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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1981Harrison, Christopher G. A.: Magnetism of the oceanic crust
99%2003Vine, F. J.: Ophiolites, ocean crust formation, and magnetic studies; a personal view
86%1981McDuff, Russell E.: Major cation gradients in DSDP interstitial waters; the role of diffusive exchange between seawater and upper oceanic crust
86%1987Barnes, R. O.: Fluid and chemical fluxes between seawater and basement rocks during "active" and "passive" hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust
86%1990Hubberten, H. W.: Die Fraktionierung der Schwefelisotope bei der Entstehung und Veraenderung der ozeanischen Kruste The sulfur isotope fractionation during the formation and alteration of the oceanic crust
86%1979Johnson, H. Paul: Magnetization of the oceanic crust; results from DSDP crustal drilling
86%1993Malpas, John: Deep drilling of the oceanic crust and upper mantle
86%1980Banerjee, S. K.: Rock magnetic techniques for deciphering the nature of alteration of the oceanic crust
86%1984Stephen, R. A.: Borehole seismic experiments and the structure of upper oceanic crust
86%1989Erzinger, J.: Chemical alteration of the oceanic crust
86%1995Fang, Weijiang: Fluid flow in upper oceanic crust; in situ measurement and numerical modeling
86%1990Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust
86%1992Litvinov, E. M.: Neodnorodnosti vtorogo sloya okeanicheskoy kory Heterogeneity of the second layer of the oceanic crust
86%2007Brearley, A. J.; Barnes, J. D. et al.: Chrysotile nanotubes; potential host of insoluble chlorine in serpentinized oceanic crust
86%1987Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the upper oceanic crust at DSDP Site 504
86%1999Davis, Earl; Becker, Keir: Tidal pumping of fluids within and from the oceanic crust; new observations and opportunities for sampling the crustal hydrosphere
86%1762000Mackie, Suzanne Mary: The abundances and distribution of chemical elements in oceanic gabbros drilled during ODP Leg 176; towards a realistic model composition of oceanic crust in the context of crust-mantle recycling
86%1978Friedrichsen, H.; Hoernes, S.: Stable isotope exchange between oceanic crust and ocean water
86%1996Anonymous: Seismic images of Mesozoic-aged oceanic crust of the South Atlantic
86%2003Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Unveiling the permeability structure of oceanic crust through the Ocean Drilling Program
81%1271990Pisciotto, K.; Tamaki, K. et al.: Les Premiers forages de la croute oceanique de la mer du Japon; resultats preliminaires du Leg ODP 127 First drilling of the oceanic crust in the Japan Sea; preliminary results of ODP Leg 127
80%1682009Ishibashi, Jun-ichiro: Geochemical fluxes of hydrothermal fluid circulation within oceanic crust
2012Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard; Hanghoj, Karen et al.: Rhenium-osmium isotope systematics and platinum group element concentrations in oceanic crust
71%1985Anderson, Roger N.; O'Malley, Honor: Frequency response and attenuation changes across highly altered fracture zones cross-cutting a fast formation; the oceanic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71%1181988Kempton, P. D.; Hawkesworth, C. J.: Isotopic composition of layer 3 of the oceanic crust; a preliminary report on gabbros from ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B
71%521982Stephen, R. A.: Direct observation of shear wave particle motions in oceanic crust
71%2000Dilek, Yildirim (ed.); Moores, Eldridge M. (ed.) et al.: Ophiolites and oceanic crust; new insights from field studies and the Ocean Drilling Program
1976Bleil, U.: Notes on the magnetic structure of the oceanic crust
1976Muehlenbachs, K.; Clayton, R. N.: Oxygen isotope composition of the oceanic crust and its bearing on seawaterdownload
71%1532000Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of the lower oceanic crust at the MARK area by emplacement of small magma bodies
71%1531996Gao, Dengliang; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Microstructures of metagabbros at the eastern Kane Ridge-transform intersection in the MARK area; implications for extensional deformation of the oceanic crust
71%1989Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlanticdownload
2004Acton, G.; Wilson, D. S.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic signature of upper oceanic crust generated by superfast seafloor spreading; results from ODP Leg 206
