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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1977Espitalie, J.; Madec, M. et al.: Source rock characterization method for petroleum exploration
100%2004Suzuki, Uko: ODP highlights; application of petroleum exploration
86%1975Scholle, P. A.: Applications of North Sea chalk diagenetic studies of petroleum exploration problems
86%2000Hsu, Dan; Currie, David: Global coverage of Geosat/DSDP/ODP data; its application and case studies in petroleum exploration
71%1985Davies, Thomas A.: Deep ocean drilling
71%1970Kliewer, Gene: Challenger starts new sea-floor coring voyage
71%1971Peterson, M. N. A.: Challenger discoveries to aid oil exploration
61%101970Kliewer, Gene: Challenger Leg 10 finds gas in Gulf of Mexico
61%2000Enachescu, Michael E.: ODP drilling offshore Newfoundland; sampling an Atlantic margin from continental shelf to rise
61%2000Hill, Philip R.: Opportunities for sequence stratigraphers in the post-2003 Ocean Drilling Program
61%1982Arthur, M. A.; Scholle, Peter A.: Calculations of global rate of burial of Cretaceous organic carbon and oceanic stable carbon as an aid to source-rock studies
61%1980Baker, Earl W.; Louda, J. William: Organic geochemistry; highlights in the Deep-Sea Drilling Project
61%2000Kastner, Miriam: Gas hydrates in convergent margins; formation, occurrence, geochemistry, and global significance
61%1641995Paull, Charles: Atlantic gas hydrates target of Ocean Drilling Program leg
61%1993Kastner, M.; Brown, K. A. et al.: Gas hydrates and bottom simulating reflectors in the Cascadia Margin
61%1987Dilli, K.: Clay mineral studies in the Somali Basin; prospects for hydrocarbons
61%1999Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview
61%1983Talwani, Manik: New geophysical techniques for offshore exploration
61%1975Peterson, M. N. A.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; technical contribution to offshore oil and gas exploration and eventual production
61%2008Anonymous: Australia joins the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
61%1998Dunn, Dean A.: Drilling, scientific
61%1999Pisias, Nicklas G. (ed.); Delaney, Margaret L. (ed.): COMPLEX; conference on multiple platform exploration of the ocean
61%2000Moran, Kate: The future of scientific ocean drilling; new opportunities in science and industry
61%2001Keene, Jock: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP); the decade after 2003
61%961984Suzyumov, A. Ye.: 96-y, zaklyuchitel'nyy reys "Glomara Chellendzhera" The 96th, final voyage of the Glomar Challenger
61%1971Thompson, T. L.: Review of new concepts based on information from JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutes, Deep Earth Sampling)
61%1978Murdmaa, I. O.: Glubokovodnoye bureniye v Yaponskom zhelobe 56-y i 57-y reysy "Glomara Chellendzhera" Deep-water drilling in the Japan Trench; 56- 57- voyages of the Glomar Challenger
61%1994Worthington, Paul F.: Borehole measurements beneath the seafloor
1990Carman, George J.: Occurrence and nature of Eocene strata in the eastern Papuan Basin
1999Helgerud, M. B.; Dvorkin, Jack et al.: Elastic-wave velocity in marine sediments with gas hydrates; effective medium modelingdownload
51%1988Bissada, K. K.; Katz, B. J. et al.: On the origin of hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Mexico basin; a reappraisal
51%1979Pearson, D. B.; Dow, W. G.: Petroleum sourcerock evaluation of the southern European and northern African Atlantic continental margins; results of DSDP legs 47A and B and 48
51%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character; Bering Sea
51%1981Davydov, A. S.; Dibner, V. D.: Glava 1; Geologicheskaya izuchennost' Chapter 1; Geological investigation
51%1987Worthington, M. H.: Geophysics in the United Kingdom
51%1974McIver, Richard D.: Evidence of Migrating Liquid Hydrocarbons in Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores
51%1980Mrozowski, Cary L.; Hayes, Dennis E.: Mariana forearc tectonics
51%2000Mienert, J.; Andreassen, K. et al.: Drilling and mapping continental margin slope stability; potential slip planes and gas hydrates off mid-Norway
2000Willoughby, E. C.; Edwards, R. N.: Gas hydrate exploration in north Cascadia using seafloor compliance measurements
51%2000Flemings, Peter; Huffman, Alan et al.: Geofluids of passive margins; at the interface of the practical and the fundamental
51%2000Srivastava, Shiri; Sibuet, Jean Claude: History of the formation of the Newfoundland Basin and its relation to the development of the hydrocarbon rich basins landward of it
51%1641998Rousseau, V.; Sakai, Akio et al.: Is blanking effect associated with high velocity hydrate bearing sediments above BSR?
