core barrel of natural gas hydrates from the Blake Outer Ridge
48%1983Hunt, John M.: Introduction; offshore oil and gas; past, present, future
48%1988Bissada, K. K.; Katz, B. J. et al.: On the origin of hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Mexico basin; a reappraisal
48%1979Pearson, D. B.; Dow, W. G.: Petroleum sourcerock evaluation of the southern European and northern African Atlantic continental margins; results of DSDP legs 47A and B and 48
48%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character; Bering Sea
1982Kvenvolden, K. A.; McDonald, T. J.: Gas hydrates of the Middle America Trench, DSDP Leg 84
48%1981Davydov, A. S.; Dibner, V. D.: Glava 1; Geologicheskaya izuchennost' Chapter 1; Geological investigation
1988Miller, John J.; von Huene, Roland et al.: A quantitative analysis of a gas hydrate reflection in seismic records near ODP Drill Site 688 off Peru
48%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Claypool, George E.: Gas hydrates in oceanic sediment
48%1986Slatt, Roger M.; Robinson, John C. et al.: Cardium Formation; 1, Seismic reflection character analysis of thin strat trap; Cretaceous Cardium Formation
48%1980Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Middle Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins
1976Whelan, J. K.: Gases from IPOD Hole 397/397A; implications of early hydrocarbon migration
48%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Drilling for gas hydrates; ODP Leg 164
48%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Gas hydrates; lessons from ODP Leg 164
1985Mathews, Mark: Logging characteristics of methane hydrate
48%1989Danyushevskaya, A. I.: Issledovaniya po organicheskoy geokhimii, vypolnennyye po mezhdunarodnomu proyektu glubokovodnogo bureniya Studies in the field of organic geochemistry conducted within the international Deep Sea Drilling Project
2002Tomer, Brad: Methane hydrate research effort accelerates
48%1995Kvenvolden, Keith A.: A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate
48%1991Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean
48%1974Bryan, George M.: In situ indications of gas hydrate
48%1993Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates, geological perspective and global changedownload
48%671980Hesse, Reinhard; Harrison, William E.: Abnormally low pore-water salinities in deep marine sections of the continental margins related to gas-hydrate (clathrate) occurrence
48%1641997MacDonald, Ian R.: Bottom line for hydrocarbons
1993Spence, G. D.; Minshull, T. A.: Seismic studies of methane gas hydrate, offshore Vancouver Island
48%2042003McBarnet, Andrew: The promise and the pain of gas hydrate research
48%2042004Guerin, G.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Analysis of sonic velocity in an active gas hydrate system, Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon
48%2004Johnson, Joel E.: Deformation, fluid venting, and slope failure at an active margin gas hydrate province, Hydrate Ridge Cascadia accretionary wedge
48%1999Bandopadhyay, A.; Bandyopadhyay, R. R.: Subsea channels and incidence of thermogenic hydrocarbons in the mid-proximal Bengal Fan, west of the Andaman-Nicobar Islands
48%1642008Johnson, Art: Gas hydrate; an emerging energy resource
48%2042005Weinberger, Jill: Investigations of the structural and hydrologic context of gas hydrate deposits on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
48%1641998Hesse, Reinhard; Frape, Shaun et al.: Gas-hydrate drilling at Blake Ridge (ODP Leg 164); how much methane is there?
48%1641998Thiery, R.; Bakker, R. et al.: Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in the sediments of a passive continental margin; preliminary results of the ODP Leg 164 on the Blake Outer Ridge
48%1121999Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina: BSRs in Lima Basin; an indication for methane production below the gas hydrate stability zone?
1994Gading, Marita: Deepwater exploration on tap in Voring Basin I area of Norway
48%1641999Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results
48%3022007Stein, Ruediger: Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary black shales near the North Pole; organic carbon origin and source rock potential
48%1641999Xu, Wenyue; Ruppel, Carolyn: Predicting the occurrence, distribution, and evolution of methane gas hydrate in porous marine sedimentsdownload
2001Mork, M. B. E.; Leith, D. A. et al.: Origin of carbonate-cemented beds on the Naglfar Dome, Voring Basin, Norwegian Sea
48%1999Sloan, E. D.; Brewer, P. G. et al.: Future of gas hydrate research
48%1997Hovland, M.; Gallagher, J. W. et al.: Gas hydrate and free gas volumes in marine sediments; examples from the Niger Delta front
2000Matveeva, T. V.; Soloviev, V. A.: Some geological factors controlling gas hydrate distribution on the Blake Outer Ridge, North-west Atlantic
2007Anonymous: Salt origin without evaporation proposed
48%1988Land, L. S.; Macpherson, G. L. et al.: The geochemistry of saline formation waters, Miocene offshore Louisiana
48%1989Williamson, P. E.; Exon, N. F. et al.: A north west shelf Triassic reef play; results from ODP leg 122
48%1642001Davie, Matthew K.; Buffett, Bruce A.: A numerical model for the formation of gas hydrate below the seafloordownload
48%2042004Xun, H.; Bangs, N. L. et al.: Estimation of free gas saturation using AVO analysis on 3D seismic data at south Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia accretionary complex
2002Showstack, Randy: Ocean drilling program investigates Hydrate Ridge
2004Liu, X.; Flemings, P.: Mechanism for free gas migration through south Hydrate Ridge hydrate system
48%1461995Whiticar, Michael J.; Hovland, Martin: Relationship of hydrocarbon gases to hydrates in the Cascadia and Oregon accretionary margins
48%1461993Singh, Satish C.; Minshull, Timothy A. et al.: Velocity structure of a gas hydrate reflector
48%2000Louden, Keith E.; Hall, Jeremy: The MARIPROBE program; a Canadian MARGINS initiative
48%2008Hiruta, Akihiro; Tomaru, Hitoshi et al.: Chloride anomaly in interstitial waters at gas hydrate zone, eastern margin of Japan Sea
48%102011Zobaa, Mohamed Kamal: Applied palynology; multidisciplinary case studies from Egypt, Gulf of Mexico and USA
2000Goldberg, David S.; Collett, Timothy S. et al.: Ground truth; in-situ properties of hydrate
48%1999Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Potential effects of gas hydrate on human welfare
1998Collett, Timothy S.: Well log evaluation of gas hydrate saturations
2009Janik, Aleksandra; Goldberg, David et al.: Estimation of gas-hydrate saturation and heterogeneity on Cascadia margin from Ocean Drilling Project Leg 204 logging-while-drilling measurements
2009Riedel, M.; Willoughby, Eleanor C. et al.: Gas hydrate offshore Vancouver Island, northern Cascadia Margin
43%661982Chambers, R. L.; Erdman, J. G.: Elemental composition and petroleum-generating potential of the methylene chloride extracts from Leg 66 samplesdownload
1996Matsumoto, Ryo; Watanabe, Yoshio et al.: Distribution and occurrence of marine gas hydrate; preliminary results of ODP Leg 164; Blake Ridge drilling
2010Ghosh, Ranjana; Sain, Kalachand et al.: Estimating the amount of gas-hydrate using effective medium theory; a case study in the Blake Ridge
2009Scholl, David W.; Barth, Ginger A. et al.: Why hydrate-linked velocity-amplitude anomaly structures are common in the Bering Sea Basin; a hypothesis

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