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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 9 | 1974 | Donaldson, C. H.: Calculated diffusion coefficients and the growth rate of olivine | |
100% | | 1972 | Frey, Fred A.; Bryan, Wilfred B. et al.: Petrological and geochemical results for basalts from DSDP Legs 2 and 3 | |
83% | 54 | 1979 | Dmitriyev, Yu. I.: Peculiarities in composition and crystallization of the East Pacific Rise basalts | |
83% | 45 46 | 1977 | Dungan, M. A.; Rhodes, J. M. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from DSDP legs 45 and 46 | |
83% | | 1984 | Pallister, J. S.: Parent magmas of the Semail ophiolite, Oman | |
83% | | 1993 | Kennedy, L. A.; Boudier, F. et al.: Deformation and recovery in the upper mantle and microstructural constraints on melt impregnation | |
83% | 115 | 1989 | Greenough, John D.; Fryer, Brian J.: Silicate control of noble metal behaviour during magma evolution; evidence from ODP Leg 115 hot-spot basalts | |
83% | | 1978 | Dungan, M. A.; Long, P. E. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from Legs 45 and 46-DSDP | download |
83% | 153 153-923 | 2006 | Carlson, R. L.; Newman, J. et al.: Effect of olivine alteration on seismic velocities in oceanic gabbros | |
83% | 157 | 2005 | Gurenko, A.; Sobolev, A. et al.: Recycled component in the Canary Plume; constraints from olivine phenocryst composition and radiogenic isotopes in the shield stage lavas from the Canary Islands | |
83% | 157 | 1996 | Gurenko, A. A.; Schmincke, H. U.: Constraints on the origin of shield basalt magmas of Gran Canaria based on melt, crystal and fluid inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene from hyaloclastites drilled during the ODP Leg 157 | |
83% | | 2006 | Strauss, H.; Nowak, M. et al.: IODP; pre-eruptive magmatic conditions of the Kerguelen large igneous province; an experimental study | |
67% | 6 6-54 6-57 | 1974 | Ridley, W. Ian; Rhodes, J. M. et al.: Basalts from Leg 6 of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project | |
67% | | 1975 | Donaldson, Colin H.: Calculated diffusion coefficients and the growth rate of olivine in a basalt magma | |
67% | 24 24-238 24-238 | 1978 | Dickey, J. S., Jr.; Frey, F. A. et al.: Clinopyroxene fractionation of MOR basalts from DSDP Hole 238, Indian Ocean | |
67% | 49 49-407 | 1984 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Petrova, V. V. et al.: Paragenesis of celadonite-glauconite minerals and cristobalite in altered oceanic basalts (based on data of DSDP Site 407) | |
67% | 82 82-556 82-558 82-560 | 1983 | Michael, P. J.; Bonatti, Enrico: Peridotites from DSDP Leg 82 and oceanographer F.Z. | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Natland, James H.; Dick, Henry J. B.: Plutonic assemblages of transverse ridges near transform faults of the Central and Southwest Indian Ridges | |
67% | | 1995 | Fujii, Toshitsugu; Yamashita, Shigeru et al.: Petrological sampling at the Rodriquez triple junction in the Indian Ocean | |
67% | 209 209-1268 | 2004 | Paulick, Holger; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Beyond serpentinization; controls on alteration of seafloor peridotite (ODP Leg 209, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15 degrees N) | |
67% | 147 153 176 | 2003 | Koepke, Juergen; Feig, Sandrin Tilman et al.: Hydrous partial melting within the deep oceanic crust | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, H. J. B.; Natland, J. H. et al.: The nature of intrusion and melt transport in the lower ocean crust at an ultra-slow spreading ridge | |
67% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2010 | Drouin, Marion; Ildefonse, Benoit et al.: A microstructural imprint of melt impregnation in slow spreading lithosphere; olivine-rich troctolites from the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30 degrees N, IODP Hole U1309D | download |
67% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2010 | John, Barbara E.; Cheadle, Michael J.: Deformation and alteration associated with oceanic and continental detachment fault systems; are they similar? | |
67% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2005 | Miller, J.; Awaji, S. et al.: Geochemistry of Site U1309 gabbros, IODP Expeditions 304/305 at the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30 degrees N | |
67% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2005 | Johnson, K. T.: Igneous petrology of Hole U1309D, IODP Expeditions 304/305 at the Atlantis Massif, MAR 30 degrees N | |
67% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2005 | Frost, B. R.; Beard, J. S. et al.: Importance of silica activity to the serpentinization processes; insights from microrodingites in IODP Hole U1309D | |
67% | 153 | 2005 | Koepke, J.; Feig, S. et al.: Late stage magmatic evolution of oceanic gabbros as a result of hydrous partial melting; evidence from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 153 drilling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
