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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%2003Winterer, E. L.: The evolution of geosciences at Scripps
89%1973Van Andel, Tjeerd H.: Deep Sea Drilling for Scientific Purposes; A Decade of Dreams
89%1985Oceanography from space, a research strategy for the decade 1985-1995; Part 2, Proposed measurements and missions
77%1985Purdy, G. M.: Downhole measurement opportunities
77%1984Berggren, W. A.: Among the earth sciences; Paleoceanography comes into its own
77%1986Barron, Eric J.: Modeling in paleooceanography
77%1987Berggren, William A.: Researchers study new currents in old seas
77%1976Annual report
77%1973Peterson, M. N. A.; Field, A. J.: Deep-sea drilling with D/V Glomar Challenger
72%1983Shapley, Deborah: Deep-sea drilling; commercial break raises hopes
72%1981Norman, Colin: Ocean drilling program loses oil industry funds
72%1985Anonymous: Deep-sea drilling; Britain rejoins programme
72%1969Distribution of samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project
72%1969Sims, Darrell L.: Drilling operations; the deep sea drilling project
72%1969Benson, William E.: Lithology and mineralogy of cores from western Atlantic, Leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project
72%1969Olsson, Richard K.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Leg V, deep sea drilling project; northeastern Pacific
72%1969Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R.: Preliminary scientific results of cruise VII of D/V Glomar Challenger
72%1969Peterson, M. N. A.: Present status of the JOIDES drilling; the deep sea drilling project
72%1986Kindley, Mark: Resolution returns from Arctic; crew takes chills with thrills
72%1982From the Academy, Panel urges new drilling by Explorer
72%1987Norman, Colin: Soviets disinvited to join drilling program
72%1980Ocean Margin Drilling Program
72%1976Lancelot, Y.: Forages sous-marins; IPOD Submarine drilling; IPOD
72%1973Anonymous: Sample-distribution policy
72%1973Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Scientific drilling in the deep oceans
72%1983Science Services
72%1985Campbell, Philip: Ocean Drilling Project setback
72%1993Stahl, Matthew Jacob: Drill string stress management and related activities with the Ocean Drilling Program
72%1986Briden, J. C.: Counterpoint; Progress on the ODP
72%1981Dickson, David: Deep sea research; watery grave?
72%1981Kerr, Richard A.: Explorer's ocean drilling role expanded
72%1973Anonymous: What's been learned from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
72%1980Topography of the oceans with Deep Sea Drilling Project sites through Leg 71
72%1989McLerran, A. R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project
72%1975Environmental impact statement; International Phase of Ocean Drilling of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
72%1973Hammond, Allen L.: Deep Sea Drilling; Research Lags Exploration
72%1992Downey, Anna-Louise: Kids see and touch ODP equipment at museum
72%1978Engineering for deep sea drilling for scientific purposes; interim report
72%1982Report of the conference on scientific ocean drilling
72%1971Creager, Joe S.: Past and present deep sea drilling program
66%1987Hsu, Kenneth J.: The geology of ocean floor
66%1982Anonymous: Oceans-paleoceans; Seance specialisee de la Societe geologique de France Oceans--paleo-oceans; special session of the Geological Society of France
66%1975van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Cenozoic history and paleoceanography of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean; a regional synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling Project data
66%1973Davies, Thomas A.; Supko, Peter R.: Oceanic sediments and their diagenesis; some examples from deep-sea drilling
66%1991Rabinowitz, P. D.; Baldauf, J. G. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program; recent results and future cruises in the Pacific Ocean
66%1979Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica accumulation in the central equatorial Pacific and its implications for Cenozoic paleoceanography
66%1978Le Pichon, X.; Melguen, M. et al.: A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic
66%1301990Ocean Drilling Program; reading the ocean's diary
66%1987Donnelly, Thomas W.: Proposal for Caribbean scientific drilling
66%1984van Andel, Tjeerd: Estimation of sedimentation and accumulation rates
1996Drilling probes Mediterranean climate and oceanography