1985Mathews, Mark: Logging characteristics of methane hydrate
51%1996Solheim, A.; Riis, F. et al.: Impact of glaciations on basin evolution; data and models from the Norwegian margin and adjacent areas; introduction and summary
51%1451992Barthes, V.; Pozzi, J. P. et al.: Development and field tests of new logging magnetic tools
2002Tomer, Brad: Methane hydrate research effort accelerates
51%2002Concheyro, Andrea; Angelozzi, Gladys N.: Nanofosiles calcareos Calcareous nannofossils
1993Lee, Myung W.; Hutchinson, D. R. et al.: Method of estimating the amount of in situ gas hydrates in deep marine sediments
51%2003Latychev, K.; Edwards, R. N.: On the compliance method and the assessment of three-dimensional seafloor gas hydrate deposits
1995LeBlanc, Leonard: Abyssal hydrocarbons off West Africa indicate widespread potential
1995Kettler, Richard M.: Incipient petroleum generation from diatomaceous sediments in the Japan Sea
1993Trehu, Anne M.; Maxwell, Edward et al.: Seismic characterization of the BSR as it outcrops on the seafloor on the Oregon continental margin
1994Exon, Neville F.: Spinoffs for oil exploration; ODP Leg 122 off Northwest Australia
2003Yuan, Jian: Electromagnetic assessment of offshore methane hydrate deposits on the northern Cascadia margin
51%961995Bouma, Arnold H.: Geological architecture of fine-grained submarine fan reservoirs
1978Stewart, R. J.: Neogene volcaniclastic sediments from Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
51%2042003McBarnet, Andrew: The promise and the pain of gas hydrate research
51%2042004Weitemeyer, K.; Constable, S. et al.: A pilot marine EM study of Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
51%2003Belopolsky, Andrei; Droxler, Andre: Imaging Tertiary carbonate system, the Maldives, Indian Ocean; insights into carbonate sequence interpretation
51%2004Johnson, Joel E.: Deformation, fluid venting, and slope failure at an active margin gas hydrate province, Hydrate Ridge Cascadia accretionary wedge
51%2007Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime; Perez-Cruz, L.: Deep drilling into the Chicxulub impact crater; Pemex oil exploration boreholes revisited
1992Tada, Ryuji; Tamaki, Kensaku: Scientific results of ODP Japan Sea legs, and their implication for stratigraphy
2008Pawlowski, Robert: The use of gravity anomaly data for offshore continental margin demarcation
51%1842001Clift, Peter; Lin, Jian: Preferential mantle lithospheric extension under the South China margin
51%3082008Dugan, Brandon: Fluid flow in the Keathley Canyon 151 mini-basin, northern Gulf of Mexico
51%2042005Weinberger, Jill: Investigations of the structural and hydrologic context of gas hydrate deposits on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
51%1641998Hesse, Reinhard; Frape, Shaun et al.: Gas-hydrate drilling at Blake Ridge (ODP Leg 164); how much methane is there?