71%1996Gallahan, William Eugene, III: Geochronology and geochemistry of low temperature hydrothermal alteration in oceanic crust; an investigation of celadonite in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
71%1992Mascle, G.; Lemoine, M. et al.: Croute oceanique et ophiolite; comparaison des donnees de forages en mer Tyrrhenienne et des ophiolites des Alpes occidentales Oceanic crust and ophiolite; comparison of drilling data from the Tyrrhenian Sea and ophiolites of the Western Alps
71%2006Kastner, Miriam; Becker, Keir et al.: New insights into the hydrogeology of the oceanic crust through long-term monitoring
1993Posiolova, L. V.; Orcutt, J. A. et al.: Model of oceanic crust from the seismic refraction experiment in the northern Atlantic
71%1461995Jarrard, R. D.: Velocity and porosity of oceanic crust and accretionary prisms; core/log/seismic links
71%1531995Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle
1990Ludden, J. N.; Plank, T. et al.: Geochemistry of oceanic crust at the onset of rifting in the Indian Ocean
71%851991Baker, Paul A.; Stout, Paul M. et al.: Large-scale lateral advection of seawater through oceanic crust in the central Equatorial Pacific
71%371979Andrews, A. J.: On the effect of low temperature seawater-basalt interaction on the distribution of sulfur in oceanic crust, layer 2
71%371979Andrews, A. J.: On the effect of low-temperature seawater-basalt interaction on the distribution of sulfur in oceanic crust, Layer 2
71%821986Jenner, G. A.; Hertogen, Jan: Constraints of processes affecting the origin of oceanic crust; geochemical evidence from the 0-35 m.y. age basalts, between 30 degrees N and 40 degrees N, MAR
71%1981Gieskes, Joris M.: Deep-sea drilling interstitial water studies; implications for chemical alteration of the oceanic crust, layers I and II
71%1981Bleil, U.: Die Magnetisierung der ozeanischen Kruste; Ein Beitrag zum Vine-Matthews-Modell nach Ergebnissen mariner Tiefbohrungen The magnetization of the oceanic crust; a contribution to the Vine-Matthews model using results of deep drilling in the sea
71%1979Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas
71%1471995Deloule, E.; Mevel, C.: Implications of high delta D values measured in lower oceanic crust gabbros
1994Newman, J.; Kronenberg, A. K. et al.: Strength of young oceanic crust
71%174B1998Becker, Keir; Richter, Carl et al.: Leg 174B revisits Hole 395A; logging and long-term monitoring of off-axis hydrothermal processes in young oceanic crust
1990Castillo, D. A.; Moos, D. et al.: State of stress on oceanic crust of the Indo-Australian Plate northwest of Australia; a case for ridge-push
71%701980Honnorez, J.; Von Herzen, R. P.: IPOD Leg 70; comparison between open and closed hydrothermal regimes in young and not so young oceanic crust
71%1988Staudacher, Thomas; Allegre, Claude J.: Recycling of oceanic crust and sediments; the noble gas subduction barrier
71%1581996Ludwig, Rainer: Porosity-seismic velocity relationship and evolution of shallow oceanic crust near spreading centers of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
71%371978Prevot, M.; Lecaille, A.: Magnetic effects of maghemitization of the oceanic crust
1983Alt, Jeffrey C.: Alteration of the upper oceanic crust; DSDP Site 417
2003Hallenborg, Eric Christian: The structure of mature oceanic crust; tectonic features revealed in superfast-spread Cocos Plate by multichannel seismic grids and swath bathymetry
71%2002004Schumann, Gabriela; Manz, Werner et al.: Ancient fungal life in North Pacific Eocene oceanic crust
71%2002003Schumann, Gabriela; Koos, Randi et al.: Microbial life of North Pacific oceanic crust
71%2006Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H. et al.: Past and future impact of deep drilling in the oceanic crust and mantle
2005Banerji, Debleena: Geochemistry of gabbroic rocks, Hole 1105A, Leg 179 Atlantis II fracture zone, Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR); formation of oceanic crust at an ultraslow spreading ridge
71%2005Jarrard, R. D.: Geophysical measurements of age-dependent alteration of upper oceanic crust
71%2005Schwartz, Joshua J.; John, B. E. et al.: Growth and construction of oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
71%1977Banerjee, S. K.; Levi, S. et al.: Observations of nearly pure magnetite in the upper oceanic crust; implications for thermal regime at a spreading center
71%1998Davis, Earl E.; Wang, Kelin et al.: Estimates of formation-scale permeability in young upper oceanic crust
2009Tominaga, Masako: M-anomaly analyses and their implications for the architecture of the upper oceanic crust