67% | 209 209-1274 | 2006 | Bach, Wolfgang; Paulick, Holger et al.: Unraveling the sequence of serpentinization reactions; petrography, mineral chemistry, and petrophysics of serpentinites from MAR 15 degrees N (ODP Leg 209, Site 1274) | download |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2006 | Kelemen, Peter: What I learned from Henry Dick; highlights and what's left for us? | |
67% | 17 17-169 | 1975 | Myers, C. W.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Petrology of an Alkali-Olivine Basalt Sill From Site 169 of DSDP Leg 17; The Central Pacific Basin | download |
67% | 157 | 1998 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Hansteen, T. H. et al.: Evolution of magmatic volatiles during Miocene seamount to shield stage of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); evidence from Ol- and Cpx-hosted melt and fluid inclusions | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2000 | Yoshinobu, Aaron S.; Hirth, Greg et al.: Deformation of partially molten gabbro beneath oceanic spreading centers; olivine as a rheological "Rosetta Stone" | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2009 | Stone, Sofia; Niu, Yaoling: Origin of compositional trends in clinopyroxene of oceanic gabbros and gabbroic rocks; a case study using data from ODP Hole 735B | |
67% | 209 209-1270 | 2005 | Badham, S. J.; Cheadle, M. J. et al.: Mechanisms of uplift of deep gabbro bodies at slow-spreading ridges | |
67% | 209 209-1274 | 2007 | Seyler, Monique; Lorand, J. P. et al.: Pervasive melt percolation reactions in ultra-depleted refractory hazrburgites at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 15 degrees 20'N; ODP Hole 1274A | |
67% | 153 153-921 153-923 | 2002 | Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of slow-spread oceanic crust by small magmatic injections | |
67% | 147 147-895 | 2007 | Arai, S.; Takemoto, Y.: Mantle wehrlite from Hess Deep as a crystal cumulate from an ultra-depleted primary melt in East Pacific Rise | download |
67% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1981 | Staudigel, H.; Bryan, W. B.: Constrasted glass-whole rock compositions and phenocryst redistribution, IPOD sites 417 and 418 | |
67% | 209 209-1270 209-1275 | 2004 | Bach, W.; Rosner, M. et al.: Geochemical and chronometric data of carbonate veins provide insights into seawater-ultramafic rock interactions | |
67% | | 2005 | Skelton, A.; Whitmarsh, R. et al.: Constraining the rate and extent of mantle serpentinization from seismic petrological data; implications for chemosynthesis and tectonic processes | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Yoshinobu, A. S.; Hirth, Greg et al.: Foliation development across the magmatic to crystal-plastic transition in oceanic gabbros; preliminary results from ODP Leg 176, Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
67% | 209 209-1274 | 2005 | Achenbach, K. L.; Faul, U. et al.: Testing models of mantle upwelling; microstructure, crystallography, and seismic anisotropy of peridotites from 15 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
67% | 193 | 2005 | Yang, Kaihui; Scott, Steven D.: Vigorous exsolution of volatiles in the magma chamber beneath a hydrothermal system on the modern sea floor of the eastern Manus back-arc basin, western Pacific; evidence from melt inclusions | |
67% | 209 209-1274 | 2010 | Klein, Frieder; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Intrinsic silica metasomatism during serpentinization | |
58% | 209 209-1268 209-1269 209-1270 209-1271 209-1272 209-1273 | 2003 | Kelemen, P. B.; Kikawa, E. et al.: Igneous crystallization beginning at 20 km beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14 to 16 N | |
58% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2005 | McCaig, Andrew M.; Frost, B. R. et al.: Alteration and fluid flow recorded in a 1400 m section of oceanic gabbros beneath a detachment fault at 30 degrees N Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (IODP Site U1309) | |
58% | 118 118-735 147 147-894 153 153-921 153-922 153-923 176 176-735 | 1999 | Kelemen, P. B.: Comparison of chemical variation in gabbros from ophiolites, oceanic crust, and continental, igneous layered intrusions | |
58% | 82 82-556 187 187-1156 | 2007 | Krasa, David; Matzka, Juergen: Inversion of titanomaghemite in oceanic basalt during heating | download |
58% | | 2006 | Berger, Julien; Femenias, O. et al.: A Variscan slow-spreading ridge (MOR-LHOT) in Limousin (French Massif Central); magmatic evolution and tectonic setting inferred from mineral chemistry | download |
58% | 157 157-953 157-954 157-955 157-956 | 2000 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: S concentrations and its speciation in Miocene basaltic magmas north and south of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); constraints from glass inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene | |
58% | | 1993 | Allan, James F.; Chase, Richard L. et al.: The Tuzo Wilson volcanic field, NE Pacific; alkaline volcanism at a complex, diffuse, transform-trench-ridge triple junction | download |