66%2003De Carlo, Eric H.: Trace elements in interstitial waters; from carbonate to siliceous environments
66%1978Glasby, G. P.: Deep-sea manganese nodules in the stratigraphic record; evidence from DSDP cores
66%1977Peterson, M. N. A.; MacTernan, F. C.: Operations resumes; Leg 45 through Leg 54
66%1984Leclaire, L. (ed.): Les archives de l'ocean The archives of the ocean
66%1987Kerr, Richard A.: Ocean drilling details steps to an icy world
66%1987Klitgord, Kim D.: ODP objectives for the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean region
66%1973Trabant, Peter K.; Bryant, W. R.: Consolidation Characteristics of Marine Sediments Retrieved by the Glomar Challenger From the Gulf of Mexico
66%1980Thiede, J.; Agdestein, T. et al.: Depth distribution of calcareous sediments in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic North Atlantic Ocean
66%1980Lancelot, Y.: Environnements sedimentaires oceaniques; developpement de la paleo-oceanographie Oceanic sedimentary environments; development of paleo-oceanography
66%1984Corliss, B. C.: The Eocene/Oligocene event in the deep-sea
66%1984Shackleton, N. J.: The Plio-Pleistocene oceans
66%2006Burger, Robert (ed.); Fujioka, Kantaro (ed.): The impact of the Ocean Drilling Program
66%681981La Brecque, Mort: Coring near the mudline
66%1978Kidd, R. B.; Davies, T. A.: Indian Ocean sediment distribution since the Late Jurassic
66%131983Hsue, Kenneth J.: The Mediterranean was a desert; a voyage of the Glomar Challenger
66%2006Dybas, Cheryl Lyn: Paleoceanographic musings
1982Murray, David W.: Paleo-oceanography of the Gulf of California based on silicoflagellates from marine varved sediments
1974Marchig, V.; Vallier, T. L.: Geochemical studies of sediment and interstitial water, sites 248 and 249, Leg 25, Deep Sea Drilling Project
64%1993Banakar, V. K.; Nair, R. R. et al.: Neogene oceanographic variations recorded in manganese nodules from the Somali Basin
64%251974Schlich, R.; Simpson, E. S. W. et al.: Regional aspects of deep sea drilling in the western Indian Ocean, Leg 25, DSDP
1973Adelseck, Charles G., Jr.; Geehan, Gregory W. et al.: Experimental evidence for the selective dissolution and overgrowth of calcareous nannofossils during diagenesis
64%2000Winterer, Edward L.: Scientific ocean drilling, from AMSOC to COMPOST
63%1983Nasu, N.: Deep Sea Drilling Project and D/V Glomar Challenger; contribution to the earthsciences
63%1983Kerr, Richard A.: Deep-sea drilling rescued by a new option
63%1981Gradstein, Felix: Oldest oceanic sediments and basement recovered by deep sea drilling
63%1985Cann, Joe: Challenge of the sea bed
63%1985Davies, Thomas A.: Deep ocean drilling
63%1985Beardsley, Tim: Deep-sea drilling; Britain squeezed onto margins
63%1985Peters, G.: Ein neues Schiff fuer die Erdgeschichtler A new ship for geology
63%1171988Leg 117 finds mountains, monsoons
63%1988Merrill, Russell B.: Ocean drillers discuss program's future
63%1969Graham, John R.; Reed, John A., II: Glomar Challenger; deep sea drilling vessel
63%1969Percival, Stephen F., Jr.: Paleontologic evidence for sea floor spreading in the south Atlantic-Leg III (Dakar-Rio de Janeiro) of the deep sea drilling project
63%1970Vallier, Tracy L.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; an opportunity for student involvement in current oceanographic research
63%1970Jenkins, D. Graham: Deep sea drilling project; leg IX
63%1970Ewing, M.; Hayes, D.: Deep-sea drilling in Antarctic waters
63%1986Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Preliminary time estimates for coring operations
63%1986Olivas, Robert E.; Kidd, Robert et al.: Scientific ocean drilling
63%1982MacGregor, Ian: Geological evolution of ocean crust
63%1984Peterson, M. N. A.: Accomplishments of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
63%2000Tanaka, Takeo: OD21 and IODP
63%1971Laughton, A. S.; Berggren, W. A.: Deep sea drilling in the Bay of Biscay (DSDP Leg XII)
63%1971Kulm, La Verne D.: Glomar Challenger samples seafloor off Alaska
63%1987Palca, Joseph: Soviet Union frozen out of Ocean Drilling Program partnership
63%1987Anderson, Alun: World's ocean drillers plan for decade of technological change
63%1988Meyer, Bill: A user's guide to the JOIDES Resolution computer system
63%1982Shinn, Allen M., Jr.: Introduction
63%1982Aubouin, J.: Le programme international de forages profonds (IPOD) International Phase of Ocean Drilling
63%1973Shepard, Francis P.: Submarine geology (third edition)

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