1994Dilek, Y.; Harper, G. D.: Subseafloor brecciation in ocean layer 2A; evidence from oceanic crust and ophiolites
71%1996Davis, E. E.; Wang, K. et al.: An unequivocal case for high Nusselt-number hydrothermal convection in sediment-buried igneous oceanic crust
71%1973Schreiber, E.; Fox, P. J.: Compressional wave velocities of oceanic rocks and the geology of the oceanic crust; a brief summary
71%1973Christensen, N. I.; Frey, F. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Properties of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks of the Oceanic Crust; Summary of the topical AGU conference held at Airlie House, Virginia, August 27-29, 1973
71%2002Mueller, R. D.; Gaina, C. et al.: The evolution of global oceanic crust from Jurassic to present day; a global data integration
71%1681998Davis, Earl; Becker, Keir: Borehole observatories record driving forces for hydrothermal circulation in young oceanic crust
71%1852007Chauvel, C.; Lewin, E. et al.: Recycled oceanic crust and sediments control the Hf-Nd mantle array
71%1731997Whitmarsh, Bob; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Leg 173 completes transect of West Iberia margin from continental to oceanic crust
71%1997Elderfield, H.; Suess, E. et al.: Low-temperature reactions between sea-water and oceanic crust at ridge flanks
71%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.; Christeson, Gail L.: Comparison of geologic and seismic structure of uppermost fast-spreading oceanic crust; insights from a crustal cross-section at the Hess Deep rift
71%1988Smith, B. M.; Staudigel, H.: The oxygen isotope composition of old oceanic crust; results for 417A, 417D, and 418A composite samples
71%2001Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust
71%2003Banerjee, Neil R.; Furnes, Harald et al.: Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling; bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
71%1992Berge, Patricia A.; Fryer, Gerard J. et al.: Velocity-porosity relationships in the upper oceanic crust; theoretical considerationsdownload
71%1997Muehe, R.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. et al.: On the redistribution of Pb in the oceanic crust during hydrothermal alteration
71%1692009Simonyan, A. V.; Behrens, H. et al.: Experimental determination of water diffusion in porous basaltic rocks of the oceanic crust
2003Umino, Susumu: Reviews of deep drilling into oceanic crust
71%1981Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Constraints on water transport and alteration in the oceanic crust from the isotopic composition of pore water
71%1682004Hutnak, M.; Fisher, A. T. et al.: Evidence for along-strike hydrothermal circulation within young oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Endeavour axis, Juan de Fuca Ridge
2004Schumann, Gabriela; Manz, Werner et al.: Evidence of fossil fungi in North Pacific Eocene oceanic crust (ODP Site 1224)
2004Coggon, Rosalind: Expedition 301; the hydrogeologic architecture of basaltic oceanic crust on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
2005Coogan, L. A.: Cooling rate constraints on accretion of the lower oceanic crust
1998Carlson, R. L.: Average seismic structure of Pacific oceanic crust
71%1471995Arai, Shoji: Oceanic lithosphere and ophiolites; their similarities and differences
71%1351996Walbaum, Bettina: Auswertung von Bohrlochmessungen zur Rekonstruktion der Lithologie und der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte der ozeanischen Kruste (ODP-Bohrungen Leg 135/Lau Becken) Evaluation of borehole measurements in the reconstruction of lithology and the geologic development history of the oceanic crust (ODP Leg 135, Lau Basin)
71%1997Sapp, Kimberly; Gillis, Kathryn: Distribution of porosity in a section of upper oceanic crust exposed in the Troodos Ophiolite
2009Teagle, D. A. H.: Insights on the formation and evolution of the upper oceanic crust from deep drilling at ODP/IODP Hole 1256D
71%1985Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Developments and perspectives of ocean drilling
71%1985Purdy, G. M.: Downhole measurement opportunities
71%1982MacGregor, Ian: Geological evolution of ocean crust
71%1987Palca, Joseph: Soviet Union frozen out of Ocean Drilling Program partnership
71%1987Anderson, Alun: World's ocean drillers plan for decade of technological change
71%1982Aubouin, J.: Le programme international de forages profonds (IPOD) International Phase of Ocean Drilling
71%1996Butler, Declan: Ocean drilling enters choppy waters as France and UK question strategy

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