51%2005Perez Cruz, G.: Seismic amplitude extraction techniques for the recognition of deepwater sediment dispersal patterns in the western Gulf of Mexico
1994Gading, Marita: Deepwater exploration on tap in Voring Basin I area of Norway
51%1641999Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results
51%1822000James, Noel P.: Death of a myth; drilling a cool-water carbonate platform margin in the Great Australian Bight
51%3022007Stein, Ruediger: Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary black shales near the North Pole; organic carbon origin and source rock potential
51%2002Kidston, Arthur G.; Brown, David E. et al.: Optimistic assessment for hydrocarbon potential of deep water Scotian Slope, offshore Nova Scotia
51%1641999Xu, Wenyue; Ruppel, Carolyn: Predicting the occurrence, distribution, and evolution of methane gas hydrate in porous marine sedimentsdownload
51%1992Gramberg, I. S.; Isaev, E. N. et al.: Geology and mineralogy of the Late Jurassic-Quaternary sedimentary cover in the oceans and on the continents
51%1998Garcia, Alexandre L.; Pinto, Flavio J. C. P. et al.: Roncador Field; a rapid development challenge in ultra-deep water
51%1999Dvorkin, Jack; Prasad, Manika et al.: Elasticity of marine sediments; rock physics modelingdownload
51%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
2000Basile, Christophe: Late Jurassic sedimentation and deformation in the west Iberia continental margin; insights from FMS data, ODP Leg 173
2007Anonymous: Salt origin without evaporation proposed
51%1984Flores, Giovanni: The SE Africa triple junction and the drift of Madagascar
51%1989Williamson, P. E.; Exon, N. F. et al.: A north west shelf Triassic reef play; results from ODP leg 122
51%1641998Hesse, R.; Frape, S. K. et al.: Solute transport mechanisms in Blake-Ridge submarine gas-hydrate zone; halogens, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes (ODP Leg 164)
51%1892001Hill, P. J.; Moore, A. M. G.: Geological framework of the South Tasman Rise and East Tasman Plateau
51%1641997Paull, Charles K.: Drilling for gas hydrates; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 164
51%3022009Boucsein, Bettina; Stein, Ruediger: Black shale formation in the late Paleocene/early Eocene Arctic Ocean and paleoenvironmental conditions; new results from a detailed organic petrological study
51%1651997Lind, Ida: A modified Wyllie equation for the relationship between porosity and sonic velocity of mixed sediments and carbonates from the Caribbean Sea
51%2042004Tomaru, Hitoshi; Matsumoto, Ryo et al.: Geological and geochemical constraints on the formation of massive and disseminated gas hydrates in Hydrate Ridge
51%2008Wefer, G.: Ocean margin systems; scientific challenges and new technologies
51%1301997Borre, Mai: Porosity in chalk samples; comparison of index properties porosity and porosity obtained by image analysis
51%2102005Hardy, V. E.; Enachescu, M. E.: The quest for a younger petroleum system; are there any Cretaceous source and reservoir rocks in the Orphan Basin, offshore Newfoundland?
1993Kvenvolden, K. A.; Ginsburg, G. D. et al.: Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates
51%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Lorenson, Thomas D.: The global occurrence of natural gas hydrates
51%2000Louden, Keith E.; Hall, Jeremy: The MARIPROBE program; a Canadian MARGINS initiative
2000Louden, Keith: The Ocean Drilling Program and studies of rifted continental margins
51%2008Hiruta, Akihiro; Tomaru, Hitoshi et al.: Chloride anomaly in interstitial waters at gas hydrate zone, eastern margin of Japan Sea
51%2010Sinclair, Iain K.: Reconcilation? Oil industry data in light of revised Iberia-Newfoundland rift models
2003Howe, R. W.; Campbell, R. J. et al.: Integrated uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphic zonation of the northwestern margin of Australia
44%1997Sanders, John E.; Friedman, Gerald M.: History of petroleum exploration in turbidites and related deep-water deposits
2001McDonnell, A.; Shannon, P. M.: Comparative Tertiary stratigraphic evolution of the Porcupine and Rockall basins

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