58% | 60 60-458 | 2008 | Stern, R. J.; Reagan, Mark K. et al.: Did tholeiitic basalts erupt first after initiation of subduction in the IBM system? | |
58% | 153 153-920 | 2012 | Plumper, Oliver; Royne, Anja et al.: The interface-scale mechanism of reaction-induced fracturing during serpentinization | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1988 | Shau, Yen-Hong; Peacor, Donald R.: A TEM study of trioctahedral phyllosilicates as alteration products of olivine in basalts of DSDP Hole 504B | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1989 | Kusakabe, M.; Shibata, T. et al.: Petrology and isotope characteristics (H, O, S, Sr and Nd) of basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 504B, Leg 111, Costa Rica Rift | |
50% | 31 31-301 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Natland, James H.; Melson, W. G. et al.: Production of uniform lava compositions of spreading ridges; result of magma mixing or a thermal cusp? Evidence from the Costa Rica Rift | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1984 | Christensen, Nikolas I.: Geophysical studies of the oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
50% | 37 37-334 | 2005 | Nonnotte, Philippe; Ceuleneer, Georges et al.: Genesis of andesitic-boninitic magmas at mid-ocean ridges by melting of hydrated peridotites; geochemical evidence from DSDP Site 334 gabbronorites | download |
50% | 141 | 2007 | Rivalenti, Giorgio; Mazzucchelli, Maurizio et al.: Xenoliths from Cerro de los Chenques (Patagonia); an example of slab-related metasomatism in the backarc lithospheric mantle | download |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Worm, Horst-Ulrich; Bach, Wolfgang: Chemical remanent magnetization in oceanic sheeted dikes | download |
50% | 209 209-1274 | 2011 | Achenbach, Kay L.; Cheadle, Michael J. et al.: Lattice-preferred orientation and microstructure of peridotites from ODP Hole 1274A (15 degrees 39'N), Mid-Atlantic Ridge; testing models of mantle upwelling and tectonic exhumation | download |
50% | 118 118-735 147 147-894 153 153-923 176 176-735 | 2004 | Carlson, R. L.; Miller, D. J.: The influence of pressure and mineralogy on seismic velocities in oceanic gabbros; implications for the composition and state of the lower oceanic crust | |
50% | 192 | 2004 | Sano, Takashi; Yamashita, Shigeru: Experimental petrology of basement lavas from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 192; implications for differentiation processes in Ontong Java Plateau magmas | |
50% | 170 | 2005 | Peacock, S. M.; van Keken, Peter E. et al.: Thermal structure of the Costa Rica-Nicaragua subduction zone | download |
50% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 340T 340T-U1309 | 2008 | Beard, James S.; Frost, B. Ronald et al.: Onset and progression of two-stage serpentinization and magnetite formation in olivine-rich troctolite, Core 227, IODP Hole U1309D | |
50% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 335 335-1256 | 2011 | Zoeller, Khalhela E.: IODP Hole 1256D; petrological and textural variations down-core | |
42% | 118 118-735 174B 176 176-735 | 2005 | Iturrino, G. J.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Shear-wave anisotropy from dipole shear logs in oceanic crustal environments | |
42% | 157 | 2010 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Hoernle, Kaj A. et al.: Source components of the Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) shield stage magmas; evidence from olivine composition and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes | |
42% | 130 192 | 2004 | Chazey, William J., III; Neal, Clive R.: Large igneous province magma petrogenesis from source to surface; platinum-group element evidence from Ontong Java Plateau basalts recovered during ODP Legs 130 and 192 | |
42% | 130 130-807 192 192-1183 192-1185 192-1186 192-1187 | 2004 | Banerjee, Neil R.; Honnorez, Jose et al.: Low-temperature alteration of submarine basalts from the Ontong Java Plateau | |
33% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Boudier, F.: Microstructural study of three peridotite samples drilled at the western margin of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
25% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2009 | Miller, D. Jay; Abratis, Michael W. et al.: Data report; Microprobe analyses of primary mineral phases from Site U1309, Atlantis Massif, IODP Expedition 304/305 | download |
21% | 37 37-334 | 1977 | Symes, R. F.; Bevan, J. C. et al.: Phase chemistry studies on gabbro and peridotite rocks from Site 334, DSDP Leg 37 | download |
21% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1977 | Aumento, Fabrizio; Kempe, D. R. C.: Geochemistry, normative mineralogy, and differentiation trends of basalt glasses from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
18% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Floyd, Peter A.: Geochemistry and provenance of basaltic clasts within volcaniclastic debris flows, East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585 | download |
17% | 69 69-505 | 1983 | Furuta, Toshio; Hidekaza, Tokuyama: Chromian spinels in Costa Rica Rift basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 505; a preliminary interpretation of electron microprobe analyses | download |
17% | 65 65-483 | 1983 | Barker, S. E.; Kudo, A. M. et al.: Mineral chemistry of basalts from holes 483 and 483B | download |
17% | 149 | 1996 | Harry, Dennis L.; Batzle, Mike: Acoustic properties of ultramafic rocks from the Iberia abyssal plain | download |
17% | 37 | 1977 | Bougault, Henri: First transition series elements; fractional crystallization and partial melting | download |
17% | 82 82-556 82-558 82-560 | 1985 | Michael, Peter J.; Bonatti, Enrico: Petrology of ultramafic rocks from sites 556, 558, and 560 in the North Atlantic | download |
17% | 209 209-1268 209-1272 209-1274 | 2007 | Moll, M.; Paulick, Holger et al.: Data report; microprobe analyses of primary phases (olivine, pyroxene, and spinel) and alteration products (serpentine, iowaite, talc, magnetite, and sulfides) in Holes 1268A, 1272A and 1274A | download |
15% | 66 66-487 | 1982 | Arai, Shoji: Petrology of basalts from Site 487, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, Middle America Trench area off Mexico | download |
15% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Morton, Andrew C.: Heavy minerals from Paleogene sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81; their bearing on stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and the evolution of the North Atlantic | download |
15% | 67 67-495 67-500 | 1982 | Dmitriev, Yuri I.: Basalts of the Middle America Trench (Guatemala transect) and their correlation with oceanic and island-arc tholeiites | download |
15% | 34 34-319 34-319A 34-320 | 1976 | Mathez, E. A.; Yeats, R. S.: Magmatic sulfides in basalt glass from DSDP Hole 319A and Site 320, Nazca Plate | download |
15% | 78 78-543 | 1984 | Natland, James H.; Tarney, John et al.: Compositions, stratigraphy, and alteration of pillow basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 543A, near the Barbados Ridge | download |
15% | | 1980 | Dick, Henry J. B.: Vesicularity of Shikoku Basin basalt; a possible correlation with the anomalous depth of back-arc basins | download |
15% | 37 37-332 37-334 | 1977 | Hodges, F. N.; Papike, J. J.: Petrology of basalts, gabbros, and peridotites from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
15% | 68 68-501 69 69-504 69-505 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Pertsev, Nikolai N.; Boronikhin, V. A.: Alteration zones near veins in basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 501/504 and 505, Costa Rica Rift | download |
15% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1977 | Bryan, Wilfred B.; Thompson, Geoffrey et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basement rocks recovered on Leg 37, DSDP | download |
15% | 67 67-494 67-495 67-496 67-497 67-498 67-499 67-500 | 1982 | Prasad, Sachindra; Hesse, Reinhard: Provenance of detrital sediments from the Middle America Trench transect off Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67 | download |
13% | 69 69-504 69-504B 70 70-504 70-504B 83 83-504 83-504B 92 92-504 92-504B 111 111-504 111-504B 137 137-504 137-504B 140 140-504 140-504B 148 148-504 148-504B | 1983 | Sharaskin, A. Ya.; Migdisov, Areg A. et al.: Major- and trace-element chemistry of Hole 504B basalts and their alteration products (Costa Rica Rift, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70) | download |
13% | 18 18-172 18-173 18-177 18-178 18-179 | 1973 | MacLeod, Norman S.; Pratt, Richard M.: Petrology of volcanic rocks recovered on Leg 18 | download |
13% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Dick, H. J. B.; Bryan, W. B.: Variation of basalt phenocryst mineralogy and rock compositions in DSDP Hole 396B | download |
13% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde: Plastic deformation at an oceanic spreading ridge; a microstructural study of the Site 735 gabbros (Southwest Indian Ocean) | download |
13% | 136 136-842 | 1993 | Garcia, Michael O.: Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic sands from Site 842; products of giant landslides | download |
13% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | McNeill, A. W.: Petrology of chilled dike margins recovered from Hole 504B, Leg 140 | download |
13% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Flower, Martin F. J.; O'Hearn, Timothy: An electron microprobe study of basalt chemical variation at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 482-485, Gulf of California | download |
13% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Scandl, Eva S.; Gorton, Michael P.: Phyllosilicate alteration of olivine in the lower sheeted dike complex, Leg 140, Hole 504B | download